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Mission Idea: Emulating Real Life in Kerbal Space Program [WIP] [Submit a Payload] [Become a Launch or Payload Provider]

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On 4/9/2017 at 5:48 PM, StupidAndy said:


@TheEpicSquared you are granted the great and powerful DUAL CONTRACT for Flesba TNASS and Vagbon I (which I might need more later :wink:)

I'm still thinking for my five satellites...

Thanks! I'll add it to the manifest. 

On 4/9/2017 at 6:25 PM, kerbinorbiter said:

oh, no my rocket doesnt fly verywell (well, thats what i get for not testing) am i alowed to go back to the drawing board or no?

Also ive came up with a new nameing scheme!

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Sure, your rocket hasn't launched yet, so you can change it.

On 4/9/2017 at 6:30 PM, icantmakemodels said:

I hereby reserve all the noble gasses as rocket names. Athena I has been Re-named to The Helium Rocket

List of ICMM industries reserved names

  Reveal hidden contents
  • Helium
  • Neon
  • Argon
  • Krypton
  • Xenon
  • Radon
  • Steve



On 4/9/2017 at 7:10 PM, 53miner53 said:

I want to reserve Copper, Bronze, Iron, and Steel.

Copper is already in development as my first rocket.


On 4/9/2017 at 7:19 PM, Numerlor said:

Reserving Eternity for now, also @TheEpicSquared List would be handy with this many reservations

I might make a list.

On 4/9/2017 at 7:20 PM, Seabo14 said:

My turn!

I reserve Greek letters, specifically Rho, Omicron and Lambda. I may use others later, if they are free :D


On 4/9/2017 at 7:22 PM, StupidAndy said:

for my satellites I reserve these names

  • Garrob
  • Zevober
  • Quaento


On 4/9/2017 at 7:38 PM, Uace24 said:

for my LV I reserve 





On 4/9/2017 at 7:38 PM, Skylon said:

Oh damn I forgot to update it. Will do. @TheEpicSquared don't launch anything with SkySat-1B before I have updated it


On 4/9/2017 at 7:41 PM, Brent Kerman said:

I want to schedule a demo flight for the Aquila 1. I want to up the ante, so don't launch till I have a satellite contract.


On 4/9/2017 at 7:55 PM, rkarmark said:

I need to reserve a few 








Just all planned sats in planned order more info soon(tm) 

Choose three please.

On 4/9/2017 at 10:37 PM, Mad Rocket Scientist said:


I'll add you to the OP in a minute.

On 4/9/2017 at 10:43 PM, kerbinorbiter said:

the Pimenova rocket has been verified safe for launch (testing on kerbin's ground) anyone want to take a chance on the Demo flight? i may even give you a discount since it is an unproven launch vehicle!

Wait, is this a new rocket, separate from the JebX Kerbin-2? Or is it the same rocket, just renamed? @kerbinorbiter please specify.

On 4/10/2017 at 10:25 AM, Skylon said:

Oh I am reserving these names for my future rocket series' 

  • Trillian
  • Zaphod

And for my satellites and probes:

  • SkySat
  • Mundust 
  • Mintdust
  • Dunedrag
  • Evedrag
  • Kerbol Orbital Advanced Telescope

Choose 3 please.

On 4/10/2017 at 0:06 PM, rkarmark said:

Is it okay that a lp offers a pp 50% of regular price if the pp flyes on the demo flight? 


On 4/10/2017 at 0:07 PM, Skylon said:


Launch deal: @FireKerb is launching his MunNet1 on my Arthur-1 rocket. See the other thread, page four.

Yeah the LPs can offer whatever prices they want to. The given price is just for the PPs to know which rocket is cheapest/best for them really.

^ What he said. And I'll add your launch to the manifest.

On 4/10/2017 at 1:49 PM, Brent Kerman said:

@TheEpicSquared If you launch my rocket from a non-equatorial pad, the orbit may need dropped to 80 km. Also, I want the "count" to release iteration two started immediately. Aquila 2 Block A has been extensively tested on my computer. (Only first stage is new, second stage is the one I've been using, does that lower development time?)


If anyone with a small payload is willing to fly on the Aquila 1 demo flight, you get a 50% discount. (Must be 1 ton or less)

Edit: If I need to have a launch before I can release a new iteration, please do a demo launch with a dead weight. (I tested mine with two terriers as payload.)

Also, I'm reserving the names Cygnus, Corvus, and Columba. (All are bird constellations.)

