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[1.5.1] Kerbal Star Systems [v0.8.2] August 18, 2018


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7 hours ago, Cortwade said:

That'd be interesting; a floating base never to return to space, with a shuttle ferrying LqHe3 to and fro. However I don't believe it's possible to put a craft on rails to allow for craft switching and such.

HooliganLabs (Very lightweight), and the aforementioned Heisenberg it both include airship parts and have a provision for it; so does the possibly defunct airpark.  @Sahadara I had been dreaming of exactly such a colony on Eve as a way-station for mining Karborundum, but on-kerbin testing found the huge multi-functional parts way too taxing. If you ever get such a colony up in the days to come, please upload some pictures and tag me :D

There are a few other possibilities for indefinite hover, including electric fans with reactors, and clever configurations of compressed air arcjets, air generators and even more reactors, or thermal atomic turbojets- but balloons are the way to go.

6 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@Maffif I have a method devised by which a resource config can be easily adjusted and which would easily apply (through MM cloning technique) to all of KSS's gas giants. If you're up to it and any of the KSS devs grant me a list of all the gas planets' names I can create a sample config and you can go from there.

That would be handy; I bet I could apply it to xenon and my other-planet-packs install as well. I wonder if the discussed resource changes in CRP last year regarding too-low-to-register concentrations ever happened?

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10 hours ago, Sahadara said:

Has anyone here read Coyote by Allen Steele? It follows the journey of the first interstellar mission to 47 Ursae Majoris, where they colonize the eponymous moon of a gas giant named Bear. Once there they face the many hardships of colonizing a habitable but harsh alien world. The moon Coyote is a largely land covered planet, but has many networks of rivers, including a large "Great Equatorial River". I think a planet/moon system based on Bear and Coyote would be a very cool addition to the pack, if you have any interest in making it of course. Here's a map of Coyote for reference.


Image result for allen steele coyote map

Mind if I copy this and put it on the planet suggestion page on the wiki?

On 20/03/2018 at 8:18 AM, Maffif said:

@JadeOfMaar  @Wilhelm Kerman I don't know how the community would feel, but backspacing a few zeroes (and bundling a scoop module, assuming others aren't using FarFuture) is all it would take to achieve the following result:

He3 is available at relatively high concentrations, but only in the formidable gas giants, meaning not only a difficult interplanetary voyage, but an atmospheric reentry (and subsequent exit) at high speeds. This would enable a lot of emergent gameplay such as airparked, nuclear turbojet-cruising, air-scooping jets flying for weeks at supersonic speed through Jool, or having intermediate balloon bases casually floating around Mesmo, Voon/Sarnus, etc.  Maybe an interplanetary mothership has a ramjet shuttle that drops off and returns a couple times to keep the reserves topped off between systems.


Personally, I've been looking for a good excuse to have a floating base.  Hooliganlabs allows you to 'land' a flying craft and put it on rails as well as achieve net 0 buoyancy; there is also a gigantic scoop in KSPie that has immense enough drag to slow a craft to 0.01m/s in atmosphere- but there has never been a compelling reason to actually drop a base into the abyss or dream up the economy it implies



PS  Warming up my first install of KSS after a month of lurking.  I am ready :sealed:


EDIT: The 'Sarnus' was in anticipation of the eventual putting OPM around the Fomalhaut analogue @StarCrusher96.  I'm fond of that system (being host to the first directly observed exoplanet candidate IRL)

When (it probably will be) something like this is added in, the player would likely need to carry parts that refine He3 into He3 that is useable by the plasma engines.

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11 hours ago, Wilhelm Kerman said:

When (it probably will be) something like this is added in, the player would likely need to carry parts that refine He3 into He3 that is useable by the plasma engines.

Are they the same resource under the CRP? (and chemically speaking- unless we're pretending to add the comparatively abundant LqdDeuterium, which I think is used alongside He3 for fusion pellets) 

Some resources are used directly, like antimatter and karbonite

No complaints either way, I'm excited this is probably happening. You all are a very engaging dev team

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23 hours ago, Sahadara said:

Has anyone here read Coyote by Allen Steele? It follows the journey of the first interstellar mission to 47 Ursae Majoris, where they colonize the eponymous moon of a gas giant named Bear. Once there they face the many hardships of colonizing a habitable but harsh alien world. The moon Coyote is a largely land covered planet, but has many networks of rivers, including a large "Great Equatorial River". I think a planet/moon system based on Bear and Coyote would be a very cool addition to the pack, if you have any interest in making it of course. Here's a map of Coyote for reference.


