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[1.3.1] LonesomeRobots Aerospace: DADV-1


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  On 12/2/2017 at 11:15 AM, Cheesecake said:

Silentvelcro has some more mods which are installed in the same folder in GameData. So you must merge every mod of Silentvelcro in this folder.


Thanks Cheesecake.  I'm still confused as to what is meant by merging?  If I have a conflict how do I go about resolving it?  If there are duplicate files what is the process to merge?  For instance if I already have TextureReplacer or ASET?


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This is pure awesome. Nicely done! The gear will not apply with symmetry that I can tell, nor will the 6 engines.

It would be cool to see a version that uses hydrolox (the lockmart plan does). Course the real one uses an Orion as the cockpit (the internal pressure vessel of Orion).

BTW, the SSTU small docking port works great, too.




Edited by tater
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@debaker02 Thank you for your kind words. If you remove the texture replacer mod there will be no reflective parts. If you do not want to remove texture replacer then you have to do some cfg editing on the part you do not want to be reflective.
Just remove the module with name "TRReflection" from each cfg. Beware some parts may look horrendous without the reflections. Cheers.

  On 12/2/2017 at 1:31 AM, rattman said:

Liking this mod,  only thing I think you need is sorta service bay for experiments and stuff.  Other option would maybe put a bay on the opposite side of the hatch,  but getting to it would be a PITA,  maybe a service bay that has the same form factor as a habitat so you can use it a service bay instead of habititat



Will keep in mind for a future update. Glad you like the mod.

  On 12/2/2017 at 3:22 PM, Jhorriga said:

Does this work with 1.3.0


If you replace the dependencies with KSP 1.3.0 versions it will work just fine.

@tater Thank you for your kind works. I am planning to include that functionality when i realease the DBC space station.

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  On 12/2/2017 at 4:15 PM, SeaTac said:

Thanks Cheesecake.  I'm still confused as to what is meant by merging?  If I have a conflict how do I go about resolving it?  If there are duplicate files what is the process to merge?  For instance if I already have TextureReplacer or ASET?



Hello SeaTac. Glad you enjoy the mod. You do not have to worry about merging any other folder than the "LonesomeRobots" folder. You can replace the folders "TextureReplacer" or "ASET" or "JSI" etc. But you should not replace the "Lonesomerobots" folder when installing a new LRAero mod. If you replace it you will only have the last LRAero Mod you installed. If you need further help you are welcome to PM me and we will sort it out. Cheers.

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FWIW, I end up using SSTU for all the LV parts, I'm trying to reduce part count, and I can make all that stuff easily with SSTU, then I have your spacecraft parts because they are pretty darn cool.


This was all SSTU, plus your cool Altair lander.


Delivered to the Mun vis one of my SSTU LVs:


(was a first go at Hoyo, and I forgot a couple pieces, obviously).

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  On 12/2/2017 at 5:35 PM, silentvelcro said:

Hello SeaTac. Glad you enjoy the mod. You do not have to worry about merging any other folder than the "LonesomeRobots" folder. You can replace the folders "TextureReplacer" or "ASET" or "JSI" etc. But you should not replace the "Lonesomerobots" folder when installing a new LRAero mod. If you replace it you will only have the last LRAero Mod you installed. If you need further help you are welcome to PM me and we will sort it out. Cheers.


Thanks silentvelcro, that makes sense.

And thanks for a great mod. 

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DADV is an awesome mod, the best Lander mod ever. The creator should be proud. May I also say, idk if it's in the Boeing design (was it Boeing that designed this? I think it was) but the craft lands on Dina without any problems. I did an aerobrake into orbit then landed on my second pass. This design is working better than the BFR. Now idk if that's due to the design or the different misdeed, and yh I know that the BFR is bigger and designed to take lots of people to Mars. SpaceX and Elon are no doubt jealous of this craft and wish they designed the BFR like this one.


My only issue, is I wish it wasn't shaped like a cartoon or V2 rocket. 


As for improvements, a docking port built in with the cockpit is needed. Lights on the landing gear and for the crew sections are also needed. A small cargo bay at the bottom of the craft, like right below it, where the circle part is, could have an elevator style ramp for putting down small cargo such as a rover and/or crew. 


A fully robotic cargo version is also needed.


