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A pox upon your calm logic and reason! I want the thing and I want it now! *garglbarglargl*


A little real communication from SpaceX would be welcome at this point, they’ve been awfully mum about the whole thing. Are these delay issues things they were expecting or, like @KSK said, should we all just check back next week?:confused:

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I know this is a common place and doesn't really still the impatience we all feel but sometimes almost always it is the best thing to let the people do their work and not report every loose screw or mistyped variable name. I assume they are filing out the procedures to get as exact and as much data as possible from every single step in the chain in order to be able to isolate a possible future error. That takes time, but the longer it takes the higher the probability that they will be able to identify the exact cause of a fireball, should one happen. Pressing on only increases the chances of a happening we do not want to occur, or do we *devilkerbal* ?

Just my layperson's opinion, i am not an engineer :-)

Edited by Green Baron
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Well, if it must blow, let it get about a km up so we can see a nice KSP style disassembly. None of this hobnobbing about for days over whether it made orbit/alive or not, I wanna see a fancy red Tesla sucking stingray scum at the bottom of the gulfstream.

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Apparently the crew of DM2 was announced a while back.

Eric Boe will be commander, with Sunita Williams, Robert L. Behnken, and Douglas Hurley in the crew as well.

Assuming DM1 sticks to its scheduled April launch date I'm going to attempt to convince my family to fly down there for the launch.

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  On 1/13/2018 at 1:26 PM, PB666 said:

Well, if it must blow, let it get about a km up so we can see a nice KSP style disassembly. None of this hobnobbing about for days over whether it made orbit/alive or not, I wanna see a fancy red Tesla sucking stingray scum at the bottom of the gulfstream.


Oh the launch prep was exacting.
Media attention distracting
Will it launch - we do not know
Let it blow, let it blow, let it blow

We'll send it off to Mars
Pushing Elon's fancy cars
We think "all systems go!"
Let it blow, let it blow, let it blow


Thank you, thank you! I'll be here all evening - I recommend the salmon and don't forget to tip your server.

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  On 1/13/2018 at 2:37 PM, _Augustus_ said:

Apparently the crew of DM2 was announced a while back.

Eric Boe will be commander, with Sunita Williams, Robert L. Behnken, and Douglas Hurley in the crew as well.

Assuming DM1 sticks to its scheduled April launch date I'm going to attempt to convince my family to fly down there for the launch.


Its almost alien seeing the launch crew without a Dimitri, Yuri, Sergei or Vladimir snuck in there :D.


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  On 1/13/2018 at 5:25 PM, _Augustus_ said:

It appears that they're electing to do something similar to Dragon C2+ where they combined objectives from 2 missions into one.


Yes dragon 2 can be run unmanned so they can do an cargo mission as part of qualification. 
Think they plan to continue to primarily use dragon 1 for cargo but flexibility is always nice. 

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