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[UNOFFICIAL/FANMADE] 0.17 Discussion thread


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I wonder if this will be the last update adding major bodies to the system. Will we be getting all the planets we\'re going to get in this update?

I think they won\'t add anymore. I think this is the last update with planets, correct me if I\'m wrong though.

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I think they won\'t add anymore. I think this is the last update with planets, correct me if I\'m wrong though.

So the system will be more or less complete after this? I wonder if things like asteroid belts are coming with this update?

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Yeah, I knew asteroids were coming eventually. I\'m just curious as to what extent the solar system will be considered really and finally 'complete' after this update. After this will future updates be focused entirely on new parts, game modes, etc?

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Thought Id add my 2c to the Mars-like planet development.

My only issue with it, is that it seems pretty highly saturated. So I dropped the saturation down + moved the hue over a bit closer to orange.

Agreed, I like the second pic better as well, as I\'m not sure how much I\'d like to visit Planet Koo-Aid... but you know what? Even if it turns out to be fluorescent lime green, it\'s still another planet, and that\'s good enough for me.

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A question to KSP:

Will you guys please do in the 0.16.1 update set one planet that\'s done from Nova. So we can play and practise landings for if the other planets will come.

What will be awesome is that KSP will release 0.16.1 on mars landing day with a bonus, the mars like planet.

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A question to KSP:

Will you guys please do in the 0.16.1 update set one planet that\'s done from Nova. So we can play and practise landings for if the other planets will come.

What will be awesome is that KSP will release 0.16.1 on mars landing day with a bonus, the mars like planet.

I think that\'s an excellent idea, with a very low probability of actually happening. It would be utterly epic if the Mars-like planet were released on the day of the Mars landing.

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I think they won\'t add anymore. I think this is the last update with planets, correct me if I\'m wrong though.

I think you\'re wrong, if we nagg hard engoung they wont have much choice and add more planets..

Also i reed somewhere that they will add other stars and as i can see stars aren\'t mentioned here.. so probably later with stars will come more planets.. Would be nice for Pasing..

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I am curious about the orbit paths of this new planet/s.

Will they be always the same distance from the sun like Kerbin is now or will they be more oval shaped?

Or circle like with a PE closer to the sun and a AP out in the cold of space? Spoiler tag is a little drawing i did of what i mean

The 3rd one is the one i would like Obv the orbits would be inclined so the planets dont hit each other.


I ask cos well i am assuming that the red planet will have some hard core gravity and a maybe a atmosphere that will be hard on fuel for a return trip kerbin.

And if the orbits are not how they are to the mun there could be a point where the orbits are really close and that could save on fuel adding a 'sweet piont' to blast off

(and cost if money is in the campaign mode) could also make an interesting leaderboard do-dar too.

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Omega, what you're depicting in the third diagram is completely impossible.

Actually, it isn't. It just wouldn't remain that way for long on an astronomical scale. It would VERY, VERY, VERY slowly transition into a normal orbit. But that would take millions upon millions of years.

Theoretically, it could exist.

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Planets already? This is great! The desert planet looks spectacular Nova! I'm a bit more excited about the gas giants and their moons though, and I can't wait to see those too!

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In the third diagram, the red planets orbit would not be circular, it would be elliptical like the second diagram. There is no way around it I'm afraid.

That it is circular and not centred brings the obvious conclusion: the orbit is elliptic and not in the plane of the screen.

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That it is circular and not centred brings the obvious conclusion: the orbit is elliptic and not in the plane of the screen.

In the text of that message the orbit is described as "circle like with a PE closer to the sun and a AP out in the cold of space" - as an alternative to "more oval shaped".

That is impossible.

If the orbit is anything near circular, Ap and Pe will be more or less the same altitude.

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Is the 3rd one really impossible? I am going on what i remember from school that was more then 20 yrs ago back when Pluto was a planet.

Also i have had craft in that type of orbit going around the sun so i didn't see any problem with planets been like that. From what i understand of gravity It would take billions of years for it to settle as Kerbin is now.

who would liek things in order anyway but of chaos here and there make things exciting

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You could certainly beam a planet into that orbit, and a planet would have sufficient mass to maintain a circular orbit off centre for at least a little while (and by a little while I mean maybe an 8th of one orbit, if it's really really big), but it would pretty quickly degrade into a brand new eliptical orbit which would then probably take a few million years to stabilize. If it was placed poorly to begin with, it would actually turn into a parabolic or hyperbolic orbit before it completes one revolution, and just leave the system entirely.

By definition, a circular orbit can only exist if all points of the orbit are equidistant from the center of the sum off all gravitational bodies exerting influence on it, which is roughly the center of the star, or the center of gravity of all the stars in binary and trinary systems. A circular orbit can be maintained on a trajectory where the center of rotation is not also the center of gravity, because gravity will always work to move the center of rotation to it's own center.

The only way around this I can think of would be a biunary system with both a magnetar and normal neutron star, and you have a planet made out of a ferromagnetic material (iron being the obvious one). While gravity would be between the two stars, the magnetic interaction between the magnetar and iron planet would easily trump the extreme gravitational forces, and the planet would be able to center on the magnetic force instead of the gravitational force. Of course, in such a system the planet would be torn apart instantly from magnetic and gravitational sheering, right before the neutron stars consumed each other/tore each other to pieces and reformed as a singularity (black hole).

And if somehow the system didn't tear itself to pieces, the magnetar and neutron stars would actually rotate around each other, causing the center of magnetic influence to move. This would probably give the iron planet an orbit looking more like it came out of a spirograph.

EDIT: Tought about this a bit more, and it probably wont work. Even with all the magnetic force that a magnatar has, I'm not sure it would be able to trump it's own immense gravitational force, seeing as neutron stars and their variants (magnetars and pulsars) are secong only to gravitational singularities.

On the topic of .17, I quite like the idea of planet cool aid, though I might have gone for lime green instead of neon red. Minimus and the Mun are already quite dull, so I think it's time to change it up and give us a neon planet. When all is said and done and we have our 8 planets (I think that's their plan), I would like to have 2 or 3 neon planets with neon moons, because we can. The other 5 or 6 can be all washed out, though I hope we get a washed out green planet as well (planet Matrix!).

Edited by Randox
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