Image result for allen steele coyote map

Seems very similar to Thern (planned moon of Laevo). It'll make an appearance in 0.8 :)

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1 hour ago, JadeOfMaar said:

There is no conversion process needed as far as I know. One resource: LqdHe3, is what must be scooped and burned.

@Maffif Try this, and delete anything in KSS's own LqdHe3.cfg in the Resources folder except the RESOURCE_DEFINITION node.

KSS Home LqdHe3.cfg (Affects the 4 gas planets that keep Kerbn company).

Wow, thanks.  I'll try it when I get off and report back to you.  Looking over it: That's a neat trick, I'll have to see if it works in other ways.

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Hey does anyone have any video content of them actually getting from Kerbol to another star like Kirb or any of the other KSS systems.

I am just interested in seeing what it takes and how the SOI for other stars and stuff works.





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53 minutes ago, MaestroHS said:

Hey does anyone have any video content of them actually getting from Kerbol to another star like Kirb or any of the other KSS systems.

I am just interested in seeing what it takes and how the SOI for other stars and stuff works.




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Kerbal Astronomical Society Planet Logs; Blalo


   Blalo, the most habitable world to Kerbals that we are aware of, has intrigued Kerbalkind since its discovery years ago. Since the deployment of the K.I.X. Probe, we've learned much about this rock. Why is it so habitable? Why does it seem like it was engineered for us? All of these answers have been uncovered, and will be discussed in this publication. 

   Blalo's history was violent, to put it blatantly. Being the second in a ternary star system is tough. In present time, it gets light from not only its primary, Kelin, but also Kelin's primary, Kirb. This makes true darkness rare, as during times of its year and Kelin's position around Kirb, there is no true night, but rather a dull period between Kelin sunset and rise. This is great for life on Blalo, as it has very few periods of true darkness, as, along with its three moons and stellar light, makes light extremely common. Any colonist on Blalo might be thrown off by the constant life, but the plants are thriving off of it, growing much faster than on Kerbin. This explains how Blalo was able to bounce back from several large cataclysmic events in its past.

   Long ago, just like all stars, Kelin was born from a protoplanetary dust cloud. Around this cloud was several protoplanets, including gas giants. Blalo became stable and its moon, Alar, formed around it. Life around Blalo started shortly after its creation, and reached the multicellular state within a couple billion years, much faster than Kerbin. However, around 75-50 million years ago, Kelin and its planets were captured into the Nova Kerbani system, then only a binary system. This caused a large bombardment as the dust between the two existing stars and the asteroid fields around each star were affected and destabilized. Life on Blalo, however, persevered, as did life on its moon Alar, which also became a habitable paradise. 

   That all changed, however, when a Dres-sized body collided with Blalo at high speed, ejecting a large amount of debris and giving Alar a higher eccentricity and inclination. The surface of Blalo was vaporized and all life was likely erased with it. However, after about a million years, the surface cooled sufficiently for rain to fall once more, and rain it did. For several thousand years, the thick water clouds that surrounded Blalo after the impact fell, and created a large ocean with a major impact crater. The surface was barren however, and reminiscent of a larger version of our own tropical Laythe, around Jool. 

   Many scientists then theorize that life was transferred via reverse-panspermia from Alar, repopulating Blalo with microbes, seeding the current paridise that we have today. However, the life that was transferred was basic. It shouldn't have reached multicellular state for the next billion years or so. However, it is widely accepted n0w th41 th3 pR..@#% ERR0RRRRR #@!) *#*$& )%*@#$^



~Written by [REDACTED]

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out of curiosity, why does KSS take so much ram? i can install 20-30 other planet packs with no issues other than load time but KSS warns about overuse of ram. is this just high resolution textures? or lots of PQS mods? or something else? 

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30 minutes ago, Kepler68 said:

out of curiosity, why does KSS take so much ram? i can install 20-30 other planet packs with no issues other than load time but KSS warns about overuse of ram. is this just high resolution textures? or lots of PQS mods? or something else? 

KSS ads in more planets and stuff then any other known planet pack. And the textures are quite high resolution. My laptop can barely (more me because of lag) handle me landing a 20 part probe on Taythe.

