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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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Alright, I've almost completed putting together a patch for the MKS reactors.

First off, I found a typo in the Molten Salt part config:



50	coreTemperatureMk1 = 1100
51	coreTemperatureMk2 = 1396
52	coreTemperatureMk2 = 1746
53	coreTemperatureMk4 = 2200

Line 52 is likely supposed to read coreTemperatureMk3 = 1746


Before I finalize the patch, there's a few things that need clarification.

(1) Tech level. The 2.5m scale Molten Salt Reactor becomes available with (basic) Nuclear Power, the 2.5m MKS Nuclear Reactor at Improved Nuclear Power. I basically see two options:

  • a) Move 2.5m scale Molten Salt Reactor to Improved Nuclear Power if MKS is installed (<- I'm in favor of this)
  • b) Move 2.5m MKS Nuclear Reactor to (basic) Nuclear Power

(2) Why is there a partMass defined in the FNGenerator module of the Molten Salt Reactor? There's no such value in FNGenerator for the Thermal Electrical Generator. The value doesn't seem to do anything, but for now I've just scaled it down appropriately.

(3) I have absolutely no idea how the upgrades actually work with the configs. Is it sufficient to just have the appropriate heat/power levels defined inside the InterstellarFissionMSRGC module? Would completely disabling upgrades for MKS reactors be desirable?

Edited by MaxRebo
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good catch on the coreTemperature, fixed it for next version

1 Simply stay off the Molten Salt reactor and keep MKS at improved nuclear power

2 Part mass for generator is irrelevant, generator mass is calculated based on connect reactor power output and tech level  and if in the same part, it simply follows the reactors mass.

3 Tech level is simply determined by counting the number of appropriate techs. This can also mean that a part start immediately at tech level 2 or higher.


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17 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

1 Simply stay off the Molten Salt reactor and keep MKS at improved nuclear power

2 Part mass for generator is irrelevant, generator mass is calculated based on connect reactor power output and tech level  and if in the same part, it simply follows the reactors mass.


18 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

3 Tech level is simply determined by counting the number of appropriate techs. This can also mean that a part start immediately at tech level 2 or higher.

Ok. Then by what magic do the Mk2 and Mk3 parts not appear in the editor? (same for NERVA and other upgradable parts?) Also, if they get hidden and the InterstellarFissionMSRGC module takes care of applying updated values to the original Mk1 part, then shouldn't the part description for the Mk2,3,etc. parts still receive the appropriate ReactorTemp and PowerOutput values fron the Mk1 upgrade definition so that you can easily tell from the R&D building what effect an upgrade will have? Currently, it's just the (apparently copypasted) Mk1 values... also, there seems to be a lot of unnecessary and/or contradictory (deprecated?) values in the Mk2+ part configs.

Anyway, here's my patch:



	-MODULE[FissionReactor] { }
	-MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter] { }
	-MODULE[ModuleCoreHeat] { }

	-RESOURCE[EnrichedUranium] { }
	-RESOURCE[DepletedFuel] { }

		name = InterstellarFissionMSRGC
		upgradeTechReqMk2 = largeNuclearPower
		upgradeTechReqMk3 = nuclearFuelSystems 
		upgradeTechReqMk4 = advNuclearPower
		coreTemperatureMk1 = 14
		coreTemperatureMk2 = 18
		coreTemperatureMk3 = 22
		coreTemperatureMk4 = 28
		basePowerOutputMk1 = 7
		basePowerOutputMk2 = 9
		basePowerOutputMk3 = 13
		basePowerOutputMk4 = 19
		PowerOutputExponent = 3.2
		upgradedPowerOutputExponent = 3.644
		originalName = Nuclear Reactor Mk1 (0.625m)
		upgradedName = Nuclear Reactor Mk2 (0.625m)
		upgradeCost = 60
		radius = 0.625
		partMass = 0.1
		minimumThrottle = 0.1
		consumeGlobal = false
		reactorType = 2
		upgradedReactorType = 2
		fuelEfficiency = 0.1376
		upgradedFuelEfficiency = 0.1376
		heatTransportationEfficiency = 0.95
		bonusBufferFactor = 1
		canBeCombinedWithLab = true
		canBreedTritium = true
		neutronEmbrittlementLifepointsMax = 1000

