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[1.3.1] LinuxGuruGamer's Mod Updates - Updated 3/16/2018

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Given how many mods I'm maintaining, I have a spreadsheet which shows the current status of each mod.

Updates have started for 1.4

Updates will only be provided for 1.4.1, 1.4 will not be supported

I am using this opportunity to add support for the Click Through Controller in those mods which have windows.  The implication is that the ClickThroughController will now be a dependency for all of those mods.

Donations gratefully accepted



Here is the spreadsheet this table was pulled from: https://goo.gl/KxlgIC

This link will show you the current status.  I'll update the data listed below periodically.

The lines in green have been updated to 1.4.1

  Localized Click Through Toolbar Controller KSP Vers Mod Name Mod Type
1   n/a n/a 1.4.1 ABookCaseOrbitalReferenceSystem Utility and Navigation
2 Y Y Y 1.4.1 Action Groups ReExtended Command and Control
3 Y n/a n/a 1.3.1 All Y'All Command and Control
4   Y Y 1.3.1 Anyres UI
5 n/a n/a n/a 1.3.1 AugmentedReality Gameplay
6 n/a     1.3.1 Automated Screenshots Utility and Navigation
7 n/a n/a n/a 1.3.1 BAM Visual
8   n/a n/a 1.4.1 Bargain Rocket Parts Recycled Parts
9   Y Y 1.4.1 Better Time Warp Continued Gameplay
10   n/a n/a 1.4.1 BetterScienceLabs Parts
11   n/a n/a 1.4.1 Blizzy Toolbar UI
12       1.3.1 Bolt-On Screenshot System (BOSS) Continued Utility and Navigation
13   n/a n/a 1.4.1 BOMPs Parts
14       1.3.1 Career Manager Continued Gameplay
15       1.3.1 CCTV Parts
16       1.3.1 Champagne Bottle Gameplay
17 n/a n/a n/a 1.4.1 Click Through Blocker UI
18     Y 1.3.1 ConstantTWR Editor Tools
19       1.4.1 CorrectCOL Editor Tools
20   Y Y 1.4.1 Craft Import Utility and Navigation
21       1.3.1 Crew R&R Gameplay
22       1.3.1 Critter Crawler Parts
23       1.3.1 Danger Alerts Gameplay
24       1.3.1 DangIt! Gameplay
25       1.3.1 Draft Twitch Viewers Utility and Navigation
26   Y   1.3.1 Editor Extensions Redux Editor Tools
27     Y 1.3.1 EngineIgnitor Propulsion
28       1.3.1 EVA Enhancements Gameplay
29       1.3.1 EVA Fuel Continued Gameplay
30       1.3.1 EVA Handrails Parts
31       1.3.1 EVA Parachutes&Ejectors Gameplay
32       1.3.1 EvaFollower Command and Control
33       1.3.1 Extensive Engineer Report (includes ShipSections) Editor Tools
34   n/a n/a 1.4.1 Filter Extensions Editor Tools
35       1.3.1 Flag Rotate Continued Misc
36   Y Y 1.4.1 FlightPlan Utility and Navigation
37       1.3.1 FMRS Gameplay
38       1.3.1 FTLDriveContinued Gameplay
39       1.3.1 FuseBox Continued Gameplay
40       1.3.1 HangerExtender Editor Tools
41   Y Y 1.4.1 Haystack Utility and Navigation
42   n/a n/a 1.4.1 HullcamVDSContinued Parts
43 Y Y Y 1.3.1 IFI Life Support Gameplay
44       1.3.1 ImageViewerContinued Utility and Navigation
45       1.3.1 Integrated Stack Decouplers Parts
46   Y   1.4.1 JanitorsCloset Utility and Navigation
47       1.3.1 JSIPartUtilties Misc
48   n/a n/a 1.4.1 K2 Command Pod Continued Parts
49 Y     1.3.1 Kaptains Log Misc
50       1.3.1 Kartographer Utility and Navigation
51     Y 1.3.1 KEI Gameplay
52       1.3.1 Kerbal Animation Suite Cont Misc
53 Y     1.3.1 Kerbal HotSeat Gameplay
