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What is most stressful moment when you play KSP, for me is launch and re-entry


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The most stressed I have gotten in this game was construction a science station in orbit of the Mun. I had sent up a construction drone which was basically a claw with a bunch of RCS. Rendezvous with the first station module was fine, I think it was the central body, basically a bunch of structural tubes with docking ports to connect the other modules. The fun started when I grabbed the second module and brought it back to the central body.


Keep in mind, I hadn't sent up any modules with control ability yet, so as soon as I let go of the central body with my construction bot, the claw shot it out at an odd angle and it was rotating about all 3 axis. So I had to juggle the 2 different modules back and forth between the claw, trying to keep them stable, trying to dock the two, all the while, every piece is spinning, and I didn't have a Munar relay network set up yet, so I could only do construction when I had line of sight with Kerbin.


That was the most frustrating hour of my life in this game. If I was a smart engineer, One of the modules would have been controllable, or at least sent up another construction bot.

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Honestly... probably planning transfers. Simply because the stock manoeuvre node tool sucks :) Oh, also landing on the Mun. I use KER and the suicide burn readout seems to be miles out but only for the Mun :S

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Can't really say I have stressful moments in KSP.
The only moments that my sphincter tightens is when my encounters are a bit too close and my station's solar panels are at risk of being ripped off by an incoming shuttle that still has to bleed off a few dozen m/s.

Edited by Tex_NL
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My most stressful moments was when during Duna Reentry with my ERV (Earth Return Vehicle) and Flying the ERV back to Kerbin. As well as launching My Constellation Altair Replica up to Orion. (A picture of Altair and Orion docked is in my background poster in my profile. You should see it.)

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I alway sweat a little when I have to keep control of a ship made in early career(so, no auto-pilot help apart the "classic" SAS) during a reentry while its stable position is a position which make it burn entirely.

Aaaah, KSP. The game in which peoples are so eager to get to space for less than ten minutes that they're ready to use one of the most dangerous craft ever build.

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6 minutes ago, NordicToast said:

The worst for me is when a station (especially a big one) starts wobbling around.

Do you use autostruts in an attempt to stabilize it? DON'T! Long autostruts are known to induce wobble. Remove as many as possible to subdue the Kraken.

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ah it's docking the vessel which is really big...


but if we say it, i think i also stress when shuttle-like spaceplane reentry and landing with FAR, you know they could disassemble for no reason due to high speed and little attack angle...it's hard and scary.:confused:

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Switching to a ship or base I have not visited in a while, wondering if it's going to explode, sink into the ground, or just vanish into the NaN. Possibly deleting a bunch of other vessels in the process.
Deploying anything that's mounted near a cargo bay, since it's a 50/50 as to whether it says "cannot deploy while stowed".
launching anything with bi/tri/quad couplers, watching carefully for the spaghetti-copter effect.
Switching to a vessel that is splashed down, for fear that it will "collide with terrain" and explode.
landing with 'chutes, in case the game randomly crashes when I'm 50m above the ground and the 'chutes don't redeploy when I load it again.
Loading a large station, waiting for it to start thrashing itself to death.

Bugs. The most stressful moment is the bugs.

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Trying to land on Titan in RSS, it like trying to sink through syrup.

When RO bugs out, my RO install never crashes, but instead it just bugs like crazy. I once tried turning off Remotetech but that lowers my framerate from smooth 40fps to slide show 5fps.

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for me, it's always the landings. I suck at landing fuel efficiently, and usually don't carry large margins, so it's the landing burn that tells me if a rescue needs to have launched yesterday.

life support can make the game so interesting sometimes.. 

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