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[1.3.x] [No Longer Supported Here] Alien Space Programs 1.0 - Take KSC And Push It Somewhere Else!

Whirligig Girl

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  On 11/18/2017 at 1:31 AM, Gordon Fecyk said:

New pre-release on my fork repository that fixes the Launch First Vessel contract on Tylo and Minmus space programs. Also may fix broken localization because dictionaries apparently need to be in UTF-8 format.

@Fireheart318 did you want to make Munar Space Program or did you just want to put an atmosphere on the stock Mun?


I guess Munar Space Program would be cool, but I just want to spill some Eve gas into some Munar craters and see what would happen. Basically making swimming pools but the water is gas and the air is space (atmosphere on stock Mun)

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  On 11/18/2017 at 1:31 AM, Gordon Fecyk said:

New pre-release on my fork repository that fixes the Launch First Vessel contract on Tylo and Minmus space programs. Also may fix broken localization because dictionaries apparently need to be in UTF-8 format.

@Fireheart318 did you want to make Munar Space Program or did you just want to put an atmosphere on the stock Mun?


Okay. I've been playing Minmus Space Program for a few hours now and it's workin' pretty well. The only things I've noticed so far are World Record contracts for Duna BEFORE Bin, and "do thing while flying over Minmus" contracts are impossible for some reason

You know more about this than me, but could the atmosphere be lowered a couple kilometers without messing anything up?

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I lowered Minmus' 'atmosphere' to 100 m, which keeps the Launch First Vessel contract working but there will be bizarre contracts spawned for atmospheric tests, for instance, testing the heat shield between -1000 m and 100 m at 2400 to 2500 m/s. I don't believe that can be helped without removing the atmosphere entirely, which would break a lot more stuff.

For Tylo, I have to keep the atmosphere at 9400 m to let that contract work, and gives a similar end result as Minmus where you have about 100 m of 'air' to work with. There will be bizarre atmospheric contracts as well.

As for Duna before Bin, that doesn't seem solvable without messing with index numbers for Kopernicus bodies. For Laythe Space Program this seemed to work out well since Jool ends up being the first off-world body to visit. If anything I would have expected the Mun to come up before both Duna and Bin.

This is as much as I should do before letting GregroxMun decide on merging my changes.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

There seems to be some issues with this mod and Transfer Window Planner and SCANsat. Whenever I attempt to calculate a transfer with with Laythe (Where I set my KSC) to another of Jool's moons, the plot it gives is completely blank (Like so). As for SCANsat, I can only view maps for Jool and its moons sans Laythe. As far as I know, the SCANsat issue is not a result of user error, but I may be wrong.

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@Gordon Fecyk @GregroxMun I'm having a very similar problem to @Fireheart318, though in my case it's Laythe that's not working (though I've only seen Duna; there may be other planets that don't work). This is on a fresh install of KSP 1.3.1 32-bit, with no mods other than ASP and its prerequisites.

Here are the logs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wlymdmbzb2bqwb6/AABp8JxTImrYzo3h3bpG-kz8a?dl=0

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@Northern Cross and @Acetylcholine, I have an experimental version you can grab from my forked repository. Just download the current master as a Zip file and see what happens. I haven't done a release yet, and even so this is GregroxMun's project.

The current edition of Kopernicus is supposed to do away with celestial body index numbers in favour of an internal GUID of sorts, allowing ships to stay in the orbits of the intended bodies even after, say, changing the home world setting. I have yet to test this. But I can at least say that the current master can load on the current Kopernicus.

I'll return after some short tests.

[Update testing from Minmus] Going through each story contract, starting from the usual four, followed by escape, rendezvous and finishing with crew transfer, my next story mission was to orbit Bin. This may have had something to do with my Minmus Escape contract also doing a Kerbin Escape / "fly-by." But this appears to be the logical progression of a space-faring species originating from Minmus. I could test starting from Laythe, but I think it would choose Jool as the next story destination based on my prior experience.

Also, testing from Minmus and Duna I found the Transfer Window Planner add-on picked the correct body names and had transfer plots that 'looked right' compared to the stock counterparts. I think this is a result of TriggerAu testing it against Galileo's Planet Pack and others, to make sure it would work for non-stock systems.

