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[1.9.1] LanderCan Mk12 v4.0


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  On 6/1/2020 at 11:22 AM, mabdi36 said:


Again, sorry to interrupt (asking for so many requests), but I assume this has support for Simplex? So sorry for all this extra work I am causing you.

Thanks greatly


Yes.  One tier along from the stock Mk1 lander can.  Mmm.  Actually not sure.  I'll have to check.

Peace .

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  • 2 months later...

So fun thing, I felt that the can was a bit spacious as well, and loved the idea of getting a couple extra seaters in there, but I dislike have too much redundant parts, so instead I did a bit Frankenstein, using your model and interior but patching the original PART module instead of creating a new one. I also stripping it of life support resources and SAS for balance, while still keeping it light. And sure enough it worked quite well:


  On 5/29/2020 at 3:15 PM, MacLuky said:

And indeed a light is missing


The only remaining issue being the one above, of being a bit too dark inside, did you manage to get that fixed? the ckan version didn't seem to have that fixed.

Also, thought about using the stock part switcher to still have that as an option but keep it cleaner.

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Great work, feel free to share and I'll add that, or if you want, I don't mind if someone adopts the mod. For the light we need to go back to unity and my setup is broken, so i won't be able to fix that.

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The patch is as simple as this

	@CrewCapacity = 3
	-MODULE[ModuleReactionWheel] {}
		%model = Gfurst/LanderCan/LanderCanMk12
		@seatTransformName = pilotSeatTransform0
		@allowCrewHelmet = true
		name = InternalSeat
		seatTransformName = pilotSeatTransform1
		allowCrewHelmet = true
		name = InternalSeat
		seatTransformName = pilotSeatTransform2
		allowCrewHelmet = true

I would its a light version of the mod, it still uses the model all the same, I'm guessing the seats and light are meta data stored in the model itself.
The lack of reaction wheel, and crew using helmet is a sort of personal touch to my gameplay.

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So, since I have similar issues with another IVA I am working on, I decided to see if if I could address issues with this mod to solve my problems.

As far as THIS IVA goes, I got interior lighting working (non-animated right now tho), clickable window views, and I was also able to remove the copies of the included stock textures, using stock texture switching. That alone shrunk the total mod size to a little under 2 MB.

Heres what the lighting looks like:

Also, someone requested a two-seat version. Thats been added as a seperate part. It could easily be switched as an MM patch for the existing part, if people dont want a seperate part. As an MM patch, tho, it would not be switchable in-game. You would have to pick either the 3 seat, or the 2 seat before game loading, and would affect save games, if switched after a new save is started. :(


Heres what I hope to add:

- Emissive mesh for lights
- lighting animation
- working IVA hatch collider
-propulate 2nd seat for a functioning Engineer's Station
-reset camera positions for windows/2nd seat

Once I'm finished, I'll hand over the files to @MacLuky

Edited by Stone Blue
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  On 8/11/2020 at 3:26 PM, Stone Blue said:

So, since I have similar issues with another IVA I am working on, I decided to see if if I could address issues with this mod to solve my problems.

As far as THIS IVA goes, I got interior lighting working (non-animated right now tho), clickable window views, and I was also able to remove the copies of the included stock textures, using stock texture switching. That alone shrunk the total mod size to a little under 2 MB.

Heres what the lighting looks like:

Also, someone requested a two-seat version. Thats been added as a seperate part. It could easily be switched as an MM patch for the existing part, if people dont want a seperate part. As an MM patch, tho, it would not be switchable in-game. You would have to pick either the 3 seat, or the 2 seat before game loading, and would affect save games, if switched after a new save is started. :(


Heres what I hope to add:

- Emissive mesh for lights
- lighting animation
- working IVA hatch collider
-propulate 2nd seat for a functioning Engineer's Station
-reset camera positions for windows/2nd seat

Once I'm finished, I'll hand over the files to @MacLuky


I'm salivating. mainly as I can smell food cooking... but this also looks awesome.


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Nice, looking good, One thing I forgot to say in previous post is that I was also looking on how to use the stock part switch to see if it would work with this. Still have no idea how it works tho, the only documentation I've found was that of the original B9 part switcher, is that still the correct one?

