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  On 10/17/2018 at 9:11 PM, Ultimate Steve said:

There is absolutely no evidence so far that this is true, and appears to be hosted from a russian server, but someone posted this on the spacexlounge reddit:


Basically they are saying that SpaceX are sending limited edition Mars bars to Mars.


I want this to be true. 

But I’m 99% sure it’s not. ;.;

Not enough “boring legal” uncool stuff to be true. 

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  On 10/17/2018 at 9:11 PM, Ultimate Steve said:

There is absolutely no evidence so far that this is true, and appears to be hosted from a russian server, but someone posted this on the spacexlounge reddit:


Basically they are saying that SpaceX are sending limited edition Mars bars to Mars.


If I was in M&M/Mars PR/marketing, I'd be seriously looking into what it takes to get a Mars bar on Mars.  Between the news and the memes, that's more eyeball attention time than you can possibly buy with advertizing, and the memes are about as effective in getting your target audience (kids) than anything else.

The catch is that I expect only NASA (and possibly Indian) research vessels are going to Mars, so any Mars bar would have to be absolutely sterile.  Best guess to get one on board would be as "Martian food" inside a Wolf trap (obviously more basic food would help, but if you sponsor the project I'll bet they let you include a Mars bar).

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  On 10/17/2018 at 11:06 PM, wumpus said:

The catch is that I expect only NASA (and possibly Indian) research vessels are going to Mars, so any Mars bar would have to be absolutely sterile.  Best guess to get one on board would be as "Martian food" inside a Wolf trap (obviously more basic food would help, but if you sponsor the project I'll bet they let you include a Mars bar).


Astronauts generally get a limited supply of 'special' food for special occasions, for Mars this would have to either have the shelf life to last the mission or grow on some plant in situ (fresh food will be very valuable) so I am sure a Mars bar will make it up there eventually. 

Here's some food for thought: Many people who will go to Mars are currently young people who look at memes. They will be experts at meme-making, and will be able to construct a treasure trove of Mars memes -- Martian memes -- even on their own. 

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  On 10/18/2018 at 1:55 AM, cubinator said:


 Here's some food for thought: Many people who will go to Mars are currently young people who look at memes. They will be experts at meme-making, and will be able to construct a treasure trove of Mars memes -- Martian memes -- even on their own. 


Are you suggesting that we build the 9GAG Meme Monument, but on Mars?

Edited by Ultimate Steve
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  On 10/17/2018 at 9:11 PM, Ultimate Steve said:

Basically they are saying that SpaceX are sending limited edition Mars bars to Mars.


Somebody should leave this.

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Btw, as Mars contains a lot of calories, they shoul launch it to Mars using a solid booster fueled with marses and ammonium perchlorate.

Edited by kerbiloid
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  On 10/18/2018 at 1:55 AM, cubinator said:

Astronauts generally get a limited supply of 'special' food for special occasions, for Mars this would have to either have the shelf life to last the mission or grow on some plant in situ (fresh food will be very valuable) so I am sure a Mars bar will make it up there eventually.


I was assuming that there was a reasonably steady stream of probes (one every few years) while any human mission would be on "maximum Elon time".  Wolf Vishniac created the "Wolf trap" for the Viking missions, and the idea was to provide "food" any Martians and wait to see if anything happened.  Unfortunately Wolf Vishniac died in an accident in Antarctica, and any hope of including that experiment on Viking died with him.

It was generally seen as the best way to discover life on Mars, and including a Mars bar as food (along with sponsorship by M&M/Mars) would be the best way to get it to Mars.  I wonder if ISRO would accept such "sponsorship", if they followup MOM with a lander, it might help with the budget and PR.

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  On 10/18/2018 at 1:13 PM, wumpus said:

I was assuming that there was a reasonably steady stream of probes (one every few years) while any human mission would be on "maximum Elon time".  Wolf Vishniac created the "Wolf trap" for the Viking missions, and the idea was to provide "food" any Martians and wait to see if anything happened.  Unfortunately Wolf Vishniac died in an accident in Antarctica, and any hope of including that experiment on Viking died with him.

It was generally seen as the best way to discover life on Mars, and including a Mars bar as food (along with sponsorship by M&M/Mars) would be the best way to get it to Mars.  I wonder if ISRO would accept such "sponsorship", if they followup MOM with a lander, it might help with the budget and PR.


Now I know why elon added aft cargo bay that can open without affecting the aerodynamics that much.

Bombing Mars with mars bars is the next best things after nuking Mars...

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  On 10/18/2018 at 1:13 PM, wumpus said:

I was assuming that there was a reasonably steady stream of probes (one every few years) while any human mission would be on "maximum Elon time".  Wolf Vishniac created the "Wolf trap" for the Viking missions, and the idea was to provide "food" any Martians and wait to see if anything happened.  Unfortunately Wolf Vishniac died in an accident in Antarctica, and any hope of including that experiment on Viking died with him.

It was generally seen as the best way to discover life on Mars, and including a Mars bar as food (along with sponsorship by M&M/Mars) would be the best way to get it to Mars.  I wonder if ISRO would accept such "sponsorship", if they followup MOM with a lander, it might help with the budget and PR. 


What a dumb idea.

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A greenhouse experiment (with the silly name eu:cropis) is planned to launch on Falcon 9 on November 19th.

Nothing huge, just a small satellite (230kg) that contains several tomato seeds to grow under controlled conditions, nutrient supply, lighting and gravity. Not only but also for possible Mars/Moon applications.

Just sayin' ...

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"We want to investigate whether a breathable atmosphere and food for astronauts can be generated from their own waste in space." The plants will "receive everything they need to grow" and an artificial gravity like that on Moon and later Mars will be simulated by rotating the satellite.


Doesn't sound like it could be done on the ISS. If it works, it could make one more data point on the way, i would say, nothing outstanding.

Supervision is by a medical department.

Edited by Green Baron
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  On 10/21/2018 at 11:00 AM, Green Baron said:

A greenhouse experiment (with the silly name eu:cropis) is planned to launch on Falcon 9 on November 19th.

Nothing huge, just a small satellite (230kg) that contains several tomato seeds to grow under controlled conditions, nutrient supply, lighting and gravity. Not only but also for possible Mars/Moon applications.

Just sayin' ...


Sounds almost like that moss project from a few years back. When the KSP community wanted to build a cubesat to grow plants. It was actually the thing I first posted about I think :D

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  On 10/22/2018 at 5:18 PM, tater said:

One of these launches is expendable. Must be heavy.


Really heavy, as it’s a GPS sat that’s only going to medium orbit, not GTO. :o

Surprising that it’s expendable (on a new booster, no less!), but understandable after reading that in the article. It’s a USAF payload, and the Falcon Heavy isn’t yet certified for those yet (that’s part of what the scheduled STP-2 launch will do).

  On 10/22/2018 at 8:33 PM, cubinator said:

I thought we were not going to see any more expendable launches from SpaceX? :huh: Or is it a Crew Dragon escape test?



Gummint bird, and the FH isn’t certified to fly them yet. :(

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  On 10/22/2018 at 10:47 PM, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

With the block 5 improvements, how much could a F9 1st stage carry to LEO flying as an an expendable SSTO? (Not that it could launch 4t to MEO, but I haven't seen an updated number on that since the B5 updates)


I don't think we've gotten numbers on Block 5 yet, but at least with Block 4 it was so slim that the amount you could SSTO was greatly affected by how light you could make the nose cone.

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