I can drop the orbit to 80km. Iteration 1 will be allowed after 3 months of game time, on Year 1, Day 107.

On 4/10/2017 at 5:13 PM, StupidAndy said:

okay! I have two heliology probes I need launching before we get hit by a CME, ones about .86 tons to about keostationary, but has to spend as little time in the magnetosphere as possible, the other has to be sent out to lower then eve orbit at the most, you can have it be lower then eve orbit and have the apoapsis be at Kerbin orbit, I just need it out of kerbin's atmosphere!

Corrmes CMES (the one that stays in Kerbin's SOI) https://kerbalx.com/Stupidandy/Corrmes-CMES, more info on page 3 of the submission thread near the bottom.

I made a satellite named zaphod yesterday :D

you can have the name but still, funny!

I can take one to keostationary. :wink: 

On 4/10/2017 at 5:39 PM, StupidAndy said:

oh yeah! remember @TheEpicSquared! don't forget I'm not a LP anymore so you don't have to launch my rocket, and I think that my satellite is flawed...

I'll take you off the LP list, thanks.

On 4/10/2017 at 5:41 PM, Skylon said:

@TheEpicSquared I just saw that you have persistent rotation installed, so don't spin-deploy on the demo launch. Deploy every quarter-orbit. 


On 4/10/2017 at 5:44 PM, Brent Kerman said:


 I just got a contract with @StupidAndy to launch two Garrob satellites on the demo flight of the Aquilla 1. Price: $12,500


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Launch two on one rocket to a 80 km orbit, then insert to 150 km required orbit. (Make sure to go to right inclination!)(Lowest possible please.)Please add one set of small OX-STAT panels in three symmetry to upper stage so it can survive the night. Recovery of second stage will likely be impossible. Andy says sats can do final circulzation at 150km if I cant.


The launch will be added to the manifest.

On 4/10/2017 at 6:13 PM, StupidAndy said:

how'd you get 25 tons?


On 4/10/2017 at 6:14 PM, Numerlor said:

Mainsail magic


On 4/10/2017 at 6:15 PM, StupidAndy said:

so 2.5 meters? has to be a second iteration

Yup, 2.5m fuel tanks or engines aren't allowed yet. They'll be allowed on the third iteration (which starts Year 1, Day 300).

On 4/10/2017 at 6:16 PM, Numerlor said:

15cdd8282efe511b3c36c9e06041b4e5.png also managed to put it to 29t


On 4/10/2017 at 6:20 PM, Skylon said:

@TheEpicSquared how do you feel about 2.5m on a second iteration? I won't do it myself (will have a couple more). I imagine it wouldn't really be what you were expecting/wanting.

Yeah... I was thinking 1.875m on second iteration, 2.5m on third. We'll go with that, I think.

On 4/10/2017 at 6:20 PM, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

It looks like kerbodyne S5-64000, -32000, -16000 and nose cone are free. The only cost from them is their fuel. Can I use these tanks?

Umm... 12.5m wide? I think that's like 10th iteration.

Sure, you can use them.

On 4/10/2017 at 6:26 PM, Numerlor said:

Without FAT 455 wings it is 5m

WAY too large, my friend. That won't be launching for a while...

On 4/10/2017 at 6:27 PM, Skylon said:

@TheEpicSquared do I get quicker R&D for just adding (extra) SRBs and extending the fuel tank? 

Yeah. See the KCT construction time for the first version, and subtract it from the construction time of the second (the reusable) version. Multiply this time by 10 (subject to change) and that's your development time.

On 4/10/2017 at 7:24 PM, Seabo14 said:

Sorry to keep asking, but what's the construction ETA on my launcher? 

I'll open up KSP and check. Your's is the Alpha_Mod-1, right?

On 4/11/2017 at 0:58 AM, Draconiator said:

How do demo flights work?  I think I almost got mine ready (need to tweakscale the bottom fins though...and wanna know how that is done.


On 4/11/2017 at 8:31 AM, Skylon said:

So you give a payload, normally close in weight to what you rated your rocket for, to be launched atop your rocket by TheEpicSquared

^ What he said.

On 4/11/2017 at 9:20 AM, Abastro said:

Do I need to fly a demo flight to be listed as LP with my launch vehicle? Then how can I request planning a demo flight?


On 4/11/2017 at 9:45 AM, Skylon said:

Once you give a .craft file and the stats you should be listed. Not sure if a demo flight is necessary to launch other things. You need a .craft for the lifter and test payload.

