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How much i would need upgrade tracking my tracking station to be able to send probe into Venus or Mars?

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3 minutes ago, Pawelk198604 said:

I have level 2 tracking station if i remember correctly  

None if you know when to launch and when to burn.

If you want planning tools then level 2 mission control and level 2 tracking, IIRC.

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3 minutes ago, Pawelk198604 said:

I need have good connection with my probes, does is any way to improve connection with mission control without ruining my space agency budget by upgrading tracking station.

I don't know the ranges but I'm sure if you use a good antenna with the level 2 tracking station you already have you can manage Duna or Eve just fine. I can't imagine they'd lock you out of those two planets until you had a level 3 tracking station, that'd be really stupid gameplay...

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21 hours ago, Pawelk198604 said:

I need have good connection with my probes, does is any way to improve connection with mission control without ruining my space agency budget by upgrading tracking station.

The probe's strength improve with higher tracking station level.

You can also add extra antennas to your probe. In a lot of ways they are like solid rocket boosters: when in doubt add more.

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On 19/07/2017 at 10:21 AM, magnemoe said:

Note that you are likely to upgrade to tracking station level 3 before the probe arrive, you will need the HG-55 or RA-15 for this. 


DTS-M1 or RA-2 and lvl2 tracking station works fine. One just need to limit the activities while Duna/Eve is near (and maybe use 2-3 antennas instead of a single one)

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10 hours ago, Spricigo said:

DTS-M1 or RA-2 and lvl2 tracking station works fine. One just need to limit the activities while Duna/Eve is near (and maybe use 2-3 antennas instead of a single one)

Problem is that you will not arrive then its close using an low cost transfer I think has not tested, on the other hand it will take many months to arrive and if you continue doing missions inside Kerbin SOI you soon earn enough to update. 

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8 hours ago, magnemoe said:

Problem is that you will not arrive then its close using an low cost transfer I think has not tested, on the other hand it will take many months to arrive and if you continue doing missions inside Kerbin SOI you soon earn enough to update. 

I didn't said keeping tracking station at lvl2 and using DTS-M1 was the perfect solution, just a viable solution. :wink:


For the sake of analysis 4x DTS-M1(diminish returns and all but give a nice range boost) and a lvl2 ground station will result in a maximum range of 16.8Gm. So, by the law of cosines that result in Duna being reachable 50° ahead or behind Kerbin. (Eve?  90° ahead or behind,)

According a transfer planner the ideal (ballistic) transfer from kerbin to duna, deparing on year1,day236, have flight time 258 days with transfer angle of 162°and in this time Kerbin will describe 218°. The maneuver requires 1690m/s and, unfortunately, will put us a bit out of range (~10°).

Ok, lets click in the map the transfer planer presented us, a bit earlier and a bit faster and I found: departure on  year 1, day 236, flight time 239 days, transfer angle 167°, in this time Kerbin will describe 202°. This maneuver cost 1970m/s and put us comfortable within communication range. Better yet is that the difference in the ejection burn is s measly 50m/s so, if we can use Ike's gravity or Duna's atmosphere for capturing, we will hardly notice the difference in cost.

Notice that is hasty done analysis using a bunch of webapps,  aggressive rounding and some out-of-my-paints assumptions. It would not surprise me if there is a brain-fart somewhere in this (if someone find and point it, appreciated) and I strongly suggest someone facing the pratical problem doing his own analysis. OTOH all that is ignoring the possibility to make the transfer when at the transfer window appear, plan the capture and position the vessel while still in communication range, capturing  without signal under limited control, and waiting for communication to be re-established  for further activities.

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  • 3 years later...
2 hours ago, Potatomans said:
  1. I. was wondering how do I upgrade the tracking station in the first place do i use multiple or what do I do

right click on it, it opens a window with some general descriptions and the option to upgrade.

that's only if you are in career mode. in science and sandbox, all the buildings start at level 3 already

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