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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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15 minutes ago, Nuke1st said:

@zanie420 @FreeThinker I've found the solution on the curse page found here. Reinstalling KSP seemed to solve the issue.

On Ubuntu, I just deleted my KSP install folder and started over. Fresh zip file download from KSP homepage. Fresh copy of KSPI_Extended_1.11.18.zip from Curseforge this time. It loads now. So far so good. I will install other mods and see if there is a conflict I guess.....

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@Nuke1st @FreeThinker

My first suspect was CKAN, since I manually installed in my last post. So I deleted the install folder again started fresh. This time I openned CKAN and just tried checking the boxes for KSPIE, and then then the requirements and suggested mods. That loads. So NOT CKAN in my case.

My second suspicion is that I am overwriting Module Manager with some other mod, because that would explain why it's cross platform, i.e. Win10/Ubuntu.

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1 hour ago, FreeThinker said:

@zanie420 I would highly suggest the following actions

step 1, make a backup of your  old KSP Folder

sttep 2: deinstall and manualy remove any remaining files

step 3: reinstal KSP

step 4: install your mods (including KSPIE) using either CKAN or manualy, BUT NOT BOTH!

That was what I was saying that I had already done :) These were completely separate installs, for exclusionary purpose. You are correct, either method works, but should not been done together.

There seems to be a lot of overlap between mods I use, that also install other necessary mods just like yours does. CKAN seems to handle this very well automatically. Specifically CommunityResourcePack and ModuleManager are duplicated in many of the mods. I think something is getting overwritten. On my Win10 install, I had recently installed NFE and SSTU Labs manually... trying to get the crafts @The Destroyer posted recently to load. I am pretty sure that is where the root of the issue is.

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1 hour ago, zanie420 said:

Specifically CommunityResourcePack and ModuleManager are duplicated in many of the mods.

Yes - watch out for having multiple ModuleManager dlls in your GameData folder. It seems that if you were to do a clean install by the instructions from the first post now, KSPI-E provides ModuleManager 2.7.5, while TweakScale has just 2.7.4. If this is the case, I would get rid of the older one. Might not be the root of your problems, though.

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14 minutes ago, EvilGeorge said:

Yes - watch out for having multiple ModuleManager dlls in your GameData folder. It seems that if you were to do a clean install by the instructions from the first post now, KSPI-E provides ModuleManager 2.7.5, while TweakScale has just 2.7.4. If this is the case, I would get rid of the older one. Might not be the root of your problems, though.

Ok, this is what I did to fix it @FreeThinker.

Any mod that CKAN could not install, I manually installed by ONLY copying over the mod's folder from the Gamedata folder from within the archive. Instead of just blindly uncompressing into the KSP install folder and overwriting.

In this case, StageRecovery, KEI, NearFuture Electrical, and SSTU Labs

I highly suspect, but cannot be sure, that one of these mods overwrites the MM dll or something else shared.

At least the game loads now. I still can't use my saves or crafts :(

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19 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

Could you post some pictures so I can get a better insight into the situation ... specificly, I need the transmitter, receiver and space overview

Im not sure what you mean by space overview.  But here is the rest of it.  


^Testcraft 1 (Microwave Transducer set up) before disconnecting the two ships.


^Microwave Transmitter ship only


^Receiving ship with broadside facing the Transmitting ship.  Distance ~3.5km.  You can see the transmitting ship just above the nose cone in the image.  As you can see in the Delta-V Stats window, I am getting thrust.


Ship turned so that the dish is aligned with the transmitter ship (now at about 4.5km).  No thrust at all is being produced and the input power to the Dish is 0. (sorry for flipping the windows around)


^Second launch.  this time with the near ultraviolet laser attached.


^Broadside facing the near ultraviolet transmitter @5.0km.  Getting thrust.


^now with dish facing the near ultraviolet transmitter.  Distance is somewhere between 5km and 20km.  No thrust or power getting to dish.

Edited by Uberns
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2 minutes ago, gary85 said:

...Ehh you killed your mod for me :/

now reactor need to be directly connected to therman turbojet , i cant put fuel tank between so i cant make ssto..

It has been like that for years.  You might be thinking of the electric engine the ATILLA.  Definitely difficult for making SSTOs with an onboard reactor.  You could try beamed power.