^ What he said.

22 hours ago, icantmakemodels said:

FYI @TheEpicSquared, The Helium design has been finalized. 





Stats (without payload)

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Height: 20m (Incl. average-sized fairing)

Mass: 17T

Parts: 27

DV: 5179m/s

MTO: 2t (untested, can do 1)

1st stage: splashdown in ocean by parachute

2nd stage: Splashdown in ocean by parachute if re-entry goes well.


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Price: 20,344 Kerbucks

1st stage recovery: ~10,000 -10% = ~9,000

2nd stage recovery: ~2,000 -10% = ~1800

Total refund from recovered stages: ~ 10,800 Kerbucks

Total: Approx. 9200 Kerbucks

+10% markup

Total customer cost: 10,150 Kerbucks


The OP will be updated.

22 hours ago, Skylon said:

Make sure to post it on the new thread, and I don't think this can launch uetyet

Yeah, @icantmakemodels, if the Helium is your first rocket (basically the renamed Athena I), it'll launch. If it's a changed version, you'll have to wait until your first launcher (the Helium? Please specify) launches. Thanks :) 

19 hours ago, Skylon said:

That 10% markup only accounts for launch costs, which are 0.1x extra. And first launch of a rocket costs 6x the normal price, so you are making negative profit there. Make sure you have read the rules thoroughly. Unless they were changed. What's the LKO payload?

@TheEpicSquared given that you have kerbinside installed when could I buy a launch site and how much would it cost? You could use the career mode prices as a guide line here.

Could you transfer just under 0.65t to the Mun? It has some thrusters too (RCS+Small tank) I mean the SkySat-1B. No idea what kind of price you want, but I'd like under 12,500 funds.

First launch is 6x to account for development costs.

I'm not sure about the Kerbinside stuff yet, I'll let you know in a few days.

18 hours ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

Would this be OK under the 1.25m rules?


The core tanks are 1.25m.


15 hours ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

Is this 0.1x the cost of the fueled or unfueled rocket?


14 hours ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

Sorry for spam, but I think someone might find this useful:


Copy it to your own account so you can edit it, then fill in the yellow cells. 

Ooh, helpful. Thanks! :) 

11 hours ago, Abastro said:

Hi, I made a launch vehicle capable of lifting 2t to LKO. With slight modification, it will also be able to lift 0.6t to geosynchronous orbit & 0.9t to mun intercept orbit. Selling on cheap-ish 4000:funds:, sign the contract before my budget runs out!

It's your first rocket? If so, I'll add you to the manifest.

7 hours ago, Skylon said:

@TheEpicSquared could you update my payload capacity to 3t?



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2 hours ago, Seabo14 said:

@Skylon I can take your payload to Munar orbit, but for 19,041 funds.

Sorry but I can't accept this, considering I can take it (and more) to Mun orbit for just 1,000 more than that.

Okay my launcher names are Trillian and Zaphod, and satellite names SkySat, Mundust, Mintdust

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1 minute ago, Skylon said:

@TheEpicSquared what ascent profile do you use? I'm not very good at working out which one is best for my rocket. My launcher have around 1.25 TWR

Well, I do a gradual gravity turn, ending up at 45 degrees at ~10km. I continue gradually turning sideways, aiming to get to ~65 degrees at ~23km. From there I hold just below prograde, so my trajectory gradually gets flatter as I ascend.

Just now, Abastro said:

Can I have a slightly modified launch vehicle for other purpose as the same iteration? (e.g. add fins and fuel tank)

Just a matter of moving fins/RCS and adding/replacing some fuel tanks.

Sorry, different-purpose rockets (even if they are just minor changes) are second iteration. 

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okay, I have two probes that I need launching, they're both light, but that isn't important, well it is, but it isn't the main thing, I don't have the second probe, but still...

they have to go far, further then keostationary far, well one has to go a bit higher then keostationary, the other one has to go out of the SOI, either way, its hard, but I still don't have the second one so...

