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11 hours ago, Badie said:

Yes we will keep our promise 

I have only had the game for a year, so it doesn't include me, but this still makes me very happy.

good on you Squad!

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32 minutes ago, tater said:

We agree on a lot of things in terms of how the game would ideally be...

But I could not disagree more with the general tone of this. Squad is a business, and the people who continue to work on the game deserve to make money. I said above that my basic cable plus HBO (Game of Thrones, lol) sat TV costs nearly $100 a month. Maybe it's 70, I can't remember. Its a lot of money. It's frankly too much money, typing this makes me want to unsub it, lol. Anyway, I play KSP at least as much as I watch TV, and KSP is a steal in terms of value per dollar. I'd feel obliged to pay for this DLC even if it was only adding multiplayer---a kind of KSP gameplay I will never use, because I fundamentally disagree with instancing. Why? Because I didn't pay enough for KSP.



I'm not against paying for games or DLCs. I'm against milking. This game isn't even finished. There were so many things that were promised and never introduced. And now what we are being offered are things that mods offer (with fancy UI). OK, I see the point of supporting the project to get something out of it/see it going, but at this point it feels like one of these Kickstarter projects, except without a clear goal and a bunch of things others already offer for free.

It's just the way I see it. I would buy a new game. Not this.

EDIT: To be clear: I've just checked and it seems I got the game in 2012 so I'm getting the DLC for free, but I'm still against it.

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11 minutes ago, KerbinNation said:

Rune, along with Civ5, KSP was the first game that got me into buyable games, and I'm trashing it because I want it to be good. I don't feel obliged a tiny bit to pay for DLC. I payed 22$ for 0.22, I also think I deserve the DLC.

Well, we are on different sides of a pretty arbitrary line... how would you feel if our places were reversed, and I was saying I didn't mind to pay for it? Would you argue that even though you get it free, I shouldn't pay either? Where does Squad draw the line between early adopters and others? Because form this side, if the line was moved, I'd move it so that it went my way, and we both paid*, but you clearly see things the opposite way. Not that any of us is impartial, so yeah, I suppose we will end up agreeing to disagree.


*Non-english speaker note: in what tense should that "to pay" be? I took by best guess, but it's nagging me, so if I can use this opportunity to learn, thx in advance!


Rune. And a good thing you don't have to buy the optional DLC, then.

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13 minutes ago, Rune said:

*Non-english speaker note: in what tense should that "to pay" be? I took by best guess, but it's nagging me, so if I can use this opportunity to learn, thx in advance!




I think it's under progressive - indicative - past


EDIT: sorry didn't see the asterisk! That one is paid. The first one "didn't mind to pay for it" should have been "didn't mind paying for it".

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57 minutes ago, Veeltch said:

I suggested making a new game many times. Releasing DLCs for an unfinished one is just ridiculous. What's next? A delta-V readout DLC? And a TWR calculator one after that?


Talking about fun-per-dollar: fair enough. KSP always was a great modding platform. The base (unmodded) game and fun? Hm...

I have nothing against DLCs as long as they add something no mod can add. That list up there? I've seen it done already.

[Edited by adsii1970 for content I am going to respond to]

@Veeltch: I agree with you. But I would be willing to pay for DLC if it were:

  • Able to be integrated into the "stock" KSP in a manner that would not have a significant footprint or would reduce the footprint compared to the mods currently available. So for me, I'd be willing to pay for DLC that incorporated features from KER, KIS, or even OPM if it were able to reduce the footprint. When you run 57 mods, any way to streamline the game would be beneficial.
  • Be more than the list given above; now include the completed stock rocket part revamp by PorkJet, and well, that would be great. I would also want more features.
  • Make the original in-land KSC site actually usable and an option to set it as a default launch site.
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I hope lots of people buy this DLC and Squad makes a lot of money. I am sad though, because I am starting to think we will never have stock clouds. DV/TWR I can deal with, with RO/Real Fuels I'd need Mechjeb anway. That we'll always have to deal with modded, sometimes glitchy, always bad performance-to-visuals ratio clouds makes me sad. (EVE is great and I appreciate the work that has gone into it, but it seems like it's never gonna equal what something that people with access to the game's internals could do.)

Being in space with no clouds makes the game still look unfinished to me. :(

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5 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

@Veeltch: I agree with you. But I would be willing to pay for DLC if it were:

  • Able to be integrated into the "stock" KSP in a manner that would not have a significant footprint or would reduce the footprint compared to the mods currently available. So for me, I'd be willing to pay for DLC that incorporated features from KER, KIS, or even OPM if it were able to reduce the footprint. When you run 57 mods, any way to streamline the game would be beneficial.
  • Be more than the list given above; now include the completed stock rocket part revamp by PorkJet, and well, that would be great. I would also want more features.
  • Make the original in-land KSC site actually usable and an option to set it as a default launch site.

I agree but I think most of these should actually be in the base game (like KER and the promised revamp) not a DLC. Can't like your post though (all the rep went to the modders).

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6 minutes ago, 0111narwhalz said:

I think that one would be "payed."

