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[1.3.1]TextureReplacerReplaced v0.5.4


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1 hour ago, Rocket Surgeon said:

After installing TRR0.5, this happens:



Also duplicate flags:



Possibly other things I havn't noticed yet.

Strange, never had this problem and I don't see why TRR could do that. I need more informations, can you link your ksp.log ? I see scatterer, so I guess you have mods,  does this happen too on a fresh install ? 

what's your system ? windows, linux?

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1 hour ago, HaArLiNsH said:

Strange, never had this problem and I don't see why TRR could do that. I need more informations, can you link your ksp.log ? I see scatterer, so I guess you have mods,  does this happen too on a fresh install ? 

what's your system ? windows, linux?

I can confirm the same problem happens to me with a fresh install of KSP, Module Manager and KSP-AVC in Windows. 
Output Log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwOktgRlclqKQjB6NXU0Tmt2N0E
KSP Log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwOktgRlclqKUzkxQjRYUWQ5RlU

p.s. There are a buntch of errors that appear in KSP Log after I install TRR, like this:

[ERR 21:54:26.724] [ScenarioTypes]: Loaded Scenario definitions already contains a scenario with name 'CommNetScenario'
[ERR 21:54:26.725] [ScenarioTypes]: Loaded Scenario definitions already contains a scenario with name 'PartUpgradeManager'
[ERR 21:54:26.726] [ScenarioTypes]: Loaded Scenario definitions already contains a scenario with name 'ResourceScenario'
[ERR 21:54:26.727] [ScenarioTypes]: Loaded Scenario definitions already contains a scenario with name 'ContractSystem'
[ERR 21:54:26.728] [ScenarioTypes]: Loaded Scenario definitions already contains a scenario with name 'ScenarioContractEvents'
[ERR 21:54:26.729] [ScenarioTypes]: Loaded Scenario definitions already contains a scenario with name 'Funding'
[ERR 21:54:26.730] [ScenarioTypes]: Loaded Scenario definitions already contains a scenario with name 'ScenarioNewGameIntro'
[ERR 21:54:26.731] [ScenarioTypes]: Loaded Scenario definitions already contains a scenario with name 'ProgressTracking'
[ERR 21:54:26.731] [ScenarioTypes]: Loaded Scenario definitions already contains a scenario with name 'ResearchAndDevelopment'
[ERR 21:54:26.732] [ScenarioTypes]: Loaded Scenario definitions already contains a scenario with name 'VesselRecovery'
[ERR 21:54:26.733] [ScenarioTypes]: Loaded Scenario definitions already contains a scenario with name 'Reputation'
[ERR 21:54:26.734] [ScenarioTypes]: Loaded Scenario definitions already contains a scenario with name 'StrategySystem'
[ERR 21:54:26.735] [ScenarioTypes]: Loaded Scenario definitions already contains a scenario with name 'ScenarioAchievements'
[ERR 21:54:26.736] [ScenarioTypes]: Loaded Scenario definitions already contains a scenario with name 'ScenarioCustomWaypoints'
[ERR 21:54:26.737] [ScenarioTypes]: Loaded Scenario definitions already contains a scenario with name 'ScenarioDestructibles'
[ERR 21:54:26.738] [ScenarioTypes]: Loaded Scenario definitions already contains a scenario with name 'ScenarioDiscoverableObjects'
[ERR 21:54:26.738] [ScenarioTypes]: Loaded Scenario definitions already contains a scenario with name 'ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities'
[ERR 21:54:26.739] [ScenarioTypes]: Loaded Scenario definitions already contains a scenario with name 'SentinelScenario'
Edited by PmThay
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Sorry, normally I'd be more helpful. It was 4am. :/


After deleting all mods from ../GameData/ and installing only ../TextureReplacerReplaced the problem persists.


I am using the x64 build in Windows of KSP 1.3.1

Here is my KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2IwPw5uGNokZi1CdnR2SlhkTE0


For some reason I get multiple entries:

[LOG 11:30:24.897] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Wheel/LandingGear/GearExtraLarge
[WRN 11:30:24.906] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[WRN 11:30:24.907] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[WRN 11:30:24.918] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[WRN 11:30:24.918] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[LOG 11:30:24.920] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Wheel/LandingGear/GearFixed
[WRN 11:30:24.922] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[WRN 11:30:24.922] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[WRN 11:30:24.925] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[WRN 11:30:24.925] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[LOG 11:30:24.926] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Wheel/LandingGear/GearFree
[WRN 11:30:24.927] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[WRN 11:30:24.927] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[WRN 11:30:24.930] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.
[WRN 11:30:24.930] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function.


