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[1.12.3] Spectra Visual Compilation 1.6.2 "Horizons" (26th July 2022)


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Hey there @Avera9eJoe! This looks like a really great visual pack and I loved the screen shots in the OP. I am looking forward to adopting this for my new 1.4.3 career. 

I have downloaded the pack and studied the installation instructions. But I have a few questions: The required dependency TextureReplacerReplaced is reported as 1.3.1 compatible in its forum thread. As far as I could read the thread, it seems to have some difficulties with 1.4.x. As far as I understand this pack requires TRR mainly for the sky box. As far as I can see it includes textures for the sky box, the main menu logo and a suspicious texture for EVAvisor. I guess it would be possible to apply the sky box via DIRT ( https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/172055-143-drop-in-replacement-textures-v1430/)  or Sigma Replacments ( https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-Replacements/releases)? Chances are the same mods can also handle the logo. But I am not so sure about the visor. I am also not really sure why it is part of the pack anyways. Or maybe it is a reflective visor texture, although I suspect that reflectiveness is not something that can be achieved by a visor :)

Also your installation and instructions include a repacked PlanetShine for version compatibility. But it seems that PlanetShine has been bumped to the new version in the mean time.

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12 hours ago, canisin said:

Hey there @Avera9eJoe! This looks like a really great visual pack and I loved the screen shots in the OP. I am looking forward to adopting this for my new 1.4.3 career. 

I have downloaded the pack and studied the installation instructions. But I have a few questions: The required dependency TextureReplacerReplaced is reported as 1.3.1 compatible in its forum thread. As far as I could read the thread, it seems to have some difficulties with 1.4.x. As far as I understand this pack requires TRR mainly for the sky box. As far as I can see it includes textures for the sky box, the main menu logo and a suspicious texture for EVAvisor. I guess it would be possible to apply the sky box via DIRT ( https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/172055-143-drop-in-replacement-textures-v1430/)  or Sigma Replacments ( https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-Replacements/releases)? Chances are the same mods can also handle the logo. But I am not so sure about the visor. I am also not really sure why it is part of the pack anyways. Or maybe it is a reflective visor texture, although I suspect that reflectiveness is not something that can be achieved by a visor :)

Also your installation and instructions include a repacked PlanetShine for version compatibility. But it seems that PlanetShine has been bumped to the new version in the mean time.

TextureReplacerReplaced works with 1.4, you will just have to use the recompiled shader for windows on the TRR thread. SigmaDimensions has different names for things and DiRT can't change the visor texture or add reflections.

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2 minutes ago, Messier said:

TextureReplacerReplaced works with 1.4, you will just have to use the recompiled shader for windows on the TRR thread. SigmaDimensions has different names for things and DiRT can't change the visor texture or add reflections.

Thanks, I will try running TRR in 1.4.

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It should work fine so long as you don't install WindowShine - the reflection plugin is still bugged, but other than that it works fine. If any random panels or objects are solid pink it's probably the reflection plugin.

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Hi Aver9eJoe, loving your beautiful work - thank you.

But I am getting a pretty consistent CTD when doing a scene change (like revert flight, or switching vessels)... it happens pretty much every time. Is there anything I can do about it? I have about 10 mods installed, so it could be a conflict there somewhere, but 9 of them were installed for weeks with 0 problems, added Spectra today and now there’s an issue every time. 

I’ve heard of people being asked for logs when reporting bugs - sorry if that’s what you need ...how do I get that?

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7 hours ago, leatherneck6017 said:

CTD on scene change is usually caused by running out of memory.

Ah ok ... so it’s more a problem of my PC’s RAM? (Sorry  - I can use them fine, but as for what goes on inside a computer I have no idea!)

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I have just noticed something! The spectra download zip contains twice copies of TRR textures. Once inside the Spectra/Spectra_textures/TRR folder and once again as a TRR folder meant to be merged with the TRR mod folder. As far as I understand the folder inside the Spectra folder has a nice configuration file inside it and merging the provided TRR folder is unnecessary.

Never mind me. I was looking at spectra v1.4 or v1.5. It appears that the TRR folder inside the Spectra folder was removed in version 1.6. As far as I can tell, up to that moment there were two TRR folders one inside and one outside the mod folder. 

