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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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  On 5/1/2017 at 6:45 AM, Thorbane said:

Shouldn't the resource processors for things like Nitratine and Hydrates have a "ConvertByMass" flag set?  They seem to produce far less Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide than they should.


I have never used the  ConvertByMass flag yet, perhaps you can help me by fixing them

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  On 5/1/2017 at 5:58 AM, FreeThinker said:

Could you describe or send me a copy of the vessel, I need to know the parts configuration


Ok, installed the 1.1.3 version but I'm having a small issue, the Vasmir engines particles (the rainbow pink stuff) never turns off, even when the engine is shut down. 


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  On 5/1/2017 at 5:58 AM, FreeThinker said:

Could you describe or send me a copy of the vessel, I need to know the parts configuration


These two, docked together: the back of the spaceplane on the top of the ship

https://www.dropbox.com/s/twl6dnh267enfpe/Seaplane 5.zip?dl=0

(requires MK4 Expansion)

https://www.dropbox.com/s/fdbf9h598353dk8/Orbital Station 2 no lifter.zip?dl=0

(requires MRS)

Oh, just in case, the docking ports joining them have crossfed disabled


Edited by juanml82
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@juanml82 I haven't verified yet, but most likely what happened is that a part is requesting for Megajoules (most likely a cryogenic storage) and doesn't receive any because there is no "Managed" power supply. The cryogenic storage instead will use the unmanaged stock resource system (which act of a first order basis), which works most of the time (because the root contains the control) but can starve vital subsystems (like life support).

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  On 3/30/2017 at 10:03 AM, FreeThinker said:

Interesting, but how to calculate effective maximum Isp?

KSPI currently does the following calculation to derive max isp

double joules_per_amu = _attached_reactor.CurrentMeVPerChargedProduct * 1e6 * ELECTRON_CHARGE / 15000.0;
calculatedIsp = Math.Sqrt(joules_per_amu * 2.0 / ATOMIC_MASS_UNIT) / STANDARD_GRAVITY


ELECTRON_CHARGE = 1.602176565e-19
ATOMIC_MASS_UNIT = 1.660538921e-27

This is my problem, it's all cool to talk about advanced sci fi concept, but when it comes to applying all that power to the tarmac, you need to do some hard math, this is where most popular science halts and you are thrown into the deep end.

lets do some raw math.

Considering D-He3 has an average exhaust velocity of 8.9%c, then antimatter is 7.75 times the isp of D-He3 fusion. 7.75 1.500.000s = 11.625.000 s

Or directly 0.67c * 300.000.000 m/s * 55% efficiency / 9.81  =  11.269.113 s

Edit: at least in this case there is a source document we can use

Edit2: Found an interesting document on how to calculate isp from product MeV


found a method of calculating particle velocity:

v/c = √(1 – (m_0 × c² / ( MeV * 1.602 × 10^(-13) J )  )²)

source: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110522073154AAeu3Yb

  On 3/29/2017 at 11:20 PM, iontom said:

Magnetic Nozzle Exhaust Velocity

Also - I needed to hook up my Antimatter reactor to a Particle Generator - in order to get the magnetic nozzle to work - but shouldn't the reactor be generating charged particles already?
From your description page:

Magnetic Nozzles hooked up to a Beam Core reactor could potentially be expelled at close to 0.69 C


To be more precise, according to the source this number is derived from  0.81c * 0.85 efficiency = 0.69 C


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Hi @FreeThinker, do the tanks duplicated by IFS serve any purpose? I made a little patch to remove them, there shouldnt be any issue doing this right?

Would it be feasible to consolidate the radial cryostat tanks into a switchable tank to help tidy up the parts menu?


//Interstellar Fuel Switch duplicate part removal
-PART[IfsGasTank]{} //pressurized gas tank
-PART[CC2501]{} //cargo tank
-PART[CT2501]{} //cryotanks
-PART[RFC2501]{} //radioactive tank



Edited by DocRockwell
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Latest version KSPI-E  Beta 1.13 can be downloaded from here


* Added Skin Flat Graphene / Titanium Radiator which is meant to be put on wings (Thanks to @silversliver)

* Added Staging thermal nozzle will automatically activate attached thermal receiver

* Balance Reduce power AIM and Antimatter reactor

* Balance Improve Fuel economy Antimatter reactor

* Fixed Thermal Receiver ability to function for propulsion

* Fixed ORS message spamming in log

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  On 5/2/2017 at 9:17 AM, FreeThinker said:

found a method of calculating particle velocity:

v/c = √(1 – (m_0 × c² / ( MeV * 1.602 × 10^(-13) J )  )²)

source: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110522073154AAeu3Yb

To be more precise, according to the source this number is derived from  0.81c * 0.85 efficiency = 0.69 C



AWESOME! And congrats on the next release.

I just found this mod today BTW - somebody already made a Bussard Ramjet. Of course, the source isn't available, but maybe the modder would share. I think right now all it does is gather resources - which is awesome, but I don't think it causes deceleration - which is just as important. I need to dig up calculations on what the deceleration force would be.




