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[1.4.3 v 1.2.3] SM_Stryker BDA 1.22


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10 hours ago, m4ti140 said:

Do the Fishbed intakes have BDA radar modules included?

I don't see how you would fit a radar in an intake...

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OK, I made a small MM patch that adds the Sapphire radar to the Terminator intake (the early FIshbeds that the Vanquisher intake models did not have interceptor radars) as well as a copy of that intake with a Kopyo radar from MiG-21-93. The Kopyo radar has lower but comparable stats than AN/APG-63: slightly higher signals required, should still see targets throughout the whole 20km range limit unless they're very small and lock on at 2/3 of that, FOV of 80 degrees as opposed to 120 in AN/APG-63 and ability to TWS with up to 2 targets tracked at once. The RP-22 Sapphire is much poorer (but the real thing still has higher range than the AN/APG-63 in BDA) than the modern radars, so I significantly potatified it: 60 degree FOV (same as IRL), no TWS, should detect fighter sized targets at max 10-12 km and lock on at max 8-10. It does have a datalink though, the real thing did not but it did operate almost exclusively in close cooperation with ground control. I also made a makeshift R-3R atoll from the AIM-9 to go with it (see the PEW thread)

Intakes: https://1drv.ms/u/s!ArMDWm49dN3Cga9-Co_VF9-xgiAPpA

Atoll: https://1drv.ms/u/s!ArMDWm49dN3Cga99eg9XdOh-V31tBw

Also: @SpannerMonkey(smce) besides the above: IMO the Tumansky engine is pretty much on point, it has similar stats to the real thing and a MiG-21bis I made with it (craft file below) seems to behave close to the real thing, although it is very hard to cross Mach 1 with it in stock aero - if anything, only the wet mode is slightly underpowered, the velocity curve seems to be slightly too shallow close to Mach 1 as it is very hard to cross that value but once you do, you suddenly get so much thrust that you can go 800 m/s at 20km. However the engine config files are black magic to me. What I am absolutely certain about is that the drag values for the spine parts are way too high - they almost act like a brake when installed, just removing them allowed me to reach Mach 2.5 while I couldn't go supersonic before. It won't matter with FAR but with stock aero those parts do the exact opposite of what they should do.

Here's a MiG-21 bis I made with those parts. Besides Stryker A&A it requires BDA, PEW, the MM patches I included above, B9 procedural wings and Tweakscale


The screenshots are out of date (I modified the wings slightly in the craft file above, reduced the cross section of the nose probe and moved the fuel tank backwards to reduce the control moment needed to maintain pitch at lower airspeeds and reduce drag from the elevator) but should do it justice. The parts are awesome overall, couldn't do any aircraft closer to the real thing than this.


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12 minutes ago, m4ti140 said:

OK, I made a small MM patch that adds the Sapphire radar to the Terminator intake (the early FIshbeds that the Vanquisher intake models did not have interceptor radars) as well as a copy of that intake with a Kopyo radar from MiG-21-93. The Kopyo radar has lower but comparable stats than AN/APG-63: slightly higher signals required, should still see targets throughout the whole 20km range limit unless they're very small and lock on at 2/3 of that, FOV of 80 degrees as opposed to 120 in AN/APG-63 and ability to TWS with up to 2 targets tracked at once. The RP-22 Sapphire is much poorer (but the real thing still has higher range than the AN/APG-63 in BDA) than the modern radars, so I significantly potatified it: 60 degree FOV (same as IRL), no TWS, should detect fighter sized targets at max 10-12 km and lock on at max 8-10. It does have a datalink though, the real thing did not but it did operate almost exclusively in close cooperation with ground control. I also made a makeshift R-3R atoll from the AIM-9 to go with it (see the PEW thread)

Intakes: https://1drv.ms/u/s!ArMDWm49dN3Cga9-Co_VF9-xgiAPpA

Atoll: https://1drv.ms/u/s!ArMDWm49dN3Cga99eg9XdOh-V31tBw

Also: @SpannerMonkey(smce) besides the above: IMO the Tumansky engine is pretty much on point, it has similar stats to the real thing and a MiG-21bis I made with it (craft file below) seems to behave close to the real thing, although it is very hard to cross Mach 1 with it in stock aero - if anything, only the wet mode is slightly underpowered, the velocity curve seems to be slightly too shallow close to Mach 1 as it is very hard to cross that value but once you do, you suddenly get so much thrust that you can go 800 m/s at 20km. However the engine config files are black magic to me. What I am absolutely certain about is that the drag values for the spine parts are way too high - they almost act like a brake when installed, just removing them allowed me to reach Mach 2.5 while I couldn't go supersonic before. It won't matter with FAR but with stock aero those parts do the exact opposite of what they should do.