Special praise to this mod maker for creating a craft I hadn't realized I needed but after testing in an empty save and loading up my soon to be main game, I realized that a ready made proper Lander is desirable and it felt weird not having the DADV. Definitely one of my must have mods now lol.

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@The-Doctor. Thank you so much for your kind words. It makes me so happy you like and find this mod useful.
The MADV is a Lockheed-Martin design not Boeing. Regarding the shape, to tell you the truth the aesthetics is what primarily drawn me to make this mod. Now it is not identical to the Lockheed design, because i had to make some changes in order to keep the polygon count down for performance issues. Also my deficiencies as a modeler where a factor but i enjoyed the outcome. The built in docking port you mention does not play well in KSP especially on command parts. As i suggest in the OP the HOYO docking port works and looks well. Tater also suggested the SSTU small docking port works great. I actually plan to include the cargo bay and rover at the bottom of the ship on a future update. The idea for lights on the landing legs is great and i will definitely add this. Re CKAN i will see what i can do, i was asked before and i need to look into this. So thank you again for your suggestions and excitement.

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The stock docking port works fine if you offset it.
The generator and fuel cell of DADV don't work, I cheated with infinite electricity when I did my first test mission. I did a Launch to Dina from Kerbin, aerobraked into orbit by going deep in the atmosphere, like 8km above the surface, the after one orbit landed.

The seats need to be higher to make you actually see properly through the windows, cause right now the windows are useless, especially for landing LOL.

Really awesome Lander either way, you're an excellent modder and Lockheed Martin really do have a special vehicle that's better than the BFR, in KSP at least lol.

Do you think scaling it up and giving it more powerful engines would enable it to be an SSTO? I know SSTO's don't need to be winged so this design really is making me think. I wonder if it could launch with sabre engines and whether it would intake enough air to not need to use oxidizer until in the upper atmosphere. In reality that is, not KSP.

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@The-Doctor Hi man, try the HOYO docking port, it allows for soft docking and restricts orientation.
It wasn't my intention for the generator to provide the ship electricity for the whole trip from Kerbin to Duna.
You could use some solar panels on the booster for the Kerbin to Duna part of the trip. The generator is meant for prolonged durations on the surface.
Actually that is the way i did my tests prior to release. I used the my ARESV mod as a launch vehicle. Used the remaining fuel from the Kerbin Departure Stage(KDS) for the trans Duna injection and corrections.
I added 6 stock solar panels on the back section of the KDS.
Then i jettisoned the KDS and aerobraked to establish a Duna orbit. That way the DADV fuel tanks were almost full prior the deorbiting burn.

I know about the seat positioning and i mention this on the OP. Double click on the front windshield for a better view. Also try double clicking on the HAB windows. This had to be done in order for the huge helmets to fit in the cockpit.

When i first made the model i did an error and added 8 engines instead of 6 and they had more than double the thrust of the current ones. The ship still couldn't launch by itself, but i could land the ship on Kerbin. It was tricky though.

I don't know about the comparison with the BFR. Both vehicles are fictional for the time being. Time will tell i guess? But i find the optimism to be a little over the top.
I guess it is almost the same thing as the period prior to the lunar missions but this time the trip is much harder on so many levels. It will be glorious when it happens to say the least.

Again thank you for your kind words.

Edited by silentvelcro
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@silentvelcro  I had seen some comments regarding the potential interest in a switch-over to using Textures Unlimited for reflections (and/or PBR shaders).  If this true, and you would like some assistance on getting it all figured out and setup, please send me a PM and we can work through the details.  (not trying to push anything, and if there is no interest, please ignore this comment; just thought I would offer my assistance if it was desired/needed)

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Hello @Shadowmage. It is true. I intend to switch all my mods to Textures Unlimited at least for reflections. Texture Replacer no more has support or updates and Texture Replacer Replaced has way to bright reflections for my models.
I managed to make a couple of tests with your mod and i like it very much. Thank you for reaching out, i will definitely PM you since i had some issues probably because i was not using it correctly.
Again thank you for reaching out in advance and thank you for your awesome mods!

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  On 12/4/2017 at 7:58 PM, The-Doctor said:

The seats need to be higher to make you actually see properly through the windows, cause right now the windows are useless, especially for landing LOL.


Hey Doc-

Double-click on the windshield.  Your view will zoom up and forward to a much more natural feeling position (IMHO).



Have you seen this mod ?

https://spacedock.info/mod/1609/Glass Elevator


Edited by thomash
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