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[WIP] [1.12.x] MOARdV's Avionics Systems - MAS Interactive IVA! (v1.3.7, 7 April 2023)


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  On 12/29/2023 at 4:47 PM, Manul said:



Thank you ! Yeah I saw it and asked Vulkans how he achieved it : It involved some hackery for now, and some work to convert props, but it's doable indeed, which is good news. :) 
It will be planned for future PCR IVA PLUS updates, or when I make a high tech version of it.

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Hi, I'm trying to make the MAS_ASET_DSKY be dependent on a fuse, however I'm having some troubles getting it to work with the various texture shift variables, which make MAS freak out in KSP (probably because of the interacting with the lua script), but I saw on the wiki that the MASmonitor could  have a variable, is that implemented ? So I guess I could use that to switch the whole module ON and OFF with another prop, which would be very convenient in this case (and others too :) )

Thank you !

EDIT : figured out this isn't implemented yet indeed, though I was able to go around that by using color shifts with variables on the  different screen objects. More hassle, but it worked :) 

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I'm using this mod with OPT spaceplane. Originally, the monitors worked. I landed the plane, recovered it with KCT and tried to use them and they do nothing. The RPM monitors work fine. Oddly, the cockpit has both MAS and RPM monitors present - the flight nav side has RPM, the pilots have MAS (which I wish was the other way around! RPM has Nav Utils Continued for landing aid, while the MAS ones are super stripped down).


Is there any configuration or modification I can do? It's the OPT J QS02 B cockpit. Either to force RPM for pilot MFDs (and make the navigator MFDs use MAS, rather than a hard switch), or fix the displays not working, or port the nav utils to MAS.

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  On 5/16/2024 at 1:55 PM, RunaDacino said:

Is there any configuration or modification I can do? It's the OPT J QS02 B cockpit. Either to force RPM for pilot MFDs (and make the navigator MFDs use MAS, rather than a hard switch), or fix the displays not working, or port the nav utils to MAS.


I'm not sure if this is any help, but what I do is go into the IVA cfg file for the cockpit I am using (they're called Spaces in the directory) and find and replace RPM with ALCOR MFDs. Maybe you can do the same to rearrange the displays to suit your desires. I've never added an MAS MFD but it could be just as simple as replacing RPMs.

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  On 5/16/2024 at 1:55 PM, RunaDacino said:



I'm using this mod with OPT spaceplane. Originally, the monitors worked. I landed the plane, recovered it with KCT and tried to use them and they do nothing. The RPM monitors work fine. Oddly, the cockpit has both MAS and RPM monitors present - the flight nav side has RPM, the pilots have MAS (which I wish was the other way around! RPM has Nav Utils Continued for landing aid, while the MAS ones are super stripped down).


Is there any configuration or modification I can do? It's the OPT J QS02 B cockpit. Either to force RPM for pilot MFDs (and make the navigator MFDs use MAS, rather than a hard switch), or fix the displays not working, or port the nav utils to MAS.


Try removing  GameData/MOARdV/Patches/JsiToMasUpgrade.cfg - save it  somewhere outside KSP in case you need it again.  Basically the old CRTs have to have the JSI props, and the JsiToMasUpgrade forcibly removes and replaces them with the MAS equivalents. Removing the upgrade file from MAS leaves those JSI items in place, and as long as RPM is also installed, those props should again work as expected.

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I think I noticed a weird relationship between Kerbal Construction Time, planes and MAS. On launching MAS-IVA planes, they frequently do not work with KCT. If I return to Space Center and "fly" the craft - suddenly everything works just fine. There might be some initialization step that KCT breaks, I imagine. Alternatively, going EVA and back in also fixes it.


I mostly experience this in OPT J HT cockpit (the bus and battery buttons do not work). 

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I've been looking at the source to understand how the MAS Hullcam patch works, as I tried to use a simple MM patch to add MAS camera to HullCameraVDS/Parts/new_cams/aerocam.cfg and its 180 variant whose part names are DC_aerocam2 and DC_aerocam2_180 respectively. However, I cannot seem to find a way for it to display an image in the MFD, which I assume is because I copied the normal aerocam  MAS_camera module in full assuming, given it's basically the same part with a slightly different texture, it would work. I imagine it has to do with "cameraTransformName." I've been looking at HullCam cfgs, but I cannot find the cameraTransformName defined anywhere.

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  On 5/26/2024 at 6:23 AM, RunaDacino said:

I imagine it has to do with "cameraTransformName." I've been looking at HullCam cfgs, but I cannot find the cameraTransformName defined anywhere.


Camera transform is an object of the .mu  model that the camera is assinged to. It's just an arrow on the 3d model that has a specific name, you can use whatever transform the model has: thrust, RCS, air intake transforms if you know the name of that transform.

If you are trying to convert RPM cameras to MAS don't look for cameraTransformName, it's a variable used by MAS cameras, not RPM, search for cameraContainer instead.


        name = JSIExternalCameraSelector
        cameraContainer = RCSthruster
        rotateCamera = -90,0,0
        cameraIDPrefix = ExtCam


Here is the name of transform and here is how it should look like in a MAS camera module

		name = MASCamera

		fovRange = 30, 75
		fovRate = 20

		cameraTransformName = RCSthruster
		translation = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
		rotation = -90, 0, 0

		cameraName = Aerocam

Just keep in mind that RPM doesn't have FOV and rotation limits for cameras (these are limited by the monitor, not camera that doesn't make sense), and for MAS cameras each camera module has it's own zoom an pan/tilt limits.

