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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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after a long time of not playing KSPI i have started another game. An oh look! New things to try out (and blow up/crash/incinerate....). I have already built a few probes using the CANDLE as main engine. So far everything worked fine. But when the last probe arrived at its destination (Duna) it was unable to perform the breaking maneuver. The engine just didn't generate any thrust (even though it had done just fine during the transfer burn).

The right-click menu showed that it didn't have any thermal power (no waste heat either) and the reactor temperature was dropping even though though there was still plenty of fuel in the reactor.

I am a bit confused now... is this a bug? Or am I just being stupid? The probe is a rather simple design: Probecore, a bit of siency stuff, batteries, solar panels, liquid fuel tank, two stock radiators and the CANDLE.

Any Ideas?

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Sorry It this was already asked or it's something already answered but, is there a was to disable the heating system and just use something like stock or at least make the reactors easier to use?

I love the idea of this mod but I can never seem to get the reactor to work even with all the tutorials and I got so flustered that i uninstalled the mod. If anyone can help me in anyway I greatly appreciate that, Thanks.

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13 hours ago, bertibott said:



after a long time of not playing KSPI i have started another game. An oh look! New things to try out (and blow up/crash/incinerate....). I have already built a few probes using the CANDLE as main engine. So far everything worked fine. But when the last probe arrived at its destination (Duna) it was unable to perform the breaking maneuver. The engine just didn't generate any thrust (even though it had done just fine during the transfer burn).

The right-click menu showed that it didn't have any thermal power (no waste heat either) and the reactor temperature was dropping even though though there was still plenty of fuel in the reactor.

I am a bit confused now... is this a bug? Or am I just being stupid? The probe is a rather simple design: Probecore, a bit of siency stuff, batteries, solar panels, liquid fuel tank, two stock radiators and the CANDLE.

Any Ideas?

Most likely, you have accidentally disabled it or the reactor got somehow overheated due to external factors or lack of sufficient radiators

Edited by FreeThinker
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7 hours ago, Vjrcr said:

Sorry It this was already asked or it's something already answered but, is there a was to disable the heating system and just use something like stock or at least make the reactors easier to use?

I love the idea of this mod but I can never seem to get the reactor to work even with all the tutorials and I got so flustered that i uninstalled the mod. If anyone can help me in anyway I greatly appreciate that, Thanks.

which reactor are you having trouble with?  Generally what you do is put on a reactor and an electric generator.  Unlike some other mods, the KSPIE reactors do not have built-in generators.  Some reactors work with the direct cycle generator, some with the chargedparticle generator.

For example I like to use thorium-based molten salt reactors as backup power for bases and long-haul spaceplanes, since antimatter goes away fast even if you're just idling with the reactor running.  So in my cargo bay I put a molten salt reactor switched to ThF4 (it carries its own fuel), attached to a direct cycle generator.
For thrust, one of the best things to do is to hook up a hybrid thermal rocket nozzle directly to a reactor.  The engine's effectiveness is inversely proportional to its distance from the reactor - directly attached is best. by *far*.

Another VERY important thing - you need radiators.  Make sure you have some on the craft (KSPIE radiators) or the generators will all shut down and you'll be stuck.  There's a VAB thermal helper that you can pull up in VAB/SPH and see if you've got enough radiators for the reactors in use.

Edited by ss8913
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eventhough KSPI in is essence very simple, it's true that some first time users might be confused. Perhaps linking to some simple tutorials will be usefull. THere are many exisiting tutorials which although a bit dated, are still relevant. Still would be best if someone could create a few new tutorials, which I can link to. I don't have the skill nor the time to do it so if anyone feel like, I would appeciate any up to date videos or textual tutorials

Edited by FreeThinker
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version 1.6.7 not present in CKAN

also I have a problem with Supercollider. I think it conflicts with Dynamic Texture Unloader mod. I got message in log, something about "too much polygons, this is invalid". I will provide more information and screenshot later, when I get acces to my home computer.

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1 minute ago, Cosmonauth said:

version 1.6.7 not present in CKAN

also I have a problem with Supercollider. I think it conflicts with Dynamic Texture Unloader mod. I got message in log, something about "too much polygons, this is invalid". I will provide more information and screenshot later, when I get acces to my home computer.

