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[1.12.x] Tarsier Space Technology with Galaxies (V7.13) 12th Sep 2021


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1 hour ago, Paulosek321 said:

Hi! I don't  know why, but when i use camera, planets dissapear. I'm using distant object mod

Welcome to the forums.  I'm sure that someone here will be able to help, but first:

  1. To which camera are you referring?
  2. Any planets in particular disappear?   Had you seen them before?
  3. Can you see Mun and Minmus?
  4. Which version of KSP and this mod are you using?
  5. What option did you set for TST when you created the game?

Please read the topic at the link in my sig block for a guide on how to report problems.  You don't have to follow that advice slavishly but more information is required from you so other can assist with your problem.  A screen shot would be nice.

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11 hours ago, Brigadier said:

Welcome to the forums.  I'm sure that someone here will be able to help, but first:

  1. To which camera are you referring?
  2. Any planets in particular disappear?   Had you seen them before?
  3. Can you see Mun and Minmus?
  4. Which version of KSP and this mod are you using?
  5. What option did you set for TST when you created the game?

Please read the topic at the link in my sig block for a guide on how to report problems.  You don't have to follow that advice slavishly but more information is required from you so other can assist with your problem.  A screen shot would be nice.

Same thing here really. Replication steps basically involve having Distant Object Enhancements installed and then trying to use a telescope. The distant objects completely disappear, and eventually even the UI for the telescope will bug out and become unresponsive. KSP 1.12.2 - I don't have a log, as it didn't just happen or anything, but I'm more or less just backing up what the previous guy said.

Edited by charliepryor
misspelling, and typo on KSP version
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11 hours ago, Brigadier said:

Welcome to the forums.  I'm sure that someone here will be able to help, but first:

  1. To which camera are you referring?
  2. Any planets in particular disappear?   Had you seen them before?
  3. Can you see Mun and Minmus?
  4. Which version of KSP and this mod are you using?
  5. What option did you set for TST when you created the game?

Please read the topic at the link in my sig block for a guide on how to report problems.  You don't have to follow that advice slavishly but more information is required from you so other can assist with your problem.  A screen shot would be nice.

1. Every type. Firstly I noticed this while using standard space telescope. Then, I went into sandbox and checked every telescope.
2. Every planet. When I open camera menu, all of them disappear, but right after I close the menu, they come back. 
3. Yes, I can only see Kerbol, Mun and Minmus.
4. 1.12.2 and newest version of this mod
5. I did not change any settings of TST. I just edited gameplay mechanics, but while playing on sandbox, I did not change anything and still I have this problem. 
I also use Scatterer, EVE and some other mods, but when i checked, none of them were the reason of problem.

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3 hours ago, Paulosek321 said:

1. Every type. Firstly I noticed this while using standard space telescope. Then, I went into sandbox and checked every telescope.
2. Every planet. When I open camera menu, all of them disappear, but right after I close the menu, they come back. 
3. Yes, I can only see Kerbol, Mun and Minmus.
4. 1.12.2 and newest version of this mod
5. I did not change any settings of TST. I just edited gameplay mechanics, but while playing on sandbox, I did not change anything and still I have this problem. 
I also use Scatterer, EVE and some other mods, but when i checked, none of them were the reason of problem.

Update your mod actually. Patch notes suggest the conflict with DOE is resolved. I just tested it in my own KSP 1.12.2 game after posting above, and I needed to update the mod. I have no issues like this anymore.

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2 hours ago, charliepryor said:

Update your mod actually. Patch notes suggest the conflict with DOE is resolved. I just tested it in my own KSP 1.12.2 game after posting above, and I needed to update the mod. I have no issues like this anymore.

I've tried this right now, and nothing changed. I even downloaded from diffrent source (Previously I downloaded from SpaceDock, and now i tried from curseforge and still nothing

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6 minutes ago, Paulosek321 said:

I've tried this right now, and nothing changed. I even downloaded from diffrent source (Previously I downloaded from SpaceDock, and now i tried from curseforge and still nothing

Have you attempted to do this after completely deleting the folder for this mod, or are you dragging in and overriding? You might have another conflict not associated with DOE, because this is working fine for me with 100+ mods, DOE included.

