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"Build a new unmaned probe that has an antenna and can generate power" not ticked with source of power and antenna?

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Hello there again,

my second day on this forum and already my second post... so. I just spend a full hour designing and getting a satelite into orbit to fulfill a contract, and when I finally got it up there, I noticed that I completed every condition expect :"Build a new unmaned probe that has an antenna and can generate power". Now, I know, there are plenty of posts like this on a bunch of forums and the answer is always "you have to put a solar panel on" or "you have to put an antenna on", but, look:




Thats the probe... has 4 solar panels, is unmaned, build after the contract was acepted and the antena is also there....


I do not use any mods,

thanks for any help,


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The dish you have on there is a relay antenna, meant to pass along signals from other antennas and relays. That's fine to have on there, but you need an actual broadcasting antenna that can send signals from the craft itself to fulfill the contract. One of the Cummonotrons. Any will do at such a short distance.

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I use relays for all my sat contract antennas so I dont think that is the problem.

Is the orbit going the right way? I know its checked but Ive also noticed that the contracts are a bit buggy. Like, you also have "maintain stability for 10 seconds" checked in both contracts above this one even though you arent even working on those contracts.

Can you post a picture of the intended orbit and the orbit your sat is currently in?

Edited by Biggen
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10 minutes ago, Biggen said:

I use relays for all my sat contract antennas so I dont think that is the problem.

Is the orbit going the right way? I know its checked but Ive also noticed that the contracts are a bit buggy. Like, you also have "maintain stability for 10 seconds" checked in both contracts above this one even though you arent even working on those contracts.

Can you post a picture of the intended orbit and the orbit your sat is currently in?

I don't put relays on sats unless I have to, so you may be right about the antenna. But it can't be the orbit, the box is checked. All the boxes are except "build a new probe..." So either it was built before the contract was excepted, can't generate power, or doesn't have an antenna. Something's not right there.

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31 minutes ago, Biggen said:

I use relays for all my sat contract antennas so I dont think that is the problem.

Is the orbit going the right way? I know its checked but Ive also noticed that the contracts are a bit buggy. Like, you also have "maintain stability for 10 seconds" checked in both contracts above this one even though you arent even working on those contracts.

Can you post a picture of the intended orbit and the orbit your sat is currently in?

Relay antennae work just as well as any other antenna to complete this part of the contract. Any antenna, except the internal one, will suffice.
If a part of the contract is checked off, it is checked off. As bugged as the contract system is it will NOT check off something if it is not completed. However the opposite DOES happen.

If you are sure you do have completed all the requirements of a contract and it still won't complete make a quicksave [F5] for safety and exit the game. Restart the game and go back to the offending craft. Pretty much guaranteed the contract will now complete as it should without any difficulty.


Q: My contract won't complete.
A1: Are you sure you're orbiting in the right direction? Watch how the highlights on the target orbit are moving. You should be going in the same direction. Also check the AN and DN markers, if they are close to 180 you are orbiting in the opposite direction.
A2: The contract system still contains a few bugs. If you are confident you've met all the contract requirements don't despair, Quicksafe [F5] and exit the game. Restart the game and return to the craft that failed to complete. Almost guaranteed now the contract will complete without a problem.


Edited by Tex_NL
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Some of the contracts are poorly worded and the requirements to fulfill them should have been more carefully thought out.

The "Maintain stability for 10 seconds" should not be on its own line for contracts like these. It should read something like "Maintain stability for 10 seconds WHILE [insert orbit here]".

The way its written now, you are partially completing all contracts that require a "Maintan stability..." by coasting no where near any intended orbit.  Anyway, Tex gave some good recommendations above.

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thanks for all the info and support. Apparently, when I launched my rocket, the "Build a new unmaned probe that has an antenna and can generate power" was checked and then when I separated to the second stage, it justgot  unchecked... the orbit was perfectly correct, the probe had power... I tried relaunching a couple of times and dumping my first stage right after takeoff and I had the same problem again and again, and after like 10 times, the problem dissapeared...  SAVING AND RESTARTING THE GAME IS THE SOLUTION. I had the problem again after that, loaded the last save and it works... so probably just an anoying bug.

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Did the second stage also have a probe core?  I think I've heard about this sort of issue, where you have to leave the craft and return to it.

Also, the good thing about the Maintain requirement being its own line is that means nothing else is coupled to it, so you can see when your orbit is considered a match and cut thrust.

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2 hours ago, Kryxal said:

Also, the good thing about the Maintain requirement being its own line is that means nothing else is coupled to it, so you can see when your orbit is considered a match and cut thrust.