I can look into that if you guys want, regarding part balance that's a tricky question, as if why would you use a one seater instead of the three seat if the mission allows it? I find weight tweaking to be unrealistic, instead I use a config that gives weight to kerbals, so their own weight is added, plus custom config for life support as well, so that if you have the same resources it last longer for one kerbal than it would for three. Of course all of that is up to each one's individual playstyle, so I like to hear what you guys think.

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The downside of such a cramped capsule is that the Kerbals have to get in and out in a fixed order.

Nobody would design a lunar lander like that in real life... right?

(Yes, of course I'm aware that the LM had exactly that issue...)

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  On 8/11/2020 at 5:25 PM, Gfurst said:

I find weight tweaking to be unrealistic, instead I use a config that gives weight to kerbals, so their own weight is added, plus custom config for life support as well, so that if you have the same resources it last longer for one kerbal than it would for three. Of course all of that is up to each one's individual playstyle, so I like to hear what you guys think.


Yeah... thats a pretty good idea.


  On 8/11/2020 at 5:30 PM, theJesuit said:

are you still going to hand back a three seater?  Some people may be upset at that loss (I won't, but that's just me)


Oh!... yeah... I guess I didnt make it clear I would do both :P
the big thing with doing both, right now, is that I need to do it with two seperate .mu's (models) for each. Thats done.
If B9 PartSwitch worked on IVAs, it would just require one model, and just use B9 to switch the seat gameobjects & stuff on & off...
But alas... it doesnt.

Anyway, if anyone would be worried about RAM or performance issues of having *TWO* models, that should pretty much be offset by dumping ~7 MB of unecessary textures out of the mod.

But back to 3 seat vs 2 seat versions. Two choices: have BOTH in your game as seperate parts, or choose one or the other, by activating an MM patch before game loading. (Again, this option *could* screw up save games with either part on an active vessel/mission)

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  On 8/11/2020 at 6:28 PM, Kerbart said:

Nobody would design a lunar lander like that in real life... right?

(Yes, of course I'm aware that the LM had exactly that issue...)


LoL, was about to reply to you when I saw the underline. But yeah these capsules were incredibly cramped, even the Vostok inspired capsules. One thing I like roleplay as, since I found out the game has an actual airlock config that forbids kerbal EVA directly (only one part that I know has the limitation), so I roleplay that all pods are actually airlocks in themselves, eg, they could be depressurized without problem, and I even got kerbs wearing helmets in IVA

Edited by Gfurst
lacked oxygen while writing
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  On 8/11/2020 at 7:46 PM, Gfurst said:

so I roleplay that all pods are actually airlocks in themselves, eg, they could be depressurized without problem, and I even got kerbs wearing helmets in IVA

Edited 9 hours ago by Gfurst
lacked oxygen while writing


:o Wow, it was hard, I hope You already slammed your hatch shut and filled the cockpit with air.

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Looks really great.  I haven't spent too much time looking at the props, but are there any small screens that you could add for the rear kerbals to look at?  However, tbh, I don't spend much time with the IVA mode, so I wouldn't likely notice in game.  Going back to the earlier comment that one can't switch interiors, I was going to ask about the Mk2 lander cab and wondered how they handled the texture switch from lander to rover only to quickly look and see that the exterior side window just looks into the lander.

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  On 8/14/2020 at 4:48 PM, Stone Blue said:

Soo.. would anyone have issue, or preference, for reorienting the 3 seat configuration like this, or keep it with both seats side-by-side, facing front?


Looks pretty neat, I wouldn't mind they had at least something to look at, but then again, the front is pretty much just a very small window as well. One thing that bothers me though is the large "look inside" window, I hope though its just a mask you're using while working on it, not entirely sure how it works.


  On 8/14/2020 at 5:32 PM, hemeac said:

Going back to the earlier comment that one can't switch interiors, I was going to ask about the Mk2 lander cab and wondered how they handled the texture switch from lander to rover only to quickly look and see that the exterior side window just looks into the lander.


Yeah I also wondered exactly because of that, there is very little actual documentation on the stock part switcher module, but from from what I read, you can change its exterior mesh, but can't change the INTERIOR config, and neither does the FSswitcher able to do that. You could just change the main part's interior, and then have a switcher to change capacity, but then again I fail to see how this would have any purpose if you can just use the three seater but not crew it fully.