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1 hour ago, charliepryor said:

Have you attempted to do this after completely deleting the folder for this mod, or are you dragging in and overriding? You might have another conflict not associated with DOE, because this is working fine for me with 100+ mods, DOE included.

Yes, I deleted all the files. I'll try to reinstalling the game.

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I'm still unclear as to what's really happening but that could just be me.  I'm not sure what you mean when you say the planet is there, it disappears when you open the camera menu, the reappears when you close the camera menu.  Where does it appear before you open the camera menu?

And still no log or screenshot, which might provide an explanation.  Problem might not be with TST so seeing what other mods you have installed would be helpful.

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Yes as @Brigadiersaid @Paulosek321it's a bit hard to help you if we can't see what's going on.

So if you could please supply logs of the game when you are having the issues that would help tremendously.

Instructions on how to find and capture and supply your logs are in the opening post of this thread.

For others, Still having issues with Distant Object Enhancement mod. please ensure you have the latest version of that mod and this mod installed under 1.12.x and let me know if you are still having issues or not. Pretty sure i fixed it, but you never know. But it was definitely broken/problem with any older versions than the latest version.

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9 hours ago, Paulosek321 said:

[AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon '_BuildManager' from assembly '_BuildManager'
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

Uploading Crash Report
NotSupportedException: The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic module.
  at System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.get_Location () [0x00006] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0
  at _BuildManager._BuildManager+<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<logVersion>b__0 (System.Reflection.Assembly x) [0x00000] in <e4b5582dab1d42df871d52053423f128>:0
  at System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereSelectArrayIterator`2[TSource,TResult].ToList () [0x00019] in <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0
  at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) [0x0001f] in <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0
  at _BuildManager._BuildManager.logVersion () [0x0005c] in <e4b5582dab1d42df871d52053423f128>:0
  at _BuildManager._BuildManager.Awake () [0x00000] in <e4b5582dab1d42df871d52053423f128>:0
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)

This mod fails to load and crashes the addon loader. so who knows after this.. bad things can happen.

later a bunch of :
[R&D]: Error Duplicate found adding Experiment Definition:

duplicate experiment definitions... again not ones from this mod.

Later more crashes. REalted to clouds, scatter. perhaps EVE mod or scatterer?

Surprisingly, or not, I found no errors at all in your log related to this mod (Tarsier space tech)
I would try to uninstall the mods that are creating all your errors.
First try _BuildManager what ever mod that is, sorry I am completely unfamiliar with that one.
Then I would try uninstalling scatterer and see if the problem still persists.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Liking the mod, and I don't have much to complain about it so far other than the fact that you can't 'use' the space telescope (at least the WEBB-looking one) while landed. Considering the extra work needed to put it on top of a servo and hinge, then slap it to a rover, I would have liked to get at least a little bit of science out of it. Taking pictures simply gives you a stern finger instead.
It was, in fact, really fun to have a small observatory on wheels, and I was hoping to find another good reason to put rovers on other worlds., but alas...
It's quite possible (and somewhat challenging) to take a picture of Jool from the surface of Kerbin, though its satellites are something else (I got a good picture of Tylo after a few minutes of fiddling, right before it dipped below the horizon). Space Telescopes are cool, but Otherworldly Observatories are cooler.


Edited by Axelord FTW
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  • 1 month later...
On 12/25/2021 at 1:22 AM, Tonas1997 said:

What's the default name for the deploy animation? I'm making a compatibility patch for Kerbalism and I need the animation name for the advanced space telescope.

