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40 minutes ago, p1t1o said:

No, its just that people are awful.

It reminded me of how it really grinds my gears when someone is serving me food (maybe my fiance is making dinner, for example) and they go "Is that enough food?" and Im like "Yup, tons." and they're all

"Are you sure?"


"Sure? Let me just give you some more so its really hard to keep on the plate."

"No thanks"

"Just a bit then?"


Or "Do you want some mushrooms/tomato/cabbage/other thing I really ought to know by now that you dont like?"

"No thanks"

"Are you sure?"

etc etc etc


And the related:

"Do you want any XYZ?"

"No thanks, Im not a huge fan of XYZ."

"But you havnt tried MY XYZ?"


Oh really? And did you use olives that inexplicably taste completely different to every other olive on earth? Or did you somehow manage to change the texture of bananas? I assure you, no matter how you cook YOUR cabbage, its still gonna taste like garbage covered feet. BECAUSE I DONT LIKE FRICKEN CABBAGE OK? WOULD YOU LIKE SOME PAIN? NO? BUT ARE YOU SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURE?????????? HAVE YOU TRIED MY PAIN ITS LOVELY!!!!

This is normally called "being polite" in most regions of the world.

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1 hour ago, DarkOwl57 said:

When people see me writing in my notebook with ideas, they always ask me what I'm doing. I'm fine with telling them ("Oh, just writing for my story,") but what really peeves me off is when they ask to read it! If I wanted people to read the unfinished product, I'd shout every word out loud as I write it instead of being hunched over in my chair, huddled in a corner silently writing. And then they ask why they can't. IT'S MY OWN WORK! I'LL DECIDE WHEN I LET PEOPLE READ.

I totally hear ya!!!  :wink:

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57 minutes ago, p1t1o said:

Do you want some mushrooms/tomato/cabbage/other thing I really ought to know by now that you dont like?

A. Sheesh.  I still have to explain to my mother what foods I dislike.  If I haven't eaten it in three decades, there just might be a reason!

B. Disliking tomatoes?  There's something seriously wrong with that.



6 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

Maybe you don;t like them just because you haven't tried those exact ones.

This can be true.  For years, I was convinced I didn't like shrimp.  Turns out, I just don't like the way my mother cooked them.

Edited by razark
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2 hours ago, razark said:

This can be true.  For years, I was convinced I didn't like shrimp.  Turns out, I just don't like the way my mother cooked them.

I hear that. The Quesodillas from Qdoba are amazing, but at, say, a Chipotle, they suck. It depends on how you cook it.

I, as of right now, desspiiisse vegetables. I might find a way that I like them some time.

3 hours ago, DarkOwl57 said:

When people see me writing in my notebook with ideas, they always ask me what I'm doing. I'm fine with telling them ("Oh, just writing for my story,") but what really peeves me off is when they ask to read it! If I wanted people to read the unfinished product, I'd shout every word out loud as I write it instead of being hunched over in my chair, huddled in a corner silently writing. And then they ask why they can't. IT'S MY OWN WORK! I'LL DECIDE WHEN I LET PEOPLE READ. 


I think I just realized why no-one likes me...

I have this too, but with art. I'm in class, hunched over a sketchbook, and the first thing people say is:


"Uh... An astronaut from Astroneer, with a cowboy hat, riding a rover" 

(I atually drew this.)


"Not now"


"Because it's not fin-"


"-ished, the shadi-"


"-ng is off and-"


(punches the interrupting cow)

Please leave me alone, I'm trying to draw.

I just realized why I'm an introvert...

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I can't stand it when people just want to see my work. I have a notebook full of sketches of anime Sci-Fi spacecraft and people think its full of masterpieces. Im not such a person who understimates their own work, but i don't want to explain how ring space station work, what an antimatter rocket looks like, and why i am so obsessed with anime characters.

I only allow people to see my work when its finished, or when they sneak into my room and find my sketchbook.

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20 minutes ago, NSEP said:

I can't stand it when people just want to see my work. I have a notebook full of sketches of anime Sci-Fi spacecraft and people think its full of masterpieces. Im not such a person who understimates their own work, but i don't want to explain how ring space station work, what an antimatter rocket looks like, and why i am so obsessed with anime characters.

I only allow people to see my work when its finished, or when they sneak into my room and find my sketchbook.

This is my exact same situation.

My only exception to the "you no see my unfinished art" rule is if the person is offering legitimate advice (or that cute artsy girl in my class).

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15 hours ago, Just Jim said:

I totally hear ya!!!  :wink:

There's a challenge for you, Jim. Write a four line précis of Emiko that you can fob off 'interested parties' with. :) 

So, you see, it starts out as this but then it has this classic sci-fi inspired villain and then it goes this-a-way but wait-a-minute I forgot to tell you about this bit and...

You know what - here's the URL. Knock yourself out. 


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1 hour ago, YNM said:

To all who complained about people asking them "what are you doing" :


Have you tried answering sarcastically ?

Yes, but that makes it even worse.

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2 hours ago, YNM said:

To all who complained about people asking them "what are you doing" :


Have you tried answering sarcastically ?

Hehe... By nature, I'm sarcastic. It is in my blood, as is a therapudic amount of coffee. This wouldn't be anything new for me... :wink:

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How about "existing"? That would answer the question, right?

