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Chinese Space Program (CNSA) & Ch. commercial launch and discussion


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"When Americans suspect you of having done something, you'd better have really done it, and done it pretty good." And because their company has provided SAR satellite imagery services to other countries on a humanitarian aid basis, I have also seen rumours that the Ukrainians have asked them to provide satellite imagery for free. But such rumours are just as unprovable and unfalsifiable as this sanction. So, I won't comment anything about did they gave something or not.

The reason why I only have comment about this is I just want to laugh at is that because of the Wolf Amendment, it is impossible for anything space-related in China to have any American element to it. This kind of performance art sanction is no different from "double zero tolerance" in the Gambia, or "hang twice" in the Philippines.

the "good old days" are gone which we had to cut our stomachs open to prove our innocence if the West suspected had done something


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  On 11/25/2022 at 5:26 PM, steve9728 said:

The Lunar & Space Engineering Centre of the CNSA formed a selection committee to ensure the safety and reliability of the Chang'e-6 mission. The effectiveness of the engineering implementation of the international loads and the achievement of the scientific objectives were individually evaluated, and four international loads were finally identified: Radon Gas Explorer, CubeSat, Lunar Surface Negative Ion Analyser and Laser Angular Reflector. "At present, the technical status of these four international loads has been largely determined and is technically feasible to carry" 

As for "When and how will the our taikonauts reach the moon?" The chief designer of China's lunar exploration project, Wu Weiren said that the establishment of a basic lunar research station will be completed before a manned lunar landing, and that the basic lunar research station is expected to be built by around 2028, with taikonauts expected to be on the moon within a decade. By then, the moon will become our frontier base for deep space exploration, and we'll be able to transit on the moon when flying to other planets such as Mars.

Source: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/uX8xeKCQrvu5PVnwt4MZLg


To my inaccurate understanding of this, the current progress of the manned lunar landing project is CNSA has completed the demonstration of the project, the central government has approved the project at the political level and allocated the corresponding funds. Then the relevant departments of CNSA now are probably building the initial prototypes of the landing module and other related equipment. Of course, if you want to see a more accurate guess as to when the manned lunar landing will be completed, then you'll have to wait and see when construction of the new launch site at Wenchang will begin.

Emmm... a strange but creative idea from CALT: landing on the moon in a lying position. 

"... For the power system, the engines need to achieve variable thrust in order to achieve a soft landing on the lunar surface. The vehicle is powered by an 8t thrust YF-75D hydrogen-oxygen engine with a variable thrust ratio of 3:1. Eight-unit of RCS configuration scheme is used to achieve a landing section levelling and autogenous pressurisation scheme, with the RCS using gaseous hydrogen and oxygen scheme, with an integrated fluid system providing autogenous gas to meet the pressurisation flow temperature requirements.
For the control system, the reused single-stage lunar surface landing and ascent vehicle adopts a horizontal attitude vertical landing and vertical take-off scheme. Hover control and precision landing are achieved by controlling the thrust magnitude and direction of the main engines, the number of RCS descent nozzles on and their opening frequency." ... "The single-stage lunar landing and ascent vehicle is repeatedly used to decelerate and brake from the 300 km circumlunar orbit space station into a 300 km x 15 km transfer orbit. Deceleration and braking at the near-moon point of the transfer orbit to enter the lunar soft-landing segment." ... "The sub-sections are described as follows:

  1. At 15 km altitude the main engines are switched on and ignition is switched on and the deceleration brakes are switched on. The braking section has fuel optimisation as its primary objective, considering the accuracy of the landing point to meet the position and velocity constraints at 1 km altitude.
  2. At 1 km altitude, eight normal nozzles are switched on and the vehicle completes an attitude yaw of 180° during hovering.
  3. From 1 km altitude, landing descent is initiated and manoeuvre addressing is completed during descent until lunar surface landing.
  4. During ascent, the vertical take-off mode with horizontal attitude is adopted, eight normal nozzles are turned on, and the pitch angle is adjusted to 35° after 200 m. At this point, the main engine is fired until the vehicle is in orbit."