Also while investigating I have found that two issues reported by @Fourjays are both possible typos that happened with v 1.7. I have fixed them in my own installation via the following steps:

- Remove Duna-atmoScatterer-blue from EVE_atmoMain.cfg.
- Change skyExtinctionMultiplier to 0.7 in Kerbin atmo.cfg.

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20 hours ago, Storywalker4 said:

Was curious if the spectra team has considered creating a back for OPM? Tekto without clouds is as bad as Eve without clouds, I just can't live that way.

@Avera9eJoe, I would echo that request as well.  I've tried using Pood's OPMVO, and there's a conflict with Spectra that takes out the clouds when using Scatterer.  @Poodmund's last comment was back in December, and although he indicated intent to do a Spectra-compatible release, Scatterer bugs may be a deterrent  EDIT: Poodmund noted that [Scatterer?] hadn't transitioned from ScaledSpace to PQS range (as of early January); I don't know if that transition has happened since, to allow him to update OPMVO. 

In the meantime, @Galileo recently released some OPM configs within SVE.  I've attempted to prune out the stock solar system parts of the SVE configs to avoid conflicts with Spectra, but little details still seem to get broken, such as shadows of moons on their primaries (ex., Spectra Jool atmo with SVE shadows partially works) .  I don't know if OPM breaks the linkages to the Spectra Eeloo geysers, but I don't see those either.  I was going to throw the SVE geysers back in later to see if they come up.

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Sadly a pack for OPM isn't currently in my plans. :/ as awesome as it'd be I only use the stock solar system, so I don't have the motivation to maintain an add on that I wouldn't use.

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I can't seem discern why, but with SVE image files installed (no configs) and OMP-VO installed the clouds on Eve glitch out completely (ignore brightness, in this image I forgot to delete stock scatterer settings for SVE however I know it's not that as when I tested earlier without it was still messed up.) Was curious if you could help me figure out why this behavior would occur


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  • 5 weeks later...
On ‎6‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 4:37 AM, Trekkie148 said:

Can I have a folder of Only the Terrain Folder of KSPRC so the mod will work please? I always get old bugs for scatterer. I need help

I'm not allowed to distribute it sadly; your best bet is to use the download link in Spectra or similar. Only way to legally get the folder is by downloading all of KSPRC and pulling the folder from there. Sorry for the late reply!

On ‎6‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 9:28 PM, DAL59 said:


[Encryption error. Message undiscernable]

Asking if Spectra works with KSP 1.2.2? If you can find copies of Scatterer, EnvironmentalVisualEnhancemente, Copernicus, and TextureReplacer/TextureReplacerReplaced that work in 1.2.2, it might... Though honestly I don't know.

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@Avera9eJoe, you've noted earlier that you're not looking to do compatibility mods for non-stock solar system add-ons.  I've learned the hard way that some of these, like GPP and OPM, are very tightly knit in their EVE configs and break pretty badly if there are redundant ones.

To try and get the best of both worlds, I'm looking to try adding in some Spectra configs piecemeal and avoid the duplicates.  My first experiment was going to be adding the Laythe bio-luminescent clouds.  Can you point me to which config file and Object covers this component? 

Giving up on this approach....

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@Avera9eJoe, I've found a conflict that Spectra appears to trigger in @OhioBob's Grannus Expansion Pack, which does not have dependencies with other mods, like GPP.  The new red dwarf star added beyond the Kerbol system, at about 1.3 Tm, illuminates it's individual planetary system correctly, with and without EVE installed.  When Spectra is added, the illuminating light source for all the Grannus system planets gets switched to Kerbol.

This is very easy to replicate with only the following mods installed on KSP 1.4.3:

Kopernicus, EVE, GEP, ModularFlightIntegrator 1.2.5, ModuleManager 3.0.7

I add only the Spectra folder (filling in the KSPRC Terrain folder appears to have no impact) and, upon doing so, the illumination source for the Grannus system gets changed.  Is there a commonly defined config module that both mods would normally have for Kopernicus and/or EVE integration that can only be set once (i.e., precedence forces the other to be ignored)? 


