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[1.8+] Kerbal Health 1.6.8 (2024-01-22)


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  On 2/24/2020 at 4:05 PM, New Horizons said:

Has anyone experiences using Health alongside Kerbalism lately?


Actually, I've recently installed Kerbalism alongside Kerbal Health in my own main savegame. It looks good so far, but if you use the default Kerbalism profile, you need to change some configs.

1. In Settings.cfg, amend the following values:

SpaceWeather = false
ExternRadiation = 0

2. Download this config, rename it to Default.cfg and replace the file in the Profiles folder. Also, change name = KerbalHealth to name = default in the file.

3 (optional). Delete (or change extension of) these files inside System folder:

  • Comfort.cfg
  • Radiation.cfg
  • Sickbay.cfg

4. Backup your savegame!

5. Play and let me know if you encounter any problems.

Note that health modules won't be consuming EC in the background, in this sense they'll continue to work as in stock KSP.

Edited by garwel
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  On 2/25/2020 at 6:29 AM, garwel said:

Note that health modules won't be consuming EC in the background,


This can be changed if necessary, see here.

Regarding a compatibility patch: you need to know that kerbalisms Settings.cfg and Profile cannot be patched by MM, they are loaded before MM gets to run (Kerbalism injects a couple of features into MM based on that configuration). If you need a separate profile for KerbalHealth, I suggest to replace our KerbalismConfig with your own. To make this play nice with CKAN, you could mark KerbalHealt as incompatible with KerbalismConfig, and add this bit to KerbalHealth.netkan:

"provides": [ "Kerbalism-Config" ],
"conflicts": [ { "name": "Kerbalism-Config" } ]


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  On 2/25/2020 at 9:51 AM, Sir Mortimer said:

This can be changed if necessary, see here.

Regarding a compatibility patch: you need to know that kerbalisms Settings.cfg and Profile cannot be patched by MM, they are loaded before MM gets to run (Kerbalism injects a couple of features into MM based on that configuration). If you need a separate profile for KerbalHealth, I suggest to replace our KerbalismConfig with your own. To make this play nice with CKAN, you could mark KerbalHealt as incompatible with KerbalismConfig, and add this bit to KerbalHealth.netkan:

"provides": [ "Kerbalism-Config" ],
"conflicts": [ { "name": "Kerbalism-Config" } ]



Thanks! I'm not sure a separate profile is the right thing to do in the long run. I'd have to keep up with Kerablism's pace of updates, which isn't easy. ;)  Perhaps it's better to discuss more technical questions in Kerbalism's forum.

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  On 2/25/2020 at 6:29 AM, garwel said:

Actually, I've recently installed Kerbalism alongside Kerbal Health in my own main savegame. It looks good so far, but you need to change some configs.

1. In Settings.cfg, amend the following values:

Profile = KerbalHealth
SpaceWeather = false
ExternRadiation = 0

2. Download and put this config inside the Profiles folder.

3 (optional). Delete (or change extension) of these files inside System folder:

  • Comfort.cfg
  • Radiation.cfg
  • Sickbay.cfg

4. Backup your savegame!

5. Play and let me know if you encounter any problems.

I may release a compatibility patch if everything works smooth.

Note that health modules won't be consuming EC in the background, in this sense they'll continue to work as in stock KSP.


Thank you for your help. I will check this out for me.

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  On 2/25/2020 at 9:28 PM, New Horizons said:

Thank you for your help. I will check this out for me.


Actually, that recipe is bad; it creates lots of issues with parts and resources.

Instead of adding a new profile, replace the Default.cfg in Profiles folder with the one you downloaded (i.e. rename the file). Also change name = KerbalHealth in the file with name = default. And return the line Profile = default in Settings.cfg. Then it should be ok.

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@garwel I updated, loaded a previous savegame, went into the difficulty settings, checked "training" (which was unchecked). That is enough for fully enabling the new features in an old savegame, right?


The "train" button appeared in the VAB as it was supposed to. But after a 40 days training period in my first experience with the new update, idk, it seems nothing changed. It was a small one-crewed capsule, Valentina was supposed to endure 9 days on it, after training it remained in 9 days. Is training only worthwhile on larger vessels?

