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[WIP] Infernal Robotics - Next

Rudolf Meier

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On 6/17/2018 at 6:13 PM, gomker said:

@Rudolf Meier Good to see someone picking this mod up again. I wanted to suggest turning on Git issues to track bug reports, sometimes things get lost in the threads.

I wanted to report that I am seeing an issue with "Engage Limits" I can only set the value on the right hand side button then the limit gets "stuck" at 0 for an inverted Rotatron Basic




On another note, I see others still referencing KJR issues -  I had worked with ferram in this issue to use the ignore list to get around those problems

Have you got KJR with implemented partsignorelist for IR ? I would be grateful if you share with me with it.

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29 minutes ago, Rudolf Meier said:

The KJR version I built doesn't use those lists anymore but relies fully on the IJointLockState interface.

I only want to ask, is there any option to use KJR with IR, because it causes joints to be unmovable.

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1 hour ago, MrFancyPL said:

I only want to ask, is there any option to use KJR with IR, because it causes joints to be unmovable.

it is, yes... I think I know the problem you have... that's just a bug. I've solved it and I will release new versions of IR and KJR soon. I'm currently testing them. They will be released as beta4 of IR next. In beta4 I will not change anything or test new features. The design and feature set is now stable and in beta4 I will only fix bugs so that the after beta4 we have the final product.

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I can now auto rig any design with a skeleton based on this simple naming structure. The servos group themselves based on angle axis, regardless of the random way they are positioned by the user. If anyone wants to see their creations loaded up you can organize/name the limbs, and send them my way.

Next is figuring out auto -generated IK, then I'd be happy to help incorporate it into the mod if you're interested Rudolf.



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6 hours ago, MrFancyPL said:

Have you got KJR with implemented partsignorelist for IR ? I would be grateful if you share with me with it.

The issues is not very clear but what Ferram fixed was the ignore misbehaving causing the freeze if multiPartAttachNodeReinforcement = 0

The fix was put in awhile back and is in current code. We may need to update the ignore file if any module names have changed

The config.xml has the following lines


    <string name="exemptPartType0">MuMechToggle</string>
    <string name="exemptPartType1">MuMechServo</string>

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2 minutes ago, gomker said:

We may need to update the ignore file if any module names have changed

The config.xml has the following lines

No longer necesasry.

5 hours ago, Rudolf Meier said:

The KJR version I built doesn't use those lists anymore but relies fully on the IJointLockState interface.

Meaning, now any mod, not only IR, can communicate trough plugin with KJR to tell what and when part to ignore. Ignore file is still valid too, but any new mod in development that is in conflict somewhere with KJR can work now without nagging ferram to update ignore file for each new mod or part that need to be ignored. So, now, when you develop anything new, you can fix everything from your mod, without need to ask developer of KJR mod to update ignore list file.

Previously it was necessary to contact ferram trough forum or github to update ignore list. Asking users to update ignore file by themself gives mixed results and ferrram is quite busy, cant rally on him that he will be able to update ignore file frequent enough.

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I made a new debug KJR ( [Download link removed by moderator] ) ... there's still one little thing I want to investigate. After that I will work on IR next again.

This new debug version should allow everyone to clearly see all extra struts in the game.... I'm not sure if all dynamic updates are catched (there's no event for that... might be it is sometimes missing one). If you think, that it is not correct what you see, open the KJR menu and click apply... this should reset all lines.

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On 7/8/2018 at 4:21 PM, Rudolf Meier said:

I made a new debug KJR ( [Download link removed by moderator] ) ... there's still one little thing I want to investigate. After that I will work on IR next again.

This new debug version should allow everyone to clearly see all extra struts in the game.... I'm not sure if all dynamic updates are catched (there's no event for that... might be it is sometimes missing one). If you think, that it is not correct what you see, open the KJR menu and click apply... this should reset all lines.

In debug version of KJR menu is not working, is that normal or only I have this bug ?

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9 hours ago, Rudolf Meier said:

could be that I included the wrong asset bundle... I will check that

it was the wrong file... sorry... I've built a 2b of the patch


and now I hope to find the time to fix the last problems with that... I've still one point to investigate before I can return to IR next

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I recently removed the updated fork of KJR. I was experiencing a problem where parts of a large space station would explode when they came in contact with a kerbal on eva (even when the kerbal started their eva, the module would spontaneously explode). Removal of KJR fixed completely.

In versions 1.3.X and 1.4.X of KSP, a well placed autostrut can usually address the issues KJR fixed. I do miss the physics easing but launch clamps or landing struts with tethers (thanks to USI/MKS) work fine.

Another mod that causes some of the problems I've seen people in this forum describe is Persistent Rotation. In January the author noted they don't support the mod anymore (but do occasionally accept a PR and re-release), won't look into issues, and don't imagine it will work with any other physics effecting mods.

tl;dr if you encounter a Kraken and have either of KJR or PR installed, try uninstalling.