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  On 5/2/2017 at 9:07 PM, DocRockwell said:

Hi @FreeThinker, do the tanks duplicated by IFS serve any purpose?


The reason is to make them accessible through the KSPI filter extension. Unfortunately this only works if the part files exists physically inside the WarpPlugim folder

  On 5/2/2017 at 9:07 PM, DocRockwell said:

Would it be feasible to consolidate the radial cryostat tanks into a switchable tank to help tidy up the parts menu?


Unfortunately, the existing model prevent it from switching animation, making them only suitable as single resource parts

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Thermal engines appear to be pretty broken in the latest release - they're not consuming wasteheat at rates anywhere near what they ought to, and they're not consuming/"requesting" reactor power at the rates they ought to.  A simple engine test rig looking like - Engine set to intakeAtm(turbojet or ramjet, doesn't matter)>AM Reactor>InlineRadiator>AMTank>Pod>Intake will result in the wasteheat steadily climbing at full throttle.  At full throttle at sea level with plenty of IntakeAtm to spare, thermal engines used to consume all the reactor power they could and also all the wasteheat they could.  They now produce FAR less thrust and the craft heats up rapidly.  Is this intended?


Edit:  This may not happen with all reactors, but it definitely does with Antimatter reactors.

Edit2:  Appears to be related to Charged Particles.  Thermal engines used to be able to consume these for thrust, but they can't anymore?

Edited by DGerry
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  On 5/3/2017 at 10:11 PM, DocRockwell said:

The open resource system plugin is spamming the following error: "ORS - did not find manager for vessel".

Here is my output log.

Some other folk have been getting the same error.


Any help would be most appreciated! 


did you try the latest beta release 1.13?

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  On 5/3/2017 at 9:44 PM, DGerry said:

Thermal engines appear to be pretty broken in the latest release - they're not consuming wasteheat at rates anywhere near what they ought to, and they're not consuming/"requesting" reactor power at the rates they ought to.  A simple engine test rig looking like - Engine set to intakeAtm(turbojet or ramjet, doesn't matter)>AM Reactor>InlineRadiator>AMTank>Pod>Intake will result in the wasteheat steadily climbing at full throttle.  At full throttle at sea level with plenty of IntakeAtm to spare, thermal engines used to consume all the reactor power they could and also all the wasteheat they could.  They now produce FAR less thrust and the craft heats up rapidly.  Is this intended?


Edit:  This may not happen with all reactors, but it definitely does with Antimatter reactors.

Edit2:  Appears to be related to Charged Particles.  Thermal engines used to be able to consume these for thrust, but they can't anymore?


Thanks, I'm on it.

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A new beta, KSPI-E 1.13.1 is available and can be downloaded from here


* Added Small Compressed Air buffer capacity to ISRU Refrigerator

* Balance Proportionally reduced power and mass AIM reactor

* Fixed Thermal Engines ability to use all power available at the connected reactor

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Is Deuterium-Lithium6 fusion not implemented?  The right-click context menu in the parts list shows it, but I can't select it on any of the fusion reactors even if I have a Lithium Deuteride container on the craft.  I'm pretty sure I have all the requisite technologies unlocked - Fusion reactors are "tech 3".  I don't know if it's maybe because the reactor needs its own "buffer" of the fuel?  If so, that would explain why only the Tri-Alpha reactor can use proton-Lithium7 fusion, but the Tri-Alpha reactor does have a "buffer" for Lithium Deuteride and yet it still can't switch to Deuterium-Lithium6 fusion.

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  On 5/6/2017 at 4:46 AM, DGerry said:

Is Deuterium-Lithium6 fusion not implemented?  The right-click context menu in the parts list shows it, but I can't select it on any of the fusion reactors even if I have a Lithium Deuteride container on the craft.  I'm pretty sure I have all the requisite technologies unlocked - Fusion reactors are "tech 3".  I don't know if it's maybe because the reactor needs its own "buffer" of the fuel?  If so, that would explain why only the Tri-Alpha reactor can use proton-Lithium7 fusion, but the Tri-Alpha reactor does have a "buffer" for Lithium Deuteride and yet it still can't switch to Deuterium-Lithium6 fusion.


LithiumDeuteride is not only a fuel for D-Li fusion which a level 5 fusion mode and therefore not available in MCF reacrors but also a method of storing deuteride and lithium-6 for D-T fusion. The lithium6 is converted to tritium which then can fuse with the deuterium for power. 

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Hey, I was just wondering what the nature of the Near future patch was, someone else said that it nerfed the KSPI reactors, was just wondering if this was true or not before I install NF-Electrical

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  On 5/7/2017 at 4:32 PM, Kertech said:

Hey, I was just wondering what the nature of the Near future patch was, someone else said that it nerfed the KSPI reactors, was just wondering if this was true or not before I install NF-Electrical


It's not a nerve. Technically it reduces absolute output (by a factor of 500) but also scales most power consumption keeping more or less the same performance.

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