		name = FNGenerator
		pCarnotEff = 0.31
		maxThermalPower = 188
		upgradedpCarnotEff = 0.6
		upgradedName = KTEC Solid State Generator
		originalName = Brayton Cycle Gas Turbine
		upgradeTechReq = experimentalElectrics
		upgradeCost = 200
		animName = e7
		radius = 0.625
		partMass = 0.15

		name = ThermalPower
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 19

		name = Megajoules
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 19

		name = WasteHeat
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 10133

		name = UF4
		amount = 12
		maxAmount = 12

		name = ThF4
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 12

		name = Actinides
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 12

	-MODULE[FissionReactor] { }
	-MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter] { }
	-MODULE[ModuleCoreHeat] { }

	-RESOURCE[EnrichedUranium] { }
	-RESOURCE[DepletedFuel] { }

		name = InterstellarFissionMSRGC
		upgradeTechReqMk2 = largeNuclearPower
		upgradeTechReqMk3 = nuclearFuelSystems 
		upgradeTechReqMk4 = advNuclearPower
		coreTemperatureMk1 = 111
		coreTemperatureMk2 = 140
		coreTemperatureMk3 = 175
		coreTemperatureMk4 = 220
		basePowerOutputMk1 = 51
		basePowerOutputMk2 = 73
		basePowerOutputMk3 = 104
		basePowerOutputMk4 = 151
		PowerOutputExponent = 3.2
		upgradedPowerOutputExponent = 3.644
		originalName = Nuclear Reactor Mk1 (1.25m)
		upgradedName = Nuclear Reactor Mk2 (1.25m)
		upgradeCost = 60
		radius = 1.25
		partMass = 0.8
		minimumThrottle = 0.1
		consumeGlobal = false
		reactorType = 2
		upgradedReactorType = 2
		fuelEfficiency = 0.1376
		upgradedFuelEfficiency = 0.1376
		heatTransportationEfficiency = 0.95
		bonusBufferFactor = 1
		canBeCombinedWithLab = true
		canBreedTritium = true
		neutronEmbrittlementLifepointsMax = 1000

		name = FNGenerator
		pCarnotEff = 0.31
		maxThermalPower = 1500
		upgradedpCarnotEff = 0.6
		upgradedName = KTEC Solid State Generator
		originalName = Brayton Cycle Gas Turbine
		upgradeTechReq = experimentalElectrics
		upgradeCost = 200
		animName = e7
		radius = 1.25
		partMass = 1.2

		name = ThermalPower
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 151

		name = Megajoules
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 151

		name = WasteHeat
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 80533

		name = UF4
		amount = 91
		maxAmount = 91

		name = ThF4
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 91

		name = Actinides
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 91

	-MODULE[FissionReactor] { }
	-MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter] { }
	-MODULE[ModuleCoreHeat] { }

	-RESOURCE[EnrichedUranium] { }
	-RESOURCE[DepletedFuel] { }

	@TechRequired = nuclearPower

		name = InterstellarFissionMSRGC
		upgradeTechReqMk2 = largeNuclearPower
		upgradeTechReqMk3 = nuclearFuelSystems 
		upgradeTechReqMk4 = advNuclearPower
		coreTemperatureMk1 = 688
		coreTemperatureMk2 = 873
		coreTemperatureMk3 = 1092
		coreTemperatureMk4 = 1375
		basePowerOutputMk1 = 313
		basePowerOutputMk2 = 451
		basePowerOutputMk3 = 650
		basePowerOutputMk4 = 938
		PowerOutputExponent = 3.2
		upgradedPowerOutputExponent = 3.644
		originalName = Nuclear Reactor Mk1 (2.5m)
		upgradedName = Nuclear Reactor Mk2 (2.5m)
		upgradeCost = 60
		radius = 2.5
		partMass = 5
		minimumThrottle = 0.1
		consumeGlobal = false
		reactorType = 2
		upgradedReactorType = 2
		fuelEfficiency = 0.1376
		upgradedFuelEfficiency = 0.1376
		heatTransportationEfficiency = 0.95
		bonusBufferFactor = 1
		canBeCombinedWithLab = true
		canBreedTritium = true
		neutronEmbrittlementLifepointsMax = 1000

