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[1.12.x] - Modular Kolonization System (MKS)


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The bay fixes are great.  Made more water in the last few game days than I did in the last few game months.  It brought 6 bays back online full time and there is now water in PL.

One note:my drill separators changed a bit. On four MEU500s, i had a total of 3 dirt separators and I had none before the update. I would suggest everyone check their settings

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Glad it worked out :)

semi-related.  Anchors are coming back - just finished some initial testing, and it is working pretty well.  I'm going to post out a place to get some pre-release DLLs (probably tomorrow morning) so folks can play with it, and help me check for any performance issues, etc.  Don't want to do a full on release as I am at a conference next week (including giving a session on 3D modeling! so if you are at CodeMash, ping me and say hi!)

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@RoverDude, I may have a reproducer for the problem that @voicey99 reported.  I landed my Karibou mining rover on the Mun and deployed a single Ranger mini-hab, and it started jittering around, causing the whole rover to move.  The rover's on pretty flat ground, so I'd expect the hab to sit flat just like the landing legs do.

I disassembled the non-stock/USI parts on the rover and uploaded the save as MKS issue #1099.  It's the only craft in the save (I deleted all the others).

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But the question is: does it boogie? (Ranger hab jittering is also known)

I would do the same to purify the save provided for Boogie Base but the combination of its large size and the fact that trying to do anything near it is like watching a slideshow means it boogies itself to pieces before i can do that-I'll have to make a new one for demo purposes :mad:

Also, like @Gilph, sometime in one of the last three updates, my Industrial Refineries went from producing Chem/Chem/Chem and Chem/Chem/REX to both having the Chem/Metals/Metals loadout (requiring me to reconfigure several bays).

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Ok!  I am heading out to a conference today, but wanted to toss out a link to a new pre-release.  The biggie is that this release included ground tethers on all MKS modules (just enable it via the PAW).  

Note that this is a pre-release!  I need guinea pigs to give it a whirl and make sure there is no weirdness and (more importantly) no perf hit, especially with larger bases.  The nice bit is that if this works out, it will eliminate our shimmy/shake/drift issues :)

Grab the ZIP here - install like any other MKS install.  If things go south, just replace with the current official MKS release.




(Assuming I get enough positive reports of horrible stuff not happening, this will be the official patch later in the week as I have time).

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I'll give both this and the USI-Tools download later on today. Hopefully the USI-Tools change will fix the break dancing habs(which is certainly a different issue to general base wandering that is present in Stock).

I'm looking forward to trying out the ground tethers. My smaller bases are always fine but one arm of my largest base jumps about 20 feet into the air on physics load. Even with unbreakable joints turned on it tears any KIS/KAS struts and anchors out of the ground. So I'd guess this base will be an ultimate test. Will report back asap.


@voicey99 While reverting back to an older version of USI-Tools fixed my wild Hab's it did not seem to fix the bases i already had in situ. Could you try relaunching the same craft with with the new and older version of USI-Tool and see if that has any effect?

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On 1/7/2017 at 8:53 PM, dboi88 said:

Found a strange bug. The inflatable Ranger hab modules have stared tearing my bases apart. The kraken has been awoken! It was introduced in and is present in I've had to revert back to 50.8 for now.

Clean save with only MKS installed - Everything's fine.


Clean Save With Only MKS Installed


Save with only MKS installed https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_nRjcqonDoUbzRIT0JOd1psWnM/view?usp=sharing


5 minutes ago, RoverDude said:

Just grab this as it is more recent.  For dancing bases, I need a USI+stock base that definitively fails in one version and works in another.  Since I can't repro it, this patch would fix both.

Did you miss my post above? i provided a Stock and USI save that is 100% reproducable. There is a craft on the runway. Load the game with USI Tools 0.8.7 installed and everything's fine, nothing moves. Switch to 0.8.8 and load the same game, the same base now within around 10 seconds will have shaken itself off the runway.


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Hey I cant find a good CKAN thread right now to post this but maybe someone here will know,

So I am trying to update MKS using CKAN, but the last version I had was from before Karibou was integrated. Right now if I leave the Karibou folder in GameData, CKAN wont overwrite it because of its internal safeties, but if I delete Karibou and try to install MKS using CKAN, then I get an error for every part saying

"UKS wishes to install GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Karibou/Spaces/(part name).dds, but this file is registered to KaribouExpeditionRover"

It sounds like it is holding on to some weird old data about the mod installation, and I am not sure how to fix it. I am somewhere that has really terrible internet (I am pulling 50 KB/s max right now) for like the next 5 months, so wiping all of my mods and starting over is not really a viable solution.

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5 minutes ago, PringleMan said:

Hey I cant find a good CKAN thread right now to post this but maybe someone here will know,

So I am trying to update MKS using CKAN, but the last version I had was from before Karibou was integrated. Right now if I leave the Karibou folder in GameData, CKAN wont overwrite it because of its internal safeties, but if I delete Karibou and try to install MKS using CKAN, then I get an error for every part saying

"UKS wishes to install GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Karibou/Spaces/(part name).dds, but this file is registered to KaribouExpeditionRover"

It sounds like it is holding on to some weird old data about the mod installation, and I am not sure how to fix it. I am somewhere that has really terrible internet (I am pulling 50 KB/s max right now) for like the next 5 months, so wiping all of my mods and starting over is not really a viable solution.

