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[1.8] Station Science continued (v2.6.0)


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2 hours ago, MacLuky said:

I noticed there is no RO patch for StationScience. Before I give it a go: did anyone make a good one?  (before I make a lousy attempt for nothing ;-)

Not sure if this is *exactly* for Station Science, or relevent:


Have you gone thru any of the RO forks on github (I know, there are TONS of them :P ) , to see if you can find anything specific to Station Science? vOv

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No, this is what I did. It seems to scale okay and weight is in line with the normal science labs:

	%RSSROConfig = True
	%rescaleFactor = 1.6
	%scale = 1.0
	@mass *= 2
	%RSSROConfig = True
	%rescaleFactor = 1.6
	%scale = 1.0
	@description ^= :$: Contains O2 supply for it's scientists, however there is no food or water allowed in the science facility. Ships with 1 day supply, able to store 30 days.:
#	@mass = 12.5
		name = ModuleFuelTanks
		volume = 750
		basemass = -1
		type = ServiceModule
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = 43200
			maxAmount = 43200
			name = Oxygen
			amount = 2520
			maxAmount = 75600
			name = CarbonDioxide
			amount = 0
			maxAmount = 1200
			name = LithiumHydroxide
			amount = 3
			maxAmount = 90
		name = TacGenericConverter
		converterName = CO2 Scrubber
		StartActionName = Start CO2 Scrubber
		StopActionName = Stop CO2 Scrubber
		tag = Life Support
		GeneratesHeat = False
		UseSpecialistBonus = True
		SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
		SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
		ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
		EfficiencyBonus = 1
		conversionRate = 4.0	// # of people - Figures based on per/person

			ResourceName = CarbonDioxide
			Ratio = 0.00589121

			ResourceName = ElectricCharge
			Ratio = 0.01

			ResourceName = LithiumHydroxide
			Ratio = 0.0000085683

			ResourceName = WasteWater
			Ratio = 0.0000046828
			DumpExcess = True

			ResourceName = Waste
			Ratio = 0.0000257297
			DumpExcess = False
		name = ModuleGenerator
		isAlwaysActive = true
			name = ElectricCharge
			rate = -0.2 //200W for life support base


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/26/2020 at 2:58 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

Just an update:  I will most likely be getting out a beta in the next few days.

this beta will include the current mod with (hopefully) @firda's fix along with the following addition:

The old addon FuelScience which will include the following new/old parts:

  • Experiment: Prograde Kuarqs
  • Experiment: Plant Growth
  • Experiment: Plant Growth
  • Experiment: Advanced Fuels
  • Experiment: Rocket Fuels
  • Experiment: Kuarq bio-activity
  • Experiment: Creature Comforts
  • Experiment: Eccentric Kuarqs
  • Experiment: Retrograde Kuarqs

I haven't yet merged these, so there may already be a few duplicates.  All of these, however, will be using the ModuleCostlyExperiment, which comes from another old mod Costly Science

Any news?

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  • 6 months later...
22 minutes ago, Sheachen said:

This is a nice MOD.I have created a Chinese Localization file myself.Would you mind adding it to the mod file? I can upload it to github if you want:wink:

This mod was taken over by linuxgurugamer a while ago. He created a new thread for it and you should post this there

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  • 3 months later...

Hi all,

apparently my Station-Science-ralated contracts won't trigger upon completion.

I had two contracts for compelting as many experiments in orbit around Mun and return them to Kerbin. I completed them as required and they were flagged correctly, but when I returned them to Kerbin with the result inside the contract was not recognised as completed.

Any idea for the reason? May it be that on the station I already had the experiment-parts (to be used and restored multiple times)?


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On 12/7/2021 at 8:50 PM, Carsaxy said:


Any idea for the reason? May it be that on the station I already had the experiment-parts (to be used and restored multiple times)?

Some contracts have requirement to launch new craft, others require to have on craft specific parts, or craft must be exact one of type: probe, maned craft, station, rover, etc.
Often when docking/undocking crafts, ship type changes from maned craft to probe and station and back. After undocking from station your craft may change type than it was on launch.

You should double check exact requirement for your contract, it is not alwayas obvious that you have missed something. It is always possible that some contacts are buged for one reason or another, but that is hard to claim without more data about it.

Edited by kcs123
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/1/2018 at 5:12 AM, Gordon Dry said:

Can this be made compatible to Kerbalism?

This are the segments of the Kerbalism config which have to be taken into account:

// ============================================================================
// Add hard-drive to command pods
// ============================================================================

    name = HardDrive


// ============================================================================
// Replace stock lab with our own
// ============================================================================

  !MODULE[ModuleScienceLab] {}
  !MODULE[ModuleScienceConverter] {}

    name = Laboratory
    researcher = Scientist
    analysis_rate = 0.005 // 5 kbps
    ec_rate = 1.0

    name = HardDrive

// ============================================================================
// Remove stock science data containers
// ============================================================================

  !MODULE[ModuleScienceContainer] {}


// ============================================================================
// Lab module satisfy stock contracts
// ============================================================================

    @PART_REQUEST:HAS[#Module[ModuleScienceLab]] { @Module = Laboratory }
    @PART_REQUEST:HAS[#Module[ModuleScienceLab]] { @Module = Laboratory }


Was there ever any update on kerbalism compatibility?

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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/2/2022 at 2:30 PM, baldamundo said:

Was there ever any update on kerbalism compatibility?

Nope, and not going to be any by me.  Contact the Kerbalism people for info .  If someone was to provide patches, I'd add them.

On 9/7/2022 at 10:25 AM, AlonzoTG said:

Hey, I've liked this mod for a long time. Unfortunately it now seems to interfere with and break a number of other mods these days including the WildBlue collection and even the stock ground deployable experiments. =\

In what way?  Log file might be useful

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  • 2 years later...

The modification is still not working correctly. The experiment that needs to be returned to kerbin is reset and cannot be counted. Example: I conducted an experiment with plants in the minmus orbit, they told me that I had completed part of the contract, all that remained was to return the data to kerbin. I landed on kerbin and 1 part of the contract was still completed, but 2 was not. No matter what I try to do next, it results in resetting 1 part of the contract and not counting 2. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? *Google translate

Edited by PHLEXR
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18 hours ago, PHLEXR said:

The modification is still not working correctly. The experiment that needs to be returned to kerbin is reset and cannot be counted. Example: I conducted an experiment with plants in the minmus orbit, they told me that I had completed part of the contract, all that remained was to return the data to kerbin. I landed on kerbin and 1 part of the contract was still completed, but 2 was not. No matter what I try to do next, it results in resetting 1 part of the contract and not counting 2. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? *Google translate

There's a newer version, taken care of by LinuxGuruGamer.  Do a search on his glorious name in CKAN

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  • 1 month later...

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