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[1.12.x] Through The Eyes of a Kerbal


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This is a continuation of the abandoned Through the eyes of a kerbal - 1st person EVA (a.k.a. Force IVA) mod by @Chronothan,continued by @Ser and then by @Virindi

Original thread here (by @Ser):https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/150599-122-through-the-eyes-of-a-kerbal-1st-person-eva-continued-111-apr-1-2017/

Previous thread (by @Virindi): https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/160104-13-through-the-eyes-of-a-kerbal-2002-20170620/

Since @Virindi seems to have abandoned this (I tried several times to contact him), I contacted @Ser and got permission to revive it.  @Ser requested that if I stop supporting the mod that I give it back to him for maintenance


Supported KSP version: 1.3.1


Settings page contains the following, these used to be in the settings.cfg file:

  •         forceEVA
  •         showSightAngle
  •         forceIVA
  •         disableMapView

The ThroughTheEyes/PluginData/options.cfg contains the following, you can change them with a text editor:

  • toggleFirstPersonKey
  • EVAKey
  • recoverKey
  • reviewDataKey

Default Keys

When in First-Kerbal-View mode:

The throttle controls the power of the EVA thrusters.  Make sure it isn't zero, it defaults to 100%

The WASD keys are used to rotate the Kerbal using the EVA thrusters

Command Key
Rotate forward w
Rotate backward S
Rotate left A
Rotate right D

The translation keys are used to move the kerbal using the EVA thrusters

Command Key
Translate down I
Translate up K
Translate left J
Translate right L
Translate forward H
Translate backward N

Settings are available via the stock settings page, either when creating a new game or in-game from the space center or flight scenes.  To access the settings in-game, get to either the Space Center or Flight scenes, hit the escape key, click the Settings button, then click the Difficulty Options button to get to all the settings pages


By default, the in-game "Camera Mode" (i.e. "C") key is used to switch to first person view while on EVA.

Besides that, the mod enables you to restrict view to IVA and disable Map view when restricted to IVA. For those options see the configuration file in the PluginData folder of the mod.
If using those features the Part Commander mod is recommended to have access to right-click menu actions from within IVA or first person EVA.

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  On 10/24/2017 at 2:18 AM, Slamnam said:

Yeah works fine for me. Usually the mods are backwards compatible, except for Dmagic stuff which crashes my 1.3.0 install.


Not really.  For example, if a mod uses the stock settings pages, then a 1.3.1 version will not work on 1.3.0 and same the other way


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  On 10/24/2017 at 8:27 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Not really.  For example, if a mod uses the stock settings pages, then a 1.3.1 version will not work on 1.3.0 and same the other way



That may be so, but I'm not doing too bad with my stable collection of updated mods running in 1.3. As I've said, the only one I can't update is DmagicUtilities.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Loving this mod - using it with "Probe control room" for an immersive experience. One problem, though - my RCS translation controls (IJKL) in IVA (I play with forced) are not working - or responding at all. Can't get translation to work in docking mode either. Anyone else experienced this problem (I realise it may not be this mod causing the issue)?

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  On 11/15/2017 at 9:55 PM, m_robber said:

Loving this mod - using it with "Probe control room" for an immersive experience. One problem, though - my RCS translation controls (IJKL) in IVA (I play with forced) are not working - or responding at all. Can't get translation to work in docking mode either. Anyone else experienced this problem (I realise it may not be this mod causing the issue)?


What other mods do you have installed? A log file would be useful.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  On 12/31/2017 at 9:59 PM, williamhall531@gmail.com said:

i have a problem, whenever i switch to first person view and then switch back. the camera mode is stuck on follow mode, which means it is fixed to the back of the kerbal or ship, i can fix this by switching to another ship or kerbal, but its quite annoying 


I have an idea what's causing it, I've opened an issue on Github, will see if I can take a look at this soon.

In the mean time, try the mod Camera Focus Changer, see if that helps, just move the mouse to an empty space and hit "o", you can get it here:


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  On 1/3/2018 at 8:58 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Assuming you are referring to First Person EVA, are you trying to use this while in an external command seat?

if so, I'm not sure it will work


yep, well it wont
btw other mod that allows FPEVA works in external seat (but it self-orients when i release the right click and can't zoom) 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I keep seeing the Kerbals eyes in front of the camera when in FP view. Guess that is a bug?

Also can't translate in EVA and when starting out on the launch pad - even though IVA is forced I can't get into IVA mode before hitting launch.


A great plan for a mod, but with the "flying eyes" in front of my view, the immersion break when not possible to tune the monitors before hitting launch and not being able to properly do EVA (translate problems)... this mod is not usable for me.


Any fixes would be nice!

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  On 1/27/2018 at 3:15 PM, EasyAce said:

I keep seeing the Kerbals eyes in front of the camera when in FP view. Guess that is a bug?


Not happening for me

  On 1/27/2018 at 3:15 PM, EasyAce said:

Also can't translate in EVA and when starting out on the launch pad


Very strange that no one has reported this until now.  I've confirmed it, no idea what's going on, will take a look

Working, you just need to use the right commands

  On 1/27/2018 at 3:15 PM, EasyAce said:

when starting out on the launch pad - even though IVA is forced I can't get into IVA mode before hitting launch


Also confirmed.

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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Well, I've gotten the first fixed (starting the launch in IVA), was actually written that way, so it wasn't a bug.  I've added an option to force IVA before launch.

The second, having the thrusters work, is harder, it looks like the internal code has been changed since this was originally written, may take a while.

  On 1/27/2018 at 3:15 PM, EasyAce said:

A great plan for a mod, but with the "flying eyes" in front of my view, the immersion break when not possible to tune the monitors before hitting launch and not being able to properly do EVA (translate problems)... this mod is not usable for me.


Do keep in mind that this mod was written several years ago.  At the time it was working, obviously things have changed.  Regarding the floating eyes, I don't see the issue.  A log file and pics are now required.

Your comment is somewhat disparaging, please consider your words before posting in the future.

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  On 1/27/2018 at 3:15 PM, EasyAce said:

Also can't translate in EVA


This IS working, but I can see your confusion.  I've updated the OP with some more instructions regarding the keys used to control the Kerbal during EVA.  Look at the new Settings page I just added for the option to force the IVA before launch.  Note that you were always able to do IVA manually, this just forces it.


  On 1/27/2018 at 3:15 PM, EasyAce said:

even though IVA is forced I can't get into IVA mode before hitting launch


Did you try hitting the "C" key to get into IVA mode?


New Release, 2.0.1

  • Moved some options into setting screen:
    • forceEVA
    • showSightAngle
    • forceIVA
    • disableMapView
  • Moved key options to the ThroughTheEyes/PluginData directory
  • Added option to force IVA before launch
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  On 1/28/2018 at 1:37 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Regarding the floating eyes, I don't see the issue. A log file and pics are now required.


Logs and pics would help to diagnose this, no argument.

A few possible causes to consider perhaps:

  • Zoom level (mouse scrollwheel) - seems very unlikely, but easy and quick to test
  • FoV level (Mod + mouse scrollwheel) - not many people fiddle with this. A bit more likely, also easy and quick to test. Different widths of (virtual) screens might have slightly different effect on this
  • The 'FEMALE_EYE_OFFSET_' variables in the settings.cfg of KSP. If those were tweaked manually -or through some other mod-, they may be causing the eyes to show in front of the camera plane
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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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