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[1.12.x] Tundra Exploration - v7.1.1 (Dec 26th, 2024) - (Re)Stockalike SpaceX Falcon 9, (Crew) Dragon (XL) & Haven-1!


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9 hours ago, alberro+ said:

Are there any images on Rodan with the modded IVA? 

Please keep an eye on my roadmap. I haven’t started working on the IVA because I am busy finishing my launchpads mod. After that it’s IVA time!

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18 minutes ago, damonvv said:

Please keep an eye on my roadmap. I haven’t started working on the IVA because I am busy finishing my launchpads mod. After that it’s IVA time!

Sorry, I haven’t been keeping up on the forum lately. 

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1 hour ago, alberro+ said:

Sorry for kinda spamming this thread, but I’ve got a question about the fairings on Ghidorah. Is there a way to get different textures on different sides? 

Maybe you could click ‘remove from symmetry’ on one of the fairing sides. Then you can probably change the flag on each side individually.

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1 minute ago, damonvv said:

Your game won't run with 70 of them in a fairing haha

Why? If one satellite would consist of a probe core, battery, antenna, solar panel, argon tank and ion engine it will be only 6 parts, 70 sats+70 decouplers = 490 parts. Not great, not quite terrible - stock replicas can have thousands of parts. If battery+probe core+tank+decoupler would be integrated (panels are difficult to integrate, at least i heard so, and Tundra have a wonderful phased array antenna), it will be just 4 parts per sat and 280 parts in total - i mean 300 parts is not bad? And you don't need to make exact replicas and put 70 sats in a stack. 30-40 would still leave the impression of a huge stack and won't explode even potato computers with 120-160 parts. I suggest to launch them in one pile of 20 sats - it would still look like a lot, but will have only 80 parts in total (totally fine), also for gameplay reasons you simply don't need 70 commsats, 20 would be enough, a couple of launches will put a hundred of them in LKO (poor little Tracking Station...). And because you already have a couple of mods as dependencies, it's likely that most Tundra users also have NF set installed, so you can make only the probe core part. 

I even drew a Paint picture of all that lol. My sat is le ugly, but i think the general idea is clear. DM78ga6.png

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4 hours ago, NiL said:

Why? If one satellite would consist of a probe core, battery, antenna, solar panel, argon tank and ion engine it will be only 6 parts, 70 sats+70 decouplers = 490 parts. Not great, not quite terrible - stock replicas can have thousands of parts. If battery+probe core+tank+decoupler would be integrated (panels are difficult to integrate, at least i heard so, and Tundra have a wonderful phased array antenna), it will be just 4 parts per sat and 280 parts in total - i mean 300 parts is not bad? And you don't need to make exact replicas and put 70 sats in a stack. 30-40 would still leave the impression of a huge stack and won't explode even potato computers with 120-160 parts. I suggest to launch them in one pile of 20 sats - it would still look like a lot, but will have only 80 parts in total (totally fine), also for gameplay reasons you simply don't need 70 commsats, 20 would be enough, a couple of launches will put a hundred of them in LKO (poor little Tracking Station...). And because you already have a couple of mods as dependencies, it's likely that most Tundra users also have NF set installed, so you can make only the probe core part. 

I even drew a Paint picture of all that lol. My sat is le ugly, but i think the general idea is clear. 

-Epic pic-

You have intrigued me. I will do some research in how to make the parts and how to stack them. Might get back to you later..

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On 12/21/2019 at 4:21 AM, RealKerbal3x said:

Maybe you could click ‘remove from symmetry’ on one of the fairing sides. Then you can probably change the flag on each side individually.

Nope, maybe it should do what Launchers pack does and integrate payload fairings with the fairing?

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On 12/22/2019 at 7:28 AM, NiL said:

Why? If one satellite would consist of a probe core, battery, antenna, solar panel, argon tank and ion engine it will be only 6 parts, 70 sats+70 decouplers = 490 parts. Not great, not quite terrible - stock replicas can have thousands of parts. If battery+probe core+tank+decoupler would be integrated (panels are difficult to integrate, at least i heard so, and Tundra have a wonderful phased array antenna), it will be just 4 parts per sat and 280 parts in total - i mean 300 parts is not bad? And you don't need to make exact replicas and put 70 sats in a stack. 30-40 would still leave the impression of a huge stack and won't explode even potato computers with 120-160 parts. I suggest to launch them in one pile of 20 sats - it would still look like a lot, but will have only 80 parts in total (totally fine), also for gameplay reasons you simply don't need 70 commsats, 20 would be enough, a couple of launches will put a hundred of them in LKO (poor little Tracking Station...). And because you already have a couple of mods as dependencies, it's likely that most Tundra users also have NF set installed, so you can make only the probe core part. 

I even drew a Paint picture of all that lol. My sat is le ugly, but i think the general idea is clear. DM78ga6.png

To add to this. You could get the part count even lower by just having the probe core have a large electrical charge capacity, argon tank, and a powerful antenna. They don't NEED to be specific parts really, although it would be nice (maybe make the parts anyway if you do want to build them yourself?). So you could really just have a probe core, decoupler, and solar panel to have 3 parts per satellite. SpaceX launches 60, not 70 so max 180 parts which isn't that bad! 

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1 hour ago, masterchief_draws said:

I have a problem with the tanks of the Falcon 9. When I start the engine it is not giving thrust. I have tested it with a stock tank and then the rocket took off. 

Do you have realfuels installed? Or any mods that change fuels in any way?

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5 hours ago, masterchief_draws said:

I have a problem with the tanks of the Falcon 9. When I start the engine it is not giving thrust. I have tested it with a stock tank and then the rocket took off. 

Tundra's tanks may be defaulting to Structural (hold no fuel), or you do not have B9 Part Switch installed (which is very important for Tundra and allows the various dynamic switching features).

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12 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Tundra's tanks may be defaulting to Structural (hold no fuel), or you do not have B9 Part Switch installed (which is very important for Tundra and allows the various dynamic switching features).

How can I change the tanks so the tanks are not structural anymore. I have B9PartsSwitch installed.

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2 hours ago, damonvv said:

Happy 2020!

Here is my slightly revamped Crew Dragon trunk with an umbilical!


I also added some foil to the inside:

Wait so this is for the next update? Any changes for the old Dragon?

Edited by alberro+
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