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What new part do you want?

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hello everyone! just a new thread to post all suggestions you have for new parts you want to see in the stock game. 

a little rule: dont put down a wishlist with 137 new parts, but just one or two(ish)

okay, lets kick off:

- A rotating part, for example just two dishes, one of them is solid and the other is rotable (with or without an engine in it)(for helicopters and interplanetary thingies) 

- Small square fuel tank (preferred radial attachable) for space probes


Let me know what you guys think!



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2 hours ago, roboslacker said:

-larger tiny size fuel tanks
-Mk2 nosecone

Those would be great.


Yes also some more Mk0 sized engines. I mean the radially attached Thud can push 120kN. Yet the Mk0 options are 20kN or less. 

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Most of what I want any more is stuff to be procedurally generated. I really dislike that there are 4 of each fuel tank of each radius, cluttering up the parts list. I should be able to put a fuel tank on the ship and then drag it out to the size I want.

But in the spirit of the OP, I'd say a radial probe core would be nice, as would a mk2 size SRB.

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I know there's mods for it... but would be nice to have a few actuating stock parts for rotation and basic lift construction.  Seems like the lack of a controllable space arm (or the hinges to make one really) for deploying items from a shuttle is kind of glaring miss.

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2.5m format 6-way hub

3.75m docking port

3.75m command module

2.5m NERVA/NTR type engine with toggleable LANTR mode

2.5m RAPIER type engine

2.5m Air intakes

Larger wings/wing-sections

Larger landing legs

Surface mountable omni-directional light

Laser illuminator

45 degree offset RCS clusters

Girders/spars/trusses which use the fairing-structure method, snapping something to a node automatically makes it that long.

Grid fins

Ground anchor

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* Hinges, bearings. Both for tiltwing/tiltmotor VTOLs, and also to allow fold-out spacecraft designs

* 0.625m SRBs

* Shielded 0.625m docking ports

* Mk2 inline air intake

* Mk1 cargo bay

* Steerable large nosewheels

* Some more options in the Mk3 wings

Edited by Wanderfound
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I'm currently playing the stock game with Historical Progression and still in the early stages with 1.25m parts.  Would really like to have a 1-seat crew container to put below the capsule (in black, of course). Also a set of inline RCS modules with flush nozzles a la Gemini, something the size of the inline batteries but with monopropellant tankage and RCS capability.

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F-35 like jet engine (you know https://i.chzbgr.com/full/7486034944/h36DAAD0E/ ) with tweakable angle.
SpaceX like large flat barge part.
Crew capsule with more features, maybe installed engines and fuel tanks like SpaceX Dragon and maybe cargo capsule.
Some small parts for rovers, right now there is little things we can do after landing.
Hyperloop like long 2.5m tube without air inside.
Little radio controlled drone that would fit into 1.25m cargo bay.

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23 hours ago, Wanderfound said:

* 0.625m SRBs

* Shielded 0.625m docking ports

* Mk2 inline air intake

* Mk1 cargo bay

I like! Cool additions man

Edited by Ferdoni
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Electric fan (many mods do this, very easy)

Hinges/rotating parts, or at least some parts like the new mk3 cargo stuff where you can dynamically adjust a slider to move things

Extendable rover wheels (at least kpbs adds this, its not too much to ask)


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A robotic piece in 3 sizes - a controllable 3 axis rotational electric motor to build stock robotic arms, door hinges, loading ramps, rotating antennas, folding vehicles, VTOLs with swivel engines, rotating habitats, docking washers and so on...

Electric foldable propeller - for building efficient exploration vehicles for atmospheric planets and moons.

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