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[UNOFFICIAL/FANMADE] 0.17 Discussion Thread 2


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I wonder if Kerbals will have a "floating/wading" animation for swimming in Eve's dense mercury seas in a manner akin to the way people float much better on the salt-rich Dead Sea than in regular ocean water.

Maybe while putting on little sunglasses and reading an in-flight magazine from their suit pockets.

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Last few pages have been cleaned up. Usual reminder that official info about the game should only be trusted from posts by the Devs on this forum. Asking for release dates is against the rules and could result in an infraction against your forum account.

For now, best to avoid speculation and just be patient for the Dev's to contribute with their posts or blogs whenever they wish.

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On the subject of testing groups - technically there are 2 testing groups. There are the 'Guinea pigs', and obviously, many ppl would like to be in that group. But even when the release is out, it's still ALPHA. We all are a testing group of sorts. And it's enough for me. I just wouldn't have the nerves to spend hours on end trying to find out if any two specific parts crash the game if they collide in orbit but only when their orbits are perfectly circular and You bend-over at Your desk at right angle... Which shows that Harv was right to separate a group for that purpose. You need a special type of personality and mind working in warp-logic for that :P

Another thing, I know asking for release date is forbidden. How about a bet? Little wager? 12.09 for .17 is my bet! I'm in with 5 imaginary cookies!

Hmm, .16 came out on a historic date aswell...I'll raise you an invisible cake.

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Sir, you are prescient!

Moderator Comment: Do not post Release Date speculation!

It has been said so many times, and we have had to remove so many posts. It will be out when it is out.

I'll help you out.

Do not post Release Date speculation!

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I spent much of today trying to make a ship that could fly enough kilometers to reach and land on another planet. My results were more in the range of kilotons than kilometers. My best attempt shuts down my CPU, breaks the altimeter, and explodes before getting out of atmo, so I can't even test how far short of another planet's orbit it's going to fall. I'm starting to suspect that all of those nifty .17 worlds are just going to be lights in the sky for a lot of us until .18, or whenever docking is implemented. :(

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I havent even bothered to try and get myself out to where the new planets are... because no matter what I wont be able to give myself enough practice without actually aiming for something (if that makes any sense)

off-topic: vanamonde your avatar makes me nervous :S at least it doesnt make the sound that goes with it

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I don't get why some people think that interplanetary rockets will blow their computers to smithereens. Really bad computers? I can build an ascent stage capable of lifting 38 tons to orbit with maybe 40 parts, which doesn't lag my 08 MacBook at all. The actual interplanetary buses tend to be about 10-15.

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lol thread is labeled "unofficial" is speculation really such a big deal if people are not actually asking for a date

It's too easy to start rumors that end in dissapointment and more stress for the devs.

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I know for sure that I can get in orbit around another planet without too big problems, it's the landing that I can't do. Maybe on eve thanks to thick atmosphere but that'll be a one way trip. My first target will be Duna, my current kethane driller transporter could with little changes get out into kerbol orbit and has enough fuel to make some adjustments there. So I'll put some satellites up at first amd then maybe I wil land.

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To the people saying "what's bad with a little speculation": you can speculate all you want, but doing so on the release date is prohibited by the rules, because not only does it serve no real purpose, but it tends to bring lots of people to give their own idea, and sometimes argue about it, which leads the topic to derail (which is, incidentally, also against the rules). This thread was created to discuss the features of 0.17, and is only called unofficial because it was created by someone not related to the dev team.

So please, discuss and speculate as much as you want about how planet X will have a SMA of Y, or anything like that, but no mentioning a release date :P

EDIT: and please, do read this post, even though it can appear as an uninteresting wall of text, some posts have already been removed from here...

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