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20 hours ago, KSPrynk said:

Is there a commonly defined config module that both mods would normally have for Kopernicus and/or EVE integration that can only be set once (i.e., precedence forces the other to be ignored)? 

Hm.... try going into Spectra\Spectra_configs\Kopernicus_terrain.cfg and deleting everything designated under @body[Sun], so that the config file starts with @Body[Moho]. Might be worth a shot? Don't know whats going wrong though.

EDIT: Also, try extracting this into your GameData parallel to the rest of your mods for the bioluminescence on Laythe: Spectra_LaytheBioluminescence

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1 hour ago, Avera9eJoe said:

Hm.... try going into Spectra\Spectra_configs\Kopernicus_terrain.cfg and deleting everything designated under @body[Sun], so that the config file starts with @Body[Moho]. Might be worth a shot? Don't know whats going wrong though.

EDIT: Also, try extracting this into your GameData parallel to the rest of your mods for the bioluminescence on Laythe: Spectra_LaytheBioluminescence

Thanks, I'll give it a try.

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27 minutes ago, KSPrynk said:

Thanks, I'll give it a try.

@Avera9eJoe: Yes, deleting the @body[Sun] component seems to have worked.  Solar panel tracking seems to be working too.  Like you, I'd really be interested in why this works, as this may be something @OhioBob can add as a patch to GEP, which would implement a targeted de-conflict when detecting Spectra installation.

I'll have to save the bioluminescence patch for another night.  I was twirling around the idea of doing some add-ons for Extrasolar (which seems to play well with Spectra), like adding this patch, auroras, lightning, etc..

Thanks for the quick turn-around.  I'm loving the detail in Spectra and I would hate to have to make a painful choice between outstanding visuals and late game, high tech, exploration destinations.

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13 hours ago, KSPrynk said:


@Avera9eJoe: Yes, deleting the @body[Sun] component seems to have worked.  Solar panel tracking seems to be working too.  Like you, I'd really be interested in why this works, as this may be something @OhioBob can add as a patch to GEP, which would implement a targeted de-conflict when detecting Spectra installation.

I'll have to save the bioluminescence patch for another night.  I was twirling around the idea of doing some add-ons for Extrasolar (which seems to play well with Spectra), like adding this patch, auroras, lightning, etc..

Thanks for the quick turn-around.  I'm loving the detail in Spectra and I would hate to have to make a painful choice between outstanding visuals and late game, high tech, exploration destinations.

Glad to see you happy! I do my best to reply fast (I usually reply within a day but I've been away from the forum as of late) :) If you do get any extra planet packs working in parallel to Spectra, I'd love it if you reported back here- might like a peak myself!

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Problems I am having using this mod (probably more so having to do with this mod combined with scatterer)...
You will probably notice that I haven't read much of the OP because I'm lazy. But I do have some real problems, especially 1 and 2;

1. The lens flare from the sun glitches out really badly if you zoom in on any planet in the map view/tracking station. To put it simply, it stops coming from the sun and starts moving all over the place.

2. Duna now sexually identifies as Neptune... or Eve? The atmosphere is such a deep indigo color that I don't really even know what to say about it.

3. Moho has a barely visible but extremely high cloud layer. I'm not sure if this is intentional or not.

4. The atmosphere on kerbin seems to flicker really fast at night when I'm on the ground. It's not that noticable and it could actually be my 6 year old computer screen.

5. I'm noticing some lines on the space center view and I think they're coming from this mod, they're especially visible with postprocessing on. Speaking of which,

6. Post processing during the daytime at the KSC view eats my framerate for breakfast

7. Jool has purple aurorae. I guess this is intentional but it doesn't look right to me.

8. Laythe has 3 different cloud layers with different colors mushed together. One is lavender, one is a pale green/blue (I'm assuming this is the one that the mod came with since it's the one with the bioluminescence and similar structure), and the other is white.

I'm not sure but I think Kerbin may have the same problem but since they're all white I can't tell. It would explain the horrendous lag I'm getting from this mod. lmao I had the default config for eve installed on top of this because im an idiot and this went away now i have bearable fps too xddd

9. Viewing planets from a distance makes the atmosphere renderer spazz out and look spiky and glitchy and stuff (this is only really noticable with Jool, it's probably normal)

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