I don't think that is the past form of pay... :wink:

6 minutes ago, Long Finger said:




I think it's under progressive - indicative - past

That sounds a bit weird... "I would move it so it went my way, and be both paying". Yeah, more than a bit weird, I still think some form of past would be better. I'm pretty sure "I would move it so it went my way, and be both had to pay" would be correct, but with paid somehow it sounds a bit funny.


Rune. Yeah, that's my grammatical rule, wether something "sounds funny" or not. :rolleyes:

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1 minute ago, Rune said:

I don't think that is the past form of pay... :wink:

That sounds a bit weird... "I would move it so it went my way, and be both paying". Yeah, more than a bit weird, I still think some form of past would be better. I'm pretty sure "I would move it so it went my way, and be both had to pay" would be correct, but with paid somehow it sounds a bit funny.


Rune. Yeah, that's my grammatical rule, wether something "sounds funny" or not. :rolleyes:

Yeah sorry I edited my post above because I thought you were talking about a different sentence.

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So it's been confirmed that that Squad will keep their promise to give free DLC's to people that bought the game before April 2013.(and that's great) But I bought the game on 2012-07-20 on the KSP site and I transferred the game to Steam on 2015-8-26 and I wonder if/how could I can I get when it releases?

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8 minutes ago, Veeltch said:

I agree but I think most of these should actually be in the base game (like KER and the promised revamp) not a DLC. Can't like your post though (all the rep went to the modders).

You know, after further thought... you are right about this. So, for DLC, why not include more stock planets, interplanetary drives and craft pieces, and things like comets. This way it actually can add to the game in a manner that gives more advanced players more challenges and things to see.

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2 hours ago, minepagan said:

To the first part: point made, and after sitting back for a bit I think its a good idea for a DLC

When I say "it" I am refering to the missions. But if what I read from the OP is correct, there will be 2 packs, so I'm good with that.


Now for the second part, "finished"

I think a game is "finished" when the Devs fulfill all their promises. There are quite a few things we've been promised over the years, and a few of those promises still haven't been fulfilled.

Speaking of, on a semi-related note, would Squad be legally allowed to integrate what Porkjet did finish into the stock game? THAT would be pretty rad.


EDIT: After reading over the OP again, I'm not sure - is it 1 expansion with 2 main features, or 2 seprate smaller expansions/DLCs?

One expansion mate - with multiple components/features/things

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8 minutes ago, Long Finger said:

Yeah sorry I edited my post above because I thought you were talking about a different sentence.

Yup, you caught the mistake I made while I was obsessing with the thing I had written right. :rolleyes: Well, as long as I learn something, right? :)


Rune. And I'll stop the OT now.

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6 hours ago, mcirish3 said:

@SQUAD so i know you have confirmed you will keep your promise. Great news!  But for those of us who bought before April 2013 like myself but who transfered to steam during the 1.1 testing fiasko will that transfer complicate you keeping your promise?


I know someone else asked this too.  Did we get an answer that I somehow missed?  I know the devs answered other posts since then.  Any case really just want a yes or no.  (well if 'no' then I will grab my pitchfork but well...) sorry to pester if already answered.

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when I discovered this in FACS (oh yay! this really is its only use! looking up kerbalstuff) I made a song

I forgot that song

but YAAAAY!!!! KSP DLC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


in seriousness, I bought the game from the KSP store (April 2016? do I count?) and will there be something where I could buy this and any future DLCs?

and any rough ET on release? same time as 1.3?

EDIT: how did they get more then three tags? is it super staff powers that the great and glorious SQUAD monkey give them?

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  • Thoughts, Im not too fond of the idea of scoring. I dont like the dynamic it adds to the game.
  • It doesnt say there are extra engines. Id love some new stock engines that do more than rocketry. Perhaps even the ability to ture engines for different areas. For example stock electric engines (ducted fans, or props) or even rotors with a means to control it naturally or perhaps even LFO powered would be great additions.
  • Id love to see improved autopilot modes here. Another feature id love over most of the features here and one thats missing from the game that I would think would be somewhat crucial. There are plenti of uses as well. having your SSTO land it self for example (whether that be through save trickery, multiple physics instances (multicore even?)or not) would be great.

Dont get me wrong, This game has been an absolutely crazy value proposition at 15 bucks for hundred of hours of quality entertainment, and because of that I dont mind an additional 5-15 but this just feels like its missing a few things I would have thought would be first on the to do list or are things I dont think would be too taxing to throw in.

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15 hours ago, DarthVader said:

Paid expansion except for those who bought the game before April 2013?


I was around during that time, but I feel like it makes sense to contribute for the progression of the game.  Just from a cost perspective, KSP has given me countless hours of enjoyment for less than an a penny per hour.  Isn't it worth paying for?

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Well I bought this game in June 2013 for absolute peanuts when compared to many many games I have paid far more for and extracted far far less enjoyment out of.  I am delighted with the announcement and will gladly put my hand in my wallet for quality official content, along with continuing to enjoy modded content far into the future.

The mission builder sounds like a great idea, and I can see it breathing new life into the challenge forums.  If DLC is the way forwards for @SQUAD to continue working on KSP, and provide a bridge towards a future KSP:2 then I'm all for it.

You are making KSP:2 aren't you?  If you aren't then I retract my entire post :wink:


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