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Russian Launch and Mission Thread


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Look, if Russia want to try and build their own space station, nobody's stopping them. But it'll be expensive less capable than a combined effort.

Meanwhile the US and its continuing international partners will just put up a couple of outfitted Starships, NBD.

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Because there are cities, rigs, industry, woods, seaports, and sea ways there.

All of which an unmanned satellite can watch for much less Δv and money. There's no benefit to having a near-polar station, as far as I can see. I doubt the funding will ever get through for a fully indigenous station. More likely no station is built for a while.

42 minutes ago, RCgothic said:

Meanwhile the US and its continuing international partners will just put up a couple of outfitted Starships, NBD.

I wanna see what size inflatable module can fit in that payload fairing. Probably yuge.

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18 hours ago, SOXBLOX said:

I know this region is heating up geopolitically, but what benefits are there to having a station in a polar orbit? If you wanna see the poles, just use a satellite, right?

Yeah, I'll believe this stuff when I see it. Until then, dream on, Dmitri Olegovich.

Earth sensing experiments are performed on the ISS. They might plan to do the same thing on the new station, but want to pass over all of Russia. This isn't a new thing, a polar orbit was considered for the MKBS space station in the 70s too.

Or maybe the cosmonauts are human shields against US ASAT weapons, and it will actually be equipped with different reconnaissance equipment lol.

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8 hours ago, sh1pman said:

Any flown “Naukas”?

Nauka exists. Any ever existing Starships?
Why should they use a blueprint rocket which doesn't exist and who knows if will ever do?

7 hours ago, RCgothic said:

Look, if Russia want to try and build their own space station, nobody's stopping them. But it'll be expensive less capable than a combined effort.

Any American cargo ever delivered by Starship? Any non-KSP Starship flight ever?

7 hours ago, RCgothic said:

Meanwhile the US and its continuing international partners will just put up a couple of outfitted Starships, NBD.

Currently all international partnership is about Falcons.

7 hours ago, SOXBLOX said:

All of which an unmanned satellite can watch for much less Δv and money. There's no benefit to having a near-polar station, as far as I can see. I doubt the funding will ever get through for a fully indigenous station. 

Almost everything can be done by unmanned satellites. But if you want an orbital station, it should fly on the orbit which provides it with as wide as possible spectre of tasks, including land monitoring.
Salyut and Mir lacked high latitudes, it's known.

7 hours ago, SOXBLOX said:

More likely no station is built for a while.

Why? Modules are built, the ISS segment is getting unstable.
What's the problem to launch DoubleSalyut or HalfMir.
I doubt they don't have Proton details in the warehouse.

8 hours ago, RCgothic said:

Meanwhile the US and its continuing international partners will just put up a couple of outfitted Starships, NBD.

First make that Starship.

5 hours ago, SunlitZelkova said:

and it will actually be equipped with different reconnaissance equipment lol.

Obviously any telescope can be used for any purpose, and you don't need a crewed station for that since Kenneth had finally murdered Dorian.

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Rogozin stated that 80% of equipment ofthe "Russian segment" of ISS is depleted, and keeping it intact takes as much efforts as building a new station.

He stated that Roscosmos is ready to start creating the new orbital station, and waits for the formal command.

He said that they "plan to put the new station in orbit by 2030, and if this happens, it will be a great breakthrough".

The station will be visitable, not constantly inhabited, because of high radiation at the polar orbits.

Foreign cosmonauts will be able to visit it, too.

Design and implementation of the station will b e mostly Russian due to know import limitations.

AI and robots will be used in/on/at the station.

NEM (Science & Power module), originially planned for usage on ISS, will be upgraded to use it in the new station as its base module.
This includes energetics, attitude control, autonomy.
It will be ready in 2025.

The station may/can/will be  an intermediate stage of the lunar program.

The "Russian segment" of ISS will keep being used by partners, maybe commercially.


NEM, Science & Power module.
Scientia potentia est.




The station will consist of six modules. Firstly - four, then - six.


Upd. upd.


Phase 1 will include: the base module, the science & power module, the airlock module, the attach node module.

Later will be added the purposed целевой and the purposed industrial целевой производственный modules.

Also the station will be equipped with a servicing platform for orbital crafts.

Crew = 2 .. 4  humans
Final pressurized volume = 667 m3
External workplaces = 48

Humans will be visiting the station once-twice per year.
Also 3 cargo ships per year will be being delivered,


Looks that unlike the picture, Nauka is replaced with some purposed module.




Russia won't undock and sink its segment after 2025, and continues negotiations about nice divorce.


Edited by kerbiloid
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1 minute ago, SOXBLOX said:

They're being built

They're even not tested. Neither 30-engines 1st stage, not re-entering 2nd stage.
Currently it's just a wish in pictures.


Unlike it, the station modules are same good old Almaz-based things.

And Soyuz-based.

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2 hours ago, DDE said:


Ah, but using Kerbiloid's logic, this is just a prototype, and has no bearing on the actual product.

Anyways, I stand corrected. But, this tug, and the hypothetical station, is brought to us by the same people who built a station module, and then rebuilt it, and then repaired their rebuild, and repaired their repairs, and so on, and are only now, 13+ years past the original launch date, vaguely ready to put it in space.

I think I'll wait and see. Meanwhile, I bet my money against an indigenous station being built.

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17 minutes ago, SOXBLOX said:

Ah, but using Kerbiloid's logic, this is just a prototype, and has no bearing on the actual product.

This is an actual product.
While Starship still has never been something but overgrown Grasshopper. I.e, a prototype of a prototype.
Its 1st stage was tested with 3 engines of ~30.
Its 2nd stage never approached 8 km/s on re-entry.