Here's a MiG-21 bis I made with those parts. Besides Stryker A&A it requires BDA, PEW, the MM patches I included above, B9 procedural wings and Tweakscale


The screenshots are out of date (I modified the wings slightly in the craft file above, reduced the cross section of the nose probe and moved the fuel tank backwards to reduce the control moment needed to maintain pitch at lower airspeeds and reduce drag from the elevator) but should do it justice. The parts are awesome overall, couldn't do any aircraft closer to the real thing than this.


Hi, and thanks some great info there for me to digest , when I'm more awake, currently on the down slope of a little modding frenzy clearing the last large project away. Which means I can dedicate some time to learning the intricacies of aircraft mods, ( I make mods, but nothing in released stuff flies, I've never had an aircraft or rocket mod and it's been  been a long time since i regularly went to space)  nailing some of these outstanding bugs and getting this to where I'd be happy for Stryker to poke it with a stick,  (damn clever chap btw, and the really smart stuff is  never mentioned) Which I'm not right now, but even with all the time in the world I still find myself short on about two weeks per month :)   I'll be in touch regard the mod and your changes

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/26/2017 at 4:49 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

The intakes are indeed broken and  i've been apparently been lax in pushing the update that fixes them, I honestly thought I had .. I'll sort that asap


Any news? :) 

Edited by Svm420
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17 minutes ago, Svm420 said:

Any news? :) 

Thanks for the nudge :) sorry for the delay

This is not an update for 1.29pre  this is still for 1.22 only https://spacedock.info/mod/1233/SM_Stryker Stryker armory and aerospace cont

The update to fix the Intake issues, and some other annoyances  is now available, I was hoping to include two new surface mount cockpits but a torn shoulder muscle has effectively stopped any new modelling or texture work for the past month

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Afternoon all It's been a while since anything happened here but that does not mean it's dead, it's most certainly not.  Having completed most of the business elsewhere i thought it time to add something new, and it's been a very long time since that happened :)

So taken from a long list of request additions for this mod,  I've added a Mig 31 foxhound cockpit,  as my buddy says  it's foxhound enough to be identified and yet ambiguous enough to be anything you want. It's a 7 parts set comprising nose cone, pod,  and 5 spine sections of which 1 is a  a part  short spine  and the other 4 form a section of the long spine , which can be seen tapering rearwards in the pics

AS like a lot of the things I make it's intended to be used for BDA scenarios etc the cockpit in stock alike finish , 2 seat btw, has a full BDA suite, WM, PAI, RWR, and WC.  The nose cone contains and advanced radar using features soon to be released in BDA . Any aircraft you create using these parts should not have extra added WM PAI units fitted as this causes weapon manager malfunctions

The IVA is pretty basic right now, as i've plans for a least two more full cockpits and a couple more surface mount blister cockpits, once they're done I'll be adding in the instrumentation etc

Enough chat have a pic or two


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Hi. Ive always thought that the BF cockpit was a it lonely and out of place,  with little relevance, so I've made it a friend, called the Classic S it comprises cockpit, engine, and spine sections to blend cockpit with hull sections..  It doesn't take a genius or plane spotter to work out the styling inspiration. This too will be included in the next update


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17 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Hi. Ive always thought that the BF cockpit was a it lonely and out of place,  with little relevance, so I've made it a friend, called the Classic S it comprises cockpit, engine, and spine sections to blend cockpit with hull sections..  It doesn't take a genius or plane spotter to work out the styling inspiration. This too will be included in the next update


Oh I have been waiting for this.

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On 9/24/2017 at 3:22 PM, MightyDarkStar said:

Oh I have been waiting for this.

You should enjoy this too then :)


As is the way of these things, once i start rolling adding parts to a mod  one thing leads to another, and in the interests of fairness the Classic FW , cockpit (with crappy visibility) machine gun module and engine, as well as a short adapter to take the place of the guns (as if as proper you use wing mounted guns the BDAI will not use the fuselage mounted guns)


And some other pics relevant




second engine option for the S




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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/1/2017 at 7:24 PM, Murican_Jeb said:

Oh my gosh

You actually remembered my request

*Falls out of chair*

As mentioned it's a long list , it rarely gets forgotten but can take ages to happen :)


Well, that got silly fast, make an engine or two i thought, add something new, freshen things up a bit, but as is my way there's always that other bit that would be ideal that we haven't got.

