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Everything posted by releansol

  1. Where is the download link gone? got it..again, nevermind
  2. In past versions, I could always rely on the Spring/Dumper auto setting. Since 1.12.x Vessels shoot up from the lunchbase like rockets (the lighter they are). As an example: Probodopdyne QBE with 4 LT-05 Micro Landing Struts only stays on the ground when I am clearly at about 0.3 Spring Strength. Otherwise the thing spikes massively into the air. I have tried both mods and vanilla. Reset to 1.11. Then I do not have this phenomenon. I can't find anyone in the whole forum who has this problem. I can not be the only one
  3. Bouncing Legs are back for me . Anybody else (and Yes I don't play Vanilla).
  4. indeed this miniavcs.dll s caused the problem.. thanks for pointing it out @pleroy and @Tacombel
  5. With 1.12 I will deinstall this great Mod most likley. Thanks @TriggerAu Without this (and other Mods from you). I where lost
  6. I would like better Heat-Shield Shourds
  7. Is there a way to hide the Button in the stockbar? (not a big thing, but I would like it)
  8. Ressource Transfer Bug in 1.10. is the same as Stock "Fuel-Transfer-Bug". Anybody can cofirm oder am I the only one?
  9. That I've become such a fanboy that I would pay $5 for each patch without hesitation
  10. They really love the https://www.kerbfood.com/ Market
  11. You're a wanderer? And keep on walking :-) this is the NASA Countdown Thread
  12. More Science Parts (I know there are mods) Oh, I forgot there is since the last Update
  13. ..and then many more. But this one is still the most usefull after all. Thanks @TriggerAu
  14. Sorry Folks for 2 boring Questions. I just found this mod and I'm wondering, if I can deactivate each LED i would (not just the one in the OP Pictures). And is there somme issues if I try install this on a running career game and then uninstall it again (will it "block" my builded Vessels withit?) Mayby someone can answer? Thanks a lot and yes english isn't my native language
  15. Chill your rockets guys...it comes when it comes moarrr time!
  16. For me the problem since 1.7.x was that the mod only showed up under Blizzys toolbar.
  17. I got the Toolbar from CKAN. Toolbar Toolbar Controller Maybe there is a Problem with it. I will check this, after 1.8. compatibility is confirmed with. Thanks @VoidSquid for your hint.
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