54       1.3.1 Kerbal Launch Failure Gameplay
55       1.3.1 Kerbal Object Inspector Development Tools
56       1.3.1 Kerbal Slingshotter Reslung Utility and Navigation
57       1.3.1 Kramax Autopilot Gameplay
58   Y Y 1.4.1 KRASH Gameplay
59       1.3.1 Kronal Vessel Viewer Misc
60       1.3.1 KSP Casher Continued Gameplay
61       1.3.1 KSPLogger Misc
62       1.3.1 Kurrikane Parts
63   n/a n/a 1.4.1 KWRocketry Rebalanced Parts
64       1.3.1 KWRocketry Redux (replaced by the Rebalanced) Parts
65   n/a n/a 1.4.1 LoadingScreenManager Misc
66       1.3.1 ManeuverQueue Utility and Navigation
67   n/a n/a 1.4.1 Mk2.5 Spaceplane Parts Parts
68   n/a n/a 1.4.1 Munar Industries - Modular Fuel Tank Expansion Rebuilt Parts
69       1.3.1 NASA Countdown Clock Updated Misc
70       1.3.1 Navball Docking Alignment Indicator CE-2 Utility and Navigation
71       1.3.1 NavHud Renewed Command and Control
72       1.3.1 NEBULA Decals Continued Parts
73   Y n/a 1.4.1 NRAP Parts
74       1.3.1 NSS/OctoSat Parts
75   Y Y 1.4.1 Part Angle Display Editor Tools
76   Y Y 1.4.1 PartCommanderContinued Utility and Navigation
77       1.3.1 PartWizard Editor Tools
78       1.4.1 PatchManager Utility and Navigation
79       1.3.1 PersistentDynamicPodNames Gameplay
80       1.3.1 PicoPort4AllSizes Parts
81 Y Y   1.4.1 Precise Node Command and Control
82       1.3.1 Probe Control Room Command and Control
83       1.3.1 Quantum Struts Parts
84       1.3.1 QuizTechAeroPack Parts
85   Y Y 1.4.1 RCS Build Aid Editor Tools
86       1.3.1 Recovery Controller Misc
87       1.3.1 Recycled Parts Parts
88       1.3.1 Refocused Camera Focus Changer Visual
89 n/a n/a n/a 1.4.1 RetractableLiftingSurface Misc
90       1.3.1 SelectableDataTransmitter Misc
91   n/a n/a 1.4.1 Sensible PumpsContinued Gameplay
92   n/a n/a 1.4.1 ShowFPS Utility and Navigation
93   n/a n/a 1.4.1 Smart Parts Parts
94       1.3.1 SmartStage Editor Tools
95       1.3.1 State Funding Continued Gameplay
96   n/a n/a 1.4.1 Structural Tubing Parts
97       1.3.1 SXTContinued Parts
98       1.3.1 TAC Atomic Clock Irradiated Misc
99       1.3.1 Tac Self Destruct Continued Parts
100       1.3.1 TAC Sticky Controls Command and Control
101 n/a n/a n/a 1.4.1 Take Command Continued Gameplay
102       1.3.1 TankLock Utility and Navigation
103       1.3.1 Throttle Limiter Extended Propulsion
104       1.3.1 Through The Eyes Command and Control
105       1.3.1 ToadicusTools Misc
106   n/a n/a 1.4.1 Tokamak Refurbished Parts Parts
107 n/a n/a n/a 1.4.1 Toolbar Controller UI
108       1.3.1 TotalTime Utility and Navigation
109   n/a n/a 1.4.1 Triple-Z Radio Astronomy Telescope Parts
110 Y     1.3.1 TRP-Hire Gameplay
111       1.3.1 Tweakable Everything Gameplay
112   Y   1.4.1 UICore UI
113       1.3.1 VaporVent Parts
114 Y n/a n/a 1.3.1 VesselViewer Misc
115       1.3.1 VOID Utility and Navigation
116   Y Y 1.4.1 WASDEditorCameraContinued Editor Tools
117       1.3.1 Wernher Checker Continued Misc
118       1.3.1 YongeTech TechTrees Plugin Gameplay
        1.4.1 KSP-AVC BETA Utility and Navigation
Edited by linuxgurugamer
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I use a few of your mods and I wanted to thank you for your time and effort,  I look forward to trying some more of them out.