So it turns out that not including non part items( noseart)  I've added 35 new parts most of which work with and need stock parts to some extent . The fighters you've seen, and there are now two engine options for each, and a proper wing for them, i've a feeling I'll do more.

The lions share of the parts went toward this, a little esoteric for some maybe, but for those of us who know, it's a thing of beauty.

Gentlemen and Ladies(allegedly )  SM Industries for and on behalf or Stryker Aerospace present..........

The Northrop P61B ( with C features)  Black widow


What  you say , it's not black


and thanks to DCK ( cheers @DoctorDavinci) It can be any color you fancy



The details starting from the nose cone. it is hollow and serves as a cover for the detachable SCR-720A  

The Cockpit houses a pilot and navigator/gunner , it also contains all equipment required for BDAc operations (do NOT fit extra WM or PAI to any of these craft)  Currently an adequate but uninspiring dash layout and IVA, there's a lot of space to fill :)

Behind the cockpit is the weapons bay, this houses the detachable  4 X 20MM HS cannons in the ventral pod, and the  4x50cal turret mounted on top of the bay. This turret has a 90x 360 arc of engagement. Also contained in the weapon bay is extra ammunition for the guns, and fuel.

Finally in the hull section we have the radar operator aft cockpit , the 50 cal turret can be controlled from either fwd or aft . Houses one Kerb and the short range SCR-695 tail warning radar

Going out from the central fuselage we have the wing/s yes it comes with wings or more precisely a wing, that works in symmetry ,  surface mounted with built in control surfaces .

Engines R-2800-25S Double Wasp  supplied. They push the aircraft to it's real maximum speed , no jet fighter speeds here.  Behind those are two stock, yes stock , i used a stock bit :) fuel tanks

Next tailbooms,  well, there's more than 1. there are 3.  I tried the stock stand in and it wasn't quite right , so I made straight one,  then an offset one, and then the best of all a 3 part tail boom. The first section of the tail boom has a touch of lift and a small fuel quantity , to assist in the fine tuning

Attached to the tail boom is the rudder and tail fin, with  combined ctrl srf made for this again, as nothing else worked for me.  ( or the testers)

I mentioned the nose art,  it is appropriate  to time period,  quite a few variations and interestingly everybody who built it has chosen a different image

This morning I added the fighter air brakes in three sizes as is appropriate . and no doubt there'll be a spoileron along in a bit to finish it off.  .

I'm about to boot the final tuning off to the testers and if they're happy  a  1.3.1 Beta will be along very shortly

Have a look at some more pics


Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
much cooler images
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5 minutes ago, TheKurgan said:

The Spacedock link says 1.2.2?

or is it still uploading?

https://spacedock.info/mod/794/SM Marine

there's been a 1.3 version for a long time on spacedock.

The new Beta for 1.3.1, Beta because there are a lot of experimental projects involved.  Ideally at the same time I can push out the ASW Beta to determined enthusiasts  as the two really go together and need to.

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4 minutes ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

there's been a 1.3 version for a long time on spacedock

Oh yes, I have the SM Marine newest version, I was looking for SM_Stryker Stryker's Aerospace and Armory, but I got it now. Thanks.

Sorry if I am being confusing or annoying this morning... I don't mean to be :)

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1 minute ago, TheKurgan said:

SM_Stryker Stryker's Aerospace and Armory,

Both on the update heap but due ASAP


Didn't even look at the post  ha, that'll teach me    Stryker is indeed listed for 1.2.2 but other than a version bump it's still ok ish.  As mentioned above the new update is just getting the last part added, and it's a last run for the testers .

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5 minutes ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

and it's a last run for the testers .

Well, you know for a fact that I LOVE testing new and unreleased stuff, so if you ever want another tester, I would be ecstatic to help. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

SM Stryker Armory and Aerospace KSP 1.3.1 BETA 1

This Preview update brings  a custom category for Stryker parts ,  The P61 night fighter a complete aircraft kit.  5 new propeller engines and 3 new cockpits . new gun options,  and a small selection of tasteful noseart. Further texture tweaks on legacy parts.





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Okay, so I found some issues and I got some nice (but oversized) pictures.

So, the first issue is that the Fw-190 cockpit's IVA is behind the actual cockpit




Next issue is, the Fw-190 engine pushed me to 200 m/s. Thats WAY over the max speed of the real thing. However, 50% thrust calms it down a little.

But here are some head on passes from an AI vs AI battle.





Edited by Murican_Jeb
Album wont work...
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