		name = FNGenerator
		pCarnotEff = 0.31
		maxThermalPower = 9375
		upgradedpCarnotEff = 0.6
		upgradedName = KTEC Solid State Generator
		originalName = Brayton Cycle Gas Turbine
		upgradeTechReq = experimentalElectrics
		upgradeCost = 200
		animName = e7
		radius = 2.5
		partMass = 7.5

		name = ThermalPower
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 938

		name = Megajoules
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 938

		name = WasteHeat
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 500800

		name = UF4
		amount = 563
		maxAmount = 563

		name = ThF4
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 563

		name = Actinides
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 563

	-MODULE[FissionReactor] { }
	-MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter] { }
	-MODULE[ModuleCoreHeat] { }

	-RESOURCE[EnrichedUranium] { }
	-RESOURCE[DepletedFuel] { }

		name = InterstellarFissionMSRGC
		upgradeTechReqMk2 = largeNuclearPower
		upgradeTechReqMk3 = nuclearFuelSystems 
		upgradeTechReqMk4 = advNuclearPower
		coreTemperatureMk1 = 2064
		coreTemperatureMk2 = 2619
		coreTemperatureMk3 = 3276
		coreTemperatureMk4 = 4125
		basePowerOutputMk1 = 939
		basePowerOutputMk2 = 1353
		basePowerOutputMk3 = 1950
		basePowerOutputMk4 = 2814
		PowerOutputExponent = 3.2
		upgradedPowerOutputExponent = 3.644
		originalName = Nuclear Reactor Mk1 (3.75m)
		upgradedName = Nuclear Reactor Mk2 (3.75m)
		upgradeCost = 60
		radius = 3.75
		partMass = 15
		minimumThrottle = 0.1
		consumeGlobal = false
		reactorType = 2
		upgradedReactorType = 2
		fuelEfficiency = 0.1376
		upgradedFuelEfficiency = 0.1376
		heatTransportationEfficiency = 0.95
		bonusBufferFactor = 1
		canBeCombinedWithLab = true
		canBreedTritium = true
		neutronEmbrittlementLifepointsMax = 1000

		name = FNGenerator
		pCarnotEff = 0.31
		maxThermalPower = 28125
		upgradedpCarnotEff = 0.6
		upgradedName = KTEC Solid State Generator
		originalName = Brayton Cycle Gas Turbine
		upgradeTechReq = experimentalElectrics
		upgradeCost = 200
		animName = e7
		radius = 3.75
		partMass = 22.5

		name = ThermalPower
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 2814

		name = Megajoules
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 2814

		name = WasteHeat
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 1500800

		name = UF4
		amount = 1689
		maxAmount = 1689

		name = ThF4
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 1689

		name = Actinides
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 1689


pastebin for easy copy+paste: http://pastebin.com/th8B6L2U

Currently my mass doesn't scale properly (that is to say, not at all) when TweakScale'ing KSPI parts (e.g. Molten Salt Reactor mass stays at 8t no matter what). Probably has something to do with my setup of using KSPI-E 1.8.5 on a KSP build 1203. So I can't really check if the scaled values for the non-2.5m MKS reactors make much sense. I just applied the same mass/power ratios the non-scaled 2.5m Molten Salt has. This probably resulted in some incorrect physics, so you might want to review them at some point in the future.

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Version 1.8.6 for Kerbal Space Program 1.1

Released on 2016-04-17

  • Added Part Library Filters allows finding KSPI-E parts more easily
  • Updated Tweakscale which allows scaling with latest 1.1
  • Added KSPI adaptations for MKS reactor (credits go to MaxRebo)
Edited by FreeThinker
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^ Nice. Out of personal preference, I'll probably still go with just pruning the MKS reactors :D Was a valuable exercise all the same.

