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[1.3.*][] Ludicrous Propulsion Systems "Banteng" (Updated 5/30/17)

Benjamin Kerman

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  • 2 weeks later...

If someone could give this a test in 1.3, it would be much appreciated. Is a part-only mod, so it should still work. Please raise any issues on the GitHub page. As soon as I get confirmation that it still works, I will release a patch to change the versioning file.

Thank You!

Edited by Benjamin Kerman
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  • 2 weeks later...

The plugin for the IIpD (Infinite Improbability Drive) is almost finished. It is undergoing final fixing up to use, and then I would like several testers to try it out before i send it out for public use. If you would like to be a beta tester for the IIpD, please reply to this thread saying so or send me a PM. 

Thanks to everyone who is using this mod, and everyone who will help me out with the testing. Even a kind word helps to keep me motivated to continue development. 

In other news, I have decided to pick up the mod Restock90, which adds more fuel tanks and bigger adaptors/launch clamps/wings/moar things. Because of this, i have decided to discontinue the development of my line of fuel tanks, and will direct anyone who was looking forward to them to this new and updated mod. If you would like just the fuel tanks, or anything else special, just ask! I am happy to send you a .zip with the specific parts you would like, and will be releasing the fuel tanks as their own package (they will still be included in the big .zip, but there will be a seperate .zip package in each release on GitHub with just the fuel tanks) each time I make a new release. These parts have stretched and distorted stock models and textures, but retexturing might be coming. See the upcoming release thread, which i will link in one of my future posts here, for more details. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

ya think someone could make something like the typical triangular ufo? I'm thinking halfway between the ornate look of this 1d0d9b75c92288c4b053f6f099a5927214843362and the simplicity of this Case-78921-Switzerland.jpgperhaps keep some(most) aspects of the lukari ho'kuun class including shape and general design but just lose some of the intricate details details and turn the central dome into a glass observation room  keep the engine(make it super powerful like about 25k KN and to borrow from rick and morty call the fuel concentrated dark matter because as far as I can tell there is no trademark for concentrated dark matter) abb52d47c220a009065d6f7952ef7d4f14843364

here is an underside view of the ho'kuun class so you can decide what to change and what to leave also turn the flat area in the center of the rainbow light ring into another window(also the crew capacity should be 5 kerbals) so you can choose what elements of the design to keep and what to take out (I hope the rainbow lights stay) also this ship would be best flown as a spaceplane the reason I gave 2 designs is if you found a good middle ground it might look good as a ufo mod(also include the standard flying saucer) I am requesting this because ksp doesn't have any mods like the one I am kindly requesting and ufo mods are kinda unexplored territory in terms of ksp

Edited by mindseyemodels
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  On 9/19/2017 at 6:23 AM, mindseyemodels said:

ya think someone could make something like the typical triangular ufo? I'm thinking halfway between the ornate look of this [snip] and the simplicity of this [snip] perhaps keep some(most) aspects of the lukari ho'kuun class including shape and general design but just lose some of the intricate details details and turn the central dome into a glass observation room  keep the engine(make it super powerful like about 25k KN and to borrow from rick and morty call the fuel concentrated dark matter because as far as I can tell there is no trademark for concentrated dark matter) [snip] here is an underside view of the ho'kuun class so you can decide what to change and what to leave also turn the flat area in the center of the rainbow light ring into another window(also the crew capacity should be 5 kerbals) so you can choose what elements of the design to keep and what to take out (I hope the rainbow lights stay) also this ship would be best flown as a spaceplane the reason I gave 2 designs is if you found a good middle ground it might look good as a ufo mod(also include the standard flying saucer) I am requesting this because ksp doesn't have any mods like the one I am kindly requesting and ufo mods are kinda unexplored territory in terms of ksp


That is not what this mod is for, this mod is only for engines. What you can do, is use engines like this, and structural plates and/or wings to make the body of your UFO.

(Ben asked me to post this, he can't for some reason.)

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  On 9/19/2017 at 2:22 PM, Brent Kerman said:

That is not what this mod is for, this mod is only for engines. What you can do, is use engines like this, and structural plates and/or wings to make the body of your UFO.

(Ben asked me to post this, he can't for some reason.)


I tried to use that kind of thing but the results were not at all what I wanted so I am asking someone(not the maker of this mod mind you) to make parts specifically for that kind of ship and the ship would need an entirely new engine one that emits thousands of kilonewtons of force while  being like a mark 2 or something

Edited by mindseyemodels
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I'm not going to get involved in replicating designs that aren't historical.  Sorry, but the copyright issues around this are a mindfield.  And any defense would need to be water tight in all countries, as it will be going on the Internet.  But generally also, KSP leads to different designs than you get in cinematic universes.  Not only does it punish many physically bad tropes about space craft, but it also uses modular design.  So, making parts for that craft, for example, those parts would be next to useless for anything else.  Even a Starship Enterprise mod would be more modular.  And while, yes, many real world craft are fully integrated single pieces (hell, that's what Aggregat from the V-2 fame meant), KSP does not lend itself to it.