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1 minute ago, Liquid5n0w said:

It has been like that for years.  You might be thinking of the electric engine the ATILLA.  Definitely difficult for making SSTOs with an onboard reactor.  You could try beamed power.

no i meant anti matter reactor and thermal turbojet. mine mk3 design that worked for years.


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1 hour ago, Liquid5n0w said:

It has been like that for years.  You might be thinking of the electric engine the ATILLA.  Definitely difficult for making SSTOs with an onboard reactor.  You could try beamed power.

I have several SSTO in my saves, with usually more than a single reactor, that can go all the way from Kerbin to Jool.

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ye sth wierd 2 weeks ago mine mk3 warp ssto can land on tylo and back to kerbin no prob .

i hope he will investigate and fix / redesign it because it is by far my favorite big mod.

Edited by gary85
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10 minutes ago, Nansuchao said:

This one is to ferry crew pratically everywhere in the Kerbin SOI




This one is instead for big and heavy payloads, all the way to Jool or Eloo. I'm thinking about using it for some interplanetary missions.



I wonder how you keep them balanced during reentry

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Just now, FreeThinker said:

I wonder how you keep them balanced during reentry

Not difficult at all. I'm used to FAR, the stock atmo is pretty forgiving. In the front of every SSTO I have a fuel tank. When it's time to re-enter the atmosphere, at the right time I load fuel in the front tank and usually they fly really well. Those have enough DeltaV that they never come back without fuel at all. The first one can maintain an AoA of 90° most of the way back to the ground, thanks to the fuel balanced and some RCS.


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10 minutes ago, Nansuchao said:

Not difficult at all. I'm used to FAR, the stock atmo is pretty forgiving. In the front of every SSTO I have a fuel tank. When it's time to re-enter the atmosphere, at the right time I load fuel in the front tank and usually they fly really well. Those have enough DeltaV that they never come back without fuel at all. The first one can maintain an AoA of 90° most of the way back to the ground, thanks to the fuel balanced and some RCS.


90 degrees, you mean vertically?

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5 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

@Uberns The problem is in the Aluminum thermal receiver dish, it is not marked a slave.

Add the following line to MicrowavePowerReceiverDish:

isThermalReceiverSlave = true

Alternatively swap it with the Golden Thermal Receiver Dish, which has the correct config setting

Worked like a champ :D.  Thanks!

About the Gold Receiver Dish though, it does not give the option to adjust it's size via tweakscale.  That is the main reason I only tested the aluminum.  Curiously it does contain the following in it's config which is identical to the lines in the aluminum dish:

		name = TweakScale
		defaultScale = 100
		type = stack_interstellar_225
		scaleFactors = 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800
    		scaleNames = 25%, 50%, 100%, 200%, 400%, 800%  


Edited by Uberns
added picture
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1 hour ago, Uberns said:

Worked like a champ :D.  Thanks!

About the Gold Receiver Dish though, it does not give the option to adjust it's size via tweakscale.  That is the main reason I only tested the aluminum.  Curiously it does contain the following in it's config which is identical to the lines in the aluminum dish:

		name = TweakScale
		defaultScale = 100
		type = stack_interstellar_225
		scaleFactors = 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800
    		scaleNames = 25%, 50%, 100%, 200%, 400%, 800%  


Sorry to hijack a conversation - Cheers mate, you found a bug! :D

Go to the config for the golden part, to the bit where it says:

		name = BandwidthConverter
		bandwidthName = microwave
		minimumWavelength = 0.001
  // 1.0e-3		
		maximumWavelength = 1
.000  // 1.0e+0	
		electricEfficiencyPercentage0 = 100
		thermalEfficiencyPercentage0 = 100
		techRequirement0 = start

and just below that is Module TweakScale.

Your solution: add a newline and an ending curly bracket (this "}") after the last line I quoted. Should work.


Edited by EvilGeorge
Clarified solution and removed cited pics (no need to quote those, silly me).
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I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't seem to find an answer (after spending the last hour looking through this thread)

I know thsi mod allows engine use during time warp. I was just testing it. With the throttle at 0, I have a "warp thrust" of 0.0000000. I have a positive warp ISP, but no thrust. When I advance the throttle, the "warp thrust" increases, but I cannot enter time warp while the throttle is above 0. I also cannot change the position of the throttle during time warp.

From what I've read, you're supposed to leave the throttle at 0 and then use time warp. I've tried that, the engines never provide any thrust.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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