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Rovers - how to transport

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I've built some rovers to fit in 2.5m service bays, otherwise you could mount one on the bottom of a lander and have the lander engines on radially mounted tanks.  There's also spaceplane cargo bays, both Mk 2 and Mk 3 that can take rovers of various sizes.  I once put a rover in a fairing with a heat shield so i could drop it anywhere on kerbin.  You just have to get creative with the parts and figure something out that works.

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Usualy when I want to transfer stuff I use an SSTO with a suitable cargo bay. My favourite on is the large in the OPT mod. I can fit my Malemut rover in there nicely and also have it docked:

For your situation I guess a small skycrane is what you want. It's dirt cheap and works very well - plus you can have it burn it's remaining fuel after landing and let it crash on the ground = no debris! Here, this one is overkill but that's about how you can make one:

When I go Duna with one, I usualy slap a parachute on top and a heatshield on the bottom with another decoupler. Remember: Get yo' stagin' right!

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For docking, get your intercept down to 1km or so, then when you are at the intercept, switch your navball to target mode, point retrograde and zero your relative velocity.  Then point toward the target market on the navball and start closing with the target at 5-10m/s.  When you get close enough, target the docking port you want and use the IJKL and WASD keys to maneuver to the target docking port. H and N will give you fore and aft control.

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How you transport a rover depends both on the rover design and your personal play style. I've used a lot of techniques for transporting rovers, including skycranes, detachable side-mounted rockets, cargo bay of a spaceplane, specialized cargo compartment of a larger lander, a rocket platform beneath the rover, service bays (for small rovers), and having the landing equipment integrated into the rover itself. And that's far from all of the possible ways to get a rover to places (although I suspect I've covered many of the common ones).

Edited by eloquentJane
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  • 4 weeks later...

Here are my ways of doing it.

-Carrying it in a fairing capsule is not the easiest but by far the most realistic, if landing at atmospheric planets


-Turning the spacecraft itself into a lander.

-Putting it in a cargo bay.

-Building it on the surface with KIS is probably the most fun way to do it.

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As NSEP said, if you have the Kerbal Attachment and Inventory System mods, you can transport the parts for a rover in boxes, then assemble them on site. Much easier and more efficient than trying to move whole vehicles. Some of the KIS containers are big, allowing you to carry parts for lots of small rovers (for grand tours), or parts for one big one. Also, if you put a probe core on it and leave it behind when the Kerbals head back, instant robotic science or mining rig

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Some stock ways:

 Duna, but would work on Mun too















These are very satisfying realistic ways of transporting rovers to other worlds but are extremely hard to make.

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I do it in quite a dumb, basic, 'brute force' kind of way, which probably is not good / cheap /efficient design but has got the job done about eight times (and counting):





The rocket is a bit unstable during ascent, but I overcome it with (more) brute force, such as adding reaction wheels to various places, and more winglets everywhere on the rear half of the rocket. The rover itself is essentially a decoupler on top and another on the bottom of the rover; lander above rover, main rocket stages below. It is useful to create your rover as a sub-assembly in the Splace Pane hanger to get the symmetry spot on, and also turn off all power / steering to ALL wheels by default so your rocket's pitch / roll / yaw commands will also control the rover wheels.

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Ok thanks. I am assuming this version is from stock parts only - no mods?


  On 7/21/2017 at 11:45 AM, Majorjim! said:

Some stock ways:

 Duna, but would work on Mun too















These are very satisfying realistic ways of transporting rovers to other worlds but are extremely hard to make.



This is the bees knees!!!

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