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Now that I think about it, realistically it wouldn't be possible to fit 3 Kerbals in it for one reason in particular: as the pods in KSP are self-contained airlocks, all crew must put the helmets on before anyone enters or leaves. The pod is too small for 3 Kerbal helmets.

Edited by Krzeszny
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  On 8/14/2020 at 7:54 PM, Gfurst said:

Looks pretty neat, I wouldn't mind they had at least something to look at, but then again, the front is pretty much just a very small window as well. One thing that bothers me though is the large "look inside" window, I hope though its just a mask you're using while working on it, not entirely sure how it works.


Thats always been like that. Pretty sure you can do that with *every* IVA'd part... Its activated by the small radial button that appears to the left of the crew portraits when you hover over the portrait.

Some IVAs come with masks, that create a specific size/shape/placement of the "see-thru"... in that pic I posted, the IVA does not have an overlay mask, so the see thru is undefined, and rotates with the camera view as you move around the part.

I switched the 2 seat "stock" props IVA, to completely use the stock model, so that one DOES have a defined overlay mask.

Here's the applied overlay mask:

and here, you can see it "stays inplace", and doesnt follow the camera around, like NOT having a mask does...

Personally, I *dont* like the overlay masks at all... If I'm going to have a fictional window into an IVA, I want to see it ALL, an be able to appreciate ALL the llittle detail and work the dev put into it... the overlay mask generally limit the view too much, for my tastes vOv

Edited by Stone Blue
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  On 8/15/2020 at 12:45 AM, Stone Blue said:

Heh... I *could* add Angel-125's WildBlue Tools mod as a dependency, and use his plasma TV props... :rofl:


Having WildBlue tools already, I wouldn't necessarily complain :-).  When placing props are you doing a lot of trial and error in the position/rotation/scale for the cfg files or is there an easier option? 

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  On 8/15/2020 at 1:20 AM, hemeac said:

When placing props are you doing a lot of trial and error in the position/rotation/scale for the cfg files or is there an easier option? 


Oh, HECK NO!!...
I dont have that kind of patience or temperament.... I cant even imagine the number of, or added up time of all the KSP restarts & loading that would add up to :blink:

I've been using Taniwha's Blender Mu Import/Export Plugin and BforArtists ( <- see my sig below) to do all the modelling, some of the config writing, and some of the prop placement....
Prop placement, IIRC, is about the last piece of the puzzle that Taniwha needs to have tested and mebbe tweaked, before his plugin should be able to  fully replace Unity and PartTools.

Other than that, right now, Unity w/PartTools is about the "easiest" way.... and i say "easiest" in a relative manner... it can still be tedious, with moar than a couple dozen props

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  On 8/15/2020 at 10:35 AM, Stone Blue said:

Oh, HECK NO!!...
I dont have that kind of patience or temperament.... I cant even imagine the number of, or added up time of all the KSP restarts & loading that would add up to :blink:

I've been using Taniwha's Blender Mu Import/Export Plugin and BforArtists ( <- see my sig below) to do all the modelling, some of the config writing, and some of the prop placement....
Prop placement, IIRC, is about the last piece of the puzzle that Taniwha needs to have tested and mebbe tweaked, before his plugin should be able to  fully replace Unity and PartTools.

Other than that, right now, Unity w/PartTools is about the "easiest" way.... and i say "easiest" in a relative manner... it can still be tedious, with moar than a couple dozen props


That's comforting to know :-).

One of these days will need to do a bit of testing with Unity and PartTools.  My modelling experience in Blender is only with Cities Skylines and that has a built-in asset editor, so don't have any experience with Unity in my workflow.  I will of course stop talking about that in this thread though as it is a bit off-topic.

Looking forward to the interiors though

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  On 8/15/2020 at 10:35 AM, Stone Blue said:

I've been using Taniwha's Blender Mu Import/Export Plugin and BforArtists ( <- see my sig below) to do all the modelling, some of the config writing, and some of the prop placement....


That sounds interesting, I was so frustrated by the toolchain that I gave up on it

A thumbs up for all the great work, I really love it that you picked up the mod and took it further

On my wish list was also the Mk2 Lander can...

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