13 hours ago, Maffif said:

Are they the same resource under the CRP? (and chemically speaking- unless we're pretending to add the comparatively abundant LqdDeuterium, which I think is used alongside He3 for fusion pellets) 

Some resources are used directly, like antimatter and karbonite

No complaints either way, I'm excited this is probably happening. You all are a very engaging dev team

I was thinking of the refining process while waiting in a line at costco as types of petrol. Diesel, unleaded, 97, 98, (I don't know what any of these numbers mean).

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More of a shaky trial

I have created this folder for the purpose of sharing images for fans of KSS.

Anyone, regardless of an account can edit, add and organise, so please act with integrity and care.

Google Drive Folder



ALL non-related media will be removed.

Edited by Wilhelm Kerman
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On 3/22/2018 at 10:00 PM, Kepler68 said:

out of curiosity, why does KSS take so much ram? i can install 20-30 other planet packs with no issues other than load time but KSS warns about overuse of ram. is this just high resolution textures? or lots of PQS mods? or something else? 

Every star becomes a planet, every planet becomes a moon, every moon becomes a magic boulder. Orbital calculations likely becoe a PITA.


In other news, I am currently rebuilding my old Single Launch No ISRU Jool 5 launcher, and adding ISRU and a warp drive. My first test successfuly landed on the Mun for refueling, whereupon I found that I needed an ore tank to use the converter. *sighs*

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2 hours ago, Rebel Assassin said:

one other thing, when Rheya is put into the game no textures load for it, the heightmap seems to work but it's just a solid black object orbiting Voon

fixed in 0.8.

Edited by StarCrusher96
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3 hours ago, Rakaydos said:

Every star becomes a planet, every planet becomes a moon, every moon becomes a magic boulder. Orbital calculations likely becoe a PITA.


In other news, I am currently rebuilding my old Single Launch No ISRU Jool 5 launcher, and adding ISRU and a warp drive. My first test successfuly landed on the Mun for refueling, whereupon I found that I needed an ore tank to use the converter. *sighs*

actually the only thing the game looks at is the line referenceBody. everything else remains the same and no hard math is needed :).

also good luck with your super jool mission :D 

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8 hours ago, Rakaydos said:

Did this mod make Eve more difficult? Kerbal Engineer is saying every rockets ISP drops to nothing well above the summit of Mt. Subscribe.

Eve has a thicker atmosphere, yes... BY A LOT! :o

Eve however in KSS is slightly smaller then Kerbin, and has less gravity.

More difficult? Yes. Very hard, I don't know, I haven't really tried going to Eve.

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54 minutes ago, Wilhelm Kerman said:

Eve has a thicker atmosphere, yes... BY A LOT! :o

Eve however in KSS is slightly smaller then Kerbin, and has less gravity.

More difficult? Yes. Very hard, I don't know, I haven't really tried going to Eve.

Er, when I said "ISP of nothing", I mean literally 0 ISP at anything below something like 22 KM. The only way to leave Eve surface is with propellar shenanigans or modded parts.

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5 hours ago, Rakaydos said:

Er, when I said "ISP of nothing", I mean literally 0 ISP at anything below something like 22 KM. The only way to leave Eve surface is with propellar shenanigans or modded parts.

This is realistic. Venus' atmosphere has a pressure of ~90 bars. For reference the Saturn V F-1 engines had a combustion chamber pressure of 70 bars. The engine would develop no thrust in the Venusian atmosphere because the outside pressure would be greater. 

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1 hour ago, StarCrusher96 said:

Kerolon - new coronas

Lookin' good as always! Now, for the rest of the team that may or may not be reading this, plus some new members I'm sure, I'm back. Sorta. Since I was gone for so long, I've been honorably discharged by @StarCrusher96 and have left the KSS team officially. Of course I'm a little sad to go, but I'm so impressed at the progress you have made in my absence and I can safely say that I am still very fond of the KSS crew and their work. Now I'm not asking for a memorial, as I did mostly flavor/behind-the-scenes things, but I just wanted to thank you all for the opportunities you gave me to be active in the KSP community and begin modding even in the face of the monster that is TakeTwo.

I'm not disappearing though; You can expect me to hang around here for a while. :P  


Nevermind, I'm back on the Team!

Edited by Gyrfalcon5
The power of hindsight
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