Also, I'm totally not invested in that craft.  It's something from a something that I'm not interested in.  Making a mod part takes time.  And making all the parts for a craft that's even partly complex takes a lot of time.  You really need some enthusiasm to stick with it.

Which brings me to my next point.  There's nothing stopping you from making the parts.  You make 3D shapes in a 3D tool, I use Blender (https://www.blender.org/) because I'm a fan of open source.  You then UV unwrap it (in Blender, see youtube for tutes) and texture it in your favourite 2D graphics program.  Again, I'm an open source person, so I use GiMP (https://www.gimp.org/).  Then import both into Unity3D (https://unity3d.com/), import the KSP tools and export the part.

I stared because I wanted some extra parts.  Sure, my game now mostly looks like the progress screen on reloading ksp database.  But I'm still here making parts I want.  3 years ago, I had never touched a 3D graphics program for more than the 10 minutes it took to be horrified and run away.  But, a bit of time with some youtube videos on the basic UI and I was off and running.



You've been told off multiple times by multiple people. So I'm going to try to get the point across (again).

First off, there are the aforementioned copyright issues. Nobody's going to risk getting taken to court just so you can have what you want.

Besides, if you want it that badly, make it yourself. This is a great example:

This was something I made with @0111narwhalz because we needed it for our writing and there was not enough demand for someone else to write it. So we wrote it ourselves instead of sitting on our hands and doing nothing.

Might I mention I had next to no experience in C# when we started writing it?

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Okay, people.  I'm sorry, but we had to close the thread and prune out a huge chunk of posts that were 1. completely derailing the thread, and 2. violating multiple forum rules.

It's all cleaned up now, but before I re-open this thread, I'd like to clarify a few points that apparently are a little fuzzy to some folks.

I know you've all read the forum rules (right?), because you're happy to have this great KSP online community where everyone can have fun and exchange ideas.  But a quick refresher appears to be in order:

  • Be considerate to others.
    • For example, if you're in the release thread for a mod (such as is the case here):  This is a thing that someone worked a lot of really hard hours, unpaid, to give you a shiny toy for free.  They owe you absolutely nothing.  You owe them a debt of gratitude.
    • So, kindly be mindful of that.  It's not appropriate to criticize mod authors in their own threads.  It's fine to offer suggestions, as long as you're not complaining or demanding.
  • Do not use profanity, even if you mask it with # or * or whatever.
    • It's against the rules, specifically 2.2.c.
    • This is a family forum, there are young people here, and the rule is to keep it clean.  So, kindly do so.
  • Do not respond to fire with fire.
    • When someone says something that aggravates you, don't fire back.  Don't call them names, don't try to address their behavior.
    • That never ends well; all you get is a flamewar that derails the thread and makes everyone uncomfortable.  This is not what the KSP forums are about.
    • Instead, simply don't respond.  Just ignore them and pretend that they're not there.
    • If someone is behaving so inappropriately that you believe they are breaking forum rules... just report the post.  That will get the moderator team's attention, and we can deal with anything that needs dealing with.  It's what we're for.  Please don't try to "handle it" yourself.
  • Do not "backseat moderate".
    • That is, do not take it upon yourself to tell another user what to do, or what not to do.  Or tell someone that that they are breaking a rule. Or tell them that you're reporting them.
    • Why?  Because you are not a moderator and it's not your place to judge.
    • Not only does this never end well, it's also against the rules (3.2).
    • So, again:  just report the post and then let us handle the matter.  It's what we're for.
  • Yes, the rules apply to you, personally.
    • Just because a particular rule seems silly, futile, or counterproductive to you, doesn't mean you can ignore it.
    • The forum rules are how they are because we've found that this is what leads to a smoothly running forum that everyone can enjoy.
    • You agreed to all the rules when you created an account, so you do need to follow them even if you don't agree with them.
    • If you have a concern about a particular rule, you're welcome to reach out to us privately about the matter.

I would also beg your patience in awaiting moderator action if you see something inappropriate and have reported it.  We do try to be as prompt as possible about these things (if nothing else, it means less cleanup for us to do.)  :wink:  However, please understand that we're not genies who pop out of a lamp-- there are only just so many of us, we're not in every single time zone, and we have day jobs and such just like the rest of you; moderating is our hobby, not our job.  So occasionally, this may mean that it takes a little while before one of us responds.

Please rest assured that we will respond, and at the earliest possible opportunity.  And also that when we do, we will take care of cleaning up anything that needs cleaning up, so it'll all come out in the wash.  We're sorry for the delay, and for any inconvenience that this causes to innocent bystanders who just want to read about their favorite mod.

Okay, opening the thread now.  I trust we can all comport ourselves like adults, and discuss matters in civil fashion.  Thank you for your understanding.

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  • 5 months later...

To everyone who uses and follows this mod: 

Due to the new EULA, I will not be supporting or working on this mod. The license remains the same, so if you would like to continue this, go ahead. If you would like to contact me, join #kerbaeadastra on freenode (IRC). Thank you!

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