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I have some great news, so I followed @FreeThinker advice and tested out the truss in KSPIE, it works almost perfectly, only issue is I can't radially attach stuff, which is super important Can you add that function? It made me think of using the KIS cargo pods to carry all the cargo for the missions. Only problem is I don't think they can be removed without using Kerbals and the whole weight thing, basically, some of the stuff I wanna put in the cargo containers are super massive and Kerbals wouldn't be able to carry them, I increased the cargo pods size to the max, I will need to speak to the mod maker. Either that or I would have to look at the hangar mod, which is sorta a cheaty mod, or the cargo could just be radically attached but it would look less professional of a ship. Some of the cargo pods could serve as planetfall pods, in fact, just one of them dropped could have ALL the stuff needed to set up a colony, just that, due to the size of the pods, the main colony would be made some distance away and where planetfall is made would simply be used as a launch and landing site. Pics below.













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Oh wow, does JAI stand for something? Welcome on board

Guess you're providing the reactors, mainly the surface reactors. I'd like to know about the lifespan of the reactors etc, community resource pack is a must btw, the star systems in RSS Constellations needs CPR for mining. 

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Sponsors: Mod makers that make changes to their mods to better enable the Icarus Initiative, or give advice on how to use their mods to better enable the Icarus Initiative.

Manufacturers: People that build crafts and other cargo needed for the Icarus Initiative.

Administrators: People that are either or both Sponsors and Manufacturers, that will partake in video recording the Icarus Initiative in a collaborative manner with other Administrators, setting up the colonies and other mission critical things.

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  On 5/20/2017 at 12:35 AM, The-Doctor said:

I have some great news, so I followed @FreeThinker advice and tested out the truss in KSPIE, it works almost perfectly, only issue is I can't radially attach stuff, which is super important Can you add that function?


Not sure why you think you cannot attach anything radial because all the truss part do allow radial attaching. It depends on the part you attempt to attach if it's allowed or not.

As you can see, part that allow them selves to be attached radially will connect well


The sphere tanks are by the way ideal for any propellant (except for antimatter) , they can also be ejected after they are empty without any additional part count which minimizes your dead mass

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An even parts that cannot be radially attached, you could use a special dock part. This also allows you to create crosses


Also notice there is a Hexagonal structure tank tank that allows you to do something like this:


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@FreeThinker I attempted using the special docking port but it's not letting me, primarily the large docking ports

Those spherical tanks are what I intend on using, you're right in that they likely can't hold fuel for the antimatter, but they can hold fuel for the esptein drive 

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  On 5/20/2017 at 10:52 PM, The-Doctor said:

Those spherical tanks are what I intend on using, you're right in that they likely can't hold fuel for the antimatter, but they can hold fuel for the esptein drive 


Well have you tried the IFS KSPI Storage tank, they also  allow the fuel for the epstein to be stored

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I will check it out, but I hope it's cylindrical, I still am aiming for an ISV Venture Star like look. Also, the truss still is a problem.

We have lots of time to get everything right, I don't wanna launch before Kerbalisms next update (whenever that is) because the mod maker said it would be game breaking.

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You've awakened a hidden urge inside me.

I'm getting KSPI and all the interstellar Kopernicus mods I can get my grubby hands on right this second to join in. What else do I need? I want to jump right into helping design Destiny's spine/landers. (It's going to have landers, right?)

Edited by ElJugador
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I'll be doing some writings regarding this. Here's the first one: 

-Epstein Drive Testing- 

The airship flew above the Great Plains, carrying an important cargo from a manufacturing plant in Nevada. It made its way east, before finally stopping in Florida. The pilot brought the airship in close to the dock at Cape Canaveral, the Wild Blue Industries logo and the ship's name, Nuclear Explosion, glistening in the sunlight. 

"KSC Control, this is WBI-145, requesting permission to dock." 

"Roger, 145, you are cleared for approach on landing pad Kilo India Alpha." 

"Copy, proceeding to Kilo India Alpha." 

As the airship docked, trained technicians rapidly offloaded its precious cargo, clearing it for takeoff again. The prototype Epstein Drive was loaded onto an eighteen-wheeler and brought to the Static Test Unit. 