... "Conclusion
... In addition, the reusable single-stage lunar surface landing with a horizontal attitude vertical landing In addition, the landing gear of the reusable single-stage lunar surface landing and ascent vehicle with a horizontal attitude vertical landing can be converted to a wheeled mobile system to move the large mass payload from the to transport a large mass payload from Earth to the lunar landing base and then to another lunar base without loading or unloading, providing inter-orbit transport + lunar surface transport. orbital refuelling / lunar surface refuelling technology, for future large-scale lunar resource development, the lunar research station construction and operation, and space exploration and utilisation on the Earth and Moon. A new reusable transport system solution."


Have to say, pretty Kerbal this idea


Well, when first time i saw this idea, it made me thought about this post on Baidu Tieba. I don't think this kind of rocket has powerful performance, but it might can make things like cars or base moudel placed in the ship easily. All in all, everything could happened.

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Global Times: Tianyi sent back SAR satellite images of the area around the earthquake in Turkey at 1105 local time on 6 Feb. "Because the weather in this area on the day of the incident was bad and the clouds were thick, making it difficult for optical satellites to image the area. SAR, which has the ability to work all day and night, was important means to obtain panoramic images of the earthquake-stricken area. In future, Tianyi, will continue to monitor the situation in the quake zone and provide satellite imagery to support the rescue work in the quake area."

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"After acquiring satellite imagery of the epicentre area in Turkey, Tianyi‘s researchers analysed the post-earthquake imagery in conjunction with previously published local optical satellite imagery before the quake, using the imaging characteristics of SAR imagery of buildings to determine the apparent damage to a residential area (Sakçagözü) around three thousand metres from the quake source. Geological hazards are suspected in the hills near the source of the earthquake."

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Changguang (长光) Satellite's official weibo post several images from Turkey about the earthquake stricken areas

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Hope that the local refugees will soon emerge from the disaster. And also, the international rescue teams that have arrived or are on their way can be safe.

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Xinhua: Shenzhou-15 crew complete their first spacewalk.

CMS's official WeChat account said that this spacewalk lasted seven hours (in this link you can see several gifs about their spacewalk). For the first time, CCTV did not show the live broadcast of the spacewalk between 6pm and 8pm, even if it was taped.

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  On 1/17/2023 at 8:06 AM, steve9728 said:

However, the one on the surface of Mars still not "up" yet. According to Jia Yang, the deputy chief designer of the Tianwen system, during a previous education speech to youth, the rover will wake up autonomously when both of the following conditions are met:

  1. Solar panels generate energy>140W
  2. Temperature of energy equipment like the batteries >-15℃
  On 1/17/2023 at 2:17 PM, steve9728 said:

The weather data from the Perseverance


It's still maximum around -15 ~ -20℃ there. What a rubbish spring in Mars!

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After 75 days of convalescence, the Shenzhou-14 crew met the public first time:

After completing a summary of their health recovery assessment, the three of them will move on to their normal training work.

In the full video (Of course, English subs not available), Cai Xuzhe talks about how watering plants in space is very different from on the ground: when we water the roots of plants we find that the water droplets are not immediately absorbed, but remain on the surface of the roots. Meanwhile, some plants with a certain need for sunlight don't grow very well because they are inside the space station module. The lettuce we grew, however, I thought was quite tasty.

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NASA Images Confirm China's Zhurong Mars Rover Hasn't Budged in Months - CNET

Martian conditions can be tough for robotic explorers, especially ones that rely on solar power. NASA's InSight lander and Opportunity rover both reached the ends of their missions after dust caked their panels. It's possible Zhurong has experienced a similar fate. Whatever happens, the rover still completed its main mission objectives and handily outlasted its original three-month life expectancy, cementing its legacy in the history of space exploration.

