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[KSP 1.3.1] Stock Size Real Solar System []


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Well today I realised how incredibly tiny the Jovian moons are vs their parent... this is Io, with an SoI a little over 700km, and about the loosest insertion burn that would capture.


I had hoped that by intersecting its orbit twice per loop, despite being nearly 90 degrees out of plane, I would be allow capture without massive fuss. Unfortunately... it needs over 6km/s and my probe has just over 3 :blush:

Is there any hope for this mission? I've got a manoeuvre which will flyby Ganymede at just 6km altitude, but it only tweaks the orbital inclination by about 5 degrees... amusingly, the orbit after encounter actually intersects with Io's, but methinks it will need more than that to get the job done. Man, I miss Tylo! Not feeling like I'm going to get any gravity assists worth talking about from this lot...

How is everyone else handling this? Is Jupiter just that much harder than stock, should I go out to Saturn or even Neptune first and gather some sweet sweet sciences? Or did I just underestimate the pain of Jovian plane change and I need to send another mission that can arrive in alignment with the moons?

Also, I tried Scatterer, but it made the martian dust and sky black... am I just being a noob?

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For the record, my problem with delta-v was all about inclination. The moons do little to help you change it, so it's important to bring your vessel in within a reasonable deviation. I managed ten degrees, just barely closed the orbit, and it only cost a few hundred m/s to level out. I could have looped past Ganymede about 15 times, with each one lowering the inclination by about 4-5 degrees, but in the end I just couldn't be bothered and sent another mission.

Still miss Tylo for gravity assists though. Suddenly I realise how crazy OP that moon is. No such thing as a free capture at Jupiter! :P 

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I'm having a problem where the height maps seem really out of whack. Installed everything as-per the instructions, no extra tweaking, but KSC spawns in the ground and the height of all mountains on Earth is seriously exaggerated. I didn't see any notice of this issue in a quick scan of the thread, or a fix, any insight?

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  On 11/23/2017 at 2:13 PM, tjsnh said:

I'm having a problem where the height maps seem really out of whack. Installed everything as-per the instructions, no extra tweaking, but KSC spawns in the ground and the height of all mountains on Earth is seriously exaggerated. I didn't see any notice of this issue in a quick scan of the thread, or a fix, any insight?


Sounds like you didn’t install sigma dimensions.

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  On 11/23/2017 at 2:35 PM, Galileo said:

Sounds like you didn’t install sigma dimensions.


I've got the latest sigma dimensions.


Update: Re-installing sigma dimensions resolved the issue.

It looks like my antivirus was blocking it's DLL for some reason.
Note to anyone using symantec, you'll need to manually trust sigmadimension's DLL file

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11km above Callisto... which is nowhere to be seen :huh:


Io does the same thing, but is visible above 30km. Callisto appears to be completely cloaked... Any thoughts folks? Not using Scatterer or DOE.

*edit* Nevermind... reinstalled SSRS and RSS-Textures. They weren't technically outdated, but something was apparently corrupt/missing. Callisto is visible :) 

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Sorry, genuine bug this time @Galileo... the radius of Mimas is 50km. The SoI of Mimas is also 50km. It's... quite difficult to get to :D 

For my own game, I've edited the SSRSS_Kopernicus.cfg to specify an SoI of 100000 (which ended up as 150km; you have a multiplier set in SSRSS_Sigma.cfg). It's still tight AF, but at least it's visitable now :)

			!useTheInName = True
			%displayName = Mimas^N
			%sphereOfInfluence = 100000

Edit: I don't know how to set the science altitudes though. "Low in space" doesn't seem to exist at all :<

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  On 12/6/2017 at 12:59 PM, Delay said:

Can you not land on a body without gravity/inaccessable SOI? Why?


You can't orbit it without being in the SoI, so you'll have to plot a direct rendezvous/collision. You won't get instrumental help (i.e. altitude) because you're not in the body's SoI, so you'll have to eyeball the whole approach including matching velocities. You also won't be affected by its gravity, so you're effectively docking with it rather than falling onto it. Given that everywhere on the surface will be above zero altitude, even when landed you still won't be in the SoI, so you'll need to stick yourself down either with engines/RCS or a mod like KIS+KAS. Even then, you may not get surface science because there's no reason the game should consider you to have landed.

Technically you can try to do these things, but KSP has exactly no instances of landing on a body while not being in its SoI. It's entirely possible that you'll either pass straight through the surface (because why load and process a collision mesh when the ship is outside the body's SoI and therefore can't possibly collide with it?), crash the game because you're in a place you shouldn't be, or explode every time you make contact. Feel free to try it out, but expect failure :) 

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  On 12/8/2017 at 1:05 AM, djb742 said:

for some reason it wont do anything if someone can send more detailed instruction and where to put files if its not gamedata please tell me


Sorry you're having problems. Can you give more detail about what "it wont do anything" means? Tell us what you've tried and what's not working.

The first thing to check though is that you followed the install instructions on the first page of this forum exactly. The instructions are very thorough. If you can tell us which step is causing you grief that would help a lot.

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  On 12/8/2017 at 6:01 PM, Tyko said:

Sorry you're having problems. Can you give more detail about what "it wont do anything" means? Tell us what you've tried and what's not working.

The first thing to check though is that you followed the install instructions on the first page of this forum exactly. The instructions are very thorough. If you can tell us which step is causing you grief that would help a lot.


if someone can make a video on how to download each file for mac that would be amazing if thats not possible i will send step by step instruction on how i downloaded it

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Having an issue, Mission Control is sitting somewhere in Colombia, not where it should be. I'm using RemoteTech if that's relevant.

Also, should the space center be sitting on top of a city texture?

Appreciate any help.

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the ssrss says to download ssrss and rss but ksp says rss is out of date and the mod won't do anything i put rss textures in game data sigma in gamedata kopernicus and ssrss

any help is appreciated 


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