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Looks like under the "link" they mean a "strut".

4 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Forget Starship, they keep this up and pretty soon one could simply walk to space... 

Starship will break holes in the net. Then it will self-repair.

Should we now return the separated thread about Starlink Kessler back to the main thread merge this thread to the main thread about the Starlink Kesselr?

Are Musk Borg?

Edited by kerbiloid
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4 hours ago, magnemoe said:

Surface area if earth is around 5*10^9 km^2, 42.000 gives each 120.000 km^2 or an 346 km sized square. 
Yes that would be an decent coverage :) 


AS far as kesseler effects are concerned, they are also in multiple shells, with a total thickness hundreds of KM deep. That's a lot of volume to miss another satellite in.

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38 minutes ago, tater said:

FH isn't human rated, but it has flown 3 flights more than SLS.

Wonder how many it would have to fly to be as "man rated" as Soyuz is? (since NASA has none of the data on that that they'd require if it was a US LV).

Good point especially since falcon 9 and heavy is very similar from the dragon capsule point of view. 
The most dangerous event for an dragon capsule is an upper stage RUD. (outside of the dragon blowing up obviously :)) but none are affected by first stage or boosters much. 
One issue I see is if one booster shut down but second booster continue to trust this would jaw the rocket and make it break up because of air resistance. 
However this is more an KSP issue, in real life you cut engines and abort if parts loose connection to each others. You have both redundant data links and also break wires who detect hull breach. 
This was activated during an Apollo launch abort test who ended up being an real abort so an very good test even if an fail :) 

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3 minutes ago, magnemoe said:

Good point especially since falcon 9 and heavy is very similar from the dragon capsule point of view. 

Assuming they get their act together regarding commercial crew, it seems like FH should be as man-rated as F9, as the components are all the same. Wonder how maxq differs?

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Just now, tater said:

Assuming they get their act together regarding commercial crew, it seems like FH should be as man-rated as F9, as the components are all the same. Wonder how maxq differs?

Presumably it starts sooner because IIRC Falcon Heavy has a TWR of close to 2 at liftoff, and it is going faster through a denser part of the atmosphere.

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Just now, tater said:

Assuming they get their act together regarding commercial crew, it seems like FH should be as man-rated as F9, as the components are all the same. Wonder how maxq differs?

They can cut engines on core to reduce it, this would require restart capability of more engines who is not an major issue. 
Now one issue might be that you need an hypergolic 3rd stage to replace the trunk for an moon mission. Now you could solve this multiple ways like having that part as an separate core who stay in second stage or was dropped 0.1 second after abort but probably my main issue here. 

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3 minutes ago, tater said:

Assuming they get their act together regarding commercial crew, it seems like FH should be as man-rated as F9, as the components are all the same. Wonder how maxq differs?

Abort works almost exactly the same way (higher MaxQ probably isn't an issue) so it would be a question of abort odds rather than abort risk.

Abort is not a low-risk scenario; even in an abort, there are potential problems. If we suppose that 95% of aborts will be successful, then the booster needs to be 93% reliable in order to put LOCV risk at better than 1/270. If 98% of aborts will be successful, then the booster needs to be 82% reliable to meet the same standard.

Man-rating Falcon Heavy would require a showing that it is at least as reliable as Falcon 9, or in any event close enough that LOCV risk remains acceptable.

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1 minute ago, magnemoe said:

They can cut engines on core to reduce it, this would require restart capability of more engines who is not an major issue. 
Now one issue might be that you need an hypergolic 3rd stage to replace the trunk for an moon mission. Now you could solve this multiple ways like having that part as an separate core who stay in second stage or was dropped 0.1 second after abort but probably my main issue here. 

Lunar use with Crew Dragon would be... yeah, a lot more complex. Needs a SM, etc.

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3 minutes ago, Thor Wotansen said:

It would be easier to launch a separate service module on the FH and then launch a Dragon on a F9 to dock in LEO before going on to the Moon.  The 30ish tons of payload should be enough for a service module to put a Dragon around the moon and back.

Arguably even more efficient to give Dragon a 10-tonne service module (maybe docked to an IDA inside the trunk?) and use FHUS residuals to do the TLI.

Dragon 2 is not really great for lunar ops though. Not enough space or capability to really do anything other than go and return. Would be fine if you had LOP-G though.

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