By the way and for what it's worth (not sure if a declaration in the form of a forum post is actually enough - probably should have included a waiver/license in the code), I hereby place my patch MKSReactors.cfg in the public domain.

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Found a bug... As I cycled through the different propellants available for the light bulb engine, when I got to water, it hit some kind of loop and crashed the game, Thank's for maintaining the mod as well as you do!

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3 hours ago, keys72 said:

Found a bug... As I cycled through the different propellants available for the light bulb engine, when I got to water, it hit some kind of loop and crashed the game, Thank's for maintaining the mod as well as you do!

Was it in the VAB or in flight?

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2 hours ago, SpaceMouse said:

Hey, FreeThinker, I saw you post in a few other threads that KSP-I is looking for help. I'm not terribly skilled at this yet, (my textures are pretty horrible) but, i might be able to chip in a part or two. I can certainly make meshes.

Great, in that case could you please create me a realsitic magnetic nozzle. I need only the nozzle part, nothing else. Just give it a metalic texture and it will be fine.I already have an exisitng nozzle but it is too long and not suitable for universal usage.

For inspiration you could look at http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/enginelist.php


Edited by FreeThinker
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1 hour ago, FreeThinker said:

Great, in that case could you create me a real magnetic nozzle. I need only the nozzle part, nothing else. I already have an exisitng nozzle but it is too long and not suitable for universal usage.

For inspiration you could look at http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/enginelist.php


I think i can handle that. Gimbal required i assume? I haven't totally figured out the naming system for some of the specific animated parts(gimbal, wheels,  etc). Powered externally or by alternator? 

Edited by SpaceMouse
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14 minutes ago, SpaceMouse said:

I think i can handle that. Gimbal required i assume? I haven't totally figured out the naming system for some of the specific animated parts(gimbal, wheels,  etc). Powered externally or by alternator? 

No moving gimbal required. The only possible bonus feature would be shock absorption, like seen in the NIF engine, but that might be too hard to create. I would be glad with a realsitic static non moving Magnetic nozzle which can be fitted with any Reactor generating fission/fusion fragments

Edited by FreeThinker
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4 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

No moving gimbal required. The only possible bonus feature would be shock absorption, like seen in the NIF engine, but that might be too hard to create. I would be glad with a realsitic static non moving Magnetic nozzle which can be fitted with any Reactor generating fission/fusion fragments

So basically a standard rocket with the magnetic nozzle of off the fusion drive concept? Not sure what you mean by fission/fusion fragments, this may be one space drive concept i'm unfamiliar with. 

Edited by SpaceMouse
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17 hours ago, SpaceMouse said:

So basically a standard rocket with the magnetic nozzle of off the fusion drive concept? Not sure what you mean by fission/fusion fragments, this may be one space drive concept in unfamiliar with. 

Wel it's simple realy. Fission and Fusion reaction generate fission product with a lot of energy in the form of kinetic energy. In a magnetic nozzle, we use the generated high speed fission products and direct in one directtion generating very efficient propulsion (in the order of 1.500.000 s Isp ) This effectively allows you to travel anywhere using only fssion product. Of cource the thrust is very low but used in combination with high time acceleration is can basic propel you to other stars. BY mixing the highly energenic charged particles with ionised particles, you increase the Thrust at the expanse of Isp. Now all of this is already in KSPI , I just need a more realistic model with a small base and wide exit

Edited by FreeThinker
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I apologize for such a silly question but I just wanted to confirm that 1.7.6 the most recent version available for KSP 1.0.5? And that 1.8.6 is only compatible with KSP 1.1? Is there a more detailed changelog available somewhere? I looked at the ChangeLog.txt in the base WarpPlugin folder, but it only showed versions 1.7.0 and 1.7.3.