Oh, and to join in on this sarcasm-conversation: I'm more polemic than sarcastic. Add a bit of passive-aggressive tendencies and it's perfect.

Huh. That might be a reason why no one likes having me around.

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12 minutes ago, Delay said:

How about "existing"? That would answer the question, right?

"I'm trying to stay alive now by breathing properly. Please don't disturb it."

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Last week we had a customer come in and order a paper shredder.  Since we don't stock them, we then ordered it ourselves.  A few days later it shows up.

With a warning label I've never seen before.

I weep for a generation too stupid that they have to be told not to put cell phones / cell phone batteries through paper shredders.


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5 hours ago, KSK said:

There's a challenge for you, Jim. Write a four line précis of Emiko that you can fob off 'interested parties' with. :) 

So, you see, it starts out as this but then it has this classic sci-fi inspired villain and then it goes this-a-way but wait-a-minute I forgot to tell you about this bit and...

You know what - here's the URL. Knock yourself out. 


Now THAT could get interesting.... hehe :confused:

17 hours ago, TheMadKraken2297 said:

My only exception to the "you no see my unfinished art" rule is if the person is offering legitimate advice (or that cute artsy girl in my class).

17 hours ago, NSEP said:

I only allow people to see my work when its finished, or when they sneak into my room and find my sketchbook.

Luckily I do my writing at home, so I don't have to worry about people watching over my shoulder, or anything like that. But I do know the feeling. I absolutely will NOT post a new chapter until it's done and ready.

But having said that, there are a couple friends here who I talk to privately, and we often bounce ideas back and forth about stuff we're writing. 

Oh, wait... I need to complain about something... Oh, I need more coffee!!! 

OK, more caffeine... grrrrr  

hehehe :sticktongue:

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2 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

Oh, wait... I need to complain about something... Oh, I need more coffee!!! 

OK, more caffeine... grrrrr  

This. This is ALWAYS a valid complaint. The forum needs to add a Kerman drinking coffee gif...

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19 minutes ago, Geonovast said:

I weep for a generation too stupid that they have to be told not to put cell phones / cell phone batteries through paper shredders.

I work in the warning label industry so I was looking around for a humorous way of responding, but in doing so I found that apparently some shredders are specifically designed for things like old electronics, which makes the warning make more sense. 



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45 minutes ago, TheMadKraken2297 said:

I don't drink coffee so I have no real caffeine intaaaaaaaaakee... 

I don't get why people so quickly and definitely associate coffee == caffeine.

You can drink coffee without caffeine.

There's only about 40,000 other ways to get caffeine.

I usually get about 450mg of the stuff a day, and I hate coffee.

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2 hours ago, Geonovast said:

I don't get why people so quickly and definitely associate coffee == caffeine.

You can drink coffee without caffeine.

There's only about 40,000 other ways to get caffeine.

I usually get about 450mg of the stuff a day, and I hate coffee.

Good point, it just seems that coffee contains more caffeine per cup (depending on the Brew)

I just despise the taste of coffee. Hot Chocolate is better in my opinion.

7 hours ago, YNM said:

Well, being patient isn't too bad...

What is wrong with you? Sarcasm is the best defense... unless you want to be patient. I generally see myself as very slow to anger, I will only resort to yelling or punching something if someone is pestering me for 2 hours straight, so I just use sarcasm to defend myself. Last time I flipped out was when a little kid at the neighborhood pool kept shooting me and a group of people with a super soaker. I ripped it out of his hands and threw it farther than I knew I could throw something... Like 10 feet. Whener I use patience it goes down like a Pokemon move:

TheMadKraken2297 used PATIENCE!

Two hours later: Patience is not very effective!

TheMadKraken2297 used throw the nearest thing against the wall! It's super effective!

Huh. I just made a rant. Cool.

Edited by TheMadKraken2297
Forums, Are you drunk? Do you seriously have to ask my motivation for improving my posts?
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27 minutes ago, Geonovast said:

You can drink coffee without caffeine.

True, I'll admit it, I have 3 fixes for my caffeine addiction... lmao... :rolleyes:

Morning: Coffee
Afternoon: Dr. Pepper
Evening: Jasmine Green Tea, preferably real hand rolled downy jasmine pearls... mmmmmmmmm............. 

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56 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

True, I'll admit it, I have 3 fixes for my caffeine addiction... lmao... :rolleyes:

Morning: Coffee
Afternoon: Dr. Pepper
Evening: Jasmine Green Tea, preferably real hand rolled downy jasmine pearls... mmmmmmmmm............. 

For me it's: 

Morning: Nothin.

Afternoon: Dr. Pepper

Evening: Dr. Pepper.

Doctor pepper is love, Doctor pepper is life.

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Am i the only one here who doesn't like the taste of coffee? I tried making a mix of 50% sugar, 50% milk, and just 25% coffee, and it still doesn't taste good! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

41 minutes ago, TheMadKraken2297 said:

For me it's: 

Morning: Nothin.

Afternoon: Dr. Pepper

Evening: Dr. Pepper.

Doctor pepper is love, Doctor pepper is life.

Im still working on my Coke addiction, Coca Cola that is.

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