So the solution seems to be to get Kopernicus 1.3.1-3 and a copy of this forked repository. Story contracts might still jump past Bin if you accomplish those tasks ahead of the story.

[Update regarding Laythe to Vall Transfer Window Planner] I'm getting the same result with Kerbin set as the home world. I'm also getting the gray screen problem doing a plot from Laythe to Vall in my stock game, so this might be an actual problem with Transfer Window Planner. I'll re-verify, then take it to that repository's issues list.

Edited by Gordon Fecyk
Test results from Laythe
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  On 2/1/2018 at 11:07 PM, AuToFiRE said:

Are you able to choose which body (or even random) on which to start, and if so, would that list still contain Kerbin?


That's in the HomeWorldSetting.cfg file in the 'root' of the AlienSpacePrograms folder itself. There are also toggle switches for Realistic Atmospheres / Stock Atmospheres for Eve and Jool, but the atmospheres of Duna, Laythe, (Ker)Bin and The Sun were replaced with OhioBob's Realistic Atmospheres configurations. Kerbin shouldn't make any difference to flight, but Duna's ceiling was raised to 70 km and Laythe's to 60 km.

The option list for home world choice also includes Kerbin. In my fork I keep Kerbin renamed to Bin for consistency with visual mods, but the original version names it Kerbin when starting from there.

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@Gordon Fecyk Thank you for your response. I had actually forgotten that I was using your fork, and not the main. As it stands, I have already been using the version of Kopernicus you recommended. Is there any insight on the SCANsat issues, or should I bring the issue up to the developer for that mod instead?

Edited by Acetylcholine
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  On 2/16/2018 at 6:03 AM, Acetylcholine said:

Is there any insight on the SCANsat issues, or should I bring the issue up to the developer for that mod instead?


I've only used SCANSat once, in a stock game to try to wring a Kerbin height map out of it back when Kopernicus wouldn't permit using a BUILTIN map more than once. Maybe it's time to drag SCANSat out of the closet and see what's happening. There might be a problem with one of the stock height maps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

May I ask an question: How do you recolor the grass of the KSC, so its red when you put it on Duna? I haven't found any direct glue in the configs. 

found it: its a Kopernikus setting. They use a funny function to set the color :D

Edited by Ger_space
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  • 1 month later...
  On 4/14/2018 at 1:33 PM, Wolfblade1215 said:

Does this work in 1.4? Is a version for 1.4 being worked on?


I was waiting on Kopernicus, but that's ready now. Maybe I should take a break from Purple Space Program to work on this?

  On 4/19/2018 at 11:55 PM, TheRedstoneHive said:

Hi! Is there a Mun Space Program version of this?


There could be, but whether that gets incorporated into Alien Space Programs is up to GregroxMun.

You could attempt a version yourself if you wanted, by swapping Minmus with the Mun. To get the grounds colour right you could take the settings from Tylo. I don't know if starting from the Mun would be all that interesting or challenging, though.

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@GregroxMun I wondered about Kerbin's name in this. I know that "Kerbin" has to exist because that's how KSP works, and cbNameLater and displayName let you rename it. I also know there can't be a second Kerbin. But I wondered about naming Kerbin "Ker-bin" or "Kürbin" or something like that.

I also wondered about making additional Module Manager patches that would replace any references to Kerbin with references to the chosen home world. There are a lot of localization strings for parts, UI elements, error messages and so on that I could replace with different versions. Hopefully the current Module Manager can support changing these.

Others: I'm inspecting the configurations now against Kopernicus 1.4.2-1, now that Thomas and crew have fixed a nasty terrain problem.

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  On 4/26/2018 at 5:07 PM, Gordon Fecyk said:

@GregroxMun I wondered about Kerbin's name in this. I know that "Kerbin" has to exist because that's how KSP works, and cbNameLater and displayName let you rename it. I also know there can't be a second Kerbin. But I wondered about naming Kerbin "Ker-bin" or "Kürbin" or something like that.

I also wondered about making additional Module Manager patches that would replace any references to Kerbin with references to the chosen home world. There are a lot of localization strings for parts, UI elements, error messages and so on that I could replace with different versions. Hopefully the current Module Manager can support changing these.