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2 hours ago, whitespacekilla said:

I recently removed the updated fork of KJR. I was experiencing a problem where parts of a large space station would explode when they came in contact with a kerbal on eva (even when the kerbal started their eva, the module would spontaneously explode). Removal of KJR fixed completely.

I'm trying to find out what causes this... on github I've the latest binary of the test version I use. I hope we can get better feedback from this... if you want to try that. The feedback might help in the development.

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2 hours ago, Rudolf Meier said:

I'm trying to find out what causes this... on github I've the latest binary of the test version I use. I hope we can get better feedback from this... if you want to try that. The feedback might help in the development.

I was a little confused by the phrasing but after looking at the release page I think I read you. May I ask what the difference in the p1 for 1.4 vs p2b for 1.4 binaries is? When I'm going to take a look at a pre-release, I'm probably going to build it from source (will make debugging, troubleshooting, etc. a lot more powerful/easy) - heck, I build most of the mods I use from source. Anyway, with that in mind, it's a little jarring to see a multiple binary distribution. Are there any instructions on how to build the debug binaries?

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21 hours ago, Rudolf Meier said:

... I removed the binaries. They were "not built according to the rules" of this forum. ... no idea when I will have time to put them back online.

No, it's that they weren't released with the source code and a license.


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8 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

No, it's that they weren't released with the source code and a license.

I'm bit late for the "party", but, is there is some file missing from source code ? Or included licence (same as from forked source) is no longer valid or something ?

It looks like source code for me, but can't tell for sure if it contains all necessary files or not.

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On 7/10/2018 at 7:27 PM, Rudolf Meier said:

... I removed the binaries. They were "not built according to the rules" of this forum. ... 

It's not (only) the forum rules. It's about the GPL. You violated the license, and so, the license became void and null. And EVERY downloaded copy of your package is, essentially, "piracy". What is not only a forum rule violation, but a law violation too.

So… My advise to everyone that downloaded that file - delete it. The skies will not fall if you don't - but if you forget and repost it, you will be in copyright infringement yourself and this perhaps could be a problem (if you are going to violate some rule, at least do it knowingly).


On 7/10/2018 at 7:27 PM, Rudolf Meier said:

no idea when I will have time to put them back online.

If you don't have the time to correctly read and comply to the license of the code, my best advise to you is to avoid publishing any code at all.

In some countries, possessing copyright infringement material is a felony per se (read about Australia's Copyright Laws). This can be not a big deal for you, but can be for others.

Edited by Lisias
a small advice.
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I apologise if this has been mentioned before, it's become a very long thread!

Attempting to use this with 1.4.3 (I'm aware not really supported) and I've an issue with hinges where when attempting to turn them in-game they seem to be "stuck" together when using symmetry, or even when manually placing them.

The result is that if I try and use them they pull against each other and do little more than rip the vehicle apart, if they turn at all.

Is this a known issue and is there a workaround?

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On ‎7‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 2:51 AM, Moose said:

I apologise if this has been mentioned before, it's become a very long thread!

Attempting to use this with 1.4.3 (I'm aware not really supported) and I've an issue with hinges where when attempting to turn them in-game they seem to be "stuck" together when using symmetry, or even when manually placing them.

The result is that if I try and use them they pull against each other and do little more than rip the vehicle apart, if they turn at all.

Is this a known issue and is there a workaround?

I'm experiencing a similar issue where using a hinge or any other part causes the ship to deform (at the connected parts) and after about 20 degrees the hinge (or another part) reverts to the original position. Trying to find a solution by updating/uninstalling mods.

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On 7/19/2018 at 10:30 AM, Tom_Kachowski said:

I'm experiencing a similar issue where using a hinge or any other part causes the ship to deform (at the connected parts) and after about 20 degrees the hinge (or another part) reverts to the original position. Trying to find a solution by updating/uninstalling mods.

I would suggest that you double check that you don't have any auto-struts or regular struts between the parts you're trying to move. And if you have KJR installed but not the fixed version from this thread it will cause this sort of issues and should be removed.


Any news on if this fixed build of KJR is going to be available again sometime ?

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On 7/20/2018 at 12:17 PM, lBoBl said:

I would suggest that you double check that you don't have any auto-struts or regular struts between the parts you're trying to move. And if you have KJR installed but not the fixed version from this thread it will cause this sort of issues and should be removed.

No struts of any kind, and no KJR. It's an odd thing.

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On 7/15/2018 at 7:21 PM, Moose said:


Attempting to use this with 1.4.3 (I'm aware not really supported) and I've an issue with hinges where when attempting to turn them in-game they seem to be "stuck" together when using symmetry, or even when manually placing them. 

Are you using old IR hinge parts or new ones from ZodiusInfuser ? Some old parts not working properly (known issue for several KSP versions ago). Reason is changes in KSP/unity game engines and those parts need to be recompiled to adress this. Unfortunately original source files for those are lost (author no longer active) and there is low chance to be fixed.

Have you tried using pivotron hinges (new white parts) from Zodiusinfuser ?

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