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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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Ok I'm at a loss. I'm still relatively new to this mod in terms of the more techy engines and fuels. Mostly was using it for the nuclear lightbulb and the x24/x48 liquid fuel tanks (which are now obsolete apparently...grr)

I've been trying out the other engine/fuel combinations, but no matter what I do I cannot get the vista fusion engine to work. I will set up the engine just like the description says (tried all the reactors), KerbalEngineer will tell me I have Dv and thrust, and I don't touch the pre-set LH2, Lqd Deuturium, and Lqd Tritium. As soon as I go in-world to test it, the game will say the Vista has zero LH2, Lqd Deuturium, and Lqd Tritium, and that I also have no Dv. Reverting back to the space hanger suddenly shows all the untouched levels at zero...which happened by magic I am assuming. I really want to use this engine due to it's high ISP and use for motherships, but I'm at the point of moving on or finding another mod. Any help?

A side note...I've tried googling this and checking youtube. Unfortunately most guides/videos are out of date and non-applicable anymore based on the current mod's version.

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A new beta KSP Interstellar Extended can be downloaded from here


* Added Deployable Antimatter Magnetic Trap  (by Spacemouse)

* Balance: Reduced mass magnetic traps

* Balance: Magnetic Traps now require power to function and can be disabled

* Fixed loss of resources in Cryo Storage  when build in space (unverified)

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As of last patch, beamed power to the part :Phased Array Sphere, appears to have broken. The wavelength section on deployed parts for the receiver/relay side appears to have had its settings changed from long infra-red to far infra red. I suspect this is due to some form of adjustment in the beamed power lists that has resulted in it being changed. So far, none of the deploy-able phased array types have been affected by this that I have seen. I also recently unlocked a tech, but I'm not sure that's related to the issue: 

High Power Electrical Systems

The reason I thought it may be related is it looks like it adds visible light to available selection of bands for deploy-able phased arrays, but I'm not sure if it should affect the sphere arrays at all.

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Something seriously wrong with beamed power. Even the thermal receiver on Red Baron is not detecting its slaves. Reverting to last known stable release 1.7, not known status of 1.8 as not tried yet.

Summary of 1.9 testing: Cryogenic storage launch from orbit, works fine. Beamed power is dead in water again for some strange reason relating to thermal receivers malfunctioning.

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  On 9/18/2017 at 1:22 AM, Maelstrom Vortex said:

Something seriously wrong with beamed power. Even the thermal receiver on Red Baron is not detecting its slaves. Reverting to last known stable release 1.7, not known status of 1.8 as not tried yet.

Summary of 1.9 testing: Cryogenic storage launch from orbit, works fine. Beamed power is dead in water again for some strange reason relating to thermal receivers malfunctioning.


I'm still getting a console spam issue with beamed power.


Slightly off-topic question for @FreeThinker or anyone else that might have any idea. Might it be easier IRL to make a antimatter reactor than a standard fusion reactor? As I understand it, a antimatter reactor does not require the ultra high energy to sustain a reaction, You just need to keep it contained from touching anything. Sounds a good deal simpler, at least in theory.

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  On 9/18/2017 at 2:36 AM, SpaceMouse said:

Slightly off-topic question for @FreeThinker or anyone else that might have any idea. Might it be easier IRL to make a antimatter reactor than a standard fusion reactor? As I understand it, a antimatter reactor does not require the ultra high energy to sustain a reaction, You just need to keep it contained from touching anything. Sounds a good deal simpler, at least in theory.


Easier? Well if you have solved the antimatter production, storage and transportation problem, what remains is the actual matter -antimatter reaction which although sound easy, it still tricky because you cannot simply allow a stream of liquid antimatter reactor with a stream of matter mix like in a Rocket engine, otherwise they only react at the surface contact and 99% of the antimatter and matter will be blown in opposite sides, blowing up the engine in the process. Instead, you have to carefully atomize the antimatter and attempt to react every antimatter reactor with an individual matter atom.  This is by the way why antimatter torpedos in space are pretty useless, only a fraction of the antimatter on contact will explode, the majority will be blown to all directions, including the direction it came from potentially hurting the attacker more than the target.

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@SpaceMouse Another major problem is the insane amount of hard gamma rays it produces, which requires very thick layers of radiation shielding which require continuous cooling to prevent them from melting. But that's nothing compared to the Parts that are closest to the antimatter ring, like the super cooled magnetic coils around the annihilation chamber need some insane cooling to prevent the from overheating by the intense levels of radiations, which would result in them no longer able to function as superconductors causing them to be vaporized an instant.

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Anybody have any ideas?  Confirmed satellite in the sky receives beamed power on long infra-red from the reactor and is set to relay mode. The craft on the ground is a test receiver with 360 spherical reception with all slaved  wing receivers enabled. Facing factor showing near 0, some other craft loaded show facing factor 80.. not sure what's going on with facing calcs here.


Purple marker is position of relay satellite in the heavens.

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  On 9/18/2017 at 12:05 PM, FreeThinker said:

This is by the way why antimatter torpedos in space are pretty useless, only a fraction of the antimatter on contact will explode, the majority will be blown to all directions, including the direction it came from


that looks like a simpel fix
using a cone saped matte collinding whit a spear of antimatter will direact the antimatter  at the target
or using a e- beam to heat the antimatter  to a plasma   and then colide it whit the casing using a low A/M ratio

beam q moved to correct tread :) 

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Is anyone at a state in their campaign where they can test a beamed power relay to geostationary from ocean back to runway on long infra-red to determine if still generally functional? I'm trying to isolate if problems I'm encountering are related to craft files from prior mod iterations or if beamed relay power on long infrared back to surface is genuinely out of commission  on versions 1.9+.