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  On 2/27/2020 at 1:54 AM, Daniel Prates said:

@garwel I updated, loaded a previous savegame, went into the difficulty settings, checked "training" (which was unchecked). That is enough for fully enabling the new features in an old savegame, right?

The "train" button appeared in the VAB as it was supposed to. But after a 40 days training period in my first experience with the new update, idk, it seems nothing changed. It was a small one-crewed capsule, Valentina was supposed to endure 9 days on it, after training it remained in 9 days. Is training only worthwhile on larger vessels?


By default, the editor Health Report shows the time for a trained kerbal unless you uncheck the "Trained" checkbox. So it should be right that, after you trained the kerbal, the actual time is indeed as advertised.

  On 2/29/2020 at 10:22 PM, dlrk said:

Some of my pods with KerbalHealth have a "toggletvset" option in the PAW. Can this be removed?


Does it actually say "toggletvset"? If so, can you attach a screenshot?

If the pod adds bonus to Connected factor and consumes resources for it, there will be an option called "Enable TV Set" or "Disable TV Set" (depending, of course, on its current state). I don't know why you'd want to remove it, but if you really, really need to, you'll have to either remove corresponding ModuleKerbalHealth from the part or making it consume no resources (i.e. EC). The modules are added by MM patches in KerbalHealth\Patches folder.

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  On 3/1/2020 at 5:15 AM, dlrk said:


Sorry, I misremembered the exact text issue. I just found this option to be redundant with the enable/disable health module option and "TV set" sounds a bit arecadey for my taste.


Ok, now I see. It's just a display issue that I'll fix in the next release. The "TV set" is a module that boosts Connected factor, and the "Health Module" stands for the sick bay in the Lab. It only affects kerbals in the part itself and helps alleviate their health conditions' effects (e.g. sickness). You may disable the latter if you don't have any sick kerbals.

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Nevermind. Old problem, thought I'd found it, turns out I didn't.

I'll raise it again once a 1.9.x compatible release is out.

Edited by steve_v
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  On 3/1/2020 at 10:41 AM, steve_v said:

So it seems I've finally found the gremlin that has been causing me grief for a while... All the way back to 1.5.x if I recall correctly.

There appears to be some unholy interaction going on between KerbalHealth and GPOSpeed Fuel Pump, as unlikely as it sounds.
Here's a log (yes yes, 1.9.1, I know) with both installed, as my lander approaches a station it recently undocked from I get constant exception spam from KH, like so:

EXC 22:21:08.705] NullReferenceException
	UnityEngine.Object.get_name () (at <7d9ec060e791409ab3eb85c61e312ed6>:0)
	KerbalHealth.KerbalHealthStatus.HealthChangePerDay () (at <1c7f8efeb58a461597765a2033d8c741>:0)
	KerbalHealth.KerbalHealthStatus.Update (System.Double interval) (at <1c7f8efeb58a461597765a2033d8c741>:0)
	KerbalHealth.KerbalHealthList.Update (System.Double interval) (at <1c7f8efeb58a461597765a2033d8c741>:0)
	KerbalHealth.KerbalHealthScenario.UpdateKerbals (System.Boolean forced) (at <1c7f8efeb58a461597765a2033d8c741>:0)
	KerbalHealth.KerbalHealthScenario.FixedUpdate () (at <1c7f8efeb58a461597765a2033d8c741>:0)
	UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

And the game slows to ~0.5FPS until I switch vessels or dock. Removing GPOSpeed (local recompile of latest release, no problems if KH isn't also installed) makes it go away.
I don't know if this one is yours or not, and I'm aware that neither KH nor GPO are officially supported on 1.9.1. I can probably grab a log with the same from 1.8.1 if need be, it occurs there too so I doubt it's anything to do with 1.9.1 specifically.
Unfortunately I don't think I have a 1.7.x install to test with any more.



Can you enable Debug Mode in Kerbal Health settings and send me the log after you encounter this issue again? I can't really tell much from the log is it is now.

