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[1.3.1][Plugin] Kronometer v1.3.1-1


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Hello I have been using your know patch for 1.12 in ksp version 1.12.2. Anyway i have made a test install for troubleshooting problems in my main install. I have found that using it in combination with Texture replacer having a skybox disables the skybox. Here is a log thank you in advance! https://www.dropbox.com/s/e9942p9l3ei4r6n/Player.log?dl=0

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Great news, @linuxgurugamer. Can you tell me whether your 1.12 includes the patch mentioned in this issue? https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kronometer/issues/17#issuecomment-868705335 Probably a stupid question, sorry.

EDIT: Having tried it now, I can report that it does seem to include the patch, or code equivalent to it to make it run on 1.12. I've loaded it up in my JNSQ game and it seems to be running without issue.

Edited by jefferyharrell
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  • Kronometer-v1.12.0.zip includes Kopernicus.Parser.dll, that prevent ksp from loading (probably if there is Kopernicus) 
    I tried to remove Kopernicus.Parser.dll and it worked ok.
  • Kronometer-v1.12.0.zip without Kopernicus.Parser.dll and QuickSave again have a problem with dates.
    Way to reproduce: jnsq master, Kronometer-v1.12.0, new sandbox game, launch vessel, warp untill Y2D1_H3, press F5, date on a save file will be Y1D365_H09
    ksp.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-h3mTqYJHkVCGhyGO
    player.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-h3oICA4vdibFP6g6
Edited by flart
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1 hour ago, flart said:


  • Kronometer-v1.12.0.zip includes Kopernicus.Parser.dll, that prevent ksp from loading (probably if there is Kopernicus) 
    I tried to remove Kopernicus.Parser.dll and it worked ok.
  • Kronometer-v1.12.0.zip without Kopernicus.Parser.dll and QuickSave again have a problem with dates.
    Way to reproduce: jnsq master, Kronometer-v1.12.0, new sandbox game, launch vessel, warp untill Y2D1_H3, press F5, date on a save file will be Y1D365_H09
    ksp.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-h3mTqYJHkVCGhyGO
    player.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-h3oICA4vdibFP6g6

Nothing different from the old version of Kronometer.  You can just delete it, I'll get CKAN updated to not install that if Kopernicus is installed, but it's needed if Kopernicus isn't installed.

I don't have a great answer for this yet.  I need to contact the Kopernicus people about it

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On 8/25/2021 at 1:04 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

All, I've adopted this mod, but I'm not going to create a new thread at this time, since I don't expect any future changes.

Current version available here: 


Thank you for updating and fixing Kronometer the mod works again in comba with JNSQ. :) 

Edited by Jim123
forget to add something
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  • 2 months later...
  • 11 months later...

I used "true" commands to make the day time match on my 10x Rescale, but the game starts at 0:00:00 with the midday sun above KSC, Sunrise is at 18:00:00 and sunset 06:00:00... how can I start the clock time at 12:00:00? or start the gameplay at midnight so that the starting time "0:00:00" coincides with sun position and clock?

    useHomeDay = true
    useHomeYear = true
    useLeapYears = true

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10 hours ago, GianFrank said:

I used "true" commands to make the day time match on my 10x Rescale, but the game starts at 0:00:00 with the midday sun above KSC, Sunrise is at 18:00:00 and sunset 06:00:00... how can I start the clock time at 12:00:00? or start the gameplay at midnight so that the starting time "0:00:00" coincides with sun position and clock?

    useHomeDay = true
    useHomeYear = true
    useLeapYears = true

Use the setting "offsetTime" to change the starting time.  For example, if you want the clock to start at 12:00:00, you have to offset 12 hours, or 43200 seconds.  Try this:

			@offsetTime = 43200
			@offsetTime = 43200
			@offsetTime = 43200


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On 11/7/2022 at 10:36 AM, OhioBob said:

Use the setting "offsetTime" to change the starting time.  For example, if you want the clock to start at 12:00:00, you have to offset 12 hours, or 43200 seconds.  Try this:

			@offsetTime = 43200
			@offsetTime = 43200
			@offsetTime = 43200


Yup, that's the correct answer, thanks for the help!

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  • 10 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Just thought I'd add this for anyone who wanted to see how to build a custom calendar using Kronometer. This is for the stock system scaled up 2.66X

Custom month names for 28/29 day months and an odd month called "Festival" to handle the remaining days in the year. At 2.66x, a year on Kerbin is 349 days. Offset time is set so that "noon" (6am, as there are 12 hour days) is when the sun is directly overhead at KSC. The calendar starts during the spring equinox, so the months start with the local equivalent of April. (I am using a modified version of HarderStockSystem, which simulates an axial tilt and creates true seasons on Kerbin)

The year is offset 1,955 years so that the displayed date says "1955" at game start. Final result looks like this:


	%useHomeDay = true
	%useHomeYear = true
    %useLeapYears = true
    %resetMonthNumAfterMonths = 12
    %resetMonthsAfterYears = 1
    !DisplayDate,* {}
    !Months,* {}

            offsetTime = 21600
            offsetDay = 1
            offsetYear = 1955
            displayDate = <Y> <Mo1> <Dm>
            displayTime = < - <H:00>:<M:00>
            displaySeconds = :<S:00>
            offsetTime = 21600
            offsetDay = 1
            offsetYear = 1955
            displayDate = <Y> <Mo1> <Dm>
            displayTime = < - <H:00>:<M:00>
            displaySeconds = :<S:00>
            offsetTime = 21600
            offsetDay = 1
            offsetYear = 1955
            displayDate = <Y> <Mo1> <Dm>
            displayTime = < - <H:00>:<M:00>
            displaySeconds = :<S:00>
            name = Planting
            symbol = Pln
            days = 28
            name = Greensprout
            symbol = Grn
            days = 29
            name = Foreharvest
            symbol = For
            days = 28
            name = Firstfruit
            symbol = Fir
            days = 29
            name = Goldenfield
            symbol = Gol
            days = 28
            name = Greatharvest
            symbol = Grt
            days = 29
            name = Firewood
            symbol = Fir
            days = 28
            name = Deadfall
            symbol = Ded
            days = 29
            name = Koldhearth
            symbol = Kol
            days = 28
            name = Festival
            symbol = Fes
            days = 5
            name = Bitterwind
            symbol = Bit
            days = 29
            name = Whitefield
            symbol = Wht
            days = 28
            name = Frostmorn
            symbol = Frs
            days = 29


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