[KSPField] public string animationClipNameClose = "close";
[KSPField] public string animationClipNameOpen = "open";

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8 hours ago, JPLRepo said:

[KSPField] public string animationClipNameClose = "close";
[KSPField] public string animationClipNameOpen = "open";

Thanks! Would "open" be the equivalent to the Telescope transform found on the other space telescope? I reckon that one is more of toggle, which is what I need.

	name = TSTSpaceTelescope
	maxZoom = 4
	xmitDataScalar = 0.5
	labBoostScalar = 1.2 
	baseTransformName = Telescope	
	cameraTransformName = CameraTransform	
	lookTransformName = LookTransform


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16 hours ago, Tonas1997 said:

Thanks! Would "open" be the equivalent to the Telescope transform found on the other space telescope? I reckon that one is more of toggle, which is what I need.

	name = TSTSpaceTelescope
	maxZoom = 4
	xmitDataScalar = 0.5
	labBoostScalar = 1.2 
	baseTransformName = Telescope	
	cameraTransformName = CameraTransform	
	lookTransformName = LookTransform


there is no toggle? Not sure what you are looking for now.
The transforms are not the animations. you asked for the animations. The animations are named "open" and "close".
The transforms are used for other functionality such as - "control from here" - where the camera is attached to "cameraTransform" and the "LookTransform" the transform it Looks from.

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Sorry, I didn't phrase it correctly. Kerbalism experiments use a "toggle" animation rather than separate open/close ones; somehow, I got it to work with a telescope from another mod by referencing its TSTSpaceTelescope module's baseTransformName field, so I thought about trying to use the same solution on the TST advanced space telescope. Since that field doesn't exist on the part, I wanted to know if baseTransformName has a default value.

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First off, I just want to say I deeply appreciate this mod. The space telescopes are amazing fun to use.

However, try as I might, I can't seem to find a justifiable reason to use the hard drives. This is likely user-error, as based on the responses from others in this thread, they *are* useful. I just don't see the real benefit. The Experiment Storage Unit seems to be superior in almost every regard, except the slight benefit of the hard drives being able to store duplicate experiments. But this seems massively out-weighed by the limitation of storage space (the storage unit having no such limitation). The explanation given just seems to cite the reasons why the storage unit is good - being able to collect all the data from your experiments, and store it for later transmission. Add on-top of that the power usage (which for ultra small craft could be quite substantial) and the unexplained 'data corruption' figure listed - I feel like I am missing something here. Could you perhaps explain?

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14 hours ago, Tonas1997 said:

Sorry, I didn't phrase it correctly. Kerbalism experiments use a "toggle" animation rather than separate open/close ones; somehow, I got it to work with a telescope from another mod by referencing its TSTSpaceTelescope module's baseTransformName field, so I thought about trying to use the same solution on the TST advanced space telescope. Since that field doesn't exist on the part, I wanted to know if baseTransformName has a default value.

Still not following you. The TST telescopes part module is responsible for running the animations for this mod.
The animations are legacy animation (as is all parts in KSP1). There is no toggle animation. there are two animations on the model. One to open it and one to close it.,

Some mods use just the one animation and run it backwards or forwards. This mod does not.

Perhaps you are referring to actual KSP actions? where an action appears in the part action window that allows you to "toggle" the part open or closed?

That is different to the actual animations themselves. in the code for the part module it will run either the open or close animation when this is clicked by the user.

baseTransformName = "Telescope"; is the default for the field you asked about. But this field isn't actually used for anything in the mod.


3 hours ago, Tales19 said:

First off, I just want to say I deeply appreciate this mod. The space telescopes are amazing fun to use.

However, try as I might, I can't seem to find a justifiable reason to use the hard drives. This is likely user-error, as based on the responses from others in this thread, they *are* useful. I just don't see the real benefit. The Experiment Storage Unit seems to be superior in almost every regard, except the slight benefit of the hard drives being able to store duplicate experiments. But this seems massively out-weighed by the limitation of storage space (the storage unit having no such limitation). The explanation given just seems to cite the reasons why the storage unit is good - being able to collect all the data from your experiments, and store it for later transmission. Add on-top of that the power usage (which for ultra small craft could be quite substantial) and the unexplained 'data corruption' figure listed - I feel like I am missing something here. Could you perhaps explain?

Because when this mod was made, the stock KSP science containers couldn't do what they do now. Believe most of the functionality as you have pintyed out was added with KSP 1.2. Before that they were much more limited. Hence this mods containers were superior.


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