Thank you for the spreadsheet as well,  cause me to notice the all,'y'all which will be helpful!

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There's a few in that list which escaped my notice, and I have already seen a couple for v1.3.0 which I might use, not just yours. Some, I suppose, are items such as the K2 Command Pod, getting an AVC update, but not needing changes.to work. It is, alas, some of the more complicated stuff that I need to feel comfortable.

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Is there any of that you want a bit of help with?   I don't want to step on toes by just starting posting git issues and pull requests all willy nilly... and I'm not the world's most experienced coder but if you'd LIKE me to take a stab at compiling any of them against 1.3 and seeing what just works and what's an obvious fix I'm willing to do a couple of them.   And/or taking a test through a parts mod or two to make sure nothing's gone stupid on you with the update?   


What you do is a monumental effort!  If you want help you deserve it.  If you'd rather NOT have others mucking around and actually making your job harder...  no offense will be taken!

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  On 5/27/2017 at 10:32 AM, artwhaley said:

Is there any of that you want a bit of help with?   I don't want to step on toes by just starting posting git issues and pull requests all willy nilly... and I'm not the world's most experienced coder but if you'd LIKE me to take a stab at compiling any of them against 1.3 and seeing what just works and what's an obvious fix I'm willing to do a couple of them.   And/or taking a test through a parts mod or two to make sure nothing's gone stupid on you with the update?   


What you do is a monumental effort!  If you want help you deserve it.  If you'd rather NOT have others mucking around and actually making your job harder...  no offense will be taken!


I don't mind PRs, etc, as long as they are useful.

That being said, I'm almost done with all the updates.  If you like, take a look at some of the github issues, feel free to take a stab at some of them.  

Being specific, here are a few which are on the back burner right now:




Also, feel free to test any of the mods which are listed as 1.3 compatible, it's quite possible that something was overlooked.

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  • 1 month later...

Since I know about this list, my thought process when not remembering a small mod goes:

Is it maintained by by @linuxgurugamer? If yes, lets go to the bookmarked thread and find it there instead of trying to remember for 5 minutes. :wink:

Perhaps a link to this thread next to a patreon logo in your signature, for those who do not know about this?

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  • 3 months later...
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  • 5 weeks later...

Thank you so very much for your hard work in developing and maintaining these mods.  I'm using sixteen seventeen  eighteen  twenty-one twenty-four of yours at the moment, and keep pondering ("Pinky, are you...") the others!

Edited by InterplanetJanet
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  On 1/6/2018 at 6:21 AM, MaxPeck said:

@SQUAD... seriously, this guy belongs on the payroll somewhere.  The amount of code he's maintaining is absurd.


he's got a payroll, be sure to check out his Patreon page. I'm paying him more than I am for my streaming video services hahaha cause I use KSP and the many mods he maintains more than those :D

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  On 1/6/2018 at 7:07 PM, Drew Kerman said:

he's got a payroll, be sure to check out his Patreon page. I'm paying him more than I am for my streaming video services hahaha cause I use KSP and the many mods he maintains more than those :D


And thanks for that.

watch for some updates and releases this weekend

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  On 1/6/2018 at 4:34 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Nope, it’s  a "he", you can see me on Sunday nights (us eastern, 7-12) on Twitch 


That could just be the "spokesman" for the linuxgurugamer consortium.  Like the dork with glasses for Verizon ("Can you hear me now?") or the two guys for Bartles & Jaymes ("Thank you for your support.") or The Most Interesting Man In The World for, uh, whatever beer that was. Or about fifty thousand politically-motivated insults I shan't deign to include....


Just saying.  =)

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