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Chinese Space Program (CNSA) & Ch. commercial launch and discussion


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Dang, sure I've missed a lot of Chinese launches... (or any launches to be fair, not really been up and running to space stuff !)


@050644zf How's the livestream situation these days ? I last remembered watching a livestream on YouTube in 2016 for CZ-5 maiden launch :

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I can understand if it's now hosted on probably like bilibili or so, but would still interest me regardless !

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  • 2 weeks later...


  On 6/1/2020 at 6:58 AM, YNM said:

Dang, sure I've missed a lot of Chinese launches... (or any launches to be fair, not really been up and running to space stuff !)


I see twitter threads on them, and sometimes I remember to post them, sometimes I don't. To be honest they're not super interesting to me currently, and without a legiti livestream on YouTube I'm less likely to pay attention. Maybe the "private" Chinese companies will be more proactive about streaming.


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  On 5/5/2020 at 7:46 AM, 050644zf said:

Official Confirmed: LM-5B with New Gen Manned Spacecraft estimated launch at 18 o'clock, May 5th, UTC+8


All rotation platforms opened

Source: https://www.weibo.com/2669978942/J0vz5d0tF


Pardon my ignorance: are the towers communications related, or part of a lightning safety system.  Also - is there a reason for the use of an inland launch location?  Wouldn't launching over the Pacific have the same advantages we utilize by launching over the Atlantic?

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  On 6/19/2020 at 2:19 AM, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

Pardon my ignorance: are the towers communications related, or part of a lightning safety system.  Also - is there a reason for the use of an inland launch location?  Wouldn't launching over the Pacific have the same advantages we utilize by launching over the Atlantic?


Those towers are almost certainly part of a lighting safety system. You can see this on a few American pads as well, notably a SpaceX one, likely SLC-40 but I can't remember so don't take my word for it. That launch site up there doesn't appear to be inland as there is water in the picture.

If I remember correctly, China still launches East to get the Earth's rotational boost. However, their launch sites were inland due to fear of attack, and maybe because they grew out of missile bases (again don't remember) but they are China so they can get away with dropping rocket stages using toxic fuel on their own villages. They have recently moved a lot of their launches to the coast, though, so maybe we will see an end to that.

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I'm tired of it.

Before every launch we evacuate villagers away from landing area, except first mission of CZ-3B, which was a huge failure, NOBODY on the ground was killed by rockets lauched from XSLC, but you guys just keep PRETENDING not to know.


What is certain is that we will ignore your prejudice and focus on our job. We've been doing that from nothing, to ICBM, to manned spaceflight, to moon, to GNSS, to space station and mars exploration, and we will never stop.


Edited by Vanamonde
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  On 6/23/2020 at 1:48 PM, tater said:



That Chinese post is quite misleading that it said the satellite crashed instead of rocket and the comments under it are quite disgusting

For some historical reasons, China had to established the launch site in interior, and we knew that the debris crashing did cause some loss of people's poverties and even life. CNSA knew this and they did try to make changes, they evacuate the residents in crashing area,  install parachute on the booster to control the landing position, and establish a new coastal launch site - Wenchang, where will take the majority of the future launches. 

I knew it takes a long time for people to change their idea on CNSA, but judging things in optimistic way isn't a bad idea.

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  On 6/24/2020 at 6:39 AM, MedinC said:

I'm tired of it.

Before every launch we evacuate villagers away from landing area, except first mission of CZ-3B, which was a huge failure, NOBODY on the ground was killed by rockets lauched from XSLC, but you guys just keep PRETENDING not to know.


What is certain is that we will ignore your prejudice and focus on our job. We've been doing that from nothing, to ICBM, to manned spaceflight, to moon, to GNSS, to space station and mars exploration, and we will never stop.



If everyone is evacuated, who keeps filming the boosters hitting the ground?

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