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Will be uploading and testing shortly. roll back to 1.6 still has craft not functioning so I think whatever file has been modified that causes craft to not work is something simple over-writes are not fixing. Yanked entire warp-plugin folder, reloading from last backed up good version 09/09/2017.. if confirmed craft work will be updating to .11 to see if new version is still killing the grid.

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  On 9/20/2017 at 6:25 AM, Maelstrom Vortex said:

Will be uploading and testing shortly. roll back to 1.6 still has craft not functioning so I think whatever file has been modified that causes craft to not work is something simple over-writes are not fixing. Yanked entire warp-plugin folder, reloading from last backed up good version 09/09/2017.. if confirmed craft work will be updating to .11 to see if new version is still killing the grid.


Confirmed 1.6 works when directory yanked and full over-write of directory is performed so must have been some file from a later version still loading that caused 1.6 to be unstable, Craft flying fine now. Tested update to .11 in live stream for Freethinker. Validated we are getting power now but receiver changes appear to cause power output to be only fractions of received thermal power. Control Craft Red Baron had been receiving around 7 GW at Runway, was getting only 900 MW. Freethinker was present for the craft test. Mobile didn't give a good readout for him so providing a screen cap from the broadcast below: 


The reactor source for most of the power grid is the purple box on the ocean below at 14km broadcasting in Long Infrared as is indicated by the interface. Getting some reports from other players IntakeAtm may be broke on some non-kerbin bodies. At the time of fly over reactor was generating 44 GW of wall to beam.

Update: Hold on this. I want to confirm I yanked the USI_NF patch with this result tonight. I notice the kw is almost exactly 50x off from reactor

Update: Confirmed the reactor was putting out 30 something gigawatts of power as received by the relay, so yes, it was at full 44 gw output when recieving these numbers. These numbers are suspiciously similar to the USI/NF patch numbers. I'd recommend checking to see if somehow the USI/NF patch data got into another file that only impacts receiver performance.

update 3: Definitely confirmed receiving full power but not consuming it, fractional thrust. Someone observed that there's a possibility something may be wrong with intake atmosphere, it may be related. I will run another test on 09/09/2017 version to see if intake atm has changed on the same craft.

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Query: If you put two transmitters on a source, which transmitter will be prioritized or will it simply confuse the craft? Reason I ask is I'm considering doing combined IR/X-RAY power satellites with dual transmitters and I need to know how it'd split the power. Also, what kind of resources can I expect to find in terms of KSPIE resources from a class E asteroid?

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  On 9/20/2017 at 10:07 PM, Maelstrom Vortex said:

Control Craft Red Baron had been receiving around 7 GW at Runway, was getting only 900 MW.


I don't think this number is correct, you only received 900 MW on one part, the other parts might also have received power but this is not directly visible

  On 9/20/2017 at 11:38 PM, Maelstrom Vortex said:

Query: If you put two transmitters on a source, which transmitter will be prioritized or will it simply confuse the craft? Reason I ask is I'm considering doing combined IR/X-RAY power satellites with dual transmitters and I need to know how it'd split the power. Also, what kind of resources can I expect to find in terms of KSPIE resources from a class E asteroid?


When you have multiple transmitters, KSPIE combines them into a single transmitter (like a phased array) for beamed power network.

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What if the two transmitters are on different wavelengths?

  On 9/21/2017 at 6:21 AM, FreeThinker said:

I don't think this number is correct, you only received 900 MW on one part, the other parts might also have received power but this is not directly visible

When you hae multiple transmitter, KSPIE combines them into a single transmitter (like a phased array) for beamed power network.


They were all supposed to be slaved, but seemed to get no power in deployed beamed mode, and thrust did not match the output of when it received the correct amount of power. Thrust was about 2-300 KN vs 2-3K Kn it sometimes exhibited on 1.6. Wings would turn red on runway in 1.6, now they all stay black.

Sticking to 1.6 for now til reception power is calibrated because something is definitely off. Sanity check failed.

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  On 9/21/2017 at 9:00 AM, Maelstrom Vortex said:

What if the two transmitters are on different wavelengths?


Then they are treated as separate

  On 9/21/2017 at 9:00 AM, Maelstrom Vortex said:

What if the two transmitters are on different wavelengths?

They were all supposed to be slaved, but seemed to get no power in deployed beamed mode, and thrust did not match the output of when it received the correct amount of power. Thrust was about 2-300 KN vs 2-3K Kn it sometimes exhibited on 1.6. Wings would turn red on runway in 1.6, now they all stay black.

Sticking to 1.6 for now til reception power is calibrated because something is definitely off. Sanity check failed.


Not sure what happened, possibly power was absorbed by beamed power receiver but not used. For example, the 2 forward thermal receivers in the front might have absorbed power not provided the power to where you have to use it.



Here is the latest beta of KSPI and can be downloaded from here


* Improved Beamed Power Interface,(master is now able to see all slaves)

* Added SpotsizeMultiplier of 1.22

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