Edited by Rocket Surgeon
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That's really weird. I don't have the problem on my dev install of KSP. I reinstalled a fresh 1.3.1 with only TRR, Module Manager and KSP-AVC and I see the same problem. I don't get why TRR could cause this. I'll look into it.


The errors log you have are not from TRR,  @PmThay : I don't know why you have the "[ScenarioTypes]" error, I don't even know what is this error (did you tried to open an old save or was it a new one ? )  and  @Rocket Surgeon : the "wheelcollider" error is "old" and not related to TRR.

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@HaArLiNsH - I've got a bug in TRR v0.4+KIS/KAS (KSP 1.3 still because if mods).
When kerbal grabs winch head, it becomes invisible:



Alt+F12 window don't show any errors in process.

With Rangemachine's version (for 1.3) there is no such bug. Don't know if it's still happening in 1.3.1 and TRR 0.5 ....
EDIT:  it becomes visible again if i switch to EVA suit.




Edited by Warro
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39 minutes ago, Warro said:

@HaArLiNsH - I've got a bug in TRR v0.4+KIS/KAS (KSP 1.3 still because if mods).
When kerbal grabs winch head, it becomes invisible:

  Reveal hidden contents


Alt+F12 window don't show any errors in process.

With Rangemachine's version (for 1.3) there is no such bug. Don't know if it's still happening in 1.3.1 and TRR 0.5 ....
EDIT:  it becomes visible again if i switch to EVA suit.

  Reveal hidden contents



This is "normal" :) TRR 0.4 is not finished/stable. But you will certainly have the same effect with the 0.5. Because it make disappear the jetpack and all the things attached to it , the trusters, the 2 bottles, etc

31 minutes ago, Cetera said:

Awesome, @HaArLiNsH, on the new release.  I'll have to get cracking again, and see what I need to do in order to finish updating my suits pack for TRR.  This week is a bad week to start for me, though.  I'll get there eventually, it is hoped!

You can save some time now if you want, for example you can use the same helmet/jetpack/visor for different situations. Or just enter numbers to make colored visor (if the 3 bundled are a good base for you). There are a lots of things possible, take your time :) 

Edited by HaArLiNsH
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On 10/17/2017 at 1:43 PM, Barcel said:

I can't wrap my head around this mod - can someone explain me how to add more kerbal heads? (I've managed to add a new skybox, but I can't do the heads)

I'm having the same problem. I'm afraid I can't follow the instructions on the first page of this thread. Suits are working, but I don't understand how to configure heads.

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On 17/10/2017 at 7:43 PM, Barcel said:

I can't wrap my head around this mod - can someone explain me how to add more kerbal heads? (I've managed to add a new skybox, but I can't do the heads)


56 minutes ago, John Nowak said:

I'm having the same problem. I'm afraid I can't follow the instructions on the first page of this thread. Suits are working, but I don't understand how to configure heads.

Download the TRR_Guide. You will find examples on how to convert to the new format.

In short, create a folder with the name of your kerbal head (like Male1), put it in Heads/Male or Heads/Female. Put in  this folder your custom texture and name it HeadTexture0 and HeadTextureNRM0 for the normal map. If you want to change the texture with the level of the kerbal, name the following textures the same but change the number like this : HeadTexture0,HeadTexture1,...,HeadTexture5. and the same for the NRM.

Edited by HaArLiNsH
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On 10/15/2017 at 5:31 PM, HaArLiNsH said:

@linuxgurugamer : I said that I'll warn you when TRR is ready for CKAN, well, I do it now. I need your help. :)  


You must remove all those extra DLLs from the PlugIns folder.  You CANNOT have them for multiple reasons:

They are copyrighted

They will cause problems in the game because of duplicate dlls

While I wasn't thrilled to see this other user just add it because he was "Tired of not having this in CKAN", and I expressed my displeasure on GitHub, it's acceptable, but not until the release is fixed.

Let me know when it's fixed and I'll be able to commit the PR to get it into CKAN


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1 minute ago, linuxgurugamer said:


You must remove all those extra DLLs from the PlugIns folder.  You CANNOT have them for multiple reasons:

They are copyrighted

They will cause problems in the game because of duplicate dlls

While I wasn't thrilled to see this other user just add it because he was "Tired of not having this in CKAN", and I expressed my displeasure on GitHub, it's acceptable, but not until the release is fixed.