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Version 1.8.7 for Kerbal Space Program 1.1

Released on 2016-04-18

  • Fixed ability to loop through all thermal propellants including water
  • Added Graphite Surface Wrapped Radiators
  • Added Diborane propellant for usage in gas core reactors
  • Hydrazine propellant requires experimental nuclear propulsion to be used as thermal propellant
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11 hours ago, KocLobster said:

I apologize for such a silly question but I just wanted to confirm that 1.7.6 the most recent version available for KSP 1.0.5? And that 1.8.6 is only compatible with KSP 1.1? Is there a more detailed changelog available somewhere? I looked at the ChangeLog.txt in the base WarpPlugin folder, but it only showed versions 1.7.0 and 1.7.3.

No 1.7.6  is the last version compatible with 1.0.5 .

From version 1.8  all are meant for 1.1 pre release

Edited by FreeThinker
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6 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

Version 1.8.7 for Kerbal Space Program 1.1

Released on 2016-04-18

  • Fixed ability to loop through all thermal propellants including water
  • Added Graphite Surface Wrapped Radiators
  • Added Diborane propellant for usage in gas core reactors
  • Hydrazine propellant requires experimental nuclear propulsion to be used as thermal propellant

Thanks for update!


I see in my log the following lines and lots of warning messages about error in load cfg. This is normal?


Kerbal Space Program - (WindowsPlayer)-pre

OS: Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
CPU: AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor  (8)
RAM: 8154
GPU: AMD Radeon R9 200 / HD 7900 Series (3054MB)
SM: 30 (Direct3D 9.0c [aticfx64.dll])
RT Formats: ARGB32, Depth, ARGBHalf, Shadowmap, RGB565, ARGB4444, ARGB1555, Default, ARGB2101010, DefaultHDR, ARGBFloat, RGFloat, RGHalf, RFloat, RHalf, R8

Log started: Mon, Apr 18, 2016 22:54:59

[LOG 22:54:59.864] ******* Log Initiated for Kerbal Space Program - (WindowsPlayer)-pre *******
[LOG 22:54:59.915] ActionCanvas MASK: 3458764513820540928
[LOG 22:54:59.916] MainCanvas MASK: 3458764513820540928
[LOG 22:54:59.920] PhysicsGlobals: Loading database
[LOG 22:54:59.935] AppCanvas MASK: 3458764513820540928
[WRN 22:55:00.008] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Bluedog_DB\Compatibility\RemoteTech\remotetech_compatibility.cfg'.
[WRN 22:55:00.013] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Bluedog_DB\Compatibility\Tweakscale\tweakscale_compatibility.cfg'.
[WRN 22:55:01.850] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\TweakScale\Examples.cfg'.
[ERR 22:55:01.942] Error: Empty part config file

[WRN 22:55:01.943] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WarpPlugin\Parts\Command\scienceModule\partAdvanced.cfg'.
[ERR 22:55:01.974] Error: Empty part config file

[WRN 22:55:01.975] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WarpPlugin\Parts\Electrical\MoltenSaltReactor\MoltenSaltReactorMk2.cfg'.
[WRN 22:55:01.977] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WarpPlugin\Parts\Electrical\MoltenSaltReactor\MoltenSaltReactorMk3.cfg'.
[ERR 22:55:01.986] Error: Empty part config file

[WRN 22:55:01.987] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WarpPlugin\Parts\Electrical\PebbleBed\LargeParticleBed.cfg'.
[ERR 22:55:01.989] Error: Empty part config file

[WRN 22:55:01.990] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WarpPlugin\Parts\Electrical\PebbleBed\LargeParticleBedUpgradeA.cfg'.
[ERR 22:55:01.992] Error: Empty part config file

[WRN 22:55:01.993] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WarpPlugin\Parts\Electrical\PebbleBed\LargeParticleBedUpgradeB.cfg'.
[ERR 22:55:02.002] Error: Empty part config file

[WRN 22:55:02.003] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WarpPlugin\Parts\Electrical\SmallFusionReactor\SmallFusionReactorUpgraded.cfg'.
[ERR 22:55:02.005] Error: Empty part config file

[WRN 22:55:02.006] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WarpPlugin\Parts\Electrical\SmallFusionReactor\SmallFusionReactorUpgraded2.cfg'.
[ERR 22:55:02.026] Error: Empty part config file

