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[1.12.5] Knes 1.9.9


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49 minutes ago, RocketFowl said:

French and ESA were pretty busy, i wonder how things could have turned, if french stay alone and do not have to deal with early ESA cooperation mess.

Probably not so far without money

50 minutes ago, RocketFowl said:

Just how many ATV derivative was studied out there?

Really envisaged was those :




After that you have a lot of derivative/concept using the service module, but that most really just some idea.

By the fact the Service Module is itself a fully operationnal vehicle, you could everything you want on top, a node module, a crewed capsule (like orion) the cost is the main problem when you start to do that :lol:


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ATV is pretty much done this time.

Here a modularity test with CBM docking.



i'm not sure what to do with the pressurised module, because cargo in game are really useless i've actually reuse the hitchilker IVA and set 4 Kerbal Capacity.

An other option could be to set ore capacity.. but look a little weird ? idk.

KIS and BG DLC item capacity.

The best is probably to have a full list of variant for B9 part switch. i'm looking to this, but i've never do that before.

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39 minutes ago, RocketFowl said:

Did someone has a Hermes different version comparative? (IRL)


39 minutes ago, RocketFowl said:

And maybe a little schematic overview of the final design?






Good Luck for your speech!

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Let me add a science lab, not really detailed, but reusing the same texture. So with this, the ATV and the new endcap/adapter, you could build some comfy space station / MTFF style.

So if i never find the time to make a really detailled MTFF, those parts still allow it.




I need to see if i could add some modular part for more variety, maybe a hatch/sas module for EVA, or an other endcap. (waiting 1.10 to release those parts, so i still have some days to see what i could do)

I think this could be a nice little set of station part for a new sort of european style module.

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6 hours ago, Well said:

I need to see if i could add some modular part for more variety, maybe a hatch/sas module for EVA, or an other endcap. (waiting 1.10 to release those parts, so i still have some days to see what i could do)

Maybe a station node version like Harmony on ISS?

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18 hours ago, RocketFowl said:

Maybe a station node version like Harmony on ISS?

I've added some variant for the Science lab to make it a node.

Variant = 

ScienceLab  /  1 node / 2 nodes / 3 nodes / 4 nodes



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And i've decided to not make the cargo capsule derived ATV, here a test with universal storage, wich make a better job than what i could do for a cargo capsule. Enjoy:




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5 hours ago, Well said:

I've added some variant for the Science lab to make it a node.

Variant = 

ScienceLab  /  1 node / 2 nodes / 3 nodes / 4 nodes



Don't know if it need lot of time, never do modeling on unity. I have some suggestion:

First, I think the sciencelab/node must have side docking port offset: like on harmony/kibo ISS module. It's make sense in terme on workspace organisation and is closer to concept design. 


Second, do you think you can reuse the upper part of the MRK service module to make a ATV adapter for adding Manned Capsule? Like this:




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7 hours ago, josselin2196 said:

First, I think the sciencelab/node must have side docking port offset: like on harmony/kibo ISS module. It's make sense in terme on workspace organisation and is closer to concept design. 


Second, do you think you can reuse the upper part of the MRK service module to make a ATV adapter for adding Manned Capsule? Like this:

  Reveal hidden contents



Due to the Fabric i can't really offest more ( but it is already a little offset, not at the center) Some picture show it like that. It's more a config problem if i want to move those nodes more at the up... maybe idk


I already have a part like that, that the MRK Rescue service module (try to look at the MRK rescue craft files)


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@josselin2196 I've made some cut in those extra module, to allow more possibilities. The "node" is not a variant anymore, but a new short part with different node variant. ( with that you could make the node like you want :D )

i've added a little module (electricty) and a little larger (monoprop) so with that i think you could make any sort of space station. Hope you enjoy this.



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11 hours ago, Bling90 said:


We still don't have CTV.....


And, from my point of view, @josselin2196and all others screenshot and video are very inspiring and show us many ways to make things with Knes and other Mod. All information , archive and document shared permit us to know more about french/ESA spaceflight history.

And for @Well, i'm very impatient to sent ATV to my ( vaguely ) ISS replica and use space station part. The part look gorgeous. 

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