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Replicate your own car / the car you can buy.

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Something different for change. I invite you to make a replica of the car you own or the car you (can/want to) realistically buy in case you don't have a car yet. No ludicrous sports cars, no prototypes.


  • Stock parts only.
  • Must have realistic performance (acceleration / top speed).
  • Must have realistic roadholding and suspension.
  • The use of a monocoque frame is encouraged. Real cars have them, ours should too.
  • Size is not really an issue but the relative dimensions are (LxWxH). If you don't like the Rovemax M1 because of the soft suspension or looks, use the TR2-L. Keep in mind the car will become a whole lot bigger because of the larger wheels.
  • I suggest the use of jet engines. Tune them so you'll have the acceleration / top speed of the real car.
  • Part clipping is suggested, even engines or wheels.
  • Part clipping fuel tanks is not allowed.
  • Try to create realistic rear lights and give it brake lights.
  • The use of a Boost Flap is encouraged.
  • Mass is not an issue. My own replica is 10 times the weight of the real one.
  • A realistic crumble zone is not required (hard to build with these materials anyway).
  • Max part count: 250.


This is my own car you can use as an example:


Points ... that's a subject open for debate.

Edited by Azimech
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1984 Mercedes E300 Turbo Diesel - not my car but my girlfriend used to have one and I thought it would be easier to make in KSP than a more modern car.  It was very slow and struggled to get up hills.  This one performs a little better on the hills but retains the slow acceleration of its real-life counterpart owing to a single Juno engine and some draggy wing panels.  Top speed of my replica is around 80 mph, and it's a bit bigger than human scale, about 1.3x.

It has a boost flap, as well as lights, brake lights, high beams, and turn signals.



I have a 2003 Volvo s60 which I tried to build, but it didn't come out nearly as well.

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20 minutes ago, sdj64 said:

1984 Mercedes E300 Turbo Diesel - not my car but my girlfriend used to have one and I thought it would be easier to make in KSP than a more modern car.  It was very slow and struggled to get up hills.  This one performs a little better on the hills but retains the slow acceleration of its real-life counterpart owing to a single Juno engine and some draggy wing panels.  Top speed of my replica is around 80 mph, and it's a bit bigger than human scale, about 1.3x.

It has a boost flap, as well as lights, brake lights, high beams, and turn signals.



I have a 2003 Volvo s60 which I tried to build, but it didn't come out nearly as well.

I really like this one!

I'm curious to see how you think it would drive with friction and traction control on override instead of automatic.

Edited by Azimech
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On 23-4-2017 at 7:20 PM, jrodriguez said:

@Azimech very cool design! I was wondering if you would be open to modded entries (tweakscale helps a lot here) - It would be nice to see how far we can go trying to do a replica.

I'd like to stick to stock ... just to keep those creative juices flowing. If I'd allow mods, then people start with one and eventually end up without any stock parts ;-)

On 23-4-2017 at 5:30 PM, Thor Wotansen said:

So after a bit of work I present my entry.  It handles like a truck, it will roll if you turn sharply at speed and it's suspension sucks, lots of body roll and very bouncy in the back end.


KerbalX link

I'll take a drive. Keep 'm coming guys!

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3 minutes ago, HebaruSan said:

Anyone know of a good car replica tutorial? I've tried in the past, and I haven't been able to figure out where to start. At best I end up with a classic "rocket tube with wheels."

I probably can help you with that. I've made a bunch of standard rolling chassis you can examine. You can also look at a few of my finished products.

Scroll down the big list, you'll see Chassis type A-E. https://kerbalx.com/Azimech/craft

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