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Just now, kerbiloid said:

While Starship has never been something but overgrown Grasshopper. I.e, a prototype of a prototype.

Oh, really? :huh: At least it flies. 

I think that if you keep scraping the bottom of the barrel of objections, you are in danger of getting splinters under your fingernails.

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5 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

It jumps.

We can argue over the meaning of these words, but that would be unproductive. It flies. By fiat of a native English speaker, if you want a reason.

6 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

Its 1st stage was tested with 3 engines of ~30.

They haven't tested the first stage yet.

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6 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

This is an actual product.
While Starship still has never been something but overgrown Grasshopper. I.e, a prototype of a prototype.
Its 1st stage was tested with 3 engines of ~30.
Its 2nd stage never approached 8 km/s on re-entry.



The first stage has not yet been tested. Currently the one they say is for orbital testing has a thrust structure pierced for 28 Raptors. 1 more than FH flies.

Second stage obviously has not been tested at high velocity yet, it needs to be put on top of the first stage... first. I'm sure many of those will fail before they manage to recover one. Doesn't matter, they're not expensive.


On topic, are there any renders of the new station concept?

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1 hour ago, SOXBLOX said:

We can argue over the meaning of these words, but that would be unproductive. It flies. By fiat of a native English speaker, if you want a reason.

It's not about meaning of words.
Just no stage of Starship has never performed a real flight even close, so treat it as an existing and available rocket is currently prematurely.
But there is a dedicated thread for Starships, no need to double it.

59 minutes ago, tater said:

On topic, are there any renders of the new station concept?

Except the obsolete picture with Nauka (whose post-ISS fate is now unclear), afaik, no. Though, Nauka may be cloned as a "purposed module" or so.

Also, the Science&Power module have two different designs on the renders. One is Salyut-like, another one looks unhuman.
As it's mentioned as a abase module, the Salyut-like one looks more realistic


Also, about the higher-latitude station advantage: it can be supplied from Plesetsk.
The inclination is probably 64.8.







Node module "Prichal / Pier".




350px-ISS_Science_Power_Platform.png (original)





NEM will be reworked to make it base module, as Rogozin stated yesterday

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What puzzles me on those pictures, look at the outer end of Nauka (the leftmost one)



It's active docking port, the probe one. Nothing will dock to it. Why is it here? Why the module is not arrached to the spherical node module with it?


It looks like actually they are going to dock Nauka to ISS, then dock everything painted to its spherical section, then undock the whole assembly.

1. Nauka docks to ISS with sharp end.

2. The spherical Node Module (in the middle) dock to Nauka with its only active adaptor.

3. The airlock module (with axial docking port and airlock in it) docks to the axial passive port and gets relyapped to the zenith radial one.

4. The purposed module does same.

5. The inflatable (probably, warehouse) module does same.

6. Scientia-Potentia docks to the axial port of the sphere and stays there forever.

7. The assembly undocks from ISS.
Or Zvezda transfer chamber cracks in halves and stays stuck on the Nauka active adaptor..

8. Something docks to the sphere to the backside radial port and turns the orbital plane from 51 to 64.8 (dV~2 km/s).
Maybe Nucleon.


9. Profit!!!!!!!


As all these modules were designed first for Mir-2, then repurposed for ISS, probably that's the plan.

And based on the current leakage rate of Zvezda, before the station gets ready, the Zvezda transfer chamber will just get non-pressurizable, and ISS will anyway be consisting of two separated segments.

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1 hour ago, kerbiloid said:

9. Profit!!!!!!!

So, for once in its entire existence the ISS would perform its original envisioned role as a shipyard.

1 hour ago, kerbiloid said:

And based on the current leakage rate of Zvezda, before the time the station gets ready, the Zvezda transfer chamber will just get non-pressurizable, and ISS will anyway be consisting of two separated segments.

Three - Nauka, Zvezda, Zarya.

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2 minutes ago, DDE said:

Zvezda, Zarya.

Are connected and attached to ISS, and they say, will stay there.

Zarya is owned by NASA, Zvezda will be a gift.

Zvezda isn't unpressurized, only its transfer chamber is.

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6 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

Zvezda isn't unpressurized, only its transfer chamber is

Wait... is it the transfer compartment to the Soyuz port aft, or the spherical unit fore with three ports?

Fantastic, I was thinking about the wrong leak location all along.

Thing is, I now understand even less how it wouod separate the ISS in two. It'd just cut off one of the Soyuz docking ports.

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22 minutes ago, DDE said:

Wait... is it the transfer compartment to the Soyuz port aft, or the spherical unit fore with three ports?

Afaik, the transfer chamber is the cone between the cyilnder and the sphere, but can't promise I get it right.

The narrowest part of the module, with heavy weights attached to it.

They always mention "transfer chamber", so I believe that's it.

22 minutes ago, DDE said:

Thing is, I now understand even less how it wouod separate the ISS in two. It'd just cut off one of the Soyuz docking ports.

If it separates the sphere from the cylinder, all modules attached to the sphere, get isolated from the rest of ISS but stay connected together.
Or at least those of them who are attached to the Nauka's sphere,


Interesting. As, according to the article, they plan to supply it from Plesetsk, then probably the crew should be sent same way?

So, PTKNPs will be launched from Plesetsk instead of Vostochny? (Like Chelomei was planning to supply Almazes on the polar orbit if the 36 t UR-530 had replaced the 20 t Proton).

And to reach the rich South Pole of the Moon and troll the 'Muricans in their Shackleton base, the near-polar orbit is also better than Baikonur and Vostochny.

Then wut about Vostochny?

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