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I got it to work, thank you!
The cfg for whoever else wants to modify the aeorcams with heat resist and doesnt want to hunt stuff down:

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Now, new challenge:


How do I make 001_ASET_TO_MAS.cfg apply only to parts/mods selectively? 

Issue I've ran into is that the CDI/LOC/VOR in the OPT J HT cockpit does not work with ASET consolidated props as they are fresh off CKAN, which makes IVA landings pretty hard as it otherwise uses MAS MFDs which do NOT have a localizer set up. If using the ASET upgrade patch, the OPT J HT cockpit works amazingly (with the need to go EVA/reenter, but I can live with that). 

Unfortunately, the RPM/ASET patch breaks probe control room, which I see is a known issue. 

It also seems to break the ALCOR command module.


So I'm wondering how could I make it so that the big ASET/RPM upgrades only apply to specific parts rather than change everything? Or is that impossible.


Edit: it seems to work by just going into the MAS patches for RPM and ASET and slapping a big old ":HAS[#NAME[j_6m_cockpit]" onto @INTERNAL  and @PART entries in both files. PBC works, ALCOR works. MK1-3 keeps working. CDI/localizer/VOR work (altho I havnt done a full flight around KSC yet, but the CDI moves around as I taxi around while without the upgrade it just stutters weirdly).

Now I just gotta find a way to make it apply to multiple parts without having to copy paste the patch for each HAS entry. Wish it had an OR functionality.  Maybe a bunch of NOT HAS listing all the pods I know it breaks could work.


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  On 5/26/2024 at 8:48 AM, RunaDacino said:



I got it to work, thank you!
The cfg for whoever else wants to modify the aeorcams with heat resist and doesnt want to hunt stuff down:

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Now, new challenge:


How do I make 001_ASET_TO_MAS.cfg apply only to parts/mods selectively? 

Issue I've ran into is that the CDI/LOC/VOR in the OPT J HT cockpit does not work with ASET consolidated props as they are fresh off CKAN, which makes IVA landings pretty hard as it otherwise uses MAS MFDs which do NOT have a localizer set up. If using the ASET upgrade patch, the OPT J HT cockpit works amazingly (with the need to go EVA/reenter, but I can live with that). 

Unfortunately, the RPM/ASET patch breaks probe control room, which I see is a known issue. 

It also seems to break the ALCOR command module.


So I'm wondering how could I make it so that the big ASET/RPM upgrades only apply to specific parts rather than change everything? Or is that impossible.


Edit: it seems to work by just going into the MAS patches for RPM and ASET and slapping a big old ":HAS[#NAME[j_6m_cockpit]" onto @INTERNAL  and @PART entries in both files. PBC works, ALCOR works. MK1-3 keeps working. CDI/localizer/VOR work (altho I havnt done a full flight around KSC yet, but the CDI moves around as I taxi around while without the upgrade it just stutters weirdly).

Now I just gotta find a way to make it apply to multiple parts without having to copy paste the patch for each HAS entry. Wish it had an OR functionality.  Maybe a bunch of NOT HAS listing all the pods I know it breaks could work.



Doing those kinds of patches in two steps is sometimes useful.  For each thing you want to modify, create a patch that gives it some new key like `do_aset_upgrade = true`.  Then the other patch just looks for that key.

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I wasn't sure you could add entirely new keys without actual compiled plugins. In that case, that makes life much easier. Thank you! 


I guess it's now time to go through each of the VexarpIVA near future pods to see if upgrade or non-upgrade works better for them.



Done it like  Johnny advised.

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Definitely feels more elegant.  I havn't looked at the vexarpIVAs and some other plane cockpits if they are better with the upgraded ASET parts or not yet.

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  On 6/1/2024 at 6:22 PM, dlrk said:

Is there a way to suppress the initialization failed message? It seems to show up when I dock or undock


This message means that there is something wrong: some props have incorrect configs or some cockpit has MAS props but doesn't have a MAS vessel computer module. See the log to see what exactly is causing this.

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I made an IVA for an Airplane Plus cockpit with MAS but some props that  used to work (for IVAs I made for other cockpits before) don't anymore. For example, APU knob doesn't work even though my aircraft has an APU (the one from Kerbal Foundries), or same for the flap lever.

Here is my log file:


I have all dependancies installed.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Edit: I tried with an older IVA I made and they do work. So they seem to not work only in this cockpit.



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Looking at https://github.com/MOARdV/AvionicsSystems/wiki/Radio-Navigation and https://github.com/caerfinon/KerbinSideRemasteredGAP/blob/main/GameData/ContractPacks/KerbinSideRemasteredGAP/Patches/NavUtilRunway.txt

All I need to set-up radio navigation ILS and VOR for the kerbinside runways is to just copy paste the navutil values as appropriate, and then re-use the KSC limits on localizer sector and glide path sector.
Is there anything else that would need doing, or require special attention/modification?



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