No, actually you cant. If you coast ANYWHERE you will get the "Maintain for 10 seconds" checked off. It is not tied to the orbit you are trying to achieve. Look at his screen shots above. He is getting "Maintain for 10 seconds" checked off for two contracts above the one he is working on. One if them is for a friggin Minmus base. :/

That is what Im talking about. That is why it needs a "Maintain for 10 seconds WHILE in [insert orbit]"...

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3 hours ago, Kryxal said:

Did the second stage also have a probe core?  I think I've heard about this sort of issue, where you have to leave the craft and return to it.

The first stage (the one I said I dumped and the tick dissapeared) stage had no probe core at all, it was just a mainsal engine and a couple of fuel tanks, thats all, just used for a basic liftoff. The second stage with the main vessel obviously had a probe core... basicly I dumped an engine and a tank and the tick dissap... wait a minute. I maybee have a solution. What if my root part was the bottom engine (not a part of the vessel after separation) so therefore the contract got unchecked cause I esentially (using in-game logic) dumped the vessel ? Hey, that might be actualy it!

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If you look at what is ticked off when you'll notice that as soon as you move again the 'maintain 10 seconds' tick is removed. Every time you stop 'moving' (changing orientation, changing speed, etc.) the timer restarts. It does EXACTLY what it's supposed to do.
If it would be ticked off and not re-checked it would for example be possible to simply burn prograde and raise your AP straight past the required altitude and still being rewarded reaching the desired orbit. The way it is now you must raise your AP, stop and hold position. Only then will the contract complete.

But I do wonder why we're even discussing the 'maintain 10 seconds' part. This was ticked off in the OP's contract exactly as it should. That part was NOT to blame for the contract not completing.

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58 minutes ago, Tex_NL said:

If you look at what is ticked off when you'll notice that as soon as you move again the 'maintain 10 seconds' tick is removed. Every time you stop 'moving' (changing orientation, changing speed, etc.) the timer restarts. It does EXACTLY what it's supposed to do.
If it would be ticked off and not re-checked it would for example be possible to simply burn prograde and raise your AP straight past the required altitude and still being rewarded reaching the desired orbit. The way it is now you must raise your AP, stop and hold position. Only then will the contract complete.

My point is it shouldnt ever be ticked off until the proper orbit is achieved.  Its confusing for new people to see partially completed contracts when you are no where near where you need to be. Then when you move it goes back to unchecked. What is the point of this flip flopping from checked and not checked everytime you burn/coast??

Maintaining 10 second stability should only matter once the proper orbit is achieved. Until then it should never be checked. Your right, it is working EXACTLY as it is intended in its current state... As sloppy code writing as that may be...

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My issue with coupling it with other conditions isn't with IT being coupled to those conditions ... it's the probability of the OTHER CONDITIONS being coupled to IT.  I'd really not like to see the Maintain check and the In Specified Orbit check combined into one with neither showing on their own...

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  • 1 month later...
On March 4, 2017 at 6:24 AM, Anonymmm said:

"Build a new unmaned probe that has an antenna and can generate power" was checked and then when I separated to the second stage, it justgot  unchecked

Yeah, I've noticed this being a problem with rockets where I have used the merge option when constructing, or when I've used a sub assembly.  Seems to screw up the rooting and staging of the design, so it might have done this as well.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 6 years later...

I just read this and found your answer. I had the same problem I separated the probe on its designated orbit, then switched craft to the probe. All objectives were then checked.

I just read this and found your answer. I had the same problem I separated the probe on its designated orbit, then switched craft to the probe. All objectives were then checked

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11 hours ago, Rigger100472 said:

I just read this and found your answer. I had the same problem I separated the probe on its designated orbit, then switched craft to the probe. All objectives were then checked.

I just read this and found your answer. I had the same problem I separated the probe on its designated orbit, then switched craft to the probe. All objectives were then checked

Glad it worked out for you. :)

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@Vanamonde  have you seen anywhere on the forum an updated useful user FAQ along the lines of what @Tex_NL had created but seems to have been lost (& quoted with the answer to this issue in this thread)...if so I would be grateful for the link so I can bookmark it...


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27 minutes ago, AloE said:

@Vanamonde  have you seen anywhere on the forum an updated useful user FAQ along the lines of what @Tex_NL had created but seems to have been lost (& quoted with the answer to this issue in this thread)...if so I would be grateful for the link so I can bookmark it...


I am not aware of any. 

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