[WRN 22:55:02.027] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WarpPlugin\Parts\Engines\LightBulb\LightBulbMk2.cfg'.
[ERR 22:55:02.029] Error: Empty part config file

[WRN 22:55:02.030] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WarpPlugin\Parts\Engines\LightBulb\LightBulbMk3.cfg'.
[ERR 22:55:02.069] Error: Empty part config file

[WRN 22:55:02.070] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WarpPlugin\Parts\FuelTank\fnmethaneTank\part.cfg'.
[ERR 22:55:02.072] Error: Empty part config file

[WRN 22:55:02.073] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WarpPlugin\Parts\FuelTank\fnmethaneTank\part2.cfg'.
[ERR 22:55:02.111] Error: Empty part config file

[WRN 22:55:02.111] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WarpPlugin\Parts\Utility\microwaveReceiver\part_micro.cfg'.
[ERR 22:55:02.115] Error: Empty part config file

[WRN 22:55:02.116] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WarpPlugin\Parts\Utility\MicrowaveThermalPowerReceiver\MTER-L.cfg'.
[ERR 22:55:02.119] Error: Empty part config file

[WRN 22:55:02.120] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WarpPlugin\Parts\Utility\MicrowaveThermalPowerReceiver\MTER-S.cfg'.
[ERR 22:55:02.125] Error: Empty part config file

[WRN 22:55:02.126] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WarpPlugin\Parts\Utility\radialAtmosphericScoop\scoop1.cfg'.
[WRN 22:55:02.132] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WarpPlugin\Patches\CrossFeedEnablerFix.cfg'.
[ERR 22:55:02.134] Error: Empty part config file

[WRN 22:55:02.135] Cannot create config from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WarpPlugin\Patches\FilterExtensions.cfg'.

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the " Cannot create config from file " messages are harmless as they signify empty config files. It is mend to wipe people configuration clean that are too lazy to delete the old Folder before reinstalling KSPI-E. It's just a precaution.

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Hello @FreeThinker I found an Issue with your latest mod bundle, I haven't seen anyone else post, but I did multiple tests to make sure it wasn't just on my end, including using on fresh install stock with no other mods. It seems the RcsSounds file in your mod pack is causing a constant visual bug making all RCS thrusters appear to constantly fire, they are not actually using fuel, and this happens in the VAB as well.

Edit: I see someone posted this already, for some reason my browser didnt load last page of thread until I posted, sorry.



Edited by DeathProphet
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I have a bug. on loading it always freezes when loading Warpplugin/Parts/Electrical/Antimaterreactors/Antimater reactor/TweakableAntimaterReactor. saying has no database record,Null referance error 

can someone help.

i have all mods up to date for KSPIE

Using Ksp Interstellar Extended version ( 1.7.6 for 1.0.5)

Install Info

(Kerbal Space Program - X86

Modded with,ATM,B9,KER,KSO,Magicsmoke infernal robotics,Real Plume,USI


System specs:OS windows 7 service pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit        10 years old

CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) II x3 450 processer (3) 3.20Ghz

RAM 5.75 Gb

GPU: ATI Radeon HD 4200 (1595Mb)

SM: (direct 3D



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4 minutes ago, Ourworldalpha1 said:

I have a bug. on loading it always freezes when loading Warpplugin/Parts/Electrical/Antimaterreactors/Antimater reactor/TweakableAntimaterReactor. saying has no database record,Null referance error 

can someone help.

i have all mods up to date for KSPIE

Using Ksp Interstellar Extended version ( 1.7.6 for 1.0.5)

Install Info

(Kerbal Space Program - X86

Modded with,ATM,B9,KER,KSO,Magicsmoke infernal robotics,Real Plume,USI


System specs:OS windows 7 service pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit        10 years old

CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) II x3 450 processer (3) 3.20Ghz

RAM 5.75 Gb

GPU: ATI Radeon HD 4200 (1595Mb)

SM: (direct 3D



Try to reinstall, the last versione was ok for me in 1.0.5

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