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[WIP][1.3.1+] Warbird Cockpits! - 0.3PRE - Mk1 Capsule, Mk1 Inline Cockpit, Mk2 Inline Cockpit

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  • 1 month later...
  On 6/7/2018 at 10:19 PM, Kitspace said:

I trust you are well?

Any news?


Sorry for the delay in the response! I am well, just extremely busy.

I'm working unpredictable retail hours, trying to record with my band, and trying to finish my teaching certificate and find a better job.

I certainly haven't given up on KSP, but it is on the back burner for a little while. My apologies!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 8/8/2018 at 6:10 PM, Kitspace said:

Any chance you can consider uploading what you have done so far since the last update? It seems like quite a lot of stuff and those teaser screenshots are mouthwatering beyond doubt :)


Unfortunately, the MFDs are not complete for the Mk2 inline cockpit. I might be able to put out the Mk1 Inline and Mk1 pod, though.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  On 9/6/2018 at 10:11 PM, Beetlecat said:

 I'm just working up the nerve / gather free time again to switch to 1.4.5, and looking forward to anything new that gets released!


I really hope to have something out for 1.3.1 and 1.4.5 before 1.5 is released, but as always, Real Life takes priority. Hopefully I will get to a new normal and consistent free time soon. Right now I'm trying to move closer to my new job (I'm currently commuting about 1.5-2 hours each way every day) as a teacher. I have to get a new car as my current car's transmission died and it would cost more than the car is worth to fix. Also, I need to get a new computer as my old one is very old. I haven't lost any of the progress I've made on KSP, but I don't have a good way to upload it either.

So things are very busy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 9/16/2018 at 2:24 AM, Sebforce116 said:

*Raises hand with one finger up*... Ahem, SXT Stuka Cockpit?
That is all, other than that this is bloody awesome!


I would love to do the rest of the SXT cockpits. Unfortunately, many of them, including the Stuka, have model errors which makes it difficult to place props efficiently. They are therefore on the bottom of my priority list. However, they are on the list. :)

  On 9/18/2018 at 4:37 PM, Kitspace said:

We are patiently looking forward to you getting the time for KSP :) :)

Sure, real life always comes first though, good luck with solving all of your difficulties successfully!


Thank you! Things are on an upward trend, and have been this entire year, it just seems that every new height brings with it more things to do! I don't plan on climbing much higher than I am at the moment, so I do hope everything settles down soonTM.

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  On 9/26/2018 at 4:53 AM, Crimeo said:

Hi, I am trying to find the IVA shown in the first photo on the front page, but...? Not a big plane guy, but the pod I would use all the time. I was about to make that same thing myself. Where is it in the download?


Not released yet. It will be in version 0.3.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 10/23/2018 at 11:48 AM, Kitspace said:

How are you doing? :) :)


I'm doing rather well, actually. I actually had some time to play KSP in the last several weeks, and my band played a pretty successful show at a convention this last weekend. Now I just basically need a couple of days off that I can actually spend at home and throw into finishing up the final 1.3.1/1.4.x version. Also, for my car to stop throwing me new problems that have to be fixed.

Thanks for asking. :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

The one thing I'd really like to add to the Mk1 pod is the ability to create maneuver nodes and flight planning from the IVA view. I might integrate Astrogator into the CRT for that. Astrogator is so powerful, though, that it doesn't really fit in with the tech level of everything else that's in that pod.

I apologize for the continued delay. Now that I actually have some free time, and my computer set up, I have been spending more of that time just playing the game than anything else. I still have no internet at home, however. I am currently away from my computer on vacation for US Thanksgiving, and won't be back until a week from today. I hope to get back to work on the mod for at least an hour or two each day after that.

Edited by theonegalen
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  On 11/18/2018 at 2:29 PM, Bottle Rocketeer 500 said:

@theonegalen Now, it is possible to switch IVAs in variants with @Electrocutor's mod:

This means that you can do things such as make it possible to have the p-51 iva in one cockpit and the normal mk1 inline cockpit IVA in another.



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  On 11/18/2018 at 4:21 AM, theonegalen said:

The one thing I'd really like to add to the Mk1 pod is the ability to create maneuver nodes and flight planning from the IVA view. I might integrate Astrogator into the CRT for that. Astrogator is so powerful, though, that it doesn't really fit in with the tech level of everything else that's in that pod.

I apologize for the continued delay. Now that I actually have some free time, and my computer set up, I have been spending more of that time just playing the game than anything else. I still have no internet at home, however. I am currently away from my computer on vacation for US Thanksgiving, and won't be back until a week from today. I hope to get back to work on the mod for at least an hour or two each day after that.


Glad to hear things are settling down for you - I feel your pain on the lack of internet at home - I've just moved for work, my desktop hasn't moved yet, and there being no internet in my temporary accommodation (so doing everything on a Chromebook in a coffee shop) is getting to be a bit of a pain.

Enjoy your holiday, and take some time to chill - much more important to look after yourself first ahead of the mod.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Release: Warbird Cockpits 0.3PRE - Built on KSP 1.3.1, but should work up through 1.5.1 with updated RPM dependencies.


New IVAs:

  • Mk1 Pod Cockpit Retro IVA (no autopilot) - IMGUR ALBUM
  • Mk1 Inline Cockpit 1970s Jet-style IVA (Pilot Assistant autopilot) - IMGUR ALBUM
  • Mk2 Inline Cockpit 1960s Jet/Spaceplane IVA (Pilot Assistant and Mechjeb autopilots) - IMGUR ALBUM
  • Mk2 Inline Crew Cabin Airplane IVA, on a part with reduced stats for airplane building. 
  • Mk2 Inline Crew Cabin Spaceplane IVA

New dependencies:

  • Near Future Props - for decorative props in Mk2 IVAs
  • Tiktaalik Dreaming Props - same

Known Issues/To be fixed:

  • Front CRT Mode selector knob in the Mk2 Inline IVA sometimes loses sync with the displayed CRT mode
  • Incomplete CRT autopilot and PFD modes.
  • Rear CRT Nav mode (SCANSAT display) isn't monochrome green like I wish it was. Not sure how to get it to do that properly.
  • Something's wonky with the Life Support Monitor prop, even though it was working the last time I loaded the game.
  • Some visual inconsistencies (backlights not turning off with disconnected power, name plates not in perfect line, etc)

Get it on Spacedock!

Edited by theonegalen
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  On 12/13/2018 at 6:54 PM, Stone Blue said:

I had ust installed this last night to check it out... guess i need to grab this one, NOW... ;)


Sorry, still uploading, give it about five minutes!

EDIT: Ready to go! Tell me how it runs, especially the monster Mk2 Inline!

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