Fuel lines were connected, wires were attached, and the ground crew ran to the bunkers. 

"We are go for Epstein Static Test 01. T Minus One Minute and counting." 









"Fuel injection?" 






"Roger, all systems go." 

"30 seconds." 

"Initiate engine precharging." 

"Prime fuel injectors." 

"Emergency abort to standby." 

"Magnetic Confinement online." 

"15 seconds." 

"Chow flopper primed." 

"Control matrix operational." 

"Ignition systems armed." 

"10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Ignition." 

A controller pressed a large red button. Fusion fuel shot into the drive systems, and was quickly heated to millions of degrees. A powerful magnetic field guided the plasma beam, and it shot out the nozzle. 

"Stable ignition." 

"Roger, all systems nominal at this time." 

"We've got a fluctuation in the magnetic confinement field. We're still well within the safe limits." 

"Roger, continue to monitor." 

"Fluctuation getting more intense. The reaction might destabilize." 

"Adjust the field generators to compensate." 

"Beginning adjustment. Stand by." 

"The fluctuation is too severe! I've got a plasma leak in the control systems!" 

"Same with the injectors!" 

"It's gonna go critical!" 


"Emergency shutdown initiated! Oh, crap, the communication system on the engine just vaporized. The shutdown order didn't get through!" 

"Get our radiation shielding online!" 

"Critical detonation in 3... 2... 1... Oh, crap!" 

The Epstein Drive was there on the test stand one second, and simply... wasn't the next. A small flash brightened into a huge explosion, and the loudest sound in recorded history raced towards the control bunker. 

"Sound dampening online! Radiation shielding online!" 

And a good thing, too. Without those, they would have had their eardrums literally explode, and die of acute radiation poisoning a few seconds later. Geiger counters outside the bunker shorted out when the readings literally went off the charts, before they, too, were vaporized. 

"We'll try again tomorrow."

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@ElJugador currently we need manufacturers for the mining parts. Are you familiar with keridian dynamics and with mining and using mined materials to set up bases in space and on surfaces? If not you can surely get familiar with those stuff to build em, we got someone building the landers but you can certainly help if needed. Please check out the mining, that's a major component we need filled and currently there are no manufacturers for it. Mining and base assembly is a critical part of the mission, so we need you on board. Extraplanetary launch pads will be included but just for the runway part

Be advised, you don't need to install the entire mod list I provided to build your assignments. Example, if you're working on lander's, you can just install the lander mods provided in the mod list, and create your craft in stock KSP. When we are ready to cast of, then, you'd install the entire mod list. This applies to all manufactures. 

@ElJugador We also need rovers, cargo rovers, crew rovers, small cargo and crew ships that are purely exo-atmospheric, that will serve as frigates ad crew transport inside the systems that we arrive at. There are 5 planned ARC's

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-Launch of the ARC Destiny- 

The orbital dock sped through the skies, 750 kilometers above the planet Earth. A massive ship sat in its exterior hangar bay, the words ARC Destiny painted onto the side of the hull. The great ship was the first of the Destiny-class Advanced Rapid Colonizers, or ARCs. 

It was filled to the brim with supplies, fuel, and crew. Every last screw was accounted for. The onboard AI automatically kept systems functioning. 

The captain of the ship turned on the comlink. "This is ARC-001 to Spacedock, we are go for release." 

"Copy, ARC. Release crews standing by." 

Captain TheDoctor Kerman felt both disappointment and excitement. On the one hand, everything was proceeding just like in the simulations. Well, the simulations where they didn't make something go catastrophically wrong to test their problem-solving skills. On the other hand, something felt... grizzy, he thought, was the best word to describe it, even though he had just thought that word up. Everyone was more focused, more intense. You could almost feel the adrenaline coursing though his crewmembers' bloodstreams. This was assuredly the first real challenge of the mission. 

"Gantry arms retracting, we are on internal power." 

"Warming up Epstein Drive." 

MechJeb, the shipboard AI, announced, in a computerized voice, "All systems go." 

"Spacedock, we are GO for departure." 

"Roger. Releasing in 3... 2... 1... Now." 