Not nessisary. KSP 1.0.5 nuked any models with more than 255 polygons. I disabled the part in the VAB, but people might still use it in the vessels. Perhaps I vould solve the problem If I could somehow replace it with another model.

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44 minutes ago, Cosmonauth said:

just noticed that Kerbalstuff is shutting down. Feel so frustrated ((
KSPIE download link on top post referring to Kerbalstuff, @FreeThinker should find another host for it.

What link? I no longer link to kerbalstuff but to the Curse Mirror by default, precisely because Kerbalstuff is unreliable and slow

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1 hour ago, ABZB said:

Kerbalstuff has shut down permanently.

WTF, it appears your correct

For KSPI, this is a problem as KSPI entire change log was stored there. Why didn't they warned me before hand? Perhaps they did but I wasn't aware of it ;.;

Now can anyone help me fix CKAN?


Edited by FreeThinker
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Hello, I've been trying to re-learn this mod, and I'm currently a bit confused about the Resistojet RCS. I noticed that when I right click on the part there are 2 thrust limiter sliders in the right click menu. What is the difference between the two thrust limiters? Also, what do the "use lever" and "power" buttons do?


Here is a pic of the right click menu I'm referring to.

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Howdy Folks...

I've been working on finishing out my current career save before the next KSP version comes out. I've all but a couple nodes left to do in the science tree. I've ran into an issue with reactor embrittlement. In just about every career game I come to the point that I get Microwave transceivers and set up a couple nuke ground transmitters. Here's my current pair:

Nuke Ground Stations...

I set these up broadcasting 3.5 GW each and leave them there. I just went back to check them and grabbed that screen shot. Please notice a mission elapsed time over seven years, and an embrittlement of 0.029%. Here's my super-collider expedition to Jool. This is just after I've done a mid-course correction to clean up the approach...

Jool mission...

Please notice the mission elapsed time of 151 days and an embrittlement of 37%. The difference between the two is that for the ground station I set them up and never went back to them. The Jool mission I stayed with and time warped to the course correction. I went to the tracking station and warped time from there. Here we are arriving at Jool...

Orbiting Jool...

Please notice the mission elapsed time of one year 236 days and an embrittlement remaining at 37%.What prompted me to post this is that I had reached Jool with my reactor putting out barely enough power to keep it running. I had hit F5 just after the course correction so I could re-run the mission and grab the screen shots. So, reactor embrittlement changes while your flying the vessel, but it doesn't if time passes and you're elsewhere.

Here's my question... How long should a 10GW internal convinement fusion reactor last? Should it be good for a trip out to Jool? Should I be sending a crew out with it to do maintenance? 

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If you are not using the fusion reactor, you should turn it off, because 99.9% of the time it is probably just idling. That way you can prevent embitterment in the first place. Of coerce, you need to make sure you have the power to do so, for that, you can use a supercapacitator and a RTG to charge it. Of cource, this will take some time ...

Edited by FreeThinker
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Hi, I just started a new game with Kerbal Interstellar Extended, along with a bunch of other mods of course, but despite checking the .cfg file that     "ThermalMechanicsDisabled = False" I don't see any wasteheat showing up, not even as a resource. Thankfully I haven't gotten far so it won't be a problem that the few satellites I've launched already become broken by this.

Are there any mods that Interstellar is incompatible with? I've made sure I grabbed the latest versions off CKAN.