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  On 3/1/2020 at 3:56 PM, garwel said:

Can you enable Debug Mode in Kerbal Health settings and send me the log after you encounter this issue again?


Sure, here you go. My earlier statements regarding GPOSpeed Fuel Pump were incorrect (and it's now removed to prove that point), it's random and it's pretty frequent.

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I've looked around and can't find the problem I am having.  Jeb is a workaholic and did a Mun walk.  He gets tired and becomes a tourist.  He gets back to KSC and a week later he is still a tourist.  Will I ever get my Jeb back?

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  On 3/4/2020 at 6:17 AM, Fr8monkey said:

I've looked around and can't find the problem I am having.  Jeb is a workaholic and did a Mun walk.  He gets tired and becomes a tourist.  He gets back to KSC and a week later he is still a tourist.  Will I ever get my Jeb back?


Do you use any life support or similar mods that might mess with it? Can you share your save file?

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The wiki mentions the possibility of creating radiation shielding, including Lead, in-situ via other mods. Are there any mods in particular that facilitate ISRU production of Lead, or is this left as an exercise for the user? (I wasn’t able to find any other mods that use Lead at all, except as a submarine ballast.)

If the latter, I may make something that I could submit as a pull request, if desired. I'm thinking Ore -> Lead for stock, or MetalOre -> Lead if RationalResources is installed, using the stock converters. Lead storage would rely on parts from other mods, like the cargo containers from SSPXR.

Edited by PocketBrotector
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  • 4 weeks later...

If you have time and will, consider add mechanic similiar that i found in Kerbalism,when u are on darker side of celestial body amount of radiation is reduced. Is logical that celestial body can act as shield that way i think so

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  On 3/29/2020 at 9:50 AM, Syczek said:

If you have time and will, consider add mechanic similiar that i found in Kerbalism,when u are on darker side of celestial body amount of radiation is reduced. Is logical that celestial body can act as shield that way i think so


It is simulated by reducing the amount of radiation depending on how close you are to the celestial body. E.g., if you are on the surface, the planet will block 50% of cosmic radiation (including solar and GCR), and you only get 50% of those banana doses. The higher you go, the less part of the sky the planet will cover, and your radiation will increase.

  On 3/4/2020 at 5:25 PM, PocketBrotector said:

The wiki mentions the possibility of creating radiation shielding, including Lead, in-situ via other mods. Are there any mods in particular that facilitate ISRU production of Lead, or is this left as an exercise for the user? (I wasn’t able to find any other mods that use Lead at all, except as a submarine ballast.)

If the latter, I may make something that I could submit as a pull request, if desired. I'm thinking Ore -> Lead for stock, or MetalOre -> Lead if RationalResources is installed, using the stock converters. Lead storage would rely on parts from other mods, like the cargo containers from SSPXR.


I don't want to include things that don't deal directly with health into this mod. You are free to create a patch for such a conversion; I'm sure quite a few people would appreciate.

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  On 4/6/2020 at 3:34 AM, Weimaraner said:

Would there be a chance of you adding support for life support mods like TAC life support, USI life support, Snacks, etc?


What support are you looking for? Many of us already use Kerbal Health with an LS mod. I've been using it with TAC LS for as long as I've been using KH. I see the two mods as complementary with little to no overlap. If you are just looking to use KH and an LS mod, you should be fine. 

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  On 4/6/2020 at 7:50 PM, eightiesboi said:

What support are you looking for? Many of us already use Kerbal Health with an LS mod. I've been using it with TAC LS for as long as I've been using KH. I see the two mods as complementary with little to no overlap. If you are just looking to use KH and an LS mod, you should be fine. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for this amazing mod. I don't play without it. 

A question about bases: How can I train my kerbals for a surface base? I have my crew training on a replica base on Kerbin, while the base is constructed by robots on the Moon. Will my crew benefit from training when they arrive? Or will the base count as an unfamiliar ship? 

Also, my crew is familiar with each of the habitable components of the base, yet when a test crew arrived, they experience high stress as though they were not trained/familiar? How does the mod work in this instance? 

Thanks again!

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