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Explanation of the Reputation System


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Since the rep system is working now, it's time I sat down and explained it.

When you first come to the forums you have 0 rep, and at around 10 posts or so you're reputation power kicks in. You start with 1 point of "Rep Power" meaning, when you click to up someones rep, you up it by one point.

Every 100 points of your own rep = +1 Rep Power

Every 365 Days on the forums = +1 Rep Power

Every 1,000 Posts on the forums = +1 Rep power

These numbers are not final and they might change, but it's an idea of how the system works.

Edited by Capt'n Skunky
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Since the rep system is working now, it's time I sat down and explained it.

When you first come to the forums you have 0 rep, and at around 10 posts or so you're reputation power kicks in. You start with 1 point of "Rep Power" meaning, when you click to up someones rep, you up it by one point.

Every 100 points of your own rep = +1 Rep Power

Every 365 Days on the forums = +1 Rep Power

Every 1,000 Posts on the forums = +1 Rep power

These numbers are not final and they might change, but it's an idea of how the system works.

My God, I could never find out how this worked on forums! Thanks, Rep +

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Also please note, that ALL post counter grinders (posting in short time enormous amount of legal ,but totally unnecessary posts) could be punished by reset their post counters to zero.

So, write as many posts as you want, but always try in your posts add something interesting and valuable to topic :) !

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I'm still a bit lost on what "reputation power" or "reputation level" is. How is it "measured"? Is it the title under our usernames?

I can see under mine says "Flight Director". Does that mean reputation is directly related to post count?

(my apologies if my confusions could be frustrating, just need some clarification here)

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That's right.

To explain "Reputation Power" and "Reputation".

You gain reputation by having people "Star" or "Thank" your posts. This shows in the green bar immediately under your forum title which is immediately under your name. The better your reputation, the longer the bar.

Reputation power is how much power a person has to add to other people's reputation. There are several ways of gaining power: by staying on the forum for years, posting thousands of posts, and being given a high reputation. The higher a person reputation power, the more points they add to other people's reputation every time they click on the "Thank" star. In other words, the better a person's standing on the forum, the louder their voice when they praise other people.

I hope that explains it!


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You gain reputation by having people "Star" or "Thank" your posts. This shows in the green bar immediately under your forum title which is immediately under your name. The better your reputation, the longer the bar.

Reputation power is how much power a person has to add to other people's reputation. There are several ways of gaining power: by staying on the forum for years, posting thousands of posts, and being given a high reputation. The higher a person reputation power, the more points they add to other people's reputation every time they click on the "Thank" star. In other words, the better a person's standing on the forum, the louder their voice when they praise other people.

Ah, I'm now understanding it. Thanks!

Is this the default for all vBulletin Forums or did you tweak these settings for the KSP one? And besides the nice green dots, what exactly is this good for? I don't get the point of it. Some people might not be as active on the forums and still be great helpers, many won't even know how to add to a users rep. or forget to give it, or just write an answering "thank you" post. However, the system is nothing which could hurt, so its nice to have, I guess.

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The main idea behind reputation is to reward helpful users without cluttering up the forums with "Thanks" posts. This is particularly important in working forums such as Suggestions and Bug Reports, where it would be ideal if there were no posts except suggestions and bug reports, expansions on suggestions and extra info on bug reports. As it is, the developers have to read a lot of garbage to drill through to relevant supplementary posts, such as that neat idea which makes a suggestion complete or that critical bit of information that reveals the cause of the bug.

True, very helpful people who don't post much don't get much reputation. It would be nice if the reputation system had a rep/post system, for instance - that would be excellent! But the existing system rewards people for quantity of help as well as quality, which is not entirely unfair. And yes, we are all at the mercy of how generous people are feeling, but that is always the case - saying "thank you" takes even more wrok than giving reputation!

So far as I know the reputation system is very much the default VBulletin system, but tweaked so users can't give negative reputation.

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Quick question, is the post thing total posts or active posts? Because I know for a fact the Post counter in the left-hand side is for active posts; I used to have excess 1k, but the counter has gone down.

Not really important to me, just a quick little question that popped into my head unwillingly.

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This is possible: "My Settigns > Edit Profile > Custom User Title". ;-)
how comes i cant get it to work i try to edit MY profile and it says you are trying to edit a proflie and other stuff and yes im trying to edit MY profle any help?
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how comes i cant get it to work i try to edit MY profile and it says you are trying to edit a proflie and other stuff and yes im trying to edit MY profle any help?

You need a minimum of 5 posts and then your account will be upgraded to Member. As a Curious George account, your abilities are limited. This is an effort to control spammers and malcontents. Accounts with 5 or more posts are upgraded once every hour when the script runs.


Capt'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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So far I have only ever been able to award a given person one point, and then it just keeps telling me to spread the love around. I don't have a problem with that, and I see that it prevents abuse, but I have awarded a number of posts to others and so far still can't give anyone a second point. What's the limit on that?

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So far I have only ever been able to award a given person one point, and then it just keeps telling me to spread the love around. I don't have a problem with that, and I see that it prevents abuse, but I have awarded a number of posts to others and so far still can't give anyone a second point. What's the limit on that?

Well, two people could just keep on giving each other a good reputation forever.

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Well, two people could just keep on giving each other a good reputation forever.

Which I can see, every day I run a report on several stats on the forums. I know when you're abusing a system, and I will see it. :)

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