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[1.12.x] Precise Node Continued - Precisely edit your maneuver nodes

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I'm not sure if it is bug or intended. When you enable advanced view trough option menu, you got two buttons:

  • -Orb  - clicking on this with either left or right mouse button will always move maneuver node to -1 orbit period
  • -+Orb - clicking with left mouse button moves node to +1 orbit period, but clicking on same button with right mouse button moves node for -1 orbit period

Don't know why there is two buttons for almost same thing. Probably it was confusing for new users of mod to have both functions on just one button and there was some space left on GUI for that additional -1 Orb button.

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Ok i did first version of localization, so i created fork and here is file: https://github.com/AlexALX/ksp-precisenode/blob/master/GameData/PreciseNode/Localization/ru.cfg

Sorry for so long delay as i was very busy in this weeks. Also i want to ask some other people first, and if everything is ok, then i'll create pull request.

Also its not full translation as i cannot translate "conic mode" thing into my language, i really can't find any word what can explain this, so all sentences what contains conic is not translated. So if someone can help with that - could be good.

And few other things what i noticed:

- There is issue with time window, it moves words to next line (look at screenshoot)
- Object names (like mun) is not using ksp localization
- It seems like string PN_EjectInclination not working and display second time PN_EjectionAngle.


Ok, so i'll now ask other people and will report back.

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You should not translate everything literally. Instead of direct translation, try to think of meaning, or rather represenation of "conics" in game.
In this scenario, it may also be written as "multiple node handling" or "additional node controls". instead of "Change conic samples" it can also be "Number of maneuvers to execute" or something. Because it handles other nodes that will be executed after first one and allow you to switch in time, which one you want to tweak.

Hope it will help you to translate it.

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I'm working on the Spanish translation.
In addition to the string errors already found by AlexALX, I show a few that I have discovered.

- string PN_EjectInclination not working and display second time PN_EjectionAngle.

These two chains do not translate:

- #PN_ConicsMode =
Modo cónicas:
- #PN_ChangeConicsSamples = Cambiar muestras cónicas:

Although they aren´t very difficult to understand, but to make it more complete, the words:
Keypad 0,1,2,3 .... and KeypadEnter, have been left untranslated.

However, I created the fork and sent a PR to merge.


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On 2/12/2018 at 3:49 PM, robson1000 said:

Small bug in localization file.

#PN_PlusOrb =- +Orb

correct is:

#PN_PlusOrb = +Orb

No, not a bug.  Take a look at the mod from the previous version

23 hours ago, AlexALX said:

- It seems like string PN_EjectInclination not working and display second time PN_EjectionAngle.

Thanks, fixed for next release

10 hours ago, fitiales said:

- string PN_EjectInclination not working and display second time PN_EjectionAngle

Thanks, fixed for next release

23 hours ago, AlexALX said:

- There is issue with time window, it moves words to next line (look at screenshoot)

I'll look into it.

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11 hours ago, fitiales said:

Although they aren´t very difficult to understand, but to make it more complete, the words:
Keypad 0,1,2,3 .... and KeypadEnter, have been left untranslated

That's going to be more difficult to do.  What is being displayed is what Unity is returning as the string representation of the keycode.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, when selecting the AN/DN they are setting the manoeuvre node too the Equator AN/DN, not the one for the target you have selected. Its been like this for a while but kept forgetting to mention it.

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1 hour ago, Torih said:

Hi, when selecting the AN/DN they are setting the manoeuvre node too the Equator AN/DN, not the one for the target you have selected. Its been like this for a while but kept forgetting to mention it.

It is mentioned recently, but it was out of scope/time available for linuxgamer to fix it. Clicktrough GUI and translation improvement was made at that time.

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3 hours ago, Torih said:

Hi, when selecting the AN/DN they are setting the manoeuvre node too the Equator AN/DN, not the one for the target you have selected. Its been like this for a while but kept forgetting to mention it.

Please open an issue on Github for this, but it's going to be a little while

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  • 1 month later...

This is one of mine favorite mods, but I have one thing that I would love to see changed/enhanced.

Think I will explain through an example.

If I target some planet, lets say duna, and start mocking around with the node then I often loose my target, and have to set the target again. Like if i click on the +orb lots of time to get the right timing, while keeping my ejection angle, then I will often loss the target.

Has anybody else experienced this. And is this something that can be fixed?

I experience the same when I click the other buttons fast to increase/decrease my navigation direction/speed. This is not a new thing. I believe I remember having this issues ever since I started using Precise Node.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

I'm not sure if anyone else is experiencing this, but the precise node mod in combination with better time warp gives my maneuver nodes a mind of their own. Completely closing and restarting the game fixes it until I repeat the cause (see below).

The problem:
When creating a maneuver node, the delta V meter next to the navball will start to rapidly increase. The dV bar (not the number) appears empty. No predicted or changed trajectory shows up in the map view. If I adjust the maneuver node (the stock way or by using the mod), the rapid increase will reset but immediately restart.

Edit: I think I found the cause, or conflict rather:
Physics time warping with lossless physics enabled (from the "better time warp" mod) will cause this uncontrollable maneuver node drift. Even if you stop phys warping and turn off lossless physics, maneuver nodes still seem to be corrupted. This issue can be fixed by closing and restarting ksp and NOT using lossless physics from that mod. Quickloading, switching vessels, or going to the main menu doesn't work.

I've made sure that my RCS and throttle is off. This problem isn't limited to one vessel.

Edit2 continued: I have better burn time as well as the trajectories mod installed... I will test to see if those matters. I'm going to try reinstalling better time warp continued. Reinstalling better time warp didn't work. I got a clean install of KSP 1.4.5 (had a metric ton of quality-of-life mods) with nothing but the precise nodes mod, better time warp mod, clickthrough blocker mod, and the toolbar manager mod. This problem still persists.

I have the latest version ( and respectively) of precise node and click through blocker installed. I am running KSP 1.4.5. I'm using CKAN (I installed the mods manually before installing ckan) but I believe I was having this problem before I started using CKAN.

output.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15FwzV2wEbECT6Fl_9o4LMUVliQExNXWo/view?usp=sharing

Edited by It'snorocketscience
edited for clarity, updated info
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  • 1 month later...
12 minutes ago, million_lights said:

Hey @linuxgurugamer

I would appreciate a "Circularize Orbit"-Button like it existed in the original Precise node mod.

People circularize Orbits all the time and it quickly becomes a tedious and boring part of the game.


If it's not too much to ask for :)

Keep up the good work!



How old is that pic?  From which version of Precise Node did it come from?

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That was a quick Photoshop done by me :D

Here is the original button:

Ohhhh! Just realized something D:
Its a FORK of Precise Node, called Precise Maneuver.
MY BAD! :blush:

Looking at it, Now  I'm wondering why you keep Precise Node alive when a superior version of the mod is still actively maintained. :blink:


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46 minutes ago, million_lights said:

That was a quick Photoshop done by me :D

Here is the original button:

Ohhhh! Just realized something D:
Its a FORK of Precise Node, called Precise Maneuver.
MY BAD! :blush:

Looking at it, Now  I'm wondering why you keep Precise Node alive when a superior version of the mod is still actively maintained. :blink:


because they are different.  While that may have started out as a fork, it really has very little relation to the Precise Node fork.  Some people prefer Precise Node, so I keep it around.

Also, if you look at Github, you will see that it's not a fork

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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