Maybe a silly question, but rather than wipe out all of your mods, would simply uninstalling all of your USI mods through CKAN and installing them manually be a reasonable thing to do? Semi-related question: which USI mods are you using? Just MKS, or others?

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All of the USI mods.

I had thought about doing that, but Karibou isnt listed in CKAN anymore.

The other ones are updating just fine though, which is both annoying and gratifying at the same time.

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4 minutes ago, PringleMan said:

All of the USI mods.

I had thought about doing that, but Karibou isnt listed in CKAN anymore.

The other ones are updating just fine though, which is both annoying and gratifying at the same time.

That's what I mean, though. If you uninstall everything that you currently have through CKAN (or manually, I guess. I'm not sure if that would make a difference) then download the USI constellation (plus any of the fixes that have been posted in this thread) you should be able to just drop the USITools and UmbraSpaceIndustries folders into your GameData folder (along with any dependencies, but I suspect that you may have other mods installed through CKAN that already use the other dependencies, i.e. ModuleManager, CRP, CCK, etc.) without any issues. That way, you'll have a manually installed USI suite, while everything else is managed by CKAN.

If you can't uninstall Karibou due to it not being listed on CKAN, then you should be able to safely delete that folder once you have uninstalled the rest of the USI suite, giving you a blank slate for the manual install of the USI suite.

On second thought, I'm going to ping @politas to get his input here, just to make sure I'm not completely out to lunch.

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The correct way would have been to uninstall Karibou and MKS via CKAN and then refresh CKAN and install MKS. But in this case you could not have know before. If you only deleted the Karibou folder then CKAN thinks, it is still installed cause CKAN has it's own registry (not the windows registry) for which mods are installed. However, I have to admit, that it's hard/impossible for you to see that the newest MKS brings the Karibou and that you have to remove Karibou first (by ckan-uninstalling it to remove it from the ckan-registry).

When you switch the CKAN filter to INSTALLED you didnt see the Karibou listed an can uninstall it?
If you didn't see it, you can start from scratch by quitting CKAN, delete the registry.json out of the KSP\CKAN directory and ALSO delete all folders except SQUAD out of the gamedata folder.

Maybe export they CKAN mod list to a ckan file before  and then you can reinstall them (without karibou) with one click. Should be not much work at all. This is why I love CKAN, it's such a great tool. However it is from great advantage when one knows hows how it works under the hood.

The good thing for you is, that when you reinstall all the mods via CKAN it will recognize, that the mod-installers are still in the KSP\CKAN\download folder and will use them.
Just, if the mods got updated, it will DO download the newest version.

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1 minute ago, Jebs_SY said:


The correct way would have been to uninstall Karibou and MKS via CKAN and then refresh CKAN and install MKS. If you only deleted the Karibou folder then CKAN thinks, it is still installed cause CKAN has it's own registry (not the windows registry) for which mods are installed. When you switch CKAN to INSTALLED you didnt see the Karibou listed an can uninstall it?

If you didn't see it, you can start from scratch by quitting CKAN, delete the registry.json out of the KSP\CKAN directory and ALSO delete all folders except SQUAD out of the gamedata folder.

The good thing for you is, that when you reinstall all the mods via CKAN it will recognize, that the mod-installers are still in the KSP\CKAN\download folder and will use them.
Just, if the mods got updated, it will DO download the newest version.

That is what I am trying to avoid though, because at 50 KB/s that is going to take a LONG time to redownload all of them.

However you have given me an idea, which is to erase the Karibou installation lines from the CKAN registry. Will let you know how it goes.

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4 minutes ago, PringleMan said:

However you have given me an idea, which is to erase the Karibou installation lines from the CKAN registry. Will let you know how it goes.

This could work.

But you got in this situation by updating MKS. Did you updated that one selectively? If you updated all other mods before, CKAN should have all the actual mod versions in it's download directory already.

However, if more posts are needed, a TEMP CKAN thread should be opened to not clutter the MKS thread, I think! :)

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Got round to testing out the hotfix, and the new tether has successfully stopped the module thrashing round in the air. As for performance, I haven't noticed any major impacts, but don't take my work for it since Boogie Base normally chugs along at a 5fps slideshow anyway (odd considering it's not huge and my pc is certainly no potato).

While trying to reproduce the bug in an MKS-organic save, I did come across another bug with inflatable modules (Tundra certainly, Ranger idk)-placing any radially attachable part onto the side of a pre-inflated module and launching will result in all the radial parts freezing in place and detaching from the vessel. Switching to one of these new pieces of debris will show its speed as the rotational velocity of the body it is on and, on timewarping, all the hanging parts will fly away and explode.

EDIT: the tethers are not bug-free! They can bug out EVAs so you can't EVA from the portrait and, when EVAing from the hatch selector, it can propel your kerbal through the ground at considerable speeds.

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