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Update 1.2.9 Pre-release: Localization Pack is here!


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1 hour ago, Noobton said:

How does one change the language?

Check the video tutorial for the instructions. In very short: on the 'Language' tab of the Steam Properties of KSP.

Btw, if anyone wishes to quickly test a different language, by changing the language in the Steam Properties it'll just replace the localization files, which is a very quick download.

Edited by swjr-swis
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30 minutes ago, dok_377 said:

It seems like I can't switch it to russian. Language switch does nothing, game just downloads original english files

I just switched the language to Russian, and it downloaded 61.2MB of Russian localization files, with this as result:




Are you changing the language of Steam itself, or of the 'Kerbal Space Program' entry in your Steam Library? You need to do the second, not the first. If in doubt, follow the link in the OP to the video tutorial, it shows step by step how to select the language.

And just in case: check that you're starting the correct copy of KSP on your disk(s), if you have multiple copies installed.

Edited by swjr-swis
corrected image link
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59 minutes ago, swjr-swis said:

I just switched the language to Russian, and it downloaded 61.2MB of Russian localization files, with this as result:

  Reveal hidden contents



Are you changing the language of Steam itself, or of the 'Kerbal Space Program' entry in your Steam Library? You need to do the second, not the first. If in doubt, follow the link in the OP to the video tutorial, it shows step by step how to select the language.

And just in case: check that you're starting the correct copy of KSP on your disk(s), if you have multiple copies installed.

Of course I'm changing the language of the game and run the correct copy. It looks like my steam properties for the language is not doing anything for some reason. Even if I change it, nothing is downloading. Might be a problem on my end, tried other game and it didn't work either. 

Edit: Nope. Just tried it on fallout 3 and it immediately queued an update. For some games this works, for some don't. Sadly for me, ksp is one of the not working ones. 

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2 minutes ago, swjr-swis said:

No, no option to choose font, the fonts in the game are predefined.

Oh... I wants to change the font.

Maybe I'd have to wait for the next release.

Edited by Reusables
minimal edit
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Crashed on loading the first three times.  I didn't have many mods so I just deleted them all (some were from 1.1) now runs fine, so far.  (Well I didn't delete NavBallTextureChanger which works fine).


Edit: Not sure maybe people misunderstood: this not a complaint just a reporting of what is probably a common situation and a simple way to fix it.  I'm sure lots of people in their zeal just update and forget about their mods.  In my case I figured it would work or it wouldn't and indeed the only mod I really care about still works--that's a GOOD thing.  No harm in trying and no harm in letting people know what may happen if they also are thinking of doing this.

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4 minutes ago, Abastro said:

Oh... I wants to change the font.

Maybe I'd have to wait for the next release.

This is an unlikely option, and very uncommon for games to offer - devs tend to pick and choose what their UI looks like, including the fonts used. In addition, fonts with the level of support for localization and sizing that KSP requires are not easy or cheap to come by, and even a small difference in point size or kerning could potentially look very bad on the UI or make things unreadable, so it's not a 'freedom' many devs willingly allow.

I am curious though: what font were you hoping to use in place of which one in the game, and what benefits were you expecting from it? If you can explain/show, you could try creating a Feedback report in the pre-release bug tracker with the request.


Just now, kBob said:

Crashed on loading the first three times.  I didn't have many mods ...

Pre-release versions should never be attempted with mods, at all. No guarantees of proper operation are given by either Squad or the mod developers - in fact both warn against it.

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2 minutes ago, swjr-swis said:

Pre-release versions should never be attempted with mods, at all. No guarantees of proper operation are given by either Squad or the mod developers - in fact both warn against it.

I was curious to see what would happen and reported what did as people always ask about mods this is one example of what can happen.  No biggie and it's working with my current career so far.

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11 minutes ago, swjr-swis said:

This is an unlikely option, and very uncommon for games to offer

I didn't know (actually, forgot) that. Makes sense.

The current font just looked too strict as in-game text for me. Or it might be from the annoyance from the bug with spacing on resource tab and such.

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thank you for the pre-release, squad!

so the mods are able to take a look on the changes with localizations.


i'm really mad about some people here. the comments are rude. it's a pre-realease and a big change for the game. my KSP was also crashing at start. i didn't complain squad or someone else. i just removed my mods into another folder and tried again. the mods needs to be re-done. not a problem for me. i can wait for pre-realeases. i think the most common mods will do this fast (kerbal engineer, mechjeb, eve, etc)


again thank you squad. i'm looking forward to the sentinel telescope. i never tried that and i will love to build satellites for LKO :)


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42 minutes ago, TheEpicSquared said:

I can't wait to get home from school to try it out!

And about the Asteroid Day mod, since it's integrated into the stock game now, I'm assuming the mod isn't available to download, or at least isn't being developed any more?

as i saw today morning: it's not implemented in this version of the pre-realease. but i think it will follow soon.

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About the ARM mod. Let's say I have it installed. And official update comes out with the SENTINEL in it. It will break my already existing telescopes if I delete the mod then, right? I mean part files won't be in the same place, so my old vessels will try to use mod files, not stock ones.

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2 hours ago, TheEpicSquared said:

I can't wait to get home from school to try it out!

And about the Asteroid Day mod, since it's integrated into the stock game now, I'm assuming the mod isn't available to download, or at least isn't being developed any more?