The massive amalgamation of aluminum and plastic emerged from the Spacedock, clearing its berths. 

"MechJeb, target Proxima Centauri and orient us :targetpro:." 

"Roger that, Captain. RCS coming online." 

The ship pointed in the exact right direction. 

"Helmskerb Kerman, maximum power to engines." 

The Helmskerb simply pressed Z on his keyboard. The engines ignited and the ship shot forwards. They were on their way.

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Ship destinations and their relevance


Proxima Centauri = ARC Destiny

Proxima B = Pandora [PCT (Primary Colonial Target) ]

Colonial Administrator = President of the N.C.A, Captain of the Destiny, The Doctor


Wolf1061 = ARC Aurora

Wolf1061d = Coyote [PCT]  

Wolf10619b = Bear [Possible Terrestrial and/or Orbital Outpost (PTOrO) ]

Wolf1061c = Eagle [PTOrO]

Colonial Administrator = [TBD] (To Be Determined)


TauCeti  = ARC Enterprise

TauCeti F =NTBD (Name To Be Determined) [PCT]

TauCeti E = NBTD [PTOrO]

TauCeti D = NBTD [PTOrO]

TauCeti C = NBTD [PTOrO]

TauCeti B = NBTD [POrO]

Colonial Administrator = [TBD]


82.G Eridani = ARC Manley  Note, non of the planets in this system have a breathable atmosphere, hence the Manley is the ship due to the challenge. Planet D is Mars like and the most temperate.                 

82.G Eridani D = NBTD [PCT] [PTOrO]

82.G Eridani C = NBTD [PTOrO]

82.G Eridani B = NBTD [PTOrO]

Colonial Administrator = [TBD]


Kepler - 1229 = ARC Endurance

Kepler - 1229 B = NBTD [PCT] [PTOrO]

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KSP 1.3 will apparently be coming soon (maybe a few months lol), this mission will not launch before 1.3 is out, or until Kerbalism's next game breaking update. This will give us lots of time to get many of the cargo ready and hopefully Mother will be ready by then. I'm a tiny bit upset because I was gonna start a new career in RSS in the mean time, I may just have to give up, it's disappointing cuz I got a nice mostly stock install with just 27 mods installed on ckan.

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There's a potential problem I can see arising: Kerbalism doesn't allow closed-loop life support. We may need some way of bringing in new elements (particularly nitrogen/ammonia) to the system. Other than that, I'm presently trying to build a Mun outpost using KIS/KAS to get the full grasp of these techniques.

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  On 5/25/2017 at 6:25 PM, ElJugador said:

There's a potential problem I can see arising: Kerbalism doesn't allow closed-loop life support. We may need some way of bringing in new elements (particularly nitrogen/ammonia) to the system. Other than that, I'm presently trying to build a Mun outpost using KIS/KAS to get the full grasp of these techniques.


Not completely closed-loop, no, but on a planet with atmosphere you can intake nitrogen, and I think you can get water from ore?

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  On 5/25/2017 at 11:14 AM, Pretorian28715 said:

Erm... what is Mother?


A mod

  On 5/25/2017 at 6:25 PM, ElJugador said:

There's a potential problem I can see arising: Kerbalism doesn't allow closed-loop life support. We may need some way of bringing in new elements (particularly nitrogen/ammonia) to the system. Other than that, I'm presently trying to build a Mun outpost using KIS/KAS to get the full grasp of these techniques.


That's why the crew will be frozen, if the engines get us to 70% the speed of light as expected, some crew will stay awake. It won't have perfect closed loop life support but mostly and stuff else can be mined

@ElJugador Btw, the pic you got tagged under your name isn't showing when I click it, you should check that out

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@The-Doctor I updated KSPI-E to KSP 1.3. I have implemented the antimatter beam core, configurable antimatter tanks, and Kerbstein drive (a.k.a. Epstein drive). 

To minimize interstellar mass, I recommend to configure dropable heat resistant antimatter tank when transferring  the interstellar ship from earth to Pluto orbit and then transfer the antimatter into mass optimized tanks. After that Just don't accelerate faster than 0.1 g and you won't explode

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