KSP: 1.0.5 (Win32) - Unity: 4.6.4f1 - OS: Windows 8.1  (6.3.10586) 64bit
Filter Extensions -
B9 Animation Modules - 1.0
B9 Aerospace - 5.4
B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts - 0.40.1
Community Resource Pack - 0.4.9
Contract Configurator - 1.9.5
CC-CP-SCANSat - 0.6
Contract Pack: Field Research - 1.1.5
Contract Pack: Bases and Stations - 3.1.3
Contract Pack: RemoteTech - 2.0.1
Rover Missions - 0.1.3
Contract Pack: Unmanned Contracts - 0.3.18
Contract Pack: Tourism Plus - 1.4
Crowd Sourced Science - 3.0.2
Deadly Reentry - 7.3.1
Docking Sounds - 1.2
Engineer Level Fixer - 0.3.1
Engine Lighting - 1.4.1
EVA Enhancements - 1.1.1
Firespitter - 7.1.5
Interstellar Fuel Switch - 1.18
RasterPropMonitor - 0.24.2
Kerbal Attachment System - 0.5.5
Kerbal Engineer Redux -
Kerbal Inventory System - 1.2.3
kOS - 0.18.2
KSP-AVC Plugin - 1.1.5
KW-Rocketry-Community-Fixes - 0.4.6
ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.1.2
Docking Port Alignment Indicator - 6.2
Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - 0.2.9
PlanetShine -
RemoteTech - 1.6.9
SCANsat -
SETI-Greenhouse - 0.9.3
SpaceTux: Shared Assets - 0.3.9
TAC Life Support Declutter Revised - 0.1.3
TAC Life Support -
Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.5
TweakScale - 2.2.6
KSP Interstellar Extended - 1.6.7
Waypoint Manager - 2.4.5

The output of the log file is enormous, but I do find something odd.

[ModuleManager] Deleting Node in file WarpPlugin/Patches/HeatManagement subnode: @PART[Heatsink125n]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[WarpPlugin] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

There are a lot of messages like this. I downloaded the latest Interstellar and extracted its contents into GameData yet it doesn't appear to function.

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18 minutes ago, leonhardprintz@gmail.com said:

Hi, I just started a new game with Kerbal Interstellar Extended, along with a bunch of other mods of course, but despite checking the .cfg file that     "ThermalMechanicsDisabled = False" I don't see any wasteheat showing up, not even as a resource. Thankfully I haven't gotten far so it won't be a problem that the few satellites I've launched already become broken by this.


Since KSPI stock now implement solar overheating, KSPI no longer doing it and itherefore it was removed. Note that adding radiator will still be usefull as the KSPI radiators do double duty as Stock radiators.

Still good point for reminding me to remove the obsolete setting from the config file.

All other mods should work. The only possible troublesome mod is Deadly Reentry which will attempt to change the meling point of all parts, including KSPI which can make them explode faster durring reentry then was intended.

I also heard B9 might cause sertain parts to explode, In that case, I suggest you remove b9aero.cfg in the Patches Folder

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So with the alcubierre drives I noticed something today.  Easy to replicate, happens 100% of the time.


Let's say I'm heading towards Duna at 1.00c ... as I get closer to the gravity well of course the max warp speed goes down.  If I get close enough to Duna where the max warp speed is less than 1.00c, I get a whole bunch of messages about reducing warp power etc etc, which is fine and well, and it does reduce the warp speed, but it never drops completely out of warp.  That's also ok, I suppose, but the problem is that when this is going on, the buttons disappear from the right click menu and there is no way to turn off warp.  So the craft just warps slower and slower until it hits the atmosphere/surface and explodes in a blaze of glory.  Obvious workaround is to slow to 0.100c or something as you approach, but.. same problem, if max warp < current warp, you get sucked into the gravity well with no way to turn off the drive :(

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21 minutes ago, ss8913 said:

So with the alcubierre drives I noticed something today.  Easy to replicate, happens 100% of the time.


Let's say I'm heading towards Duna at 1.00c ... as I get closer to the gravity well of course the max warp speed goes down.  If I get close enough to Duna where the max warp speed is less than 1.00c, I get a whole bunch of messages about reducing warp power etc etc, which is fine and well, and it does reduce the warp speed, but it never drops completely out of warp.  That's also ok, I suppose, but the problem is that when this is going on, the buttons disappear from the right click menu and there is no way to turn off warp.  So the craft just warps slower and slower until it hits the atmosphere/surface and explodes in a blaze of glory.  Obvious workaround is to slow to 0.100c or something as you approach, but.. same problem, if max warp < current warp, you get sucked into the gravity well with no way to turn off the drive :(

lol, seems that the warp emergency stop feature isn't working properly. You are supposed to drop out of warp. Still it is better than being able to fly though a planet ;)

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@FreeThinker Most modern reactors use a neutron reflector or absorber coating to prevent enbrittlement. Many of the commercial reactors have been operating at full power 99%+ of the time from the 60's and are not significantly embrittled and run under 2,250 PSI.  While I understand it from a gameplay standpoint, the conversation earlier in the thread reminded me, about it. 

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