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[WIP][1.8.1, 1.9.1, 1.10.1, 1.11.0–2, 1.12.2–5] Principia—releases every new moon—n-Body and Extended Body Gravitation


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This message is being posted late as the forum was down when we did the release.

Klein was released twelve days ago.

For the new moon (lunation number 304), the new release (Klein) is out.

A check has been added to detect issues with the terrain system.

See the change log for more details.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Same problem for me

On 9/4/2024 at 10:53 AM, JeromeHeretic said:

I have problem with von Koch release.

When i click tracking station, game crash.

Issue opened: https://github.com/mockingbirdnest/Principia/issues/4088

UPDATE: problem fixed for me by updating C++. Follow github link for download link. @JeromeHeretic

Edited by Krazy1
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Since the forums are back up, we would like to mention that we do not recommend this thread for posting questions about Principia anymore. While there is a great deal of useful information in past discussions, the forums have become too unreliable to provide a useful venue for getting support from fellow users or from the developers. The SUPPORT file on GitHub lists the recommended options for getting help with using the mod or for reporting bugs.
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4 hours ago, Saturn1234 said:

Hi, will Far Future Technologies work with this?

"we would like to mention that we do not recommend this thread for posting questions about Principia anymore"
SUPPORT file on GitHub lists the recommended options for getting help with using the mod or for reporting bugs."
Far Future Technologies will work with this:)

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9 minutes ago, Krazy1 said:

I'm pretty new to Discord. I found the invite link... it goes to "KSP-RO". I agreed to the rules but I don't have access to any discussions. How's it supposed to work?

Press the green check mark under the last post in the #rules channel, the one that says

You agree to the above rules and guidelines by accepting the role below! Have fun!
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  • 1 month later...

Is there a reason why in game I see notification of new release but no download link or mention of release for moon 308 on here?  I'm just courious, holiday break woudn't be a surprise.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/19/2020 at 7:47 PM, scimas said:

These are initial state files for use with RealSolarSystem https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1iNlip4K66oaOQgPm7nDnpQxExuDmp6lu

Some people like to play or simply want to explore RSS in more recent years, rather than 1951 with which Principia starts by default. And of course you can timewarp to whatever year you want to. But until the devs complete their work on #2400 and related issues, it is going to remain a bit painful the further from 1951 you timewarp. The folder linked above contains initial states every 5 years from 1950 to 2020. So the initial state file for 2010 gives you a game that starts on 2011-01-01T00:00:00 UTC. Replace the initial state file in the Principia/real_solar_system folder with the one you want. Keep in mind that this will only have effect on new saves, an existing save won't magically timewarp into the future or past because you changed that file.

@eggrobin has done a cursory verification of the initial state files. But if you run into any inaccuracies, that's my responsibility, not his or @pleroy's.

" While there is a great deal of useful information in past discussions, the forums have become too unreliable"...

The above quote is from one such useful post. 

@scimas 's initial state .cfg for Principia RSS remain active at the google drive link :-)

Exemplifying the remarkable 'desktop precision' of Principia's modification to KSP, one may explore rather unique astronomical events in KSP.

In this case, I've loaded the "2020" initial state created by scimas in order to explore the current Titan Shadow Transits of Saturn.

Principia & RSS & KSP provide the opportunity to travel in your favorite craft to view the near 'ring crossing' shadow transit on 2025 April 29...

(or pretend like I do that there are colonies around Saturn & just edit the KSP save to place a 'landed' craft to launch from Mimas...)

2025 April 29 Titan Shadow & Saturn Ring Crossing

Only every 15 years for a period of about 10 months...& only once every 16 days during those months...

observers from (the dark side of) Earth may see Titan's ~1 arc second shadow take about 4 hours to transit the clouds of Saturn...

1 arc second is about the same apparent size as Io's much more frequently visible shadow transits of Jupiter -- visible even via a 80mm refractor with good optics & high magnification eyepieces...while such small optics can not actually resolve 1 second of arc, they can resolve the contrast of the reduced light region of the shadow as a visible 'gray dot'...the larger the scope the darker the dot...

The evening of 2025 January 23 (a few nights from now...thus this post ;-) is Europe's last opportunity this 15 year cycle to watch a Titan shadow transit during twilight/dark:

KSP 2025 Jan 23 Titan Shadow Transit

Summer of 2025 will provide several pre-dawn opportunities for views of the Titan shadow transits from North America...

With Principia, the time is effectively the same as Earth Universal Time commonly used in astronomy.  And the view in KSP is "at the celestial body", so around the time of these mentioned events Saturn is about 1h 20min light distant from Earth...so Earth sees the shadow Transit event 1h 20 minutes later than the time observed in KSP: 

Current Light travel time delay Saturn to Earth: Left = view & time(UT) from Earth, Right = view & time from near Saturn

So much better than what could be done with a Commodore 64 ;-)

P.S. of course while time warping KSP from 2021 to 2025, Val decided to enjoy a view of the 2024 April Solar Eclipse:

LEFT: Val viewing the KSP 2024 April 8 Solar Eclipse vs Right: IRL
wk9Lfgw.png jC9mj9J.png

Here is a link to the Principia RSS KSP save where Val is viewing the 2024 April 8 eclipse...from there you can timewarp to any of the 2024-2025 Titan shadow Transits which are about every 16 days starting approx. 2024 Nov 20 20:00UT...note: this save will load fine without modifying your RSS initial state:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DBXGQhTurbqG18yZmcP0v77nWAorrlWR/view?usp=sharing

Edited by AloE
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  • 5 weeks later...

Mind helping me with a problem?

I encounter a bug when I try using principia.
"Note that libc++abi1-17, libc++1-17, and libunwind-17 or later (Linux) are required"
I installed all of them manually and the game still doesnt want to run :c
Any idea what might be the issue?
Principia is the newest version so it shouldnt be a problem at all

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