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Which languages do you speak?


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What languages do you speak? Ah please do not speak a language other than English too much, that belongs to the international subforum.

I speak

- Dutch

- English

and a little bit

- Russian

- French

- German

- Chinese (veeeeery little)

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Can count from 0 to 10 in Farsi

Can count to 3 in Spanish

Can count to 2 in Finnish

My Gibberish is impeccable.

EDIT: Forgot because I'm THAT good at this:  "Mae'n dda gen i gwrdd â chi" which exhausts my knowledge of that language.

Also: Your hovercraft is full of eels.

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I speak English, American Sign Language, and smidgens of German, Hebrew, French, Spanish (I can fluently say I don't speak the last four.)

Also, I speak fluent Pig Latin, Uppywuppy.

Edited by Dman979
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English, French, a little German, and Hebrew. Am taking a course to improve my Hebrew. Once that's done, I would like to learn to speak Mandarin Chinese.

(If Klingon counted, I can speak a little of that...) :D

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An amalgam of American and British English, though mostly American; C# (It counts! I swear!); Spanish (enough to get me through the warning labels, not enough to have a conversation); Latin roots (it's how I made sense of Spanish); and about a dozen hideous compound words of German (Atmospherikfligenhaus!).

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Well, I speak Russian as mother tongue (I'm Ukrainian but my father can't speak it very well so we stick to Russian) and can read cyrillic with some trouble, but I can't write in Russian. 

Then I know German since I live in Switzerland, and a little bit of French from French class. Also I know Latin, but you can't really speak that since its a dead language :P

My English is really good for someone living in Switzerland, most people's English here is really basic school English. Sadly I don't get to speak English very often :(

That's quite a lot of languages I know. I get confused sometimes and want to say something in another language, leading to some funny sounding mishaps...

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Wow, am astonished how many people actually speak at least a little German. My neighbour learns German, i learn Spanish, because i have moved.

German with a German accent, English with a German accent, Spanish (well, cough, ... trying hard) with a strong German accent.

I won't starve in France or Italy but i can hardly speak freely.

Typical European ...

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I speak Italian as my mother language; I know English at academic level (it's ok as long as I talk about technical things, but when it comes to ordinary stuff... well, the result is "please gimme that thing, whatever its name!"), and I have studied the very basics of German - still unable to have conversations. I also studied Latin at school, but there are just a few ancient Romans still alive and available for conversations in their language.

Since I speak a language of Latin origin, I understand a good amount of words in French, Spanish and Portuguese (maybe also Romanian, but I didn't try).

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you can find me here:


notice that i m still studying and correlating stuff ^^

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i speak the Canadian variety of English, eh. Although I speak a West Coast accent, so I don't sound like when, for instance, Saturday Night Live (TV variety comedy show) is making fun of us Canucks.

Aussi, je parle un peu de Francais. (Also, I speak a bit of French). Grade 11 level, and it's been a long time since then, so if I got some of that wrong, excusez-moi.

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