Corrmes CMES

I need someone to launch it to higher then keostationary orbit, as high as you can, above most of the magnetosphere because its studying CMES, of course we don't want any filthy magnetosphere interference, we must study the CMEs!

lets see, who shall be the great one with the reward of winning the contract to launch this...

after looking over the LPs, these are the people who can negotiate to get the contract






Edited by StupidAndy
i should do the second one...
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5 minutes ago, StupidAndy said:

okay, I have two probes that I need launching, they're both light, but that isn't important, well it is, but it isn't the main thing

they have to go far, further then keostationary far, well one has to go a bit higher then keostationary, the other one has to go out of the SOI, either way, its hard

Corrmes CMES

I need someone to launch it to higher then keostationary orbit, as high as you can, above most of the magnetosphere because its studying CMES, of course we don't want any filthy magnetosphere interference, we must study the CMEs!

lets see, who shall be the great one with the reward of winning the contract to launch this...

after looking over the LPs, these are the people who can negotiate to get the contract






Let the Fighting commence! :D 

I've already said (a few posts earlier) that I can take one past the magnetosphere, so I can do that one.

The one that's supposed to go into solar orbit, I can do that one on my next lifter. :wink: 

@StupidAndy what do you say?


@Seabo14 Your Alpha_Mod.1 takes 7 days 1 hour 33 mins 55 secs to build, including the thing at the top inside the fairing. (Us that a payload?)

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Just now, StupidAndy said:

okay, I have two probes that I need launching, they're both light, but that isn't important, well it is, but it isn't the main thing, I don't have the second probe, but still...

they have to go far, further then keostationary far, well one has to go a bit higher then keostationary, the other one has to go out of the SOI, either way, its hard, but I still don't have the second one so...

Corrmes CMES

I need someone to launch it to higher then keostationary orbit, as high as you can, above most of the magnetosphere because its studying CMES, of course we don't want any filthy magnetosphere interference, we must study the CMEs!

lets see, who shall be the great one with the reward of winning the contract to launch this...

after looking over the LPs, these are the people who can negotiate to get the contract






I can easily launch that out of SOI pretty sure. I can take it to Mun/Minmus orbit. I don't have access to KSP right now though.

Also, I may be able to take two of those to a Mun flyby/ gravity assist out of the Kerbin system. One could circularise under its own power.

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2 minutes ago, TheEpicSquared said:

Let the Fighting commence! :D 

I've already said (a few posts earlier) that I can take one past the magnetosphere, so I can do that one.

The one that's supposed to go into solar orbit, I can do that one on my next lifter. :wink: 

@StupidAndy what do you say?

well of course I have to hear from everybody there (if they want to at least)

but still, you are the one most likely because of you being able to lift 4 tons to LKO, you could add an extra booster to it and get a bit further then the rest could

1 minute ago, Skylon said:

I can easily launch that out of SOI pretty sure. I can take it to Mun/Minmus orbit. I don't have access to KSP right now though

of course this is the one that stays in the SOI so it is only meant to go higher then Kerbin's magnetosphere, but I have another lighter one that is going out of the SOI

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24 minutes ago, Skylon said:

Remember he is using kerbalism.

Yep, I have supplies. It might even be able to dock to a station at a stretch. I'm up for it if anyone wants their Kerbals to orbit, I need those contracts!

Edited by Seabo14
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Just now, kerbinorbiter said:

@TheEpicSquared would it be more logical to have development not as dates but as a fund thing so if you have enough funds you can develop a rocket? 

Right now it costs money as well as time to develop rockets. While I have previously suggested using extra money to speed up times, he has said this would make it too complicated

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2 hours ago, StupidAndy said:

okay, I have two probes that I need launching, they're both light, but that isn't important, well it is, but it isn't the main thing, I don't have the second probe, but still...

they have to go far, further then keostationary far, well one has to go a bit higher then keostationary, the other one has to go out of the SOI, either way, its hard, but I still don't have the second one so...

Corrmes CMES

I need someone to launch it to higher then keostationary orbit, as high as you can, above most of the magnetosphere because its studying CMES, of course we don't want any filthy magnetosphere interference, we must study the CMEs!

lets see, who shall be the great one with the reward of winning the contract to launch this...

after looking over the LPs, these are the people who can negotiate to get the contract






For 15,000 funds (negotiable) you can get an early launch on the Robin:


It can take 900kg to Kerbin escape.

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2 minutes ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

For 15,000 funds (negotiable) you can get an early launch on the Robin:


It can take 900kg to Kerbin escape.

I have another Heliology probe that needs to go to interplanetary space, luckily its under 900Kg, so i'll keep that in mind...

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15 minutes ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

For 15,000 funds (negotiable) you can get an early launch on the Robin. It can take 900kg to Kerbin escape.

Looks like I need to design something to compete your marvels

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