Let me know when it's fixed and I'll be able to commit the PR to get it into CKAN


They are in the source ? Off course I don't want to distribute them :)

I didn't checked, they should have been ignored by github... I don't even understand why they come now. I did not had them when  I builded TRR with KSP 1.3 and now, since I've changed the reference for KSP 1.3.1, they've appeared.

Do you know how can I get rid of them when I build ?


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4 minutes ago, HaArLiNsH said:

They are in the source ? Off course I don't want to distribute them :)

I didn't checked, they should have been ignored by github... I don't even understand why they come now. I did not had them when  I builded TRR with KSP 1.3 and now, since I've changed the reference for KSP 1.3.1, they've appeared.

Do you know how can I get rid of them when I build ?


Your problem is the output path is the final destination, so VS uses that as a work area.

For now, just delete all the unnecessary files before zipping it up.

Long term, you can look at what I do:

I have a set of scripts that I use which I've uploaded to github here:  https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KSP-Build-Scripts

and have a tutorial on mod adoption here: 


You can use these for any project, and they will produce a final, clean zip when done.

If you want to give me push access to your repo, I can add this to the mod commit it for you (or I can do it as a PR if you like), then you would only have to update two lines, the folder for the final zip, and your test KSP folder

let me know

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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19 hours ago, HaArLiNsH said:


Download the TRR_Guide. You will find examples on how to convert to the new format.

In short, create a folder with the name of your kerbal head (like Male1), put it in Heads/Male or Heads/Female. Put in  this folder your custom texture and name it HeadTexture0 and HeadTextureNRM0 for the normal map. If you want to change the texture with the level of the kerbal, name the following textures the same but change the number like this : HeadTexture0,HeadTexture1,...,HeadTexture5. and the same for the NRM.

Is the normal map mandatory? Neither of head packs I have has normal maps.

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50 minutes ago, Barcel said:

Is the normal map mandatory? Neither of head packs I have has normal maps.

Its not a real problem if you don't provide custom one, your custom head will have the last one used (or none if no NRM were used), so it wont be a problem if you don't switch the head but if you do switch to another that has NRM, it will use the last one.
When the bugfixing is done for this version, I'll contact the old head pack makers to see if they will update them to TRR. Otherwise, I'll update them or I'll make new ones.

As always, time is the key :)

Edited by HaArLiNsH
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5 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Your problem is the output path is the final destination, so VS uses that as a work area.

For now, just delete all the unnecessary files before zipping it up.

Long term, you can look at what I do:

I have a set of scripts that I use which I've uploaded to github here:  https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KSP-Build-Scripts

and have a tutorial on mod adoption here: 


You can use these for any project, and they will produce a final, clean zip when done.

If you want to give me push access to your repo, I can add this to the mod commit it for you (or I can do it as a PR if you like), then you would only have to update two lines, the folder for the final zip, and your test KSP folder

let me know

I'll also look into this :)

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9 hours ago, Barcel said:

Is the normal map mandatory? Neither of head packs I have has normal maps.

I think you can use the HeadTextureNRM0.dds file from the examples given. 

It does seem to stick a watermark on the forehead, but there might be a way to get rid of that.


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8 hours ago, John Nowak said:

I think you can use the HeadTextureNRM0.dds file from the examples given. 

It does seem to stick a watermark on the forehead, but there might be a way to get rid of that.


Don't use the one from the guide, you will have a big text on your head (its made so you can see the NRM effect).

What you CAN use to make a quick "flat" NRM, its the one from the  one of the default visors (Visor_EvaGround_NRM_Default, Visor_EvaSpace_NRM_Default, Visor_Iva_NRM_Default). Copy one, rename it  "HeadTextureNRM0" and you're done :)

7 hours ago, CaptainPanda said:

I have a bug report for you: running KSP 1.3.1 - Kerbals with EVA suits on outside the vessel have flashing mouths, rapidly stuttering back and forth from open to closed.

Thx for the report, I saw this yesterday too and I didn't knew if it was me or something else. Can you confirm if this is a 1.3.1 or a TRR issue ?

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2 hours ago, HaArLiNsH said:

Thx for the report, I saw this yesterday too and I didn't knew if it was me or something else. Can you confirm if this is a 1.3.1 or a TRR issue ?

I can't be certain; I haven't used TRR before yesterday. I do know that it wasn't happening until I installed the mod.

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