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Provocative title is provocative:

China aims to launch nearly 13,000 satellites to ‘suppress’ Elon Musk’s Starlink, researchers say

  • The satellite constellation is likely to be launched quickly to prevent SpaceX from hogging ‘low-orbit resources’, according to PLA space scientists
  • The project, code-named ‘GW’, would provide internet services and could be used to spy on rival networks and carry out anti-Starlink missions, paper says


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  On 2/26/2023 at 3:53 PM, DDE said:

Provocative title is provocative:

China aims to launch nearly 13,000 satellites to ‘suppress’ Elon Musk’s Starlink, researchers say

  • The satellite constellation is likely to be launched quickly to prevent SpaceX from hogging ‘low-orbit resources’, according to PLA space scientists
  • The project, code-named ‘GW’, would provide internet services and could be used to spy on rival networks and carry out anti-Starlink missions, paper says



Note this is the same newspaper that said with absolute certainty that the J-20 was chosen as China’s carrier based stealth fighter (for those that don’t know, the FC-31/J-31/J-35 ended up actually being chosen).

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  On 2/26/2023 at 10:21 PM, SunlitZelkova said:

Note this is the same newspaper that said with absolute certainty that the J-20 was chosen as China’s carrier based stealth fighter (for those that don’t know, the FC-31/J-31/J-35 ended up actually being chosen).


Yes, I can see the similarities to coverage of defense affairs by the Russian press just from the tone. They're gushing over what seems to be a mere study paper...

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  On 2/26/2023 at 10:21 PM, SunlitZelkova said:

Note this is the same newspaper that said with absolute certainty that the J-20 was chosen as China’s carrier based stealth fighter (for those that don’t know, the FC-31/J-31/J-35 ended up actually being chosen).


Proof of one thing, the Chinese internet information and public paper searching skills of the person writing this article in this media leaves something to be desired: if this guy could dig deeper he would find that basically every jet fighter has been argued to be carrier-worthy. Before the introduction of the J-20, I vaguely remember a bunch of people on the Chinese internet arguing whether the J-8 and J-10 and some other projects that had already been discontinued could go on a carrier, and there was a lot of bickering about it.


An EVA that had absolutely no official news or coverage on the day. The thing we can confirmed is the Red Suit A and Blue Suit B used once more and there's same crew finished EVA as last time.

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Last week, while I was working on some 50-thousand-word report with my colleagues, the National Museum in Beijing opened a '30 Years of China's Manned Space Program' exhibition for 3 months. I don't think I have much time to go to Beijing, so I'll just take a few pictures of the exhibits that people shared on Weibo.

The shape of new manned spaceship (yeah still don't have a proper official name)'s propulsion module seems like to have a credible and significant changes

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The manned lunar landing module

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Via. https://weibo.com/2645044133/MuQxltSOJ

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Suits for astronauts

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via. https://weibo.com/2196038737/MuwqD9qxe

Some details about the EVA suit "Fei Tian" (the first gen)

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Some life support equipment in the station including the trace hazardous gas removal unit and CO2 removal unit

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Via. https://weibo.com/1624763627/Muvj2FwPF

Some space food

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Via. https://weibo.com/6440061457/Mv5sYr0H0

Some "ambitious" for the CSS's phase II construction: a new nodal module (It was shown in one of the promotional videos, and now that it's on display in the National Museum I think it means that the confidence level for this can be raised from ≤60 to ≤80).

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Via. https://weibo.com/2645044133/Muwv2dGle

And some imagine for the new manned spaceship

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Via. https://weibo.com/2645044133/MuwDKDHE0

Then in an interview with the CSS system chief designer, Yang Hong, in the following days, he said that several more experimental capsules with accompanying flights were planned. These companion capsules will be able to carry out independent missions and then dock autonomously on the station when they need to be refuelled, repaired, and maintained.

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And the news just in: the first successful ignition of the Combustion Science Rack in Mengtian Module

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Tiangong TV S04E14: crew setting up the High Temperature Materials Science Rack. Have to say there's soooooo many parcels up there.

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