Others: I'm inspecting the configurations now against Kopernicus 1.4.2-1, now that Thomas and crew have fixed a nasty terrain problem.


I'm not actually sure we can't do Kerbin with displayName, but I'm too lazy to test at this time. I'd like to keep it either Kerbin or Bin.

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  On 4/26/2018 at 5:11 PM, GregroxMun said:

I'm not actually sure we can't do Kerbin with displayName, but I'm too lazy to test at this time.


I'll test that here. displayName is using a localization key now, so pointing that at the stock autoLOC key should work. The trick would be making sure it still works with visual mods afterward.

The current Kopernicus (1.4.2-1) doesn't appear to parse PostSpawnOrbit correctly, or at all, so Minmus, Laythe and Tylo are broken. Minmus causes a spawn exception, and Tylo and Laythe find themselves inside the sun. I'll see if there were changes to PostSpawnOrbit since 1.3.1-3.

[Update on displayName] I've yet to test this against any other mods, but KSP 1.4.3 and Kopernicus 1.4.3-1 will let me displayName Bin "#autoLOC_910048," which is the stock game's localization key for Kerbin. There are a lot of aspLOC keys to change to match, but it does look like Kerbin will be Kerbin in the next pre-release. There are still orbit settings not being interpreted in Kopernicus 1.4.3-1 and I'll raise those as issues in their repository.

Edited by Gordon Fecyk
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I'm definitely waiting on updates to Kopernicus before proceeding with any pre-releases for KSP 1.4.3.

Simply renaming the home world causes Kopernicus to ignore many Orbit{} and PostSpawnOrbit{} settings. The most benign impact is the colour of the map object and orbit line defaulting to some grey shade. The most destructive is ignoring PostSpawnOrbit{} entirely.

By comparison, it's easy enough to, say, swap Kerbin with Tylo. As long as Kerbin doesn't get renamed with cbNameLater, I can make Kerbin a Jool moon and it behaves similarly to how home world-Laythe did in Alien Space Programs with Kopernicus 1.3.1-3, including the bugged-sky-but-usable KSC scene.

With displayName actually being used on-screen, it might be possible to keep the home world named "Kerbin" internally and rely on displayName. My worry is for any mods that rely on the internal name. No worries, apparently, at least for visual add-ons.

Edited by Gordon Fecyk
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Ready for Testing on Kopernicus 1.4.3-2

Kopernicus 1.4.3-2 fixes the PostSpawnOrbit problem I had in 1.4.3-1, making Laythe and Tylo work again. Minmus required further edits because some settings didn't need to be there and Kopernicus was choking on them.

I don't have a pre-release up yet. I want to look at renaming renamed Bin to Kerbin via displayName and I also want to make sure Stock Visual Enhancements can work with it. If you want to try it though, just download a zip copy of the repository.

Edited by Gordon Fecyk
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New Pre-Release Available

Version 1.2.0pre now available from my fork of GregroxMun's GitHub Repository.


  • Renamed Bin to 'Kerbin' via displayName and the stock localization key.
  • Edited homeworld-Minmus to work with Kopernicus 1.4.3-2.

Please check other add-ons carefully when using this. I'd like to know how many mods will use 'Bin' instead of 'Kerbin' when referring to Kerbin. Remember that the internal name of Kerbin is always 'Bin' in this version regardless of homeworld setting, so visual add-ons can still work when changing the homeworld setting.

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New Official Release Available

Version 1.2.0 now available from the original GitHub Repository. I listed all of the changes on the release notes.

I'm not sure if a moderator can grant me permission to edit the original post for this thread. Or maybe I have to start a new thread. In any case, this release is KSP 1.4.3 and Kopernicus 1.4.3-2 compatible.

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  • 5 years later...
  • 1 year later...
  On 7/10/2017 at 8:42 PM, Whirligig Girl said:

Gilly Space Program wouldn't quite work. The space center would be too large compared to the terrain and the runway would end up above the surface. However, a terraformed Jool space program is in fact a possible plan.


Actually, it would work, The KSC runway is 2,5 kilometers long, but Gilly has a radius of 13 kilometers


Edited by WilliamW2010
I don't want my replies merged, they art completely unrelated and should not be merged
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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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