The plan is that the last downloadable version will be the one on curseforge now for 1.2 , and no new download for 1.3, but integrated to stock.


55 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

Reading the splashscreen

  Reveal hidden contents

This is pre-release of 1.2, it can differ from the version updated to 1.2

Version in the right lower corner:
I thought, we're already playing 1.2 and waiting for 1.3.


Unfortunatly that dialog was a casualty in the localization, and an old version of the dialog displayed. It will be solved in the next build and the current localization build you have is


1 hour ago, The Aziz said:

About the ARM mod. Let's say I have it installed. And official update comes out with the SENTINEL in it. It will break my already existing telescopes if I delete the mod then, right? I mean part files won't be in the same place, so my old vessels will try to use mod files, not stock ones.

It may at that yes, will do our best to maintain parity, but not with mods installed inside the prerelease, only with saves from 1.2 and the matched version


1 hour ago, Wallygator said:

Well...  Thanks for the update.

Can anyone advise how I to start the 1.2.9pre-release in MAC OS ? (Bug report 14323)

Sal has posted some thoughts for you in the ticket: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/14323

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4 hours ago, dok_377 said:

Edit: Nope. Just tried it on fallout 3 and it immediately queued an update. For some games this works, for some don't. Sadly for me, ksp is one of the not working ones.

Did you also select the prerelease version in the 'betas' tab of the KSP Steam properties? You need both that and the language, because the localization files are only in the prerelease version at the moment.

If even the above check is not queuing an update: under the 'local files' tab, you can click on 'verify integrity of game files...' to force Steam to compare the files and download any differences.

And finally, check your Steam Settings, under 'Downloads': the Steam content server you are connecting to may not have updated its file cache for KSP correctly/yet. Select a different Download Region to force Steam to try some other server, and see if that helps.

Outside of that, you might want to file a bug report so the devs can look at it.

Edited by swjr-swis
additional check for content server
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5 hours ago, dok_377 said:

Sadly for me, ksp is one of the not working ones.

Please try restarting the Steam client, this solves it for me whenever I get a stuck update, or double click KSP to run it, this should force an update.


28 minutes ago, swjr-swis said:

Outside of that, you might want to file a bug report so the devs can look at it.

Not sure what Squad can do about Steam, the question should go to Valve.

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For me, there is nothing in this update. I've never encountered any of the bugs that have been solved, and I'm perfectly fine with English (as a non-native English speaker, I think -everybody- should learn English, and games are one of the ways to learn English :) )

Can the next update actually add something for me (and many others like me...)? Think some actual content, like stock life-support, extra gas-giants or rocket-revamp/rebalancing... The stock game still feels very much unfinished.

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14 hours ago, UomoCapra said:


Hello everyone,


The public pre-release of the localization pack is here!


It has been a massive undertaking to localize Kerbal Space Program in four more languages: Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Russian and Spanish.


Around 4,000,000 lines of code carefully revised to catalogue all the aspects that needed to be localized and addressed.

More than 82,000 words translated.
456 images created for textures and UI.

684 slides prepared for the KSPedia.


For the past few months more than 20 dedicated volunteers threw everything they’ve got at the game in order to help us catch any error and to ensure that the KSP humor and technical accuracy was kept intact. They did an incredible job and we can’t express enough gratitude for their help, but now we need more eyes to help us polish the final details of the localization effort to ensure a high quality experience to all KSP players around the world.


This test build is open for everyone before we officially release the update (1.3). You’ll be able to opt-in via the Steam betas and through the KSP Store. Naturally, you’ll need to own a copy of the game beforehand in order to access these builds.


A Pre-release project has been made available on the bug tracker to report errors and/or unlocalized texts. Additionally, to facilitate discussions of the Pre-release branch we’ll be opening up a temporary sub-forum for feedback, but while talking about and exploring bugs on the forum is welcomed, we highly encourage you to use the bug tracker to ensure the team gets all your feedback. For more details of what and how to report, click here.


If you need help to get the pre-release builds on your language, check these download tutorials to start playing (the KSP Store tutorial will be made available tomorrow, March 17th).


Steam video tutorials:



But that is not all, throughout the pre-release phase, two “additions” will be inserted to the builds:


  • Ambient Light Adjustment: A Boost value to the ambient light setting that can brighten the render engine settings to bring light into the darkness.

  • Asteroid Redirect Mod: The official mod will finally be merged to the base game to add that extra facet to contract gameplay without needing an extra download - including the SENTINEL Infrared Telescope.



Alright! About darn time we got improvement of the ambient light. 

Also, concerning the asteroid redirect thingy; if an asteroid crashes into Kerbin, will it leave a crater mark? I hope it does.

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57 minutes ago, Chris_2 said:

For me, there is nothing in this update. I've never encountered any of the bugs that have been solved, and I'm perfectly fine with English (as a non-native English speaker, I think -everybody- should learn English, and games are one of the ways to learn English :) )

Can the next update actually add something for me (and many others like me...)? Think some actual content, like stock life-support, extra gas-giants or rocket-revamp/rebalancing... The stock game still feels very much unfinished.

or the multiplayer that was promised back when KMP (theGimp) first came out and we were talking with squad people in Teamspeak! I was there in the channel with theGimp so I know what was discussed. I won't